// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#region Using declarations
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;
namespace System.Windows.Automation.Peers
namespace Microsoft.Windows.Automation.Peers
using Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;
/// <summary>
/// AutomationPeer for Ribbon
/// Supports Selection, ExpandCollapse and Scroll Patterns
/// </summary>
public class RibbonAutomationPeer : SelectorAutomationPeer, IExpandCollapseProvider, ISelectionProvider
public RibbonAutomationPeer(Ribbon owner)
: base(owner)
protected override string GetClassNameCore()
return Owner.GetType().Name;
protected override AutomationControlType GetAutomationControlTypeCore()
return AutomationControlType.Tab;
public override object GetPattern(PatternInterface patternInterface)
if (OwningRibbon.IsCollapsed)
return null;
if (patternInterface == PatternInterface.ExpandCollapse)
return this;
// ItemsControlAutomationPeer implements IScrollProvider which is supposed to scroll through TabHeaders
if (patternInterface == PatternInterface.Scroll)
ItemsControl tabHeadersItemsControl = OwningRibbon.RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl;
if (tabHeadersItemsControl != null)
AutomationPeer tabHeadersItemsControlPeer = UIElementAutomationPeer.CreatePeerForElement(tabHeadersItemsControl);
if (tabHeadersItemsControlPeer != null)
return tabHeadersItemsControlPeer.GetPattern(patternInterface);
return base.GetPattern(patternInterface);
protected override System.Collections.Generic.List<AutomationPeer> GetChildrenCore()
// If Ribbon is Collapsed, dont show anything in the UIA tree
if (OwningRibbon.IsCollapsed)
return null;
List<AutomationPeer> children = new List<AutomationPeer>();
// Step1: Add QAT + Title + ContextualTabGroupHeaderItemsControl
if (OwningRibbon.QuickAccessToolBar != null)
AutomationPeer peer = CreatePeerForElement(OwningRibbon.QuickAccessToolBar);
if (peer != null)
if (OwningRibbon.TitleHost != null)
AutomationPeer peer = CreatePeerForElement(OwningRibbon.TitleHost);
if (peer == null)
FrameworkElement titleHost = OwningRibbon.TitleHost as FrameworkElement;
if (titleHost != null)
peer = new RibbonTitleAutomationPeer(titleHost);
peer = new UIElementAutomationPeer(OwningRibbon.TitleHost);
if (OwningRibbon.ContextualTabGroupItemsControl != null)
AutomationPeer peer = CreatePeerForElement(OwningRibbon.ContextualTabGroupItemsControl);
if (peer != null)
// Step2: Add ApplicationMenu
if (OwningRibbon.ApplicationMenu != null)
AutomationPeer peer = CreatePeerForElement(OwningRibbon.ApplicationMenu);
if (peer != null)
// Step3: Refresh RibbonTabHeaders
// RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl doesnt appear in the UIA Tree, but its children RibbonTabHeader appear as children of RibbonTab
// We need to ensure that RibbonTabHeader peers are created and refreshed manually here
if (OwningRibbon.RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl != null)
AutomationPeer peer = CreatePeerForElement(OwningRibbon.RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl);
// We are unable to use this commented piece of code because ForceEnsureChildren
// is an internal method in .Net 4.0. The public alternative is to use
// AutomationPeer.ResetChildrenCache. However this methods isn't appropriate to be
// called during a GetChildrenCore call because it causes a recursive call to the
// GetChildren call for the current AutomationPeer which is prohibited. For
// illustration here's a callstack.
// Exception:System.InvalidOperationException: Recursive call to Automation Peer API is not valid. at
// System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetChildren() at
// System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.isDescendantOf(AutomationPeer parent) at
// System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.isDescendantOf(AutomationPeer parent) at
// System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.ValidateConnected(AutomationPeer connectedPeer) at
// MS.Internal.Automation.ElementProxy.StaticWrap(AutomationPeer peer, AutomationPeer referencePeer) at
// System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateChildrenInternal(Int32 invalidateLimit) at
// System.Windows.Automation.Peers.ItemsControlAutomationPeer.UpdateChildren() at
// Microsoft.Windows.Automation.Peers.RibbonAutomationPeer.GetChildrenCore() at
// Also note that this code path is hit only when the UIA client is listening for
// structure changed events. UI Spy for instance doesn't do this by default and
// hence you will not automatically see the above crash it in that case. You need
// to configure the events to include structure changed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AutomationPeer peer = CreatePeerForElement(OwningRibbon.RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl);
// if (peer != null)
// {
// peer.ForceEnsureChildren();
// }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The strategy to create a new instance of the AutomationPeer is a workaround to
// the above limitation. It is important to create a new instance each time so
// that we guarantee that the children are in fact updated. A GetChildren call on
// a previously existing AutomationPeer will short circuit due to the _childrenValid
// flag. Hence the creation of a new AutomationPeer object each time around. Note
// that it is only this one AutomationPeer instanced that is created anew each time.
// The Peers for the descendents are not recreated.
AutomationPeer peer = new RibbonTabHeaderItemsControlAutomationPeer(OwningRibbon.RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl);
// Step4: Add RibbonTabs
List<AutomationPeer> ribbonTabs = base.GetChildrenCore();
if (ribbonTabs != null && ribbonTabs.Count > 0)
// This is required for the RibbonTabHeaderDataAutomationPeers to correctly
// connect to the parent RibbonTabDataAutomationPeer
for (int i=0; i<ribbonTabs.Count; i++)
// Step5: Add HelpPane that appears next to TabPanel
UIElement helpPaneHost = OwningRibbon.HelpPaneHost;
if (helpPaneHost != null)
AutomationPeer peer = CreatePeerForElement(helpPaneHost);
if (peer == null)
FrameworkElement helpPaneHostFE = helpPaneHost as FrameworkElement;
if (helpPaneHostFE != null)
peer = new FrameworkElementAutomationPeer(helpPaneHostFE);
peer = new UIElementAutomationPeer(helpPaneHost);
return children;
protected override void SetFocusCore()
// Ribbon.Focusable is always false, but UIA patterns call SetFocus
// Override needed because base.SetFocusCore throws exception if unable to set focus
protected override bool IsOffscreenCore()
return OwningRibbon.IsCollapsed ? true : base.IsOffscreenCore();
#region ISelectionProvider Members
/// <summary>
/// Ribbon has one and only one Tab selected.
/// </summary>
bool ISelectionProvider.IsSelectionRequired
return true;
bool ISelectionProvider.CanSelectMultiple
return false;
#region IExpandCollapseProvider Members
/// <summary>
/// Set Ribbon.IsMinimized to true
/// </summary>
public void Collapse()
OwningRibbon.IsMinimized = true;
/// <summary>
/// Set Ribbon.IsMinimized to false
/// </summary>
public void Expand()
OwningRibbon.IsMinimized = false;
/// <summary>
/// Return Ribbon.IsMinimized
/// </summary>
public ExpandCollapseState ExpandCollapseState
return OwningRibbon.IsMinimized ? ExpandCollapseState.Collapsed : ExpandCollapseState.Expanded;
protected override ItemAutomationPeer CreateItemAutomationPeer(object item)
return new RibbonTabDataAutomationPeer(item, this);
#region Private Members
private Ribbon OwningRibbon
return (Ribbon)Owner;
internal void RaiseExpandCollapseAutomationEvent(bool oldValue, bool newValue)
oldValue ? ExpandCollapseState.Expanded : ExpandCollapseState.Collapsed,
newValue ? ExpandCollapseState.Expanded : ExpandCollapseState.Collapsed);