5 instantiations of Node
System.Text.RegularExpressions (5)
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Symbolic\DoublyLinkedList.cs (5)
33_first = _last = new Node(elem); 92_first = new(elem); 98_last = _last.Next = new Node(elem, _last, null); 110_first = new(elem); 116_first.Prev = new(elem, null, _first);
7 references to Node
System.Text.RegularExpressions (7)
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Symbolic\DoublyLinkedList.cs (7)
21private Node? _first; 23private Node? _last; 126for (Node? current = _last; current is not null; current = current.Prev) 152public Node? Next; 153public Node? Prev; 158public Node(T elem, Node? prev, Node? next)