1 write to _dataBuf
System.Windows.Forms.Design (1)
System\ComponentModel\Design\ByteViewer.cs (1)
613_dataBuf = bytes;
17 references to _dataBuf
System.Windows.Forms.Design (17)
System\ComponentModel\Design\ByteViewer.cs (17)
260int length = offset + _columnCount > _dataBuf.Length ? _dataBuf.Length % _columnCount : _columnCount; 262return _dataBuf.AsSpan(offset, length); 283if (_dataBuf.Length is >= 0 and < 8) 288switch (AnalyzeByteOrderMark(_dataBuf, 0)) 322if (_dataBuf.Length > 1024) 328size = _dataBuf.Length / 2; 333char c = (char)_dataBuf[i]; // OK we do not care for Unicode now 343Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(_dataBuf.AsSpan(i, 2), new Span<char>(ref unicodeChar)); 367public virtual byte[] GetBytes() => _dataBuf; 400fixed (byte* pDataBuff = _dataBuf) 402bufferSize = PInvoke.MultiByteToWideChar(PInvoke.CP_ACP, 0, (PCSTR)pDataBuff, _dataBuf.Length, null, 0); 423_edit.Text = string.Create(_dataBuf.Length / sizeof(char) + 1, _dataBuf, static (text, dataBuf) => 478_linesCount = (_dataBuf.Length + _columnCount - 1) / _columnCount; 593currentFile.Write(_dataBuf.AsSpan()); 680if (line < 0 || line >= _linesCount || line > _dataBuf.Length / _columnCount)