// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using System.Transactions.Oletx;
using OletxTransaction = System.Transactions.Oletx.OletxTransaction;
namespace System.Transactions
// InternalTransaction
// This class holds the state and all data common to a transaction instance
internal sealed class InternalTransaction : IDisposable
// This variable manages the state of the transaction it should be one of the
// static elements of TransactionState derived from TransactionState.
private TransactionState? _transactionState;
internal TransactionState? State
get { return _transactionState; }
set { _transactionState = value; }
// This variable holds the state that the transaction will promote to. By
// default it uses the straight forward TransactionStatePromoted. If the
// transaction has a promotable single phase enlistment however it must use
// a different state so that it is promoted correctly.
internal TransactionState _promoteState;
// The PromoterType for the transaction.
// This is set when a PSPE enlistment is created via Transaction.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase.
// It is also set when a transaction promotes without a PSPE enlistment.
internal Guid _promoterType = Guid.Empty;
// The promoted token for the transaction.
// This is set when the transaction is promoted. For an MSDTC transaction, it is the
// same as the DTC propagation token.
internal byte[]? promotedToken;
// This is only used if the promoter type is different than TransactionInterop.PromoterTypeDtc.
// The promoter is supposed to tell us what the distributed transaction id after promoting it.
// We store the value here.
internal Guid _distributedTransactionIdentifierNonMSDTC = Guid.Empty;
// Keep a history of th transaction states
internal const int MaxStateHist = 20;
internal readonly TransactionState[] _stateHistory = new TransactionState[MaxStateHist];
internal int _currentStateHist;
// Finalized object see class definition for the use of this object
internal FinalizedObject? _finalizedObject;
internal readonly int _transactionHash;
internal int TransactionHash => _transactionHash;
internal static int _nextHash;
// timeout stores a relative timeout for the transaction. absoluteTimeout stores
// the actual time in ticks.
private readonly long _absoluteTimeout;
internal long AbsoluteTimeout => _absoluteTimeout;
// record the current number of ticks active when the transaction is created.
private long _creationTime;
internal long CreationTime
get { return _creationTime; }
set { _creationTime = value; }
// The goal for the LTM is to only allocate as few heap objects as possible for a given
// transaction and all of its enlistments. To accomplish this, enlistment objects are
// held in system arrays. The transaction contains one enlistment for the single durable
// enlistment it can handle and a small array of volatile enlistments. If the number of
// enlistments for a given transaction exceeds the capacity of the current array a new
// larger array will be created and the contents of the old array will be copied into it.
// Heuristic data based on TransactionType can be created to avoid this sort of copy
// operation repeatedly for a given type of transaction. So if a transaction of a specific
// type continually causes the array size to be increased the LTM could start
// allocating a larger array initially for transactions of that type.
internal InternalEnlistment? _durableEnlistment;
internal VolatileEnlistmentSet _phase0Volatiles;
internal VolatileEnlistmentSet _phase1Volatiles;
// This member stores the number of phase 0 volatiles for the last wave
internal int _phase0VolatileWaveCount;
// These members are used for promoted waves of dependent blocking clones. The Ltm
// does not register individually for each blocking clone created in phase 0. Instead
// it multiplexes a single phase 0 blocking clone only created after phase 0 has started.
internal OletxDependentTransaction? _phase0WaveDependentClone;
internal int _phase0WaveDependentCloneCount;
// These members are used for keeping track of aborting dependent clones if we promote
// BEFORE we get an aborting dependent clone or a Ph1 volatile enlistment. If we
// promote before we get either of these, then we never create a Ph1 volatile enlistment
// on the distributed TM. If we promote AFTER an aborting dependent clone or Ph1 volatile
// enlistment is created, then we create a Ph1 volatile enlistment on the distributed TM
// as part of promotion, so these won't be used. In that case, the Ph1 volatile enlistment
// on the distributed TM takes care of checking to make sure all the aborting dependent
// clones have completed as part of its Prepare processing. These are used in conjunction with
// phase1volatiles.dependentclones.
