// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions
/// <summary>Opcodes written by <see cref="RegexWriter"/> and used by <see cref="RegexInterpreter"/> to process a regex.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <see cref="RegexInterpreterCode"/> stores an int[] containing all of the codes that make up the instructions for
/// the interpreter to process the regular expression. The array contains a packed sequence of operations,
/// each of which is an <see cref="RegexOpcode"/> stored as an int, followed immediately by all of the operands
/// required for that operation. For example, the subexpression `a{2,7}[^b]` would be represented as the sequence
/// 0 97 2 3 97 5 10 98
/// which is interpreted as:
/// 0 = opcode for Onerep (a{2, 7} is written out as a repeater for the minimum followed by a loop for the maximum minus the minimum)
/// 97 = 'a'
/// 2 = repeat count
/// 3 = opcode for Oneloop
/// 97 = 'a'
/// 5 = max iteration count
/// 10 = opcode for Notone
/// 98 = 'b'
/// </remarks>
internal enum RegexOpcode
// Primitive operations
/// <summary>Repeater of the specified character.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the repetition count.</remarks>
Onerep = 0,
/// <summary>Repeater of a single character other than the one specified.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the repetition count.</remarks>
Notonerep = 1,
/// <summary>Repeater of a single character matching the specified set</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is index into the strings table of the character class description. Operand 1 is the repetition count.</remarks>
Setrep = 2,
/// <summary>Greedy loop of the specified character.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the max iteration count.</remarks>
Oneloop = 3,
/// <summary>Greedy loop of a single character other than the one specified.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the max iteration count.</remarks>
Notoneloop = 4,
/// <summary>Greedy loop of a single character matching the specified set</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is index into the strings table of the character class description. Operand 1 is the repetition count.</remarks>
Setloop = 5,
/// <summary>Lazy loop of the specified character.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the max iteration count.</remarks>
Onelazy = 6,
/// <summary>Lazy loop of a single character other than the one specified.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the max iteration count.</remarks>
Notonelazy = 7,
/// <summary>Lazy loop of a single character matching the specified set</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is index into the strings table of the character class description. Operand 1 is the repetition count.</remarks>
Setlazy = 8,
/// <summary>Single specified character.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character.</remarks>
One = 9,
/// <summary>Single character other than the one specified.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character.</remarks>
Notone = 10,
/// <summary>Single character matching the specified set.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is index into the strings table of the character class description.</remarks>
Set = 11,
/// <summary>Multiple characters in sequence.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is index into the strings table for the string of characters.</remarks>
Multi = 12,
/// <summary>Backreference to a capture group.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the capture group number.</remarks>
Backreference = 13,
/// <summary>Beginning-of-line anchor (^ with RegexOptions.Multiline).</summary>
Bol = 14,
/// <summary>End-of-line anchor ($ with RegexOptions.Multiline).</summary>
Eol = 15,
/// <summary>Word boundary (\b).</summary>
Boundary = 16,
/// <summary>Word non-boundary (\B).</summary>
NonBoundary = 17,
/// <summary>Beginning-of-input anchor (\A).</summary>
Beginning = 18,
/// <summary>Start-of-input anchor (\G).</summary>
Start = 19,
/// <summary>End-of-input anchor (\Z).</summary>
EndZ = 20,
/// <summary>End-of-input anchor (\z).</summary>
End = 21,
/// <summary>Match nothing (fail).</summary>
Nothing = 22,
/// <summary>Word boundary (\b with RegexOptions.ECMAScript).</summary>
ECMABoundary = 41,
/// <summary>Word non-boundary (\B with RegexOptions.ECMAScript).</summary>
NonECMABoundary = 42,
/// <summary>Atomic loop of the specified character.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the max iteration count.</remarks>
Oneloopatomic = 43,
/// <summary>Atomic loop of a single character other than the one specified.</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is the character. Operand 1 is the max iteration count.</remarks>
Notoneloopatomic = 44,
/// <summary>Atomic loop of a single character matching the specified set</summary>
/// <remarks>Operand 0 is index into the strings table of the character class description. Operand 1 is the repetition count.</remarks>
Setloopatomic = 45,
/// <summary>Updates the bumpalong position to the current position.</summary>
UpdateBumpalong = 46,
// Primitive control structures
/// <summary>Lazy branch in an alternation or conditional construct.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// On first execution, the opcode records the current input position (via the tracking stack) and continues straight
/// without taking the jump. When the matching that follows fails, backtracking will occur and the saved position is restored,
/// at which point the interpreter will jump to the alternative branch (using the patched jump offset in operand 0).
