1 write to _batchSize
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow (1)
Blocks\BatchBlock.cs (1)
316_batchSize = batchSize;
15 references to _batchSize
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow (15)
Blocks\BatchBlock.cs (15)
395(_batchesCompleted + (_messages.Count / _batchSize)) >= _dataflowBlockOptions.ActualMaxNumberOfGroups) 476internal int BatchSize { get { return _batchSize; } } 496_batchSize; 509bool noMoreMessages = _decliningPermanently && _messages.Count < _batchSize; 574int neededMessageCountToCompleteBatch = _batchSize - _messages.Count; 735bool fullBatch = _messages.Count >= _batchSize; 740var newBatch = new T[fullBatch ? _batchSize : _messages.Count]; 780(!allowFewerThanBatchSize && (postponed.Count < _batchSize || boundedCapacityAvailable < _batchSize))) 784poppedInitially = postponed.PopRange(postponedTemp, 0, _batchSize); 785Debug.Assert(allowFewerThanBatchSize ? poppedInitially > 0 : poppedInitially == _batchSize, 804while (reserved.Count < _batchSize) 819Debug.Assert(reserved.Count <= _batchSize, "Expected the number of reserved sources to be <= the number needed for a batch."); 852if (shouldProceedToConsume && (allowFewerThanBatchSize || reserved.Count == _batchSize)) 893itemCountNeededToCompleteBatch = _batchSize - _messages.Count;