// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms.Automation;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Accessibility;
using static System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Tests;
public unsafe class TextBoxBase_TextBoxBaseUiaTextProviderTests
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_ctor_DoesntCreateControlHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_Ctor_ThrowsException_IfOwnerIsNull()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider(null));
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_IsMultiline_IsCorrect()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
textBoxBase.Multiline = false;
textBoxBase.Multiline = true;
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_IsReadOnly_IsCorrect(bool readOnly)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
textBoxBase.ReadOnly = readOnly;
Assert.Equal(readOnly, provider.IsReadOnly);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_IsScrollable_IsCorrect()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_IsScrollable_False_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
public void TextBoxBaseTextProvider_GetWindowStyle_ReturnsNoneForNotInitializedControl()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(WINDOW_STYLE.WS_OVERLAPPED, provider.WindowStyle);
[InlineData(RightToLeft.Yes, true)]
[InlineData(RightToLeft.No, false)]
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_IsReadingRTL_ReturnsCorrectValue(RightToLeft rightToLeft, bool expectedResult)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.RightToLeft = rightToLeft;
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(expectedResult, provider.IsReadingRTL);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_IsReadingRTL_ReturnsFalse_WithoutHandle(RightToLeft rightToLeft)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.RightToLeft = rightToLeft;
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_DocumentRange_IsNotNull()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> documentRange = new(provider.DocumentRange);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_SupportedTextSelection_IsNotNull()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
SupportedTextSelection uiaTextRange = provider.SupportedTextSelection;
Assert.Equal(SupportedTextSelection.SupportedTextSelection_Single, uiaTextRange);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetCaretRange_IsNotNull()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> uiaTextRange = new(null);
BOOL isActive = default;
Assert.True(provider.GetCaretRange(&isActive, uiaTextRange).Succeeded);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetCaretRange_IsNull_IfHandleIsNotCreated()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> uiaTextRange = new(null);
BOOL isActive = default;
Assert.True(provider.GetCaretRange(&isActive, uiaTextRange).Succeeded);
[InlineData(30, 0, 0)]
[InlineData(30, 19, 1)] // Only 1 lines are placed at a height equal to 19
[InlineData(30, 50, 3)] // Only 3 lines are placed at a height equal to 50
[InlineData(30, 100, 6)] // Only 6 lines are placed at a height equal to 100
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_LinesPerPage_IsCorrect_with_handle(int width, int height, int lines)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase { Size = new Size(width, height) };
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(1, provider.LinesPerPage);
textBoxBase.Multiline = true;
Assert.Equal(lines, provider.LinesPerPage);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_LinesPerPage_ReturnsMinusOne_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(-1, provider.LinesPerPage);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_FirstVisibleLine_Get_ReturnsCorrectValue()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.Multiline = true;
textBoxBase.Size = new Size(50, 100);
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(0, provider.FirstVisibleLine);
provider.LineScroll(0, 2);
Assert.Equal(0, provider.FirstVisibleLine);
textBoxBase.Text = "Some long long test text for testing GetFirstVisibleLine method";
provider.LineScroll(0, 2);
Assert.Equal(2, provider.FirstVisibleLine);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_FirstVisibleLine_Get_ReturnsMinusOne_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
int line = provider.FirstVisibleLine;
Assert.Equal(-1, line);
textBoxBase.Multiline = true;
textBoxBase.Size = new Size(30, 100);
line = provider.FirstVisibleLine;
Assert.Equal(-1, line);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_LineCount_Get_ReturnsCorrectValue()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(1, provider.LinesCount);
textBoxBase.Multiline = true;
textBoxBase.Size = new Size(30, 50);
Assert.Equal(1, provider.LinesCount);
textBoxBase.Text += "1\r\n";
Assert.Equal(2, provider.LinesCount);
textBoxBase.Text += "2\r\n";
Assert.Equal(3, provider.LinesCount);
textBoxBase.Text += "3\r\n";
Assert.Equal(4, provider.LinesCount);
textBoxBase.Text += "4\r\n";
Assert.Equal(5, provider.LinesCount);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_LineCount_Get_ReturnsMinusOne_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(-1, provider.LinesCount);
textBoxBase.Multiline = true;
textBoxBase.Size = new Size(30, 50);
Assert.Equal(-1, provider.LinesCount);
