// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design;
internal class VsPropertyGrid : PropertyGrid
private static readonly Size s_defaultIconSize = new(16, 16);
public VsPropertyGrid() : base()
protected override Bitmap SortByPropertyImage => GetBitmap("PBAlpha");
protected override Bitmap SortByCategoryImage => GetBitmap("PBCategory");
protected override Bitmap ShowPropertyPageImage => GetBitmap("PBPPage");
private static Bitmap GetBitmap(string resourceName)
=> ScaleHelper.GetIconResourceAsBestMatchBitmap(
BitmapSelector.GetResourceStream(typeof(PropertyGrid), resourceName) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(),
ScaleHelper.ScaleToDpi(s_defaultIconSize, ScaleHelper.InitialSystemDpi));