// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests;
public class ItemTypeToolStripMenuItemTests : IDisposable
private readonly ItemTypeToolStripMenuItem _item;
public ItemTypeToolStripMenuItemTests()
_item = new ItemTypeToolStripMenuItem(typeof(string));
public void Constructor_SetsItemType()
public void ConvertTo_SetAndGet()
_item.ConvertTo = true;
public void Image_Get_ReturnsCorrectImage()
public void Text_ReturnsCorrectDescription()
public void ToolboxItem_SetAndGet()
ToolboxItem toolboxItem = new(typeof(string));
_item.ToolboxItem = toolboxItem;
public void Dispose_SetsToolboxItemToNull()
ItemTypeToolStripMenuItem item = new(typeof(string));
public void Dispose()