// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
// NOTE: The logic in this file is largely a duplicate of logic in RegexCompiler, emitting C# instead of MSIL.
// Most changes made to this file should be kept in sync, so far as bug fixes and relevant optimizations
// are concerned.
#pragma warning disable CA1861 // Avoid constant arrays as arguments.
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Generator
public partial class RegexGenerator
/// <summary>Escapes '&', '<' and '>' characters. We aren't using HtmlEncode as that would also escape single and double quotes.</summary>
private static string EscapeXmlComment(string text) =>
text.Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">");
/// <summary>Emits the definition of the partial method. This method just delegates to the property cache on the generated Regex-derived type.</summary>
private static void EmitRegexPartialMethod(RegexMethod regexMethod, IndentedTextWriter writer)
// Emit the namespace.
RegexType? parent = regexMethod.DeclaringType;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parent.Namespace))
writer.WriteLine($"namespace {parent.Namespace}");
// Emit containing types.
var parentClasses = new Stack<string>();
while (parent is not null)
parentClasses.Push($"partial {parent.Keyword} {parent.Name}");
parent = parent.Parent;
while (parentClasses.Count != 0)
// Emit the partial method definition.
writer.WriteLine($"/// <remarks>");
writer.WriteLine($"/// Pattern:<br/>");
writer.WriteLine($"/// <code>{EscapeXmlComment(Literal(regexMethod.Pattern, quote: false))}</code><br/>");
if (regexMethod.Options != RegexOptions.None)
writer.WriteLine($"/// Options:<br/>");
writer.WriteLine($"/// <code>{Literal(regexMethod.Options)}</code><br/>");
writer.WriteLine($"/// Explanation:<br/>");
writer.WriteLine($"/// <code>");
DescribeExpressionAsXmlComment(writer, regexMethod.Tree.Root.Child(0), regexMethod); // skip implicit root capture
writer.WriteLine($"/// </code>");
writer.WriteLine($"/// </remarks>");
writer.Write($"{regexMethod.Modifiers} global::System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex{(regexMethod.NullableRegex ? "?" : "")} {regexMethod.MemberName}");
if (!regexMethod.IsProperty)
writer.WriteLine($" => global::{GeneratedNamespace}.{regexMethod.GeneratedName}.Instance;");
// Unwind all scopes
while (writer.Indent != 0)
/// <summary>Emits the Regex-derived type for a method where we're unable to generate custom code.</summary>
private static void EmitRegexLimitedBoilerplate(
IndentedTextWriter writer, RegexMethod rm, string reason, LanguageVersion langVer)
string visibility;
if (langVer >= LanguageVersion.CSharp11)
visibility = "file";
writer.WriteLine($"/// <summary>Caches a <see cref=\"Regex\"/> instance for the {rm.MemberName} method.</summary>");
visibility = "internal";
writer.WriteLine($"/// <summary>This class supports generated regexes and should not be used by other code directly.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($"/// <remarks>A custom Regex-derived type could not be generated because {reason}.</remarks>");
writer.WriteLine($"{visibility} sealed class {rm.GeneratedName} : Regex");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.</summary>");
writer.Write($" internal static readonly Regex Instance = ");
rm.MatchTimeout is not null ? $"new({Literal(rm.Pattern)}, {Literal(rm.Options)}, {GetTimeoutExpression(rm.MatchTimeout.Value)});" :
rm.Options != 0 ? $"new({Literal(rm.Pattern)}, {Literal(rm.Options)});" :
/// <summary>Name of the helper type field that indicates the process-wide default timeout.</summary>
private const string DefaultTimeoutFieldName = "s_defaultTimeout";
/// <summary>Name of the helper type field that indicates whether <see cref="DefaultTimeoutFieldName"/> is non-infinite.</summary>
private const string HasDefaultTimeoutFieldName = "s_hasTimeout";
/// <summary>Emits the Regex-derived type for a method whose RunnerFactory implementation was generated into <paramref name="runnerFactoryImplementation"/>.</summary>
