// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace Windows.Win32;
internal static partial class PInvoke
/// <inheritdoc cref="CreateWindowEx(WINDOW_EX_STYLE, string, string, WINDOW_STYLE, int, int, int, int, HWND, HMENU, HINSTANCE, void*)"/>
public static unsafe HWND CreateWindowEx(
string? lpClassName,
string? lpWindowName,
int X,
int Y,
int nWidth,
int nHeight,
HWND hWndParent,
HMENU hMenu,
HINSTANCE hInstance,
object? lpParam)
fixed (char* cn = lpClassName)
fixed (char* wn = lpWindowName)
if (lpParam is null)
// No need to marshal.
return CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, cn, wn, dwStyle, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, null);
// Trying to replicate [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AsAny)] here. Note that the runtime has an AsAnyMarshaller
// in src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/StubHelpers.cs, but it isn't publicly available.
// The implmentations for these Marshal methods can be found in marshalnative.cpp.
// The only case we are not handling is non-blittable arrays. This is a breaking change, but it
// is very unlikely anyone will have been doing this. If we find this to be a problem we can revist
// and potentially port the code from StubHelpers.
if (lpParam is StringBuilder builder)
lpParam = builder.ToString();
if (lpParam is string stringValue)
fixed (char* sv = stringValue)
return CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, cn, wn, dwStyle, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, sv);
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(lpParam);
nint native = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(size);
// This will emit IL to create a marshaller for the given object if it isn't blittable.
Marshal.StructureToPtr(lpParam, native, fDeleteOld: false);
return CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, cn, wn, dwStyle, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, (void*)native);
if (native != 0)
Marshal.DestroyStructure(native, lpParam.GetType());