/// This opcode is used to implement alternation in a non-greedy (lazy) manner.
/// </remarks>
Lazybranch = 23,
/// <summary>Branch in a quantified loop that uses a saved mark to decide whether to repeat or exit.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When executed, this opcode pops a previously saved input mark (from a <see cref="Setmark"/> or <see cref="Nullmark"/>)
/// and compares it to the current input position. If the loop's inner expression has consumed input (non-empty match), it
/// pushes updated state (saving the old mark and the current position) and jumps back (via the jump offset in operand 0)
/// to repeat the loop. If no progress has been made (empty match), it records state for backtracking and proceeds.
/// This opcode is used for greedy (non-lazy) quantified loops when no explicit counter is needed.
/// </remarks>
Branchmark = 24,
/// <summary>Lazy branch in a quantified loop that uses a saved mark.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Similar in spirit to <see cref="Branchmark"/>, this opcode is used for lazy loops.
/// It initially does not jump back to repeat the loop, preferring to let the overall match continue.
/// However, it saves the loop state so that if subsequent matching fails, backtracking will re-enter the loop body.
/// Special care is taken to handle empty matches so as to avoid infinite loops.
/// </remarks>
Lazybranchmark = 25,
/// <summary>Initialize the loop counter for a quantifier when the minimum repetition is zero.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For quantified constructs with a minimum of zero (<see cref="RegexNode.M"/> == 0), this opcode pushes a counter
/// value (-1) along with a marker (implicitly indicating no match so far) onto the grouping stack. The operand (always 0
/// in this case) is used in later comparisons within a <see cref="Branchcount"/> or <see cref="Lazybranchcount"/> opcode.
/// </remarks>
Nullcount = 26,
/// <summary>Initialize the loop counter for a quantifier with a positive minimum.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When the quantifier requires at least one match (M > 0), this opcode pushes the current input position as a marker and a
/// counter value computed as (1 - M) onto the grouping stack. This counter will be adjusted in subsequent loop iterations
/// (via <see cref="Branchcount"/> or <see cref="Lazybranchcount"/>) to decide whether the loop should continue.
/// </remarks>
Setcount = 27,
/// <summary>Greedy counted branch for quantified loops.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This opcode is used for quantified loops that require a counter. When executed, it pops the previously stored marker and counter
/// from the grouping stack, computes the difference between the current input position and the marker, and compares the counter
/// against a limit (given in operand 1). If the counter indicates that more iterations are allowed (and the inner expression consumed
/// input), it increments the counter, updates the marker with the new position, and jumps (via the jump offset in operand 0) to
/// repeat the loop. Otherwise, the interpreter continues straight. On backtracking, the previous state is restored so that a decreased
/// count may be tried.
/// </remarks>
Branchcount = 28,
/// <summary>Lazy counted branch for quantified loops.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This opcode is the lazy counterpart to <see cref="Branchcount"/>. It is used in quantified loops that use a counter and prefer
/// to exit the loop as early as possible. On initial execution it will choose the straight path (i.e. not repeating the loop) if
/// the counter is nonnegative, but if the inner expression consumed input and the counter is below the maximum (given in operand 1),
/// it will re-enter the loop on backtracking.
/// </remarks>
Lazybranchcount = 29,
/// <summary>Push a null marker into the grouping stack for quantifiers with a minimum of zero when no explicit counter is needed.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This opcode is similar to <see cref="Nullcount"/> but is used in cases where the quantified construct does not require counting;
/// it pushes a marker value (-1) onto the grouping stack to record the starting position. On backtracking, the marker is simply removed.
