29 instantiations of SubPropertyGrid
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (29)
System\Windows\Forms\PropertyGridTests.cs (29)
25using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 179using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 201using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 237using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 643using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 1525using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 1546using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 1580using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 2709using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3183using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 3455using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3470using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3497using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3507using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3515using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3542using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3570using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3596using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3624using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3651using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3678using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3718using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3744using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3752using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3779using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3819using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3844using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3852using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3890using SubPropertyGrid propertyGrid = new();
40 references to SubPropertyGrid
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (40)
System\Windows\Forms\PropertyGridTests.cs (40)
25using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 179using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 201using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 213Assert.Equal(value, control.GetScrollState(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateAutoScrolling)); 220Assert.Equal(value, control.GetScrollState(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateAutoScrolling)); 227Assert.Equal(!value, control.GetScrollState(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateAutoScrolling)); 237using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 256Assert.Equal(value, control.GetScrollState(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateAutoScrolling)); 266Assert.Equal(value, control.GetScrollState(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateAutoScrolling)); 276Assert.Equal(!value, control.GetScrollState(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateAutoScrolling)); 643using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 1525using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 1546using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 1580using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 2709using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3183using SubPropertyGrid control = new() 3455using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3461[InlineData(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateAutoScrolling, false)] 3462[InlineData(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateFullDrag, false)] 3463[InlineData(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateHScrollVisible, false)] 3464[InlineData(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateUserHasScrolled, false)] 3465[InlineData(SubPropertyGrid.ScrollStateVScrollVisible, false)] 3470using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3497using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3507using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3515using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3542using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3570using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3596using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3624using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3651using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3678using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3718using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3744using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3752using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3779using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3819using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3844using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3852using SubPropertyGrid control = new(); 3890using SubPropertyGrid propertyGrid = new();