private static void EmitRegexDerivedImplementation(
IndentedTextWriter writer, RegexMethod rm, string runnerFactoryImplementation, bool allowUnsafe)
writer.WriteLine($"/// <summary>Custom <see cref=\"Regex\"/>-derived type for the {rm.MemberName} method.</summary>");
if (allowUnsafe)
writer.WriteLine($"file sealed class {rm.GeneratedName} : Regex");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($" internal static readonly {rm.GeneratedName} Instance = new();");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Initializes the instance.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($" private {rm.GeneratedName}()");
writer.WriteLine($" {{");
writer.WriteLine($" base.pattern = {Literal(rm.Pattern)};");
writer.WriteLine($" base.roptions = {Literal(rm.Options)};");
if (rm.MatchTimeout is not null)
writer.WriteLine($" base.internalMatchTimeout = {GetTimeoutExpression(rm.MatchTimeout.Value)};");
writer.WriteLine($" ValidateMatchTimeout({HelpersTypeName}.{DefaultTimeoutFieldName});");
writer.WriteLine($" base.internalMatchTimeout = {HelpersTypeName}.{DefaultTimeoutFieldName};");
writer.WriteLine($" base.factory = new RunnerFactory();");
if (rm.Tree.CaptureNumberSparseMapping is not null)
writer.Write(" base.Caps = new Hashtable {");
AppendHashtableContents(writer, rm.Tree.CaptureNumberSparseMapping.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().OrderBy(de => de.Key as int?));
writer.WriteLine($" }};");
if (rm.Tree.CaptureNameToNumberMapping is not null)
writer.Write(" base.CapNames = new Hashtable {");
AppendHashtableContents(writer, rm.Tree.CaptureNameToNumberMapping.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().OrderBy(de => de.Key as string, StringComparer.Ordinal));
writer.WriteLine($" }};");
if (rm.Tree.CaptureNames is not null)
writer.Write(" base.capslist = new string[] {");
string separator = "";
foreach (string s in rm.Tree.CaptureNames)
separator = ", ";
writer.WriteLine($" }};");
writer.WriteLine($" base.capsize = {rm.Tree.CaptureCount};");
writer.WriteLine($" }}");
static void AppendHashtableContents(IndentedTextWriter writer, IEnumerable<DictionaryEntry> contents)
string separator = "";
foreach (DictionaryEntry en in contents)
separator = ", ";
writer.Write(" { ");
if (en.Key is int key)
writer.Write($", {en.Value} }} ");
/// <summary>Emits the code for the RunnerFactory. This is the actual logic for the regular expression.</summary>
private static void EmitRegexDerivedTypeRunnerFactory(IndentedTextWriter writer, RegexMethod rm, Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers, bool checkOverflow)
void EnterCheckOverflow()
if (checkOverflow)
void ExitCheckOverflow()
if (checkOverflow)
writer.WriteLine($"/// <summary>Provides a factory for creating <see cref=\"RegexRunner\"/> instances to be used by methods on <see cref=\"Regex\"/>.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($"private sealed class RunnerFactory : RegexRunnerFactory");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Creates an instance of a <see cref=\"RegexRunner\"/> used by methods on <see cref=\"Regex\"/>.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($" protected override RegexRunner CreateInstance() => new Runner();");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($" private sealed class Runner : RegexRunner");
writer.WriteLine($" {{");
if (rm.MatchTimeout is null)
// We need to emit timeout checks for everything other than the developer explicitly setting Timeout.Infinite.
// In the common case where a timeout isn't specified, we need to at run-time check whether a process-wide
// default timeout has been specified, so we emit a static readonly TimeSpan to store the default value
// and a static readonly bool to store whether that value is non-infinite (the latter enables the JIT
// to remove all timeout checks as part of tiering if the default is infinite).
