24 instantiations of SubDataGridViewCell
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (24)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\DataGridViewCellAccessibleObjectTests.cs (24)
29yield return new object[] { new SubDataGridViewCell() }; 109SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 136yield return new object[] { new DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject(new SubDataGridViewCell()), "Edit" }; 139SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 184SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 192SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 204SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 215SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 293using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 305using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 313yield return new object[] { new DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject(new SubDataGridViewCell()), null }; 316SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 345using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 353yield return new object[] { new DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject(new SubDataGridViewCell()), "(null)" }; 387using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 403using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 427yield return new object[] { new DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject(new SubDataGridViewCell()), AccessibleNavigation.Right, null }; 430SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 454using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 752AccessibleObject accessibleObject = new DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject(new SubDataGridViewCell()); 760SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 850AccessibleObject accessibleObject = new DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject(new SubDataGridViewCell()); 858SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 1075using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new();
17 references to SubDataGridViewCell
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (17)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\DataGridViewCellAccessibleObjectTests.cs (17)
109SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 139SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 184SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 192SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 204SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 215SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 293using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 305using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 316SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 345using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 387using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 403using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 430SubDataGridViewCell cell = new(); 454using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new(); 760SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 858SubDataGridViewCell cell = new() 1075using SubDataGridViewCell owner = new();