internal OletxDependentTransaction? _abortingDependentClone;
internal int _abortingDependentCloneCount;
// When the size of the volatile enlistment array grows increase it by this amount.
internal const int VolatileArrayIncrement = 8;
// Data maintained for TransactionTable participation
internal Bucket? _tableBucket;
internal int _bucketIndex;
// Delegate to fire on transaction completion
internal TransactionCompletedEventHandler? _transactionCompletedDelegate;
// If this transaction get's promoted keep a reference to the promoted transaction
private OletxTransaction? _promotedTransaction;
internal OletxTransaction? PromotedTransaction
get => _promotedTransaction;
Debug.Assert(_promotedTransaction == null, "A transaction can only be promoted once!");
_promotedTransaction = value;
// If there was an exception that happened during promotion save that exception so that it
// can be used as an inner exception to the transaciton aborted exception.
internal Exception? _innerException;
// Note the number of Transaction objects supported by this object
internal int _cloneCount;
// The number of enlistments on this transaction.
internal int _enlistmentCount;
// Double-checked locking pattern requires volatile for read/write synchronization
// Manual Reset event for IAsyncResult support
internal volatile ManualResetEvent? _asyncResultEvent;
// Store the callback and state for the caller of BeginCommit
internal bool _asyncCommit;
internal AsyncCallback? _asyncCallback;
internal object? _asyncState;
// Flag to indicate if we need to be pulsed for tx completion
internal bool _needPulse;
// Store the transaction information object
internal TransactionInformation? _transactionInformation;
// Store a reference to the owning Committable Transaction
internal readonly CommittableTransaction? _committableTransaction;
// Store a reference to the outcome source
internal readonly Transaction _outcomeSource;
// Object for synchronizing access to the entire class( avoiding lock( typeof( ... )) )
private static object? s_classSyncObject;
internal Guid DistributedTxId => State!.get_Identifier(this);
private static string? s_instanceIdentifier;
internal static string InstanceIdentifier =>
LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref s_instanceIdentifier, ref s_classSyncObject, () => $"{Guid.NewGuid()}:");
// Double-checked locking pattern requires volatile for read/write synchronization
private volatile bool _traceIdentifierInited;
// The trace identifier for the internal transaction.
private TransactionTraceIdentifier _traceIdentifier;
internal TransactionTraceIdentifier TransactionTraceId
if (!_traceIdentifierInited)
lock (this)
if (!_traceIdentifierInited)
TransactionTraceIdentifier temp = new TransactionTraceIdentifier(
string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{InstanceIdentifier}{_transactionHash}"),
_traceIdentifier = temp;
_traceIdentifierInited = true;
return _traceIdentifier;
internal ITransactionPromoter? _promoter;
// This member is used to allow a PSPE enlistment to call Transaction.PSPEPromoteAndConvertToEnlistDurable when it is
// asked to promote a transaction. The value is set to true in TransactionStatePSPEOperation.PSPEPromote before the
// Promote call is made and set back to false after the call returns (or an exception is thrown). The value is
// checked for true in TransactionStatePSPEOperation.PSPEPromoteAndConvertToEnlistDurable to make sure the transaction
// is in the process of promoting via a PSPE enlistment.
internal bool _attemptingPSPEPromote;
// This is called from TransactionStatePromoted.EnterState. We assume we are promoting to MSDTC.
internal void SetPromoterTypeToMSDTC()
// The promoter type should either not yet be set or should already be TransactionInterop.PromoterTypeDtc in this case.
if ((_promoterType != Guid.Empty) && (_promoterType != TransactionInterop.PromoterTypeDtc))
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.PromoterTypeInvalid);
_promoterType = TransactionInterop.PromoterTypeDtc;
// Throws a TransactionPromotionException if the promoterType is NOT
// Guid.Empty AND NOT TransactionInterop.PromoterTypeDtc.
internal void ThrowIfPromoterTypeIsNotMSDTC()
if ((_promoterType != Guid.Empty) && (_promoterType != TransactionInterop.PromoterTypeDtc))
throw new TransactionPromotionException(SR.Format(SR.PromoterTypeUnrecognized, _promoterType.ToString()), _innerException);
// Construct an internal transaction
internal InternalTransaction(TimeSpan timeout, CommittableTransaction committableTransaction)
// Calculate the absolute timeout for this transaction
_absoluteTimeout = TransactionManager.TransactionTable.TimeoutTicks(timeout);
// Start the transaction off as active
// Until otherwise noted this transaction uses normal promotion.
