' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Analyzers.Diagnostics
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualBasic.Analyzers.ImplementITypedDataObjectInAdditionToIDataObject
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Testing
Imports Xunit
Public NotInheritable Class ImplementITypedDataObjectTests
Private Const DiagnosticId As String = DiagnosticIDs.ImplementITypedDataObject
Public Async Function UntypedInterface() As Task
' internal class UntypedInterface :IDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await RaiseTheWarning(input, New List(Of DiagnosticResult) From {
DiagnosticResult.CompilerWarning(DiagnosticId).WithSpan(8, 18, 8, 18 + NameOf(UntypedInterface).Length) _
End Function
Public Async Function DerivedFromUntyped() As Task
' internal class DerivedFromUntyped : UntypedInterface
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await RaiseTheWarning(input, New List(Of DiagnosticResult) From {
DiagnosticResult.CompilerWarning(DiagnosticId).WithSpan(8, 33, 8, 33 + NameOf(DerivedFromUntyped).Length) _
DiagnosticResult.CompilerWarning(DiagnosticId).WithSpan(15, 18, 15, 18 + NameOf(UntypedInterface).Length) _
End Function
Public Async Function UntypedWithAlias() As Task
' internal class UntypedWithAlias : IManagedDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await RaiseTheWarning(input, New List(Of DiagnosticResult) From {
DiagnosticResult.CompilerWarning(DiagnosticId).WithSpan(8, 18, 8, 18 + NameOf(UntypedWithAlias).Length) _
End Function
Public Async Function UntypedWithNamespace() As Task
' internal class UntypedWithNamespace :Forms.IDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await RaiseTheWarning(input, New List(Of DiagnosticResult) From {
DiagnosticResult.CompilerWarning(DiagnosticId).WithSpan(8, 18, 8, 18 + NameOf(UntypedWithNamespace).Length) _
End Function
Public Async Function UntypedUnimplemented() As Task
' internal class UntypedUnimplemented :IDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await RaiseTheWarning(input, New List(Of DiagnosticResult) From {
DiagnosticResult.CompilerWarning(DiagnosticId) _
.WithSpan(9, 18, 9, 18 + NameOf(UntypedUnimplemented).Length) _
DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("BC30149").WithSpan(10, 20, 10, 31) _
.WithArguments("Class", "UntypedUnimplemented", "Function GetData(format As String, autoConvert As Boolean) As Object", "IDataObject")
End Function
Public Async Function TypedInterface() As Task
' internal class TypedInterface :ITypedDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await NoWarning(input)
End Function
Public Async Function TypedWithNamespace() As Task
' internal class TypedWithNamespace : Forms.ITypedDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await NoWarning(input)
End Function
Public Async Function TypedWithAlias() As Task
' internal class TypedWithAlias : IManagedDataObject, System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await NoWarning(input)
End Function
Public Async Function TwoInterfaces() As Task
' internal class TwoInterfaces :IDataObject, ITypedDataObject
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await NoWarning(input)
End Function
Public Async Function UnrelatedIDataObject() As Task
' Name collision, this analyzer is not applicable
Dim input As String = Await TestFileLoader.GetVBAnalyzerTestCodeAsync()
Await NoWarning(input)
End Function
Private Shared Async Function RaiseTheWarning(input As String, diagnostics As List(Of DiagnosticResult)) As Task
Dim context = CreateContext(input)
Await context.RunAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)
End Function
Private Shared Async Function NoWarning(input As String) As Task
Await CreateContext(input).RunAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)
End Function
Private Shared Function CreateContext(input As String) As VisualBasicAnalyzerTest(Of ImplementITypedDataObjectInAdditionToIDataObjectAnalyzer, DefaultVerifier)
Dim context As New VisualBasicAnalyzerTest(Of ImplementITypedDataObjectInAdditionToIDataObjectAnalyzer, DefaultVerifier) With {
.TestCode = input,
.ReferenceAssemblies = CurrentReferences.NetCoreAppReferences
context.TestState.OutputKind = OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary
Return context
End Function
End Class