File: Microsoft\Windows\Controls\Ribbon\Primitives\RibbonGroupsPanel.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon\System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon_jnfpb4pl_wpftmp.csproj (System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon)
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// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#region Using declarations
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using MS.Internal;
namespace System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives
namespace Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives
    /// <summary>
    ///   The panel that contains the RibbonGroups of a RibbonTab.
    /// </summary>
    public class RibbonGroupsPanel : StackPanel, ISupportStarLayout
        #region Fields
        private double _cachedRemainingSpace; // A cached copy of the remaining space from the previous layout pass.
        WeakHashSet<IProvideStarLayoutInfo> _registeredStarLayoutProviders = new WeakHashSet<IProvideStarLayoutInfo>();
        double _nextGroupIncreaseWidth = double.NaN;
        int _cachedChildCount = 0;
        WeakDictionary<RibbonGroup, double> _changedWidthGroups = new WeakDictionary<RibbonGroup, double>();
        bool _processGroupWidthChangeQueued = false;
        #region Constructors
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes static members of the RibbonGroupsContainer class.
        /// </summary>
        static RibbonGroupsPanel()
            OrientationProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(RibbonGroupsPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Orientation.Horizontal, null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceOrientation)));
        #region ISupportStarLayout Members
        public void RegisterStarLayoutProvider(IProvideStarLayoutInfoBase starLayoutInfoProvider)
            IProvideStarLayoutInfo provider = starLayoutInfoProvider as IProvideStarLayoutInfo;
            if (provider == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Microsoft.Windows.Controls.SR.RibbonGroupsPanel_InvalidRegistrationParameter, nameof(starLayoutInfoProvider));
            if (!_registeredStarLayoutProviders.Contains(provider))
        public void UnregisterStarLayoutProvider(IProvideStarLayoutInfoBase starLayoutInfoProvider)
            IProvideStarLayoutInfo provider = starLayoutInfoProvider as IProvideStarLayoutInfo;
            if (provider == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Microsoft.Windows.Controls.SR.RibbonGroupsPanel_InvalidRegistrationParameter, nameof(starLayoutInfoProvider));
            if (_registeredStarLayoutProviders.Contains(provider))
        #region Internal Methods
        internal void InvalidateCachedMeasure()
            _cachedRemainingSpace = 0;
        internal void OnChildGroupRenderSizeChanged(RibbonGroup group, double originalWidth)
            if (!_changedWidthGroups.ContainsKey(group))
                _changedWidthGroups[group] = originalWidth;
            if (!_processGroupWidthChangeQueued)
                _processGroupWidthChangeQueued = true;
                        if (_changedWidthGroups.Count > 0)
                            foreach (RibbonGroup invalidGroup in _changedWidthGroups.Keys)
                                double originalRenderWidth = _changedWidthGroups[invalidGroup];
                                if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(originalRenderWidth, invalidGroup.ActualWidth))
                                    // Reset the next increase group's cached data
                                    // if there was a real change in any groups width.
                        _processGroupWidthChangeQueued = false;
        #region Protected Methods
        /// <summary>
        ///   Measures all of the RibbonGroups, and asks them to resize themselves appropriately
        ///   to fit within the available room in the GroupsContainer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="availableSize">The available size that this element can give to child elements.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   The size that the groups container determines it needs during layout, based
        ///   on its calculations of child element sizes.
        /// </returns>
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            RibbonTab ribbonTab = ParentRibbonTab;
            double remainingSpace = 0;
            Size desiredSize = BasicMeasure(availableSize, out remainingSpace);
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
            if (children.Count != _cachedChildCount)
                _cachedChildCount = children.Count;
            if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                // nudging the positive remaining space by a pixel
                // protects against aggregation of double errors and
                // provides a better appreance.
                remainingSpace = Math.Max(0, remainingSpace - 1);
            if ((DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(_cachedRemainingSpace, 0) && (DoubleUtil.LessThan(remainingSpace, 0) || DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, _cachedRemainingSpace))) ||
                (DoubleUtil.LessThan(_cachedRemainingSpace, 0) && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0)))
                if (ribbonTab != null)
                    double? lastPreIncreaseRemainingSpace = null;
                    while (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                        // When there is remaining space try to give it
                        // to stars, which qualify to increase before 
                        // next group resize.
                        desiredSize = StarMeasure(availableSize,
                            ref remainingSpace);
                        // When there is more remaining space, increase
                        // the size of the next group.
                        if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                            if (double.IsNaN(_nextGroupIncreaseWidth) ||
                                DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(remainingSpace, _nextGroupIncreaseWidth))
                                if (ribbonTab.IncreaseNextGroupSize())
                                    lastPreIncreaseRemainingSpace = remainingSpace;
                                    desiredSize = BasicMeasure(availableSize, out remainingSpace);
                    double preDecreaseGroupRemainingSpace = remainingSpace;
                    while (DoubleUtil.LessThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                        // When the remaining space is negative decrease the
                        // next groups size.
