File: System\Windows\Forms\RefCountedCache.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms.Primitives\src\System.Windows.Forms.Primitives.csproj (System.Windows.Forms.Primitives)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
/// <summary>
///  Cache that ref counts handed-out objects via "scopes" <see cref="Scope"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TObject">
///  The target object the cache represents. If you're caching <see cref="Drawing.Pen"/> that would be the
///  type you would use here. <see cref="Scope"/> is implicitly convertible to this type.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TCacheEntryData">
///  The type of data to associate with a cache entry. For a simple cache this can be the same type as
///  <typeparamref name="TKey"/>.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">
///  The type of key used to look up cache entries.
/// </typeparam>
internal abstract partial class RefCountedCache<TObject, TCacheEntryData, TKey> : IDisposable
    private readonly SinglyLinkedList<CacheEntry> _list = new();
    private readonly int _softLimit;
    private readonly int _hardLimit;
    // Retrieving any node takes at least 300ns (locking, complex matching, etc. can add more time). It can take
    // 5 to 10ns for every step through the linked list with a simple key match. Shifting cost isn't expensive
    // (as SinglyLinkedList is optimized for this). It costs around 30-50ns to move an object to the front of the
    // list. We'll try to move to the front of the list when we think we'll get significant improvements in future
    // accesses that make up for the cost of moving without unduly impacting other frequently accessed items.
    // Doing this also has a "de-aging" effect as we cull from the back of the list when looking for new space.
    private const int MoveToFront = 10;
    public RefCountedCache(int softLimit = 20, int hardLimit = 40)
        Debug.Assert(softLimit > 0 && hardLimit > 0);
        Debug.Assert(softLimit <= hardLimit);
        _softLimit = softLimit;
        _hardLimit = hardLimit;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Override this to create a new <see cref="CacheEntry"/> for the given <paramref name="key"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cached">
    ///  True if the entry is actually kept in the cache. When the cache hits the hard limit entries aren't
    ///  kept in the cache and need to be cleaned up when the ref count drops to zero.
    /// </param>
    protected abstract CacheEntry CreateEntry(TKey key, bool cached);
    /// <summary>
    ///  Return true if the given <paramref name="key"/> matches the given <paramref name="entry"/>.
    /// </summary>
    protected abstract bool IsMatch(TKey key, CacheEntry entry);
    /// <summary>
    ///  Find or create the entry for <paramref name="key"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///  <para>
    ///   Override if you want to modify behavior or lock cache access.
    ///  </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public virtual CacheEntry GetEntry(TKey key)
        // NOTE: Measure carefully when changing logic in this method. Code has been optimized for performance.
        if (!Find(key, out CacheEntry entry))
            entry = Add(key);
        return entry;
        bool Find(TKey key, out CacheEntry entry)
            bool success = false;
            entry = default!;
            int position = MoveToFront;
            var enumerator = _list.GetEnumerator();
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                var node = enumerator.Current;
                CacheEntry currentEntry = node.Value;
                if (IsMatch(key, currentEntry))
                    entry = currentEntry;
                    if (position < 0)
                        // Moving to the front as the cost of walking this far in outweighs the cost of moving
                        // the node to the front of the list.
                    success = true;
            return success;
        CacheEntry Add(TKey key)
            CacheEntry entry;
            if (_list.Count >= _softLimit)
                // Try to free up space
            if (_list.Count < _hardLimit)
                // We've got space, add to the cache
                entry = CreateEntry(key, cached: true);
                entry = CreateEntry(key, cached: false);
            return entry;
        void Clean()
            // If the count is over the soft limit, try to get back under
            int overage = _list.Count - _softLimit;
            if (overage > 0)
                // Skip to the last part of the list and try to remove what we can
                int skip = _list.Count - overage;
                var enumerator = _list.GetEnumerator();
                int removed = 0;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (skip < 0)
                        var node = enumerator.Current;
                        if (node!.Value.RefCount == 0)
                // All of the end of the list is in use? Are we leaking ref counts?
                Debug.Assert(removed != 0 || _softLimit < 20);
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)
            var enumerator = _list.GetEnumerator();
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
    public void Dispose()
        Dispose(disposing: true);