textBoxBase.Text += "1\r\n";
Assert.Equal(-1, provider.LinesCount);
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBase_GetLineFromCharIndex_TestData()
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), false, 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), false, 50, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 50), true, 50, 3 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 50), true, 50, 8 };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLineFromCharIndex_ReturnsCorrectValue(Size size, bool multiline, int charIndex, int expectedLine)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size, Multiline = multiline };
textBoxBase.Text = "Some test text for testing GetLineFromCharIndex method";
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
int actualLine = provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(charIndex);
Assert.Equal(expectedLine, actualLine);
#pragma warning disable xUnit1026 // Disable xUnit1026 warning: The method doesn't use parameter 'expectedLine'
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLineFromCharIndex_ReturnsMinusOne_WithoutHandle(Size size, bool multiline, int charIndex, int expectedLine)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new()
Size = size,
Multiline = multiline,
Text = "Some test text for testing GetLineFromCharIndex method"
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
int actualLine = provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(charIndex);
Assert.Equal(-1, actualLine);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1026
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLineIndex_TestData()
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), false, 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), false, 3, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 50), true, 3, 19 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 50), true, 3, 40 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 50), true, 100, -1 };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLineIndex_ReturnsCorrectValue(Size size, bool multiline, int lineIndex, int expectedIndex)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new()
Size = size,
Multiline = multiline,
Text = "Some test text for testing GetLineIndex method"
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
int actualIndex = provider.GetLineIndex(lineIndex);
Assert.Equal(expectedIndex, actualIndex);
#pragma warning disable xUnit1026 // Disable xUnit1026 warning: The method doesn't use parameter 'expectedIndex'
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLineIndex_ReturnsMinusOne_WithoutHandle(Size size, bool multiline, int lineIndex, int expectedIndex)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new()
Size = size,
Multiline = multiline,
Text = "Some test text for testing GetLineIndex method"
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
int actualIndex = provider.GetLineIndex(lineIndex);
Assert.Equal(-1, actualIndex);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1026
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLogfont_ReturnsCorrectValue()
using (new NoAssertContext())
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
LOGFONTW expected = textBoxBase.Font.ToLogicalFont();
LOGFONTW actual = provider.Logfont;
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLogfont_ReturnsEmpty_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
LOGFONTW expected = default;
LOGFONTW actual = provider.Logfont;
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetPositionFromChar_TestData()
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "Some test text for testing", false, 0, new Point(1, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "Some test text for testing", false, 15, new Point(79, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "Some test text for testing", true, 15, new Point(27, 30) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "This is a\r\nlong long text\r\nfor testing\r\nGetPositionFromChar method", true, 0, new Point(4, 1) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "This is a\r\nlong long text\r\nfor testing\r\nGetPositionFromChar method", true, 6, new Point(31, 1) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "This is a\r\nlong long text\r\nfor testing\r\nGetPositionFromChar method", true, 26, new Point(78, 16) };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetPositionFromChar_ReturnsCorrectValue(Size size, string text, bool multiline, int charIndex, Point expectedPoint)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size, Text = text, Multiline = multiline };
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Point actualPoint = provider.GetPositionFromChar(charIndex);
Assert.True(actualPoint.X >= expectedPoint.X - 1 || actualPoint.X <= expectedPoint.X + 1);
Assert.True(actualPoint.Y >= expectedPoint.Y - 1 || actualPoint.Y <= expectedPoint.Y + 1);
#pragma warning disable xUnit1026 // Disable xUnit1026 warning: The method doesn't use parameter 'expectedPoint'
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetPositionFromChar_ReturnsEmpty_WithoutHandle(Size size, string text, bool multiline, int charIndex, Point expectedPoint)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size, Text = text, Multiline = multiline };