                        if (ribbonTab.DecreaseNextGroupSize())
                            desiredSize = BasicMeasure(availableSize, out remainingSpace);
                            if (lastPreIncreaseRemainingSpace != null)
                                // Though in most of the cases we expect that the desired size of the
                                // entire subtree is up to date synchronously, there are some cases where desired 
                                // size of subtree gets updated asynchronously(eg. where bindings 
                                // impacting desired size resolve at a later time). To gaurd against infinite
                                // loops in such cases, if this decrease operation is to compensate any unnecessary
                                // increase operation performed above, then use the remaining space
                                // computed before such corresponding unnecessary increase operation, instead
                                // of the value computed post decrease which may be inaccurate due to some
                                // pending async updates. On the other hand if the group remains in
                                // same stage and when such async update happens at a later point of time,
                                // this measure would be executed again and hence fixing things.
                                remainingSpace = lastPreIncreaseRemainingSpace.Value;
                                // The remaining space needed to successfully perform the
                                // preceeding group increase without needing to do a compensating
                                // group decrease is cached to be used to optimize out the 
                                // unsuccessful group size increases on further increase
                                // in remaining space.
                                _nextGroupIncreaseWidth = lastPreIncreaseRemainingSpace.Value - preDecreaseGroupRemainingSpace;
                                lastPreIncreaseRemainingSpace = null;
                            if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                                // Now if there is remaining space, give it to the
                                // qualified stars.
                                desiredSize = StarMeasure(availableSize,
                                    ref remainingSpace);
            else if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                desiredSize = StarMeasure(availableSize,
                                ref remainingSpace);
            _cachedRemainingSpace = remainingSpace;
            //// Scroll if not enough space
            return desiredSize;
        #region Properties
        public bool IsStarLayoutPass
            get { return (bool)GetValue(IsStarLayoutPassProperty); }
            private set { SetValue(IsStarLayoutPassPropertyKey, value); }
        // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for IsStarLayoutPass.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
        private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsStarLayoutPassPropertyKey =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly("IsStarLayoutPass", typeof(bool), typeof(RibbonGroupsPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false));
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStarLayoutPassProperty = IsStarLayoutPassPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;
        private RibbonTab ParentRibbonTab
                FrameworkElement itemsPresenter = TemplatedParent as FrameworkElement;
                if (itemsPresenter != null)
                    return itemsPresenter.TemplatedParent as RibbonTab;
                return null;
        #region Private Methods
        /// <summary>
        ///   Calculates the total width of all of the RibbonGroups in the RibbonTab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns the total width of all of the RibbonGroups in the RibbonTab.</returns>
        private double GetChildrenTotalWidth()
            double result = 0;
            foreach (UIElement child in this.Children)
                result += child.DesiredSize.Width;
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calls OnInitializeLayout of star layout contract on
        ///     star data providers
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeLayoutOnStars()
            foreach (IProvideStarLayoutInfo starProvider in _registeredStarLayoutProviders)
        /// <summary>
        ///     A basic measure which doesnt deal with stars
        ///     (to be precise if there are any stars they get
        ///     the minimum possible space).
        /// </summary>
        private Size BasicMeasure(Size constraint, out double remainingSpace)
            Size desiredSize = base.MeasureOverride(constraint);
            remainingSpace = constraint.Width - GetChildrenTotalWidth();
            return desiredSize;
        /// <summary>
        ///     A special pass for all the stars,
        ///     where remaining space is allocated appropriately
        /// </summary>
        private Size StarMeasure(Size constraint,
            Size originalDesiredSize,
            RibbonTab ribbonTab,
            ref double remainingSpace)
            Size desiredSize = originalDesiredSize;
            RibbonGroup nextRibbonGroup = ribbonTab.GetNextIncreaseSizeGroup();
            double newRemainingSpace = AllocateStarValues(nextRibbonGroup, remainingSpace);
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(remainingSpace, newRemainingSpace))
                IsStarLayoutPass = true;
                desiredSize = base.MeasureOverride(constraint);
                IsStarLayoutPass = false;
                remainingSpace = newRemainingSpace;
            return desiredSize;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allocation algorithm for star values.