const string DefaultTimeoutHelpers = nameof(DefaultTimeoutHelpers);
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(DefaultTimeoutHelpers))
$"/// <summary>Default timeout value set in <see cref=\"AppContext\"/>, or <see cref=\"Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout\"/> if none was set.</summary>",
$"internal static readonly TimeSpan {DefaultTimeoutFieldName} = AppContext.GetData(\"REGEX_DEFAULT_MATCH_TIMEOUT\") is TimeSpan timeout ? timeout : Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout;",
$"/// <summary>Whether <see cref=\"{DefaultTimeoutFieldName}\"/> is non-infinite.</summary>",
$"internal static readonly bool {HasDefaultTimeoutFieldName} = {DefaultTimeoutFieldName} != Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout;",
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Scan the <paramref name=\"inputSpan\"/> starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <param name=\"inputSpan\">The text being scanned by the regular expression.</param>");
writer.WriteLine($" protected override void Scan(ReadOnlySpan<char> inputSpan)");
writer.WriteLine($" {{");
writer.Indent += 3;
(bool needsTryFind, bool needsTryMatch) = EmitScan(writer, rm);
writer.Indent -= 3;
writer.WriteLine($" }}");
if (needsTryFind)
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Search <paramref name=\"inputSpan\"/> starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <param name=\"inputSpan\">The text being scanned by the regular expression.</param>");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <returns>true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.</returns>");
writer.WriteLine($" private bool TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition(ReadOnlySpan<char> inputSpan)");
writer.WriteLine($" {{");
writer.Indent += 3;
EmitTryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition(writer, rm, requiredHelpers, checkOverflow);
writer.Indent -= 3;
writer.WriteLine($" }}");
if (needsTryMatch)
writer.WriteLine($" /// <summary>Determine whether <paramref name=\"inputSpan\"/> at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.</summary>");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <param name=\"inputSpan\">The text being scanned by the regular expression.</param>");
writer.WriteLine($" /// <returns>true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.</returns>");
writer.WriteLine($" private bool TryMatchAtCurrentPosition(ReadOnlySpan<char> inputSpan)");
writer.WriteLine($" {{");
writer.Indent += 3;
EmitTryMatchAtCurrentPosition(writer, rm, requiredHelpers, checkOverflow);
writer.Indent -= 3;
writer.WriteLine($" }}");
writer.WriteLine($" }}");
/// <summary>Gets a C# expression representing the specified timeout value.</summary>
private static string GetTimeoutExpression(int matchTimeout) =>
matchTimeout == Timeout.Infinite ?
"Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout" :
/// <summary>Adds the IsWordChar helper to the required helpers collection.</summary>
private static void AddIsWordCharHelper(Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers)
const string IsWordChar = nameof(IsWordChar);
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(IsWordChar))
"/// <summary>Determines whether the character is part of the [\\w] set.</summary>",
"internal static bool IsWordChar(char ch)",
" // Mask of Unicode categories that combine to form [\\w]",
" const int WordCategoriesMask =",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter |",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter |",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter |",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter |",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter |",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark |",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber |",
" 1 << (int)UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation;",
" // Bitmap for whether each character 0 through 127 is in [\\w]",
" ReadOnlySpan<byte> ascii = new byte[]",
" {",
" 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x03,",
" 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x07",
" };",
" // If the char is ASCII, look it up in the bitmap. Otherwise, query its Unicode category.",
" int chDiv8 = ch >> 3;",
" return (uint)chDiv8 < (uint)ascii.Length ?",
" (ascii[chDiv8] & (1 << (ch & 0x7))) != 0 :",
" (WordCategoriesMask & (1 << (int)CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(ch))) != 0;",
/// <summary>Adds the IsBoundary helper to the required helpers collection.</summary>
private static void AddIsBoundaryHelper(Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers, bool checkOverflow)
const string IsBoundary = nameof(IsBoundary);