_promoteState = TransactionState.TransactionStatePromoted;
// Keep a reference to the commitable transaction
_committableTransaction = committableTransaction;
_outcomeSource = committableTransaction;
// Initialize the hash
_transactionHash = TransactionManager.TransactionTable.Add(this);
// Construct an internal transaction
internal InternalTransaction(Transaction outcomeSource, OletxTransaction distributedTx)
_promotedTransaction = distributedTx;
_absoluteTimeout = long.MaxValue;
// Store the initial creater as it will be the source of outcome events
_outcomeSource = outcomeSource;
// Initialize the hash
_transactionHash = TransactionManager.TransactionTable.Add(this);
// Start the transaction off as active
// Until otherwise noted this transaction uses normal promotion.
_promoteState = TransactionState.TransactionStateNonCommittablePromoted;
// Construct an internal transaction
internal InternalTransaction(Transaction outcomeSource, ITransactionPromoter promoter)
_absoluteTimeout = long.MaxValue;
// Store the initial creater as it will be the source of outcome events
_outcomeSource = outcomeSource;
// Initialize the hash
_transactionHash = TransactionManager.TransactionTable.Add(this);
// Save the transaction promoter.
_promoter = promoter;
// This transaction starts in a special state.
// This transaction promotes through delegation
_promoteState = TransactionState.TransactionStateDelegatedSubordinate;
internal static void DistributedTransactionOutcome(InternalTransaction tx, TransactionStatus status)
FinalizedObject? fo = null;
lock (tx)
if (null == tx._innerException)
Debug.Assert(tx.PromotedTransaction != null);
tx._innerException = tx.PromotedTransaction.InnerException;
Debug.Assert(tx.State! != null);
switch (status)
case TransactionStatus.Committed:
case TransactionStatus.Aborted:
case TransactionStatus.InDoubt:
Debug.Fail("InternalTransaction.DistributedTransactionOutcome - Unexpected TransactionStatus");
fo = tx._finalizedObject;
#region Outcome Events
// Signal Waiters anyone waiting for transaction outcome.
internal void SignalAsyncCompletion()
if (_asyncCallback != null)
Monitor.Exit(this); // Don't hold a lock calling user code.
Debug.Assert(_committableTransaction != null);
// Fire completion to anyone registered for outcome
internal void FireCompletion()
TransactionCompletedEventHandler? eventHandlers = _transactionCompletedDelegate;
if (eventHandlers != null)
TransactionEventArgs args = new TransactionEventArgs();
args._transaction = _outcomeSource.InternalClone();
eventHandlers(args._transaction, args);
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose()
// Finalized Object
// This object is created if the InternalTransaction needs some kind of finalization. An
// InternalTransaction will only need finalization if it is promoted so having a finalizer
// would only hurt performance for the unpromoted case. When the Ltm does promote it creates this
// object which is finalized and will handle the necessary cleanup.
internal sealed class FinalizedObject : IDisposable
// Keep the identifier separate. Since it is a struct it won't be finalized out from under
// this object.
private readonly Guid _identifier;
private readonly InternalTransaction _internalTransaction;
internal FinalizedObject(InternalTransaction internalTransaction, Guid identifier)
_internalTransaction = internalTransaction;
_identifier = identifier;
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// We need to remove the entry for the transaction from the static
// LightweightTransactionManager.PromotedTransactionTable.
Hashtable promotedTransactionTable = TransactionManager.PromotedTransactionTable;
lock (promotedTransactionTable)
WeakReference? weakRef = (WeakReference?)promotedTransactionTable[_identifier];
if (null != weakRef)
if (weakRef.Target != null)
weakRef.Target = null;
public void Dispose()