File: Microsoft\Windows\Automation\Peers\RibbonGroupAutomationPeer.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon\System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon_jnfpb4pl_wpftmp.csproj (System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon)
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// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#region Using declarations
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;
namespace System.Windows.Automation.Peers
namespace Microsoft.Windows.Automation.Peers
    using Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;
    /// <summary>
    /// AutomationPeer for a RibbonGroup
    /// </summary>
    public class RibbonGroupAutomationPeer : ItemsControlAutomationPeer
        public RibbonGroupAutomationPeer(RibbonGroup owner)
            : base(owner)
        protected override System.Collections.Generic.List<AutomationPeer> GetChildrenCore()
            List<AutomationPeer> children = base.GetChildrenCore();
            AutomationPeer headerPeer = HeaderPeer;
            if (headerPeer != null)
                if (children == null)
                    children = new List<AutomationPeer>(1);
            return children;
        protected override string GetClassNameCore()
            return Owner.GetType().Name;
        protected override bool IsOffscreenCore()
            if (!Owner.IsVisible)
                return true;
            Rect boundingRect = RibbonHelper.CalculateVisibleBoundingRect(Owner);
            return (boundingRect == Rect.Empty || boundingRect.Height == 0 || boundingRect.Width == 0);
        public override object GetPattern(PatternInterface patternInterface)
            // Disable ScrollPattern implemented by ItemsControlAutomationPeer
            if (patternInterface == PatternInterface.Scroll)
                return null;
            return base.GetPattern(patternInterface);
        protected override void SetFocusCore()
            // RibbonGroup.Focusable is always false, but UIA patterns call SetFocus
            // Override needed because base.SetFocusCore throws exception if unable to set focus
        protected override ItemAutomationPeer CreateItemAutomationPeer(object item)
            return new RibbonControlDataAutomationPeer(item, this);
        private RibbonGroup OwningGroup
            get { return (RibbonGroup)Owner; }
        RibbonGroupHeaderAutomationPeer HeaderPeer
                // Header could be replaced if RibbonGroup Template is replaced while resizing
                if (_headerPeer == null || !_headerPeer.Owner.IsDescendantOf(OwningGroup))
                    // Header is either a ContentPresenter or a DropDownButton 
                    if (OwningGroup.IsCollapsed)
                        // It is possible that the owing RibbonGroup's template hasn't been expanded 
                        // and hence the template parts aren't available yet. Hence the null check.
                        if (OwningGroup.CollapsedDropDownButton != null)
                            _headerPeer = new RibbonGroupHeaderAutomationPeer(OwningGroup.CollapsedDropDownButton);
                        // It is possible that the owing RibbonGroup's template hasn't been expanded 
                        // and hence the template parts aren't available yet. Hence the null check.
                        if (OwningGroup.HeaderContentPresenter != null)
                            _headerPeer = new RibbonGroupHeaderAutomationPeer(OwningGroup.HeaderContentPresenter);
                return _headerPeer;
        // Never inline, as we don't want to unnecessarily link the 
        // automation DLL via the ISelectionProvider interface type initialization.
        internal void RaiseExpandCollapseAutomationEvent(bool oldValue, bool newValue)
            AutomationPeer dataPeer = EventsSource;
                oldValue ? ExpandCollapseState.Expanded : ExpandCollapseState.Collapsed,
                newValue ? ExpandCollapseState.Expanded : ExpandCollapseState.Collapsed);
        private RibbonGroupHeaderAutomationPeer _headerPeer;