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(IsBoundary))
string uncheckedKeyword = checkOverflow ? "unchecked" : "";
$"/// <summary>Determines whether the specified index is a boundary.</summary>",
$"internal static bool IsBoundary(ReadOnlySpan<char> inputSpan, int index)",
$" int indexMinus1 = index - 1;",
$" return {uncheckedKeyword}((uint)indexMinus1 < (uint)inputSpan.Length && IsBoundaryWordChar(inputSpan[indexMinus1])) !=",
$" {uncheckedKeyword}((uint)index < (uint)inputSpan.Length && IsBoundaryWordChar(inputSpan[index]));",
$" static bool IsBoundaryWordChar(char ch) => IsWordChar(ch) || (ch == '\\u200C' | ch == '\\u200D');",
/// <summary>Adds the IsECMABoundary helper to the required helpers collection.</summary>
private static void AddIsECMABoundaryHelper(Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers, bool checkOverflow)
const string IsECMABoundary = nameof(IsECMABoundary);
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(IsECMABoundary))
string uncheckedKeyword = checkOverflow ? "unchecked" : "";
$"/// <summary>Determines whether the specified index is a boundary (ECMAScript).</summary>",
$"internal static bool IsECMABoundary(ReadOnlySpan<char> inputSpan, int index)",
$" int indexMinus1 = index - 1;",
$" return {uncheckedKeyword}((uint)indexMinus1 < (uint)inputSpan.Length && IsECMAWordChar(inputSpan[indexMinus1])) !=",
$" {uncheckedKeyword}((uint)index < (uint)inputSpan.Length && IsECMAWordChar(inputSpan[index]));",
$" static bool IsECMAWordChar(char ch) =>",
$" char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit(ch) ||",
$" ch == '_' ||",
$" ch == '\\u0130'; // latin capital letter I with dot above",
/// <summary>Adds a SearchValues instance declaration to the required helpers collection if the chars are ASCII.</summary>
private static string EmitSearchValuesOrLiteral(ReadOnlySpan<char> chars, Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers)
Debug.Assert(chars.Length > 3);
// IndexOfAny(SearchValues) is faster than a regular IndexOfAny("abcd") if:
// - There are more than 5 characters in the needle, or
// - There are only 4 or 5 characters in the needle and they're all ASCII.
return chars.Length > 5 || RegexCharClass.IsAscii(chars)
? EmitSearchValues(chars.ToArray(), requiredHelpers)
: Literal(chars.ToString());
/// <summary>Adds a SearchValues instance declaration to the required helpers collection.</summary>
private static string EmitSearchValues(char[] chars, Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers, string? fieldName = null)
if (fieldName is null)
if (RegexCharClass.IsAscii(chars))
// The set of ASCII characters can be represented as a 128-bit bitmap. Use the 16-byte hex string as the key.
var bitmap = new byte[16];
foreach (char c in chars)
bitmap[c >> 3] |= (byte)(1 << (c & 7));
string hexBitmap = ToHexStringNoDashes(bitmap);
fieldName = hexBitmap switch
"FFFFFFFF000000000000000000000080" => "s_asciiControl",
"000000000000FF030000000000000000" => "s_asciiDigits",
"0000000000000000FEFFFF07FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLetters",
"000000000000FF03FEFFFF07FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigits",
"000000000000FF037E0000007E000000" => "s_asciiHexDigits",
"000000000000FF03000000007E000000" => "s_asciiHexDigitsLower",
"000000000000FF037E00000000000000" => "s_asciiHexDigitsUpper",
"00000000EEF7008C010000B800000028" => "s_asciiPunctuation",
"00000000010000000000000000000000" => "s_asciiSeparators",
"00000000100800700000004001000050" => "s_asciiSymbols",
"003E0000010000000000000000000000" => "s_asciiWhiteSpace",
"000000000000FF03FEFFFF87FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiWordChars",
"00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7F" => "s_asciiExceptControl",
"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF010000F8010000F8" => "s_asciiExceptLetters",
"FFFFFFFFFFFF00FC010000F8010000F8" => "s_asciiExceptLettersAndDigits",
"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF010000F8" => "s_asciiExceptLower",
"FFFFFFFF1108FF73FEFFFF47FFFFFFD7" => "s_asciiExceptPunctuation",
"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF010000F8FFFFFFFF" => "s_asciiExceptUpper",
"FFFFFFFFFFFF00FC01000078010000F8" => "s_asciiExceptWordChars",
"000000000040FF03FEFFFF07FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDot",
"000000000020FF03FEFFFF07FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDash",
"000000000060FF03FEFFFF07FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDashDot",
"000000000040FF03FEFFFF87FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDotUnderscore",
"000000000020FF03FEFFFF87FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDashUnderscore",
"000000000060FF03FEFFFF87FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDashDotUnderscore",
