// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
using System.Drawing;
using Microsoft.DotNet.RemoteExecutor;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Tests;
public class ProfessionalColorTableTests
public void ProfessionalColorTable_Ctor_Default()
ProfessionalColorTable table = new();
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Properties_TestData()
// Helper function to avoid casting.
static Func<ProfessionalColorTable, T> I<T>(Func<ProfessionalColorTable, T> t) => t;
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonCheckedGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonCheckedGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonCheckedGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonCheckedHighlight) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonCheckedHighlightBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonPressedBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonPressedGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonPressedGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonPressedGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonPressedHighlight) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonPressedHighlightBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonSelectedBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonSelectedGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonSelectedGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonSelectedGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonSelectedHighlight) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ButtonSelectedHighlightBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.CheckBackground) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.CheckPressedBackground) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.CheckSelectedBackground) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.GripDark) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.GripLight) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ImageMarginGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ImageMarginGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ImageMarginRevealedGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ImageMarginRevealedGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ImageMarginRevealedGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuItemBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuItemPressedGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuItemPressedGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuItemPressedGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuItemSelected) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuItemSelectedGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuItemSelectedGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuStripGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.MenuStripGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.OverflowButtonGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.OverflowButtonGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.OverflowButtonGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.RaftingContainerGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.RaftingContainerGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.SeparatorDark) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.SeparatorLight) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.StatusStripGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.StatusStripGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripBorder) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripContentPanelGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripContentPanelGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripDropDownBackground) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripGradientEnd) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripGradientMiddle) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripPanelGradientBegin) };
yield return new object[] { I(t => t.ToolStripPanelGradientEnd) };
public void ProfessionalColorTable_Properties_Get_ReturnsExpected(Func<ProfessionalColorTable, Color> factory)
ProfessionalColorTable table = new();
Color result = factory(table);
Assert.Equal(result, factory(table));
public void ProfessionalColorTable_Properties_GetUseSystemColors_ReturnsExpected(Func<ProfessionalColorTable, Color> factory)
ProfessionalColorTable table = new()
UseSystemColors = true
Color result = factory(table);
Assert.Equal(result, factory(table));
public void ProfessionalColorTable_Properties_GetToolStripManagerVisualStylesEnabled_ReturnsExpected(Func<ProfessionalColorTable, Color> factory)
bool oldValue = ToolStripManager.VisualStylesEnabled;
ToolStripManager.VisualStylesEnabled = true;
ProfessionalColorTable table = new();
Color result = factory(table);
Assert.Equal(result, factory(table));
ToolStripManager.VisualStylesEnabled = oldValue;
public void ProfessionalColorTable_ImageMarginGradientEnd_Get_ReturnsExpected(bool useSystemColors)
ProfessionalColorTable table = new()
UseSystemColors = useSystemColors
Assert.NotEqual(table.ImageMarginGradientEnd, table.ImageMarginGradientEnd);
public void ProfessionalColorTable_UseSystemColors_Set_GetReturnsExpected(bool value)
ProfessionalColorTable table = new()
UseSystemColors = value
Assert.Equal(value, table.UseSystemColors);
// Set same.
table.UseSystemColors = value;
Assert.Equal(value, table.UseSystemColors);
// Set different.
table.UseSystemColors = !value;
Assert.Equal(!value, table.UseSystemColors);
public void ProfessionalColorTable_UseSystemColors_SetWithKnownColor_GetReturnsExpected(bool value)
ProfessionalColorTable table = new()
UseSystemColors = !value
Color result = table.ButtonCheckedGradientBegin;
Assert.Equal(result, table.ButtonCheckedGradientBegin);
table.UseSystemColors = value;
Assert.Equal(value, table.UseSystemColors);
// Set same.
table.UseSystemColors = value;
Assert.Equal(value, table.UseSystemColors);
// Set different.
table.UseSystemColors = !value;
Assert.Equal(!value, table.UseSystemColors);
[WinFormsTheory(Skip = "Deadlocks under x86, see: https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues/3254, RemoteExecute crash with AbandonedMutexException,see: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/5325")]
public void ProfessionalColorTable_ChangeUserPreferences_GetColor_ReturnsExpected(UserPreferenceCategory category)
using RemoteInvokeHandle invokerHandle = RemoteExecutor.Invoke(() =>
// Simulate a SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged event.
ProfessionalColorTable table = new();
Color color = table.ButtonSelectedHighlight;
Assert.Equal(color, table.ButtonSelectedHighlight);
// verify the remote process succeeded
Assert.Equal(RemoteExecutor.SuccessExitCode, invokerHandle.ExitCode);