// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Transactions.Configuration
internal static class AppSettings
private static volatile bool s_settingsInitialized;
private static readonly object s_appSettingsLock = new object();
private static bool s_includeDistributedTxIdInExceptionMessage;
private static void EnsureSettingsLoaded()
if (!s_settingsInitialized)
lock (s_appSettingsLock)
if (!s_settingsInitialized)
// TODO: Determine how to handle configuration.
// This uses System.Configuration on .NET Framework to load:
// Transactions:IncludeDistributedTransactionIdInExceptionMessage
s_includeDistributedTxIdInExceptionMessage = false;
s_settingsInitialized = true;
internal static bool IncludeDistributedTxIdInExceptionMessage
return s_includeDistributedTxIdInExceptionMessage;