"000000000040FF030000000000000000" => "s_asciiDigitsAndDot",
"000000000020FF030000000000000000" => "s_asciiDigitsAndDash",
"0000000000200000FEFFFF07FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndDash",
"0000000000000000FEFFFF87FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersAndUnderscore",
"000000000000FF0300000000FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersLowerAndDigits",
"000000000000FF03FEFFFF0700000000" => "s_asciiLettersUpperAndDigits",
"000000000020FF0300000000FEFFFF07" => "s_asciiLettersLowerAndDigitsAndDash",
_ => $"s_ascii_{hexBitmap.TrimStart('0')}"
fieldName = GetSHA256FieldName("s_nonAscii_", new string(chars));
fieldName = fieldName switch
"s_nonAscii_326E1FD0AD567A84CAD13F2BE521A57789829F59D59ABE37F9E111D0182B6601" => "s_asciiLettersAndKelvinSign",
"s_nonAscii_46E3FAA2E94950B9D41E9AB1B570CAB55D04A30009110072B4BC074D57272527" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndKelvinSign",
"s_nonAscii_2D5586687DC37F0329E3CA4127326E68B5A3A090B13B7834AEA7BFC4EDDE220F" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDashKelvinSign",
"s_nonAscii_83AFA3CC45CC4C2D8C316947CFC319199813C7F90226BDF348E2B3236D6237C1" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDashDotKelvinSign",
"s_nonAscii_9FA52D3BAECB644578472387D5284CC6F36F408FEB88A04BA674CE14F24D2386" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndUnderscoreKelvinSign",
"s_nonAscii_D41BEF0BEAFBA32A45D2356E3F1579596F35B7C67CAA9CF7C4B3F2A5422DCA51" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDashUnderscoreKelvinSign",
"s_nonAscii_0D7E5600013B3F0349C00277028B6DEA566BB9BAF991CCB7AC92DEC54C4544C1" => "s_asciiLettersAndDigitsAndDashDotUnderscoreKelvinSign",
_ => fieldName
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(fieldName))
string setLiteral = Literal(new string(chars));
$"/// <summary>Supports searching for characters in or not in {EscapeXmlComment(setLiteral)}.</summary>",
$"internal static readonly SearchValues<char> {fieldName} = SearchValues.Create({setLiteral});",
return $"{HelpersTypeName}.{fieldName}";
private static string EmitIndexOfAnyCustomHelper(string set, Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers, bool checkOverflow)
// In order to optimize the search for ASCII characters, we use SearchValues to vectorize a search
// for those characters plus anything non-ASCII (if we find something non-ASCII, we'll fall back to
// a sequential walk). In order to do that search, we actually build up a set for all of the ASCII
// characters _not_ contained in the set, and then do a search for the inverse of that, which will be
// all of the target ASCII characters and all of non-ASCII.
var excludedAsciiChars = new List<char>();
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (!RegexCharClass.CharInClass((char)i, set))
// If this is a known set, use a predetermined simple name for the helper.
string? helperName = set switch
RegexCharClass.DigitClass => "IndexOfAnyDigit",
RegexCharClass.ControlClass => "IndexOfAnyControl",
RegexCharClass.LetterClass => "IndexOfAnyLetter",
RegexCharClass.LetterOrDigitClass => "IndexOfAnyLetterOrDigit",
RegexCharClass.LowerClass => "IndexOfAnyLower",
RegexCharClass.NumberClass => "IndexOfAnyNumber",
RegexCharClass.PunctuationClass => "IndexOfAnyPunctuation",
RegexCharClass.SeparatorClass => "IndexOfAnySeparator",
RegexCharClass.SpaceClass => "IndexOfAnyWhiteSpace",
RegexCharClass.SymbolClass => "IndexOfAnySymbol",
RegexCharClass.UpperClass => "IndexOfAnyUpper",
RegexCharClass.WordClass => "IndexOfAnyWordChar",
RegexCharClass.NotDigitClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptDigit",
RegexCharClass.NotControlClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptControl",
RegexCharClass.NotLetterClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptLetter",
RegexCharClass.NotLetterOrDigitClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptLetterOrDigit",
RegexCharClass.NotLowerClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptLower",
RegexCharClass.NotNumberClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptNumber",
RegexCharClass.NotPunctuationClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptPunctuation",
RegexCharClass.NotSeparatorClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptSeparator",
RegexCharClass.NotSpaceClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptWhiteSpace",
RegexCharClass.NotSymbolClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptSymbol",
RegexCharClass.NotUpperClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptUpper",
RegexCharClass.NotWordClass => "IndexOfAnyExceptWordChar",
_ => null,
// If this set is just from a few Unicode categories, derive a name from the categories.
