// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System;
public static partial class TestAccessors
public class PropertyGridTestAccessor : TestAccessor<PropertyGrid>
public PropertyGridTestAccessor(PropertyGrid instance) : base(instance) { }
internal Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal.PropertyGridView GridView => Dynamic._gridView;
internal void SaveSelectedTabIndex() { Dynamic.SaveSelectedTabIndex(); }
internal bool TryGetSavedTabIndex(out int selectedTabIndex) { return Dynamic.TryGetSavedTabIndex(out selectedTabIndex); }
internal Dictionary<int, int> _designerSelections => Dynamic._designerSelections;
public static PropertyGridTestAccessor TestAccessor(this PropertyGrid propertyGrid)
=> new(propertyGrid);