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Point actualPoint = provider.GetPositionFromChar(charIndex);
Assert.Equal(Point.Empty, actualPoint);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1026
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner_ReturnsCorrectValue_TestData()
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "", false, 0, new Point(0, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "Some test text", false, 100, new Point(0, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "Some test text", false, -1, new Point(0, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "Some test text", false, 12, new Point(71, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), "Some test text", true, 12, new Point(19, 30) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \n text", false, 10, new Point(56, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \n text", true, 10, new Point(59, 1) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \r\n text", false, 10, new Point(56, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \r\n text", true, 10, new Point(59, 1) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \r\n text", false, 12, new Point(60, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \r\n text", true, 12, new Point(7, 16) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \t text", false, 10, new Point(57, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 60), "Some test \t text", true, 10, new Point(60, 1) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(40, 60), "Some test \t text", true, 12, new Point(8, 46) };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner_ReturnsCorrectValue(Size size, string text, bool multiline, int charIndex, Point expectedPoint)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size, Text = text, Multiline = multiline };
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Point actualPoint = provider.GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner(charIndex, textBoxBase.Text);
Assert.True(actualPoint.X >= expectedPoint.X - 1 || actualPoint.X <= expectedPoint.X + 1);
Assert.True(actualPoint.Y >= expectedPoint.Y - 1 || actualPoint.Y <= expectedPoint.Y + 1);
#pragma warning disable xUnit1026 // Disable xUnit1026 warning: The method doesn't use parameter 'expectedPoint'
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner_ReturnsMinusOne_WithoutHandle(Size size, string text, bool multiline, int charIndex, Point expectedPoint)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size, Text = text, Multiline = multiline };
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Point actualPoint = provider.GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner(charIndex, textBoxBase.Text);
Assert.Equal(Point.Empty, actualPoint);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1026
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetFormattingRectangle_TestData()
yield return new object[] { false, new Size(0, 0), new Rectangle(1, 0, 78, 16) };
yield return new object[] { false, new Size(50, 50), new Rectangle(1, 1, 44, 15) };
yield return new object[] { false, new Size(250, 100), new Rectangle(1, 1, 244, 15) };
yield return new object[] { true, new Size(0, 0), new Rectangle(4, 0, 72, 16) };
if (Application.UseVisualStyles)
yield return new object[] { true, new Size(50, 50), new Rectangle(4, 1, 38, 44) };
yield return new object[] { true, new Size(250, 100), new Rectangle(4, 1, 238, 94) };
yield return new object[] { true, new Size(50, 50), new Rectangle(4, 1, 38, 30) };
yield return new object[] { true, new Size(250, 100), new Rectangle(4, 1, 238, 90) };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetFormattingRectangle_ReturnsCorrectValue(bool multiline, Size size, Rectangle expectedRectangle)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size, Multiline = multiline };
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Rectangle providerRectangle = provider.BoundingRectangle;
Assert.Equal(expectedRectangle, providerRectangle);
#pragma warning disable xUnit1026 // Disable xUnit1026 warning: The method doesn't use parameter 'expectedRectangle'
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetFormattingRectangle_ReturnsEmpty_WithoutHandle(bool multiline, Size size, Rectangle expectedRectangle)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size, Multiline = multiline };
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Rectangle providerRectangle = provider.BoundingRectangle;
Assert.Equal(Rectangle.Empty, providerRectangle);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1026
[InlineData("Some test text")]
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_Text_ReturnsCorrectValue(string text)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.Text = text;
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
string expected = textBoxBase.Text;
string actual = provider.Text.Trim('\0');
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
[InlineData("Some test text")]
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_Text_ReturnsEmpty_WithoutHandle(string text)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.Text = text;
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
string expected = string.Empty;
string actual = provider.Text.Trim('\0');
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