if (helperName is null)
Span<UnicodeCategory> categories = stackalloc UnicodeCategory[5]; // arbitrary limit to keep names from being too unwieldy
if (RegexCharClass.TryGetOnlyCategories(set, categories, out int numCategories, out bool negatedCategory))
helperName = $"IndexOfAny{(negatedCategory ? "Except" : "")}{string.Concat(categories.Slice(0, numCategories).ToArray().Select(c => c.ToString()))}";
// As a final fallback, manufacture a name unique to the full set description.
helperName ??= GetSHA256FieldName("IndexOfNonAsciiOrAny_", set);
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(helperName))
var additionalDeclarations = new HashSet<string>();
string matchExpr = MatchCharacterClass("span[i]", set, negate: false, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers);
var lines = new List<string>();
lines.Add($"/// <summary>Finds the next index of any character that matches {EscapeXmlComment(DescribeSet(set))}.</summary>");
lines.Add($"internal static int {helperName}(this ReadOnlySpan<char> span)");
int uncheckedStart = lines.Count;
lines.Add(excludedAsciiChars.Count == 128 ? $" int i = span.IndexOfAnyExceptInRange('\\0', '\\u007f');" : // no ASCII is in the set
excludedAsciiChars.Count == 0 ? $" int i = 0;" : // all ASCII is in the set
$" int i = span.IndexOfAnyExcept({EmitSearchValues(excludedAsciiChars.ToArray(), requiredHelpers)});");
lines.Add($" if ((uint)i < (uint)span.Length)");
lines.Add($" {{");
if (excludedAsciiChars.Count is not (0 or 128))
lines.Add($" if (char.IsAscii(span[i]))");
lines.Add($" {{");
lines.Add($" return i;");
lines.Add($" }}");
if (additionalDeclarations.Count > 0)
lines.AddRange(additionalDeclarations.Select(s => $" {s}"));
lines.Add($" do");
lines.Add($" {{");
lines.Add($" if ({matchExpr})");
lines.Add($" {{");
lines.Add($" return i;");
lines.Add($" }}");
lines.Add($" i++;");
lines.Add($" }}");
lines.Add($" while ((uint)i < (uint)span.Length);");
lines.Add($" }}");
lines.Add($" return -1;");
if (checkOverflow)
lines.Insert(uncheckedStart, " unchecked");
lines.Insert(uncheckedStart + 1, " {");
for (int i = uncheckedStart + 2; i < lines.Count - 1; i++)
lines[i] = $" {lines[i]}";
lines.Insert(lines.Count - 1, " }");
requiredHelpers.Add(helperName, lines.ToArray());
return helperName;
/// <summary>Emits the body of the Scan method override.</summary>
private static (bool NeedsTryFind, bool NeedsTryMatch) EmitScan(IndentedTextWriter writer, RegexMethod rm)
bool rtl = (rm.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
bool needsTryFind = false, needsTryMatch = false;
RegexNode root = rm.Tree.Root.Child(0);
// We can always emit our most general purpose scan loop, but there are common situations we can easily check
// for where we can emit simpler/better code instead.
if (root.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Empty)
// Emit a capture for the current position of length 0. This is rare to see with a real-world pattern,
// but it's very common as part of exploring the source generator, because it's what you get when you
// start out with an empty pattern.
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern matches the empty string.");
writer.WriteLine($"int pos = base.runtextpos;");
writer.WriteLine($"base.Capture(0, pos, pos);");
else if (root.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Nothing)
// Emit nothing. This is rare in production and not something to we need optimize for, but as with
// empty, it's helpful as a learning exposition tool.
