// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
using static System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar;
using Point = System.Drawing.Point;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Tests;
public class MonthCalendarHitTestInfoTests
[InlineData(HitArea.Date, true, "2022/01/01")]
[InlineData(HitArea.WeekNumbers, true, "2022/01/01")]
[InlineData(HitArea.Nowhere, false, null)]
public void HitTestInfo_Constructor_SetsPropertiesCorrectly(HitArea hitArea, bool hasDateTime, string dateTimeStr)
Point point = new(5, 5);
DateTime? time = hasDateTime ? DateTime.Parse(dateTimeStr) : null;
HitTestInfo hitTestInfo = time.HasValue
? new HitTestInfo(point, hitArea, time.Value)
: new HitTestInfo(point, hitArea);
hitTestInfo.Time.Should().Be(time ?? DateTime.MinValue);
[InlineData(HitArea.Date, true)]
[InlineData(HitArea.WeekNumbers, true)]
[InlineData(HitArea.Nowhere, false)]
public void HitTestInfo_HitAreaHasValidDateTime_ReturnsExpectedResult(HitArea hitArea, bool expectedResult)
bool result = HitTestInfo.HitAreaHasValidDateTime(hitArea);
public void HitTestInfo_Constructor_WithNullDateTime_ThrowsException(DateTime? time)
Point point = new(5, 5);
HitArea hitArea = HitArea.Date;
Action action = () => new HitTestInfo(point, hitArea, time!.Value);