File: TabControlTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\test\integration\UIIntegrationTests\System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests.csproj (System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.UITests;
public class TabControlTests : ControlTestBase
    public TabControlTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper)
        : base(testOutputHelper)
    public async Task TabControl_TabPage_IsHoveredWithMouse_IsTrue_WhenMouseIsOn_FirstTabAsync()
        await RunTestAsync(async (form, tabControl) =>
            // TODO: find the way to determin the tab's dimensions and use those instead of (10, 10)
            bool result = await IsHoveredWithMouseAsync(form, tabControl, new(10, 10));
    public async Task TabControl_TabPage_IsHoveredWithMouse_IsTrue_WhenMouseIsOn_SecondTabAsync()
        await RunTestAsync(async (form, tabControl) =>
            // TODO: find the way to determin the tab's dimensions and use those instead of (60, 10)
            bool result = await IsHoveredWithMouseAsync(form, tabControl, new(60, 10));
    public async Task TabControl_TabPage_IsHoveredWithMouse_IsFalse_WhenMouseIs_OutsideControlAsync()
        await RunTestAsync(async (form, tabControl) =>
            // TODO: find the way to determin the tab's dimensions and use those instead of (300, 300)
            bool result = await IsHoveredWithMouseAsync(form, tabControl, new(300, 300));
    public async Task TabControl_TabPage_IsHoveredWithMouse_IsFalse_WhenMouseIs_OutsideMainScreenAsync()
        await RunTestAsync(async (form, tabControl) =>
            TestOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Primary screen: {Screen.PrimaryScreen?.WorkingArea}");
            // We can't physically move the mouse outside the desktop area,
            // so the mouse cursor will be stuck at the bottom right corner of the desktop.
            bool result = await IsHoveredWithMouseAsync(form, tabControl, new(1000, 1000), assertCorrectLocation: false);
    private async Task<bool> IsHoveredWithMouseAsync(Form form, TabControl tabControl, Point point, bool assertCorrectLocation = true)
        await MoveMouseAsync(form, tabControl.PointToScreen(point), assertCorrectLocation);
        bool result = ((IKeyboardToolTip)tabControl).IsHoveredWithMouse();
        bool resultOfPage1 = ((IKeyboardToolTip)tabControl.TabPages[0]).IsHoveredWithMouse();
        bool resultOfPage2 = ((IKeyboardToolTip)tabControl.TabPages[1]).IsHoveredWithMouse();
        return result && resultOfPage1 && resultOfPage2;
    private async Task RunTestAsync(Func<Form, TabControl, Task> runTest)
        await RunSingleControlTestAsync(
            testDriverAsync: runTest,
            createControl: () =>
                TabControl tabControl = new()
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                TabPage tabPage1 = new();
                TabPage tabPage2 = new();
                return tabControl;
    public async Task TabControl_ControlsDoNotReorderWhenSelectedIndexChanges()
        // Validates the following bug fix:
        await RunSingleControlTestAsync(
            testDriverAsync: async (form, tabControl) =>
                var originalPages = tabControl.TabPages.Cast<TabPage>().ToArray();
                await Task.Yield();
                // The changes we made to SelectedIndex will result in a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message which will
                // fire TabPage.WmWindowPosChanged, which will call TabControl.UpdateChildControlIndex.
                // This test ensures that the latter method short-circuits and does not call Controls.SetChildIndex
                // which would inappropriately reorder the Controls collection, resulting in TabPages and Controls
                // becoming out of sync.
                for (int i = 0; i < originalPages.Length; i++)
                    Assert.Equal(tabControl.Controls[i], tabControl.TabPages[i]);
                // The following test proves that it *matters* that the Controls and TabPages collection remain in sync.
                // Remove the first page by position:
                // We should be left with pages[1] and pages[2]. This will not be the case if the Controls and TabPages
                // collections are out of sync.
                Assert.Equal(originalPages[1], tabControl.TabPages[0]);
                Assert.Equal(originalPages[2], tabControl.TabPages[1]);
            createControl: () =>
                SubclassedTabControl tabControl = new()
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                TabPage tabPage1 = new() { Text = "Page 1" };
                TabPage tabPage2 = new() { Text = "Page 2" };
                TabPage tabPage3 = new() { Text = "Page 3" };
                // Start with the Selected Page at the end:
                tabControl.SelectedIndex = tabControl.TabPages.Count - 1;
                return tabControl;
    // Bug occured only when TabControl was subclassed.
    private class SubclassedTabControl : TabControl { }