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern never matches anything.");
else if (root.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Multi or RegexNodeKind.One or RegexNodeKind.Notone or RegexNodeKind.Set)
// If the whole expression is just one or more characters, we can rely on the FindOptimizations spitting out
// an IndexOf that will find the exact sequence or not, and we don't need to do additional checking beyond that.
needsTryFind = true;
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition(inputSpan))"))
writer.WriteLine("// The search in TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition performed the entire match.");
writer.WriteLine($"int start = base.runtextpos;");
writer.WriteLine($"int end = base.runtextpos = start {(!rtl ? "+" : "-")} {(root.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Multi ? root.Str!.Length : 1)};");
writer.WriteLine($"base.Capture(0, start, end);");
else if (rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.FindMode is
FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Beginning or
FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Start or
FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Start or
// If the expression is anchored in such a way that there's one and only one possible position that can match,
// we don't need a scan loop, just a single check and match.
needsTryFind = needsTryMatch = true;
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern is anchored. Validate the current position and try to match at it only.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition(inputSpan) && !TryMatchAtCurrentPosition(inputSpan))"))
writer.WriteLine($"base.runtextpos = {(!rtl ? "inputSpan.Length" : "0")};");
// Emit the general purpose scan loop. At this point, we always need TryMatchAtCurrentPosition. If we have any
// information that will enable TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition to help narrow down the search, we need it,
// too, but otherwise it can be skipped.
needsTryMatch = true;
needsTryFind =
rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.FindMode != FindNextStartingPositionMode.NoSearch ||
rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength != 0 ||
rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.LeadingAnchor != RegexNodeKind.Unknown ||
rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.TrailingAnchor != RegexNodeKind.Unknown;
writer.WriteLine("// Search until we can't find a valid starting position, we find a match, or we reach the end of the input.");
writer.Write("while (");
if (needsTryFind)
writer.WriteLine("TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition(inputSpan) &&");
writer.Write(" ");
writer.WriteLine("!TryMatchAtCurrentPosition(inputSpan) &&");
writer.WriteLine($" base.runtextpos != {(!rtl ? "inputSpan.Length" : "0")})");
using (EmitBlock(writer, null))
writer.WriteLine($"base.runtextpos{(!rtl ? "++" : "--")};");
// Check the timeout at least once per failed starting location, as finding the next location and
// attempting a match at that location could do work at least linear in the length of the input.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm, appendNewLineIfTimeoutEmitted: false);
return (needsTryFind, needsTryMatch);
/// <summary>Emits the body of the TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition.</summary>
private static void EmitTryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition(IndentedTextWriter writer, RegexMethod rm, Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers, bool checkOverflow)
RegexOptions options = rm.Options;
RegexTree regexTree = rm.Tree;
bool rtl = (options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
// In some cases, we need to emit declarations at the beginning of the method, but we only discover we need them later.
// To handle that, we build up a collection of all the declarations to include, track where they should be inserted,
// and then insert them at that position once everything else has been output.
var additionalDeclarations = new HashSet<string>();
// Emit locals initialization
writer.WriteLine("int pos = base.runtextpos;");
int additionalDeclarationsPosition = ((StringWriter)writer.InnerWriter).GetStringBuilder().Length;
int additionalDeclarationsIndent = writer.Indent;
const string NoMatchFound = "NoMatchFound";
bool findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue = false;
bool noMatchFoundLabelNeeded = false;
// Generate length check. If the input isn't long enough to possibly match, fail quickly.
// It's rare for min required length to be 0, so we don't bother special-casing the check,
// especially since we want the "return false" code regardless.
int minRequiredLength = rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength;
Debug.Assert(minRequiredLength >= 0);
FinishEmitBlock clause = default;
if (minRequiredLength > 0)
writer.WriteLine(minRequiredLength == 1 ?
"// Empty matches aren't possible." :
$"// Any possible match is at least {minRequiredLength} characters.");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, (minRequiredLength, rtl) switch
(1, false) => "if ((uint)pos < (uint)inputSpan.Length)",
(_, false) => $"if (pos <= inputSpan.Length - {minRequiredLength})",
(1, true) => "if (pos > 0)",
(_, true) => $"if (pos >= {minRequiredLength})",
using (clause)
// Emit any anchors.
if (!EmitAnchors())
// Either anchors weren't specified, or they don't completely root all matches to a specific location.
