5 writes to _first
System.Text.RegularExpressions (5)
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Symbolic\DoublyLinkedList.cs (5)
33_first = _last = new Node(elem); 67_first = other._first; 92_first = new(elem); 110_first = new(elem); 117_first = _first.Prev;
16 references to _first
System.Text.RegularExpressions (16)
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Symbolic\DoublyLinkedList.cs (16)
44Debug.Assert(_first is not null); 47return _first.Value; 58if (other._first is null) 64if (_first is null) 67_first = other._first; 76_last.Next = other._first; 77other._first.Prev = _last; 93_last = _first; 107if (_first is null) 111_last = _first; 116_first.Prev = new(elem, null, _first); 117_first = _first.Prev; 141Debug.Assert(_first is null && _last is null, "empty list"); 146Debug.Assert(_first is not null && _last is not null && _first.Prev is null && _last.Next is null, "non-empty list");