[InlineData("Some test text for testing")]
[InlineData("Some very very very long test text for testing GetTextLength method")]
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_TextLength_ReturnsCorrectValue(string text)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase
Text = text
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(textBoxBase.Text.Length, provider.TextLength);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_WindowExStyle_ReturnsCorrectValue()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
WINDOW_EX_STYLE actual = provider.WindowExStyle;
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_WindowExStyle_ReturnsLeft_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
WINDOW_EX_STYLE actual = provider.WindowExStyle;
Assert.Equal(WINDOW_EX_STYLE.WS_EX_LEFT, actual);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_EditStyle_ReturnsCorrectValue()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
WINDOW_STYLE actual = provider.WindowStyle;
Assert.Equal(0, ((int)actual & PInvoke.ES_RIGHT));
Assert.NotEqual(0, ((int)actual & PInvoke.ES_AUTOVSCROLL));
Assert.NotEqual(0, ((int)actual & PInvoke.ES_AUTOHSCROLL));
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_EditStyle_ReturnsLeft_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
WINDOW_STYLE actual = provider.WindowStyle;
Assert.Equal(PInvoke.ES_LEFT, (int)actual);
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBase_GetVisibleRangePoints_ForSinglelineTextBox_TestData()
yield return new object[] { new Size(0, 0), 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(0, 20), 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(30, 30), 0, 4 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), 0, 8 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(150, 20), 0, 26 };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetVisibleRangePoints_ForSinglelineTextBox_ReturnsCorrectValue(Size size, int expectedStart, int expectedEnd)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new()
Multiline = false,
Text = "Some test text for testing",
Size = size
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
provider.GetVisibleRangePoints(out int providerVisibleStart, out int providerVisibleEnd);
Assert.True(providerVisibleStart >= 0);
Assert.True(providerVisibleStart < textBoxBase.Text.Length);
Assert.True(providerVisibleEnd >= 0);
Assert.True(providerVisibleEnd <= textBoxBase.Text.Length);
Assert.Equal(expectedStart, providerVisibleStart);
Assert.Equal(expectedEnd, providerVisibleEnd);
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetVisibleRangePoints_ForMultilineTextBox_TestData()
if (Application.UseVisualStyles)
yield return new object[] { new Size(0, 0), 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(0, 20), 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(30, 30), 0, 5 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), 0, 5 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(120, 20), 0, 19 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 80), 0, 26 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(0, 0), 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(0, 20), 0, 0 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(30, 30), 0, 3 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 20), 0, 6 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(120, 20), 0, 20 };
yield return new object[] { new Size(50, 80), 0, 26 };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetVisibleRangePoints_ForMultilineTextBox_ReturnsCorrectValue(
Size size, int expectedStart, int expectedEnd)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new()
Multiline = true,
Text = "Some test text for testing",
Size = size,
WordWrap = true
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
provider.GetVisibleRangePoints(out int providerVisibleStart, out int providerVisibleEnd);
Assert.True(providerVisibleStart >= 0);
Assert.True(providerVisibleStart < textBoxBase.Text.Length);
Assert.True(providerVisibleEnd >= 0);
Assert.True(providerVisibleEnd <= textBoxBase.Text.Length);
Assert.Equal(expectedStart, providerVisibleStart);
Assert.Equal(expectedEnd, providerVisibleEnd);
#pragma warning disable xUnit1026 // Disable xUnit1026 warning: The method doesn't use parameters 'expectedStart' and 'expectedEnd'
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetVisibleRangePoints_ReturnsZeros_WithoutHandle(Size size, int expectedStart, int expectedEnd)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new() { Size = size };
textBoxBase.Text = "Some test text for testing";
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
provider.GetVisibleRangePoints(out int providerVisibleStart, out int providerVisibleEnd);
Assert.Equal(0, providerVisibleStart);
Assert.Equal(0, providerVisibleEnd);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1026
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetVisibleRanges_TestData()
yield return new object[] { new Size(0, 0) };
yield return new object[] { new Size(100, 20) };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetVisibleRanges_ReturnsCorrectValue(Size size)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new()
Text = "Some test text for testing",
Size = size
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
