File: Interop\Kernel32\SYSTEMTIMETests.cs
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Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms.Primitives\tests\UnitTests\System.Windows.Forms.Primitives.Tests.csproj (System.Windows.Forms.Primitives.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Tests.Interop.Kernel32;
public class SYSTEMTIMETests
    public unsafe void SYSTEMTIME_Sizeof_ReturnsExpected()
        Assert.Equal(16, Marshal.SizeOf<SYSTEMTIME>());
        Assert.Equal(16, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
    public void SYSTEMTIME_Ctor_Default()
        SYSTEMTIME st = new();
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wYear);
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wMonth);
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wDayOfWeek);
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wDay);
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wHour);
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wMinute);
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wSecond);
        Assert.Equal(0, st.wMilliseconds);
    public void SYSTEMTIME_CastToDateTime_ReturnsExpected()
        SYSTEMTIME st = new()
            wYear = 2021,
            wMonth = 5,
            wDay = 3,
            wHour = 6,
            wMinute = 15,
            wSecond = 30,
            wMilliseconds = 50
        DateTime dt = (DateTime)st; // cast to DateTime implicitly
        Assert.Equal(st.wYear, dt.Year);
        Assert.Equal(st.wMonth, dt.Month);
        Assert.Equal(DayOfWeek.Monday, dt.DayOfWeek);
        Assert.Equal(st.wDay, dt.Day);
        Assert.Equal(st.wHour, dt.Hour);
        Assert.Equal(st.wMinute, dt.Minute);
        Assert.Equal(st.wSecond, dt.Second);
        Assert.Equal(st.wMilliseconds, dt.Millisecond);
    public void SYSTEMTIME_CastToDateTime_ThrowsException_IfArgumentsAreIncorrect()
        SYSTEMTIME st = new()
            wYear = 9999,
            wMonth = 99,
            wDay = 99,
            wHour = 99,
            wMinute = 99,
            wSecond = 99,
            wMilliseconds = 9999
        DateTime dt;
        Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => dt = (DateTime)st); // cast to DateTime implicitly with incorrect arguments
    public void SYSTEMTIME_CastToDateTime_ReturnsMinValue_IfValueIsDefault()
        SYSTEMTIME st = new();
        DateTime dt;
        using (new NoAssertContext())
            dt = (DateTime)st; // cast to DateTime implicitly
        Assert.Equal(DateTime.MinValue, dt);