// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System;
public static partial class PlatformDetection
// Do not use the " { get; } = <expression> " pattern here. Having all the initialization happen in the type initializer
// means that one exception anywhere means all tests using PlatformDetection fail. If you feel a value is worth latching,
// do it in a way that failures don't cascade.
public static bool IsNotWindowsIoTCore => !IsWindowsIoTCore;
public static bool IsArmProcess => RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm;
public static bool IsArm64Process => RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm64;
public static bool IsNotArm64Process => !IsArm64Process;
public static bool IsArmOrArm64Process => IsArmProcess || IsArm64Process;
public static bool IsNativeAot => !IsReflectionEmitSupported;
// Changed to `true` when trimming
public static bool IsBuiltWithAggressiveTrimming => IsNativeAot;
public static bool IsNotBuiltWithAggressiveTrimming => !IsBuiltWithAggressiveTrimming;
private static readonly Lazy<bool> s_largeArrayIsNotSupported = new(IsLargeArrayNotSupported);
private static bool IsLargeArrayNotSupported()
byte[] tmp = new byte[int.MaxValue];
return false;
catch (OutOfMemoryException)
return true;
public static bool IsNotIntMaxValueArrayIndexSupported => s_largeArrayIsNotSupported.Value;
public static bool IsReflectionEmitSupported => RuntimeFeature.IsDynamicCodeSupported;