using ComSafeArrayScope<ITextRangeProvider> scope = new(null);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetVisibleRanges_ReturnsNull_WithoutHandle(Size size)
using SubTextBoxBase textBoxBase = new()
Text = "Some test text for testing",
Size = size
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
using ComSafeArrayScope<ITextRangeProvider> scope = new(null);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_RangeFromAnnotation_DoesntThrowAnException()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
// RangeFromAnnotation doesn't throw an exception
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> range = new(null);
Assert.True(provider.RangeFromAnnotation(ComHelpers.GetComPointer<IRawElementProviderSimple>(textBoxBase.AccessibilityObject), range).Succeeded);
// RangeFromAnnotation implementation can be changed so this test can be changed too
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_RangeFromChild_DoesntThrowAnException()
using (new NoAssertContext())
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
// RangeFromChild doesn't throw an exception
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> range = new(null);
Assert.True(provider.RangeFromChild(ComHelpers.GetComPointer<IRawElementProviderSimple>(textBoxBase.AccessibilityObject), range).Succeeded);
// RangeFromChild implementation can be changed so this test can be changed too
public static IEnumerable<object[]> TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_RangeFromPoint_TestData()
yield return new object[] { Point.Empty };
yield return new object[] { new Point(10, 10) };
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_RangeFromPoint_DoesntThrowAnException(Point point)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> range = new(null);
Assert.True(provider.RangeFromPoint(point, range).Succeeded);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_RangeFromPoint_ReturnsNull_WithoutHandle(Point point)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> range = new(null);
Assert.True(provider.RangeFromPoint(point, range).Succeeded);
[InlineData(2, 5)]
[InlineData(0, 10)]
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_SetSelection_GetSelection_ReturnCorrectValue(int start, int end)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.Text = "Some test text for testing";
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
provider.SetSelection(start, end);
using ComSafeArrayScope<ITextRangeProvider> selection = new(null);
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> range = new(selection[0]);
UiaTextRange textRange = ComHelpers.GetObjectForIUnknown(range) as UiaTextRange;
Assert.Equal(start, textRange.Start);
Assert.Equal(end, textRange.End);
[InlineData(2, 5)]
[InlineData(0, 10)]
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_SetSelection_GetSelection_DontWork_WithoutHandle(int start, int end)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.Text = "Some test text for testing";
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
provider.SetSelection(start, end);
using ComSafeArrayScope<ITextRangeProvider> selection = new(null);
[InlineData(-5, 10)]
[InlineData(5, 100)]
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_SetSelection_DoesntSelectText_IfIncorrectArguments(int start, int end)
using (new NoAssertContext())
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
textBoxBase.Text = "Some test text for testing";
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
provider.SetSelection(start, end);
using ComSafeArrayScope<ITextRangeProvider> selection = new(null);
using ComScope<ITextRangeProvider> range = new(selection[0]);
UiaTextRange textRange = ComHelpers.GetObjectForIUnknown(range) as UiaTextRange;
Assert.Equal(0, textRange.Start);
Assert.Equal(0, textRange.End);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_LineScroll_ReturnCorrectValue(int expectedLine)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase
Multiline = true,
Text = "Some long long test text for testing GetFirstVisibleLine method",
Size = new Size(50, 100)
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.True(provider.LineScroll(0, expectedLine));
Assert.Equal(expectedLine, provider.FirstVisibleLine);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_LineScroll_DoesntWork_WithoutHandle(int expectedLine)
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase
Multiline = true,
Size = new Size(50, 100)
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
textBoxBase.Text = "Some long long test text for testing GetFirstVisibleLine method";
Assert.False(provider.LineScroll(0, expectedLine));
Assert.Equal(-1, provider.FirstVisibleLine);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLogfont_ReturnSegoe_ByDefault()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
Assert.NotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, textBoxBase.Handle);
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
LOGFONTW logFont = provider.Logfont;
string actual = logFont.FaceName.ToString();
Assert.Equal("Segoe UI", actual);
public void TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider_GetLogfont_ReturnEmpty_WithoutHandle()
using TextBoxBase textBoxBase = new SubTextBoxBase();
TextBoxBaseUiaTextProvider provider = new(textBoxBase);
Assert.Equal(default, provider.Logfont);
private class SubTextBoxBase : TextBoxBase
{ }