/// </remarks>
Nullmark = 30,
/// <summary>Push the current input position onto the grouping stack.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Used by grouping constructs (for capturing or to detect empty matches in loops), this opcode saves the current input position
/// so that later the interpreter can compare it to the current position to decide whether progress was made. It is the non-counting
/// counterpart to <see cref="Setcount"/>.
/// </remarks>
Setmark = 31,
/// <summary>Completes a capturing group.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When executed, this opcode pops a previously saved marker (the start position of the group) from the grouping stack and uses the
/// current input position as the end position. Operand 0 specifies the capture slot number. If operand 1 is not -1 then a prior capture
/// must have been made and a transfer of capture is performed. On backtracking, the capture is undone.
/// </remarks>
Capturemark = 32,
/// <summary>Recall a previously saved marker.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This opcode restores the input position from a marker saved on the grouping stack (typically via a <see cref="Setmark"/> or
/// <see cref="Nullmark"/>). It is used in lookaround constructs to revert the input position to the point where the lookaround began.
/// On backtracking, the marker is re-pushed onto the grouping stack.
/// </remarks>
Getmark = 33,
/// <summary>Mark the beginning of a non-backtracking / atomic region.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This opcode is used at the start of constructs that must not be re-entered on backtracking (such as lookahead/lookbehind or atomic groups).
/// It saves the current backtracking state (including the current tracking and crawl positions) onto the grouping stack.
/// When the region is later exited (by <see cref="Forejump"/>) the saved state is used to prevent further backtracking into the region.
/// </remarks>
Setjump = 34,
/// <summary>Restore state for a non-backtracking / atomic region on backtracking.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Used in negative lookaround constructs, this opcode pops the saved backtracking and capture state (stored by a prior <see cref="Setjump"/>)
/// and erases any changes made within the non-backtracking region. It thereby restores the state to what it was before entering the region.
/// </remarks>
Backjump = 35,
/// <summary>Finalize a non-backtracking / atomic region.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This opcode is used at the end of lookaround or atomic group constructs to commit to the current matching path.
/// It pops the saved state from the grouping stack (stored by <see cref="Setjump"/>), updates the tracking pointer (thereby
/// discarding any backtracking state from within the region), and then continues execution. On backtracking from such a region,
/// a variant of this opcode will undo any captures made.
/// </remarks>
Forejump = 36,
/// <summary>Test whether a particular backreference has already matched.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Operand 0 is the capture group number to test. When executed, if the specified group has not captured any text,
/// the match fails and control transfers to backtracking. Otherwise, execution continues. This opcode is used in conditional
/// constructs where a branch is taken only if a given capture exists.
/// </remarks>
TestBackreference = 37,
/// <summary>Unconditional jump.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Operand 0 holds the target offset. When executed, the interpreter jumps unconditionally to that location.
/// This opcode is used to implement control flow for alternation and loop constructs.
/// </remarks>
Goto = 38,
/// <summary>Halt the interpreter.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This opcode marks the end of the opcode stream. When reached, the matching process terminates and the result
/// (whether a match was found) is returned.
/// </remarks>
Stop = 40,
// Modifiers for alternate modes
/// <summary>Mask to get unmodified ordinary operator.</summary>
OperatorMask = 63,
/// <summary>Indicates that we're reverse scanning.</summary>
RightToLeft = 64,
/// <summary>Indicates that we're backtracking.</summary>
Backtracking = 128,
/// <summary>Indicates that we're backtracking on a second branch.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// In patterns with alternations or complex quantifiers, multiple backtracking paths may be available.
/// This flag marks opcodes that are being processed on an alternate (or secondary) branch during backtracking,
/// as opposed to the primary branch. The interpreter uses this flag to apply specialized state restoration
/// or branch-selection logic when reverting from one branch to another.
/// </remarks>
BacktrackingSecond = 256,
/// <summary>Indicates that we're case-insensitive.</summary>
CaseInsensitive = 512,