1 write to _graphics
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (1)
System\Windows\Forms\TrackBarRendererTests.cs (1)
17_graphics = Graphics.FromImage(_bitmap);
9 references to _graphics
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (9)
System\Windows\Forms\TrackBarRendererTests.cs (9)
22_graphics.Dispose(); 38Action a = () => drawTrack(_graphics, bounds); 53Action a = () => drawTrack(_graphics, bounds); 75Action a = () => drawThumb(_graphics, bounds, state); 91Size size = getThumbSize(_graphics, TrackBarThumbState.Normal); 106Action a = () => drawTicks(_graphics, bounds, tickCount, edgeStyle); 126Action a = () => drawTicks(_graphics, bounds, count, EdgeStyle.Raised); 132Action a = () => drawTicks(_graphics, invalidBound, 5, EdgeStyle.Raised); 163Action a = () => drawThumb(_graphics, bounds, TrackBarThumbState.Normal);