File: Microsoft\Windows\Controls\Ribbon\RibbonContentPresenter.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon\System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon_jnfpb4pl_wpftmp.csproj (System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#region Using declarations
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon
namespace Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon
    #endregion Using declarations
    /// <summary>
    ///  A container for controls placed on the ribbon.
    /// </summary>
    public class RibbonContentPresenter : ContentPresenter
        #region Fields
        /// <summary>
        /// Control which is hosted by this ContentPresenter
        /// </summary>
        private FrameworkElement _templateRoot;
        #endregion Fields
        #region Constructors
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes static members of the RibbonContentPresenter class.  
        ///   Here we add a couple callbacks which propagate pseudeinherited proeprties to the child control.
        /// </summary>
        static RibbonContentPresenter()
            Type ownerType = typeof(RibbonContentPresenter);
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnIsInQuickAccessToolBarChanged),
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnIsInControlGroupChanged),
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnControlSizeDefinitionChanged, CoerceControlSizeDefinition));
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnRibbonChanged));
        #region PseudoInheritedProperties
        /// <summary>
        ///     DependencyProperty for ControlSizeDefinition property.
        /// </summary>
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ControlSizeDefinitionProperty = 
        /// <summary>
        ///     Size definition for control hosted by this RibbonContentPresenter. 
        /// </summary>
        public RibbonControlSizeDefinition ControlSizeDefinition
            get { return RibbonControlService.GetControlSizeDefinition(this); }
            set { RibbonControlService.SetControlSizeDefinition(this, value); }
        /// <summary>
        ///     DependencyProperty for IsInControlGroup property.
        /// </summary>
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsInControlGroupProperty = 
        /// <summary>
        ///     This property indicates whether the control is part of a RibbonControlGroup.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsInControlGroup
            get { return RibbonControlService.GetIsInControlGroup(this); }
            internal set { RibbonControlService.SetIsInControlGroup(this, value); }
        /// <summary>
        ///     DependencyProperty for IsInQuickAccessToolBar property.
        /// </summary>
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsInQuickAccessToolBarProperty =
        /// <summary>
        ///     This property indicates whether the control and it's child is part of a QuickAccessToolBar.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsInQuickAccessToolBar
            get { return RibbonControlService.GetIsInQuickAccessToolBar(this); }
            internal set { RibbonControlService.SetIsInQuickAccessToolBar(this, value); }
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()
            if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(this) > 0)
                _templateRoot = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this, 0) as FrameworkElement;
        protected override void OnTemplateChanged(DataTemplate oldTemplate, DataTemplate newTemplate)
            base.OnTemplateChanged(oldTemplate, newTemplate);
            if (oldTemplate != null)
                // Clearing the Ribbon property value which was set earlier.
                _templateRoot = null;
        private static void OnControlSizeDefinitionChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RibbonContentPresenter rcp = (RibbonContentPresenter)d;
        private static object CoerceControlSizeDefinition(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
            return baseValue;
        private static void OnIsInQuickAccessToolBarChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RibbonContentPresenter rcp = (RibbonContentPresenter)d;
        private static void OnIsInControlGroupChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RibbonContentPresenter rcp = (RibbonContentPresenter)d;
        private static void OnRibbonChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        private void TransferPseudoInheritedProperties()
            if (_templateRoot != null)
                // Ribbon is an inherited property. In non-MVVM scenarios where
                // controls are directly added under RibbonGroup in XAML, RibbonGroup
                // is the logical parent of those controls and they get the value
                // of RibbonParent set from their logical parent. When a RibbonGroup
                // get collapsed and its template changes, due to a bug in framework
                // the inheritance value of those controls is lost during visual tree
                // change and never again gets updated. The workaround is to set the
                // local value on those controls from RibbonContentPresenter which
                // would be their visual parent. This works because Ribbon property is
                // readonly.
                RibbonControlService.SetRibbon(_templateRoot, RibbonControlService.GetRibbon(this));
                RibbonHelper.TransferPseudoInheritedProperties(this, _templateRoot);
        #endregion PseudoInheritedProperties
        #region Internal Properties
        internal UIElement ContentChild
            get { return _templateRoot; }
        internal bool ChildHasLargeImage
            get { return (_templateRoot != null) ? (RibbonControlService.GetLargeImageSource(_templateRoot) != null) : false; }
        internal bool ChildHasSmallImage
            get { return (_templateRoot != null) ? (RibbonControlService.GetSmallImageSource(_templateRoot) != null) : false; }
        internal bool ChildHasLabel
            get { return (_templateRoot != null) ? !string.IsNullOrEmpty(RibbonControlService.GetLabel(_templateRoot)) : false; }