// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Threading.RateLimiting
/// <summary>
/// Acquires leases from rate limiters in the order given. If a lease fails to be acquired (throwing or IsAcquired == false)
/// then the already acquired leases are disposed in reverse order and the failing lease is returned or the exception is thrown to user code.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ChainedPartitionedRateLimiter<TResource> : PartitionedRateLimiter<TResource>
private readonly PartitionedRateLimiter<TResource>[] _limiters;
private bool _disposed;
public ChainedPartitionedRateLimiter(PartitionedRateLimiter<TResource>[] limiters)
_limiters = (PartitionedRateLimiter<TResource>[])limiters.Clone();
public override RateLimiterStatistics? GetStatistics(TResource resource)
long lowestAvailablePermits = long.MaxValue;
long currentQueuedCount = 0;
long totalFailedLeases = 0;
long innerMostSuccessfulLeases = 0;
foreach (PartitionedRateLimiter<TResource> limiter in _limiters)
if (limiter.GetStatistics(resource) is { } statistics)
if (statistics.CurrentAvailablePermits < lowestAvailablePermits)
lowestAvailablePermits = statistics.CurrentAvailablePermits;
currentQueuedCount += statistics.CurrentQueuedCount;
totalFailedLeases += statistics.TotalFailedLeases;
innerMostSuccessfulLeases = statistics.TotalSuccessfulLeases;
return new RateLimiterStatistics()
CurrentAvailablePermits = lowestAvailablePermits,
CurrentQueuedCount = currentQueuedCount,
TotalFailedLeases = totalFailedLeases,
TotalSuccessfulLeases = innerMostSuccessfulLeases,
protected override RateLimitLease AttemptAcquireCore(TResource resource, int permitCount)
RateLimitLease[]? leases = null;
for (int i = 0; i < _limiters.Length; i++)
RateLimitLease? lease = null;
Exception? exception = null;
lease = _limiters[i].AttemptAcquire(resource, permitCount);
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
RateLimitLease? notAcquiredLease = ChainedRateLimiter.CommonAcquireLogic(exception, lease, ref leases, i, _limiters.Length);
if (notAcquiredLease is not null)
return notAcquiredLease;
return new CombinedRateLimitLease(leases!);
protected override async ValueTask<RateLimitLease> AcquireAsyncCore(TResource resource, int permitCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
RateLimitLease[]? leases = null;
for (int i = 0; i < _limiters.Length; i++)
RateLimitLease? lease = null;
Exception? exception = null;
lease = await _limiters[i].AcquireAsync(resource, permitCount, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
RateLimitLease? notAcquiredLease = ChainedRateLimiter.CommonAcquireLogic(exception, lease, ref leases, i, _limiters.Length);
if (notAcquiredLease is not null)
return notAcquiredLease;
return new CombinedRateLimitLease(leases!);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
_disposed = true;
private void ThrowIfDisposed()
if (_disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(ChainedPartitionedRateLimiter<TResource>));