        /// </summary>
        private double AllocateStarValues(RibbonGroup ribbonGroup, double remainingSpace)
            List<StarLayoutInfo> starInfoList = new List<StarLayoutInfo>(2);
            List<IProvideStarLayoutInfo> starLayoutInfoProviders = new List<IProvideStarLayoutInfo>(2);
            // creates a list of appropriate candidates for star allocation
            foreach (IProvideStarLayoutInfo starLayoutInfoProvider in _registeredStarLayoutProviders)
                bool considerForAllocation = ((ribbonGroup == null && starLayoutInfoProvider.TargetElement is RibbonGroup) ||
                                              ribbonGroup == starLayoutInfoProvider.TargetElement);
                bool added = false;
                IEnumerable<StarLayoutInfo> starLayoutCombinations = starLayoutInfoProvider.StarLayoutCombinations;
                if (starLayoutCombinations != null)
                    foreach (StarLayoutInfo starLayoutInfo in starLayoutCombinations)
                        if (starLayoutInfo != null && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(starLayoutInfo.RequestedStarWeight, 0))
                            starLayoutInfo.AllocatedStarWidth = starLayoutInfo.RequestedStarMinWidth;
                            if (considerForAllocation)
                                added = true;
                if (added)
            if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                // Tries to equalize the perstarspace of star element
                // constrained by their min/max constraints and available space.
                int rightMostEqualizerIndex = -1;
                EqualizeStarValues(starInfoList, ref remainingSpace, out rightMostEqualizerIndex);
                // Distributes the remaining space after step 1 equally among all the
                // qualified member, such that they are constrained by their min/max constraints
                // maintaining (but not necessarily attaining) the goal of making perstarvalue of
                // all the elements as equal as possible.
                if (rightMostEqualizerIndex >= 0 && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                        rightMostEqualizerIndex + 1,
                    DistributeRemainingSpace(starInfoList, (rightMostEqualizerIndex + 1), ref remainingSpace);
            foreach (IProvideStarLayoutInfo starLayoutInfoProvider in starLayoutInfoProviders)
            return remainingSpace;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Tries to equalize the perstarspace of star element
        ///     constrained by their min/max constraints and available space.
        /// </summary>
        private static void EqualizeStarValues(List<StarLayoutInfo> starInfoList,
            ref double remainingSpace,
            out int rightMostEqualizerIndex)
            Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0));
            rightMostEqualizerIndex = -1;
            int elementCount = starInfoList.Count;
            if (elementCount > 0)
                if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(EqualizeLeftOf(starInfoList, elementCount - 1, true), remainingSpace))
                    remainingSpace -= EqualizeLeftOf(starInfoList, elementCount - 1, false);
                    rightMostEqualizerIndex = (elementCount - 1);
                    int startIndex = 0;
                    int endIndex = elementCount - 1;
                    while (true)
                        int currentIndex = (startIndex + endIndex) / 2;
                        if (currentIndex == rightMostEqualizerIndex)
                        if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(EqualizeLeftOf(starInfoList, currentIndex, true), remainingSpace))
                            startIndex = rightMostEqualizerIndex = currentIndex;
                            endIndex = currentIndex;
                    remainingSpace -= EqualizeLeftOf(starInfoList, rightMostEqualizerIndex, false);
        private static double EqualizeLeftOf(List<StarLayoutInfo> starInfoList, int index, bool isChecking)
            Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < starInfoList.Count);
            double spaceNeeded = 0;
            StarLayoutInfo baseStarInfo = starInfoList[index];
            double basePerStar = baseStarInfo.AllocatedStarWidth / baseStarInfo.RequestedStarWeight;
            for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                StarLayoutInfo starInfo = starInfoList[i];
                double targetValue = Math.Min(basePerStar * starInfo.RequestedStarWeight, starInfo.RequestedStarMaxWidth);
                spaceNeeded += (targetValue - starInfo.AllocatedStarWidth);
                if (!isChecking)
                    starInfo.AllocatedStarWidth = targetValue;
            return spaceNeeded;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Distributes the remaining space after step 1 equally among all the
        ///     qualified member, such that they are constrained by their min/max constraints
        ///     maintaining (but not necessarily attaining) the goal of making perstarvalue of
        ///     all the elements as equal as possible.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DistributeRemainingSpace(List<StarLayoutInfo> starInfoList,
            int distributionCount,
            ref double remainingSpace)
            Debug.Assert(distributionCount > 0 && distributionCount <= starInfoList.Count);
            Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0));
            double remainingStarWeight = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < distributionCount; i++)
                remainingStarWeight += starInfoList[i].RequestedStarWeight;
            double impactPerStar = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < distributionCount; i++)
                StarLayoutInfo starInfo = starInfoList[i];
                if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(remainingSpace, 0))
                    double currentContribution = starInfo.RequestedStarMaxWidth - starInfo.AllocatedStarWidth;
                    currentContribution -= (impactPerStar * starInfo.RequestedStarWeight);
                    currentContribution /= starInfo.RequestedStarWeight;
                    if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(currentContribution * remainingStarWeight, remainingSpace))
                        currentContribution = remainingSpace / remainingStarWeight;
                    impactPerStar += currentContribution;
                    remainingSpace -= (currentContribution * remainingStarWeight);
                starInfo.AllocatedStarWidth += (impactPerStar * starInfo.RequestedStarWeight);
                remainingStarWeight -= starInfo.RequestedStarWeight;
        private static object CoerceOrientation(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
            return Orientation.Horizontal;
        private void ResetNextIncreaseGroupCache()
            _nextGroupIncreaseWidth = double.NaN;