File: FormTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\test\integration\UIIntegrationTests\System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests.csproj (System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Input.KeyboardAndMouse;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.UITests;
public class FormTests : ControlTestBase
    // When using the keyboard for snap layout menu, there are various times when
    // a delay is needed. This value may need to be adjusted if tests fail
    // in CI/different environment
    private const int SnapLayoutDelayMS = 500;
    public FormTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper)
        : base(testOutputHelper)
    public async Task Form_SnapsLeftAsync(FormWindowState windowState)
        if (!OsVersion.IsWindows11_OrGreater())
        await RunEmptyFormTestAsync(async form =>
            form.Location = new Point(20, 21);
            form.Size = new Size(300, 310);
            form.WindowState = windowState;
            await InputSimulator.SendAsync(
                inputSimulator => inputSimulator.Keyboard.ModifiedKeyStroke(VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_LWIN, VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_Z));
            // inputSimulator.Sleep appears wildly inconsistent with snap panel timing. Task.Delay does not
            await Task.Delay(SnapLayoutDelayMS);
            // Snap left
            await InputSimulator.SendAsync(
                inputSimulator => inputSimulator.Keyboard.KeyPress(VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_RIGHT)
            await Task.Delay(SnapLayoutDelayMS);
            // At this point, Windows displays a panel containing all running applications so the
            // user can select one to dock next to our form. It also takes the keyboard focus away.
            // If left in this state, subsequently run tests will fail since keyboard focus is not
            // given to any newly launched window until this panel is dismissed.
            await InputSimulator.SendAsync(
                inputSimulator => inputSimulator.Keyboard.KeyPress(VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_ESCAPE));
            await Task.Delay(SnapLayoutDelayMS);
            var screenWorkingArea = Screen.FromControl(form).WorkingArea;
            int borderSize = (form.Width - form.ClientRectangle.Width) / 2;
            Assert.True(form.Left <= screenWorkingArea.X);
            Assert.True(form.Left >= screenWorkingArea.X - borderSize);
            Assert.True(form.Top <= screenWorkingArea.Y);
            Assert.True(form.Top >= screenWorkingArea.Y - borderSize);
            Assert.True(form.Height >= screenWorkingArea.Height);
            Assert.True(form.Height <= screenWorkingArea.Height + (borderSize * 2));
            Assert.True(form.Width >= screenWorkingArea.Width / 2);
            Assert.True(form.Width <= (screenWorkingArea.Width / 2) + (borderSize * 2));
    public async Task Form_SnapsRightAsync(FormWindowState windowState)
        if (!OsVersion.IsWindows11_OrGreater())
        await RunEmptyFormTestAsync(async form =>
            form.Location = new Point(20, 21);
            form.Size = new Size(300, 310);
            form.WindowState = windowState;
            await InputSimulator.SendAsync(
                inputSimulator => inputSimulator.Keyboard.ModifiedKeyStroke(VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_LWIN, VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_Z));
            // inputSimulator.Sleep appears wildly inconsistent with snap panel timing. Task.Delay does not
            await Task.Delay(SnapLayoutDelayMS);
            // Snap right
            await InputSimulator.SendAsync(
                inputSimulator => inputSimulator.Keyboard.KeyPress(VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_RIGHT)
            await Task.Delay(SnapLayoutDelayMS);
            // At this point, Windows displays a panel containing all running applications so the
            // user can select one to dock next to our form. It also takes the keyboard focus away.
            // If left in this state, subsequently run tests will fail since keyboard focus is not
            // given to any newly launched window until this panel is dismissed.
            await InputSimulator.SendAsync(
                inputSimulator => inputSimulator.Keyboard.KeyPress(VIRTUAL_KEY.VK_ESCAPE));
            await Task.Delay(SnapLayoutDelayMS);
            var screenWorkingArea = Screen.FromControl(form).WorkingArea;
            int screenMiddleX = screenWorkingArea.X + (screenWorkingArea.Width / 2);
            int borderSize = (form.Width - form.ClientRectangle.Width) / 2;
            Assert.True(form.Left <= screenMiddleX);
            Assert.True(form.Left >= screenMiddleX - borderSize);
            Assert.True(form.Top <= screenWorkingArea.Y);
            Assert.True(form.Top >= screenWorkingArea.Y - borderSize);
            Assert.True(form.Height >= screenWorkingArea.Height);
            Assert.True(form.Height <= screenWorkingArea.Height + (borderSize * 2));
            Assert.True(form.Width >= screenWorkingArea.Width / 2);
            Assert.True(form.Width <= (screenWorkingArea.Width / 2) + (borderSize * 2));
    private async Task RunEmptyFormTestAsync(Func<Form, Task> testDriverAsync)
        await RunFormWithoutControlAsync(
            () =>
                Form form = new()
                    TopMost = true
                return form;