File: System\Windows\Forms\Design\Behavior\DesignerActionKeyboardBehavior.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms.Design\src\System.Windows.Forms.Design.csproj (System.Windows.Forms.Design)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior;
internal sealed class DesignerActionKeyboardBehavior : Behavior
    private readonly DesignerActionPanel? _panel;
    private readonly IMenuCommandService? _menuService;
    private readonly DesignerActionUIService? _daUISvc;
    private static readonly Guid s_vSStandardCommandSet97 = new("{5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819}");
    public DesignerActionKeyboardBehavior(DesignerActionPanel? panel, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider, BehaviorService behaviorService)
        : base(callParentBehavior: true, behaviorService)
        _panel = panel;
        if (serviceProvider is not null)
            _menuService = serviceProvider.GetService<IMenuCommandService>();
            Debug.Assert(_menuService is not null, "we should have found a menu service here...");
            _daUISvc = serviceProvider.GetService<DesignerActionUIService>();
    // THIS should not stay here, creation of a custom command or of the real thing should
    // be handled in the designeractionpanel itself
    public override MenuCommand? FindCommand(CommandID commandId)
        if (_panel is not null && _menuService is not null)
            // if the command we're looking for is handled by the panel, just tell VS that this command is disabled.
            // otherwise let it through as usual...
            foreach (CommandID candidateCommandId in _panel.FilteredCommandIDs)
                // VisualStudio shell implements a mutable derived class from the base CommandID.
                // The mutable class compares overridden properties instead of the read-only backing
                // fields when testing equality of command IDs. Thus Equals method is
                // asymmetrical derived class's override that compares properties is the accurate one.
                if (commandId.Equals(candidateCommandId))
                    MenuCommand dummyMC = new(delegate
                    { }, commandId)
                        Enabled = false
                    return dummyMC;
            // in case of a ctrl-tab we need to close the DAP
            if (_daUISvc is not null && commandId.Guid == s_vSStandardCommandSet97 && commandId.ID == 1124)
                _daUISvc.HideUI(component: null);
        return base.FindCommand(commandId); // this will route the request to the parent behavior