2 types derived from NumericUpDown
System.Windows.Forms (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripNumericUpDown.ToolStripNumericUpDownControl.cs (1)
8internal partial class ToolStripNumericUpDownControl : NumericUpDown
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (1)
NumericUpDownTests.cs (1)
817private class SubNumericUpDown : NumericUpDown
77 instantiations of NumericUpDown
System.Windows.Forms.Design (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\FormatControl.Designer.cs (1)
44decimalPlacesUpDown = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (2)
176_absoluteNumericUpDown = new NumericUpDown(); 182_percentNumericUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\UpDownBaseDesignerTests.cs (1)
18_numericUpDown = new();
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (56)
NumericUpDownTests.cs (43)
17using NumericUpDown nud = new(); 31using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 74using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 110using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 230using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 243using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 252using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 263using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 270using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 290using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 303using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 311using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 322using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 336using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 350using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 360using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 370using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 379using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 402using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 426using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 446using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 551using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 564using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 572using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 580using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 588using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 596using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 604using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 612using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 650using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 0, Minimum = 0, Increment = 1 }; 658using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Increment = 1, Text = "Not a number" }; 666using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Minimum = 0, Maximum = 20, Increment = 1, Text = "30" }; 674using NumericUpDown upDown = new() 703using NumericUpDown upDown = new() 732using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 743using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 100, Maximum = 100, Increment = 1 }; 751using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Increment = 1, Text = "Not a number" }; 759using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Minimum = 0, Maximum = 20, Increment = 1, Text = "30" }; 767using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 100, Maximum = 100 }; 775using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 99, Maximum = 100 }; 783using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 100, Maximum = 100 }; 799using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 809using NumericUpDown upDown = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\DirectionButtonAccessibleObjectTests.cs (4)
54using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 72using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 112using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 158using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\NumericUpDownAccessibleObjectTests.cs (7)
15using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 23using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 33using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 45using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 57using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 85using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 100using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\UpDownBase.UpDownButtons.UpDownButtonsAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
200using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\UpDownBase.UpDownEdit.UpDownEditAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
76using NumericUpDown upDown = new();
TestPassApp (2)
CommonControl2.Designer.cs (1)
61this.numericUpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
39this.numericUpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
WinFormsControlsTest (15)
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.Designer.cs (6)
40this.changeDDH_UpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 42this.changeCBHeight_UpDown2 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 44this.changeDDH_UpDown3 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 46this.maxDropDownItemsUpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 47this.maxDropDownItemsUpDown2 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 48this.maxDropDownItemsUpDown3 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
DataGridViewTest.Designer.cs (1)
47this.numericUpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
MultipleControls.Designer.cs (1)
51this.numericUpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
Panels.Designer.cs (2)
38this.numericUpDown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 39this.numericUpDown2 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
ScrollBars.Designer.cs (2)
38this.numericMinimum = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 39this.numericMaximum = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
TrackBars.Designer.cs (3)
41this.numericMinimum = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 42this.numericMaximum = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(); 43this.numericFrequency = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown();
85 references to NumericUpDown
DesignSurface (2)
MainForm.cs (2)
362NumericUpDown numericUpDown = surface.CreateControl<NumericUpDown>(new(50, 10), new(10, 10));
System.Windows.Forms (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripNumericUpDown.cs (1)
16public NumericUpDown NumericUpDownControl => _numericUpDownControl;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\UpDown\UpDownBase.UpDownEdit.UpDownEditAccessibleObject.cs (1)
26NumericUpDown or DomainUpDown => SR.EditDefaultAccessibleName,
System\Windows\Forms\Printing\PrintPreviewDialog.cs (1)
24private NumericUpDown _pageCounter;
System.Windows.Forms.Design (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\FormatControl.Designer.cs (1)
208private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown decimalPlacesUpDown;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (2)
61private NumericUpDown _absoluteNumericUpDown; 63private NumericUpDown _percentNumericUpDown;
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\UpDownBaseDesignerTests.cs (1)
14private readonly NumericUpDown _numericUpDown;
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (58)
NumericUpDownTests.cs (44)
17using NumericUpDown nud = new(); 31using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 74using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 110using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 230using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 243using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 252using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 263using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 270using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 290using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 303using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 311using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 322using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 336using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 350using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 360using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 370using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 379using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 402using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 426using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 446using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 551using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 564using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 572using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 580using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 588using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 596using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 604using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 612using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 650using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 0, Minimum = 0, Increment = 1 }; 658using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Increment = 1, Text = "Not a number" }; 666using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Minimum = 0, Maximum = 20, Increment = 1, Text = "30" }; 674using NumericUpDown upDown = new() 703using NumericUpDown upDown = new() 732using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 743using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 100, Maximum = 100, Increment = 1 }; 751using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Increment = 1, Text = "Not a number" }; 759using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Minimum = 0, Maximum = 20, Increment = 1, Text = "30" }; 767using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 100, Maximum = 100 }; 775using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 99, Maximum = 100 }; 783using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 100, Maximum = 100 }; 799using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 809using NumericUpDown upDown = new(); 831var initializing = typeof(NumericUpDown).GetField("_initializing", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\Control.ControlAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\DirectionButtonAccessibleObjectTests.cs (4)
54using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 72using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 112using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 158using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\NumericUpDownAccessibleObjectTests.cs (7)
15using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 23using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 33using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 45using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 57using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 85using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new(); 100using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\UpDownBase.UpDownButtons.UpDownButtonsAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
200using NumericUpDown numericUpDown = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\UpDownBase.UpDownEdit.UpDownEditAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
76using NumericUpDown upDown = new();
System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests (1)
NumericUpDownTests.cs (1)
21await RunSingleControlTestAsync<NumericUpDown>(async (form, control) =>
TestPassApp (2)
CommonControl2.Designer.cs (1)
307private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericUpDown1;
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
303private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericUpDown1;
WinFormsControlsTest (15)
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.Designer.cs (6)
386private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown changeDDH_UpDown1; 387private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown changeCBHeight_UpDown2; 388private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown changeDDH_UpDown3; 390private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown maxDropDownItemsUpDown1; 391private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown maxDropDownItemsUpDown2; 392private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown maxDropDownItemsUpDown3;
DataGridViewTest.Designer.cs (1)
239private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericUpDown1;
MultipleControls.Designer.cs (1)
349private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericUpDown1;
Panels.Designer.cs (2)
107private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericUpDown1; 108private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericUpDown2;
ScrollBars.Designer.cs (2)
160private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericMinimum; 161private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericMaximum;
TrackBars.Designer.cs (3)
286private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericMinimum; 287private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericMaximum; 288private System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown numericFrequency;