11 writes to Text
System.Windows.Forms (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\UpDown\NumericUpDown.cs (2)
76Text = "0"; 747Text = GetNumberText(_currentValue);
System\Windows\Forms\Printing\PrintPreviewDialog.cs (1)
898_pageCounter.Text = "1";
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (8)
NumericUpDownTests.cs (8)
434upDown.Text = "1"; 437upDown.Text = "2"; 456upDown.Text = "1"; 458upDown.Text = "2"; 656using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Increment = 1, Text = "Not a number" }; 664using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Minimum = 0, Maximum = 20, Increment = 1, Text = "30" }; 749using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Increment = 1, Text = "Not a number" }; 757using NumericUpDown upDown = new() { Value = 10, Minimum = 0, Maximum = 20, Increment = 1, Text = "30" };
9 references to Text
System.Windows.Forms (8)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\UpDown\NumericUpDown.cs (8)
536if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) && 537!(Text.Length == 1 && Text == "-")) 541Value = Constrain(Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToInt32(Text, 16))); 545Value = Constrain(decimal.Parse(Text, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); 737if (_currentValueChanged || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) && 738!(Text.Length == 1 && Text == "-")))
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (1)
NumericUpDownTests.cs (1)
17Assert.Equal("0", nud.Text);