// Emit the code for whatever find mode has been determined.
switch (regexTree.FindOptimizations.FindMode)
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceString_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_RightToLeft:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingSet_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceSets_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingSet_RightToLeft:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LiteralAfterLoop_LeftToRight:
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected mode: {regexTree.FindOptimizations.FindMode}");
goto case FindNextStartingPositionMode.NoSearch;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.NoSearch:
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue = true;
// If the main path is guaranteed to end in a "return true;" and nothing is going to
// jump past it, we don't need a "return false;" path.
if (minRequiredLength > 0 || !findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue || noMatchFoundLabelNeeded)
writer.WriteLine("// No match found.");
if (noMatchFoundLabelNeeded)
writer.WriteLine($"base.runtextpos = {(!rtl ? "inputSpan.Length" : "0")};");
writer.WriteLine("return false;");
// We're done. Patch up any additional declarations.
InsertAdditionalDeclarations(writer, additionalDeclarations, additionalDeclarationsPosition, additionalDeclarationsIndent);
// Emit a goto for the specified label.
void Goto(string label) => writer.WriteLine($"goto {label};");
// Emits any anchors. Returns true if the anchor roots any match to a specific location and thus no further
// searching is required; otherwise, false.
bool EmitAnchors()
// Anchors that fully implement TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition, with a check that leads to immediate success or failure determination.
switch (regexTree.FindOptimizations.FindMode)
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Beginning:
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern leads with a beginning (\\A) anchor.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos == 0)"))
// If we're at the beginning, we're at a possible match location. Otherwise,
// we'll never be, so fail immediately.
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Start:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Start:
writer.Write($"// The pattern leads with a start (\\G) anchor");
if (regexTree.FindOptimizations.FindMode == FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Start)
writer.Write(" when processed right to left.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos == base.runtextstart)"))
// For both left-to-right and right-to-left, if we're currently at the start,
// we're at a possible match location. Otherwise, because we've already moved
// beyond it, we'll never be, so fail immediately.
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_EndZ:
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern leads with an end (\\Z) anchor.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos < inputSpan.Length - 1)"))
// If we're not currently at the end (or a newline just before it), skip ahead
// since nothing until then can possibly match.
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = inputSpan.Length - 1;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue = true;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_End:
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern leads with an end (\\z) anchor.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos < inputSpan.Length)"))
// If we're not currently at the end (or a newline just before it), skip ahead
// since nothing until then can possibly match.
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = inputSpan.Length;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue = true;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Beginning:
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern leads with a beginning (\\A) anchor when processed right to left.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos != 0)"))
// If we're not currently at the beginning, skip ahead (or, rather, backwards)
// since nothing until then can possibly match. (We're iterating from the end
// to the beginning in RightToLeft mode.)
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = 0;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue = true;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_EndZ:
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern leads with an end (\\Z) anchor when processed right to left.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos >= inputSpan.Length - 1 && ((uint)pos >= (uint)inputSpan.Length || inputSpan[pos] == '\\n'))"))
// If we're currently at the end, we're at a valid position to try. Otherwise,
// we'll never be (we're iterating from end to beginning), so fail immediately.
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_End:
writer.WriteLine("// The pattern leads with an end (\\z) anchor when processed right to left.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos >= inputSpan.Length)"))
// If we're currently at the end, we're at a valid position to try. Otherwise,
// we'll never be (we're iterating from end to beginning), so fail immediately.
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.TrailingAnchor_FixedLength_LeftToRight_EndZ:
// Jump to the end, minus the min required length, which in this case is actually the fixed length, minus 1 (for a possible ending \n).
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern has a trailing end (\\Z) anchor, and any possible match is exactly {regexTree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength} characters.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos < inputSpan.Length - {regexTree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength + 1})"))
writer.WriteLine($"base.runtextpos = inputSpan.Length - {regexTree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength + 1};");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue = true;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.TrailingAnchor_FixedLength_LeftToRight_End:
// Jump to the end, minus the min required length, which in this case is actually the fixed length.
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern has a trailing end (\\z) anchor, and any possible match is exactly {regexTree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength} characters.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos < inputSpan.Length - {regexTree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength})"))
writer.WriteLine($"base.runtextpos = inputSpan.Length - {regexTree.FindOptimizations.MinRequiredLength};");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
findEndsInAlwaysReturningTrue = true;
return true;
// Now handle anchors that boost the position but may not determine immediate success or failure.
switch (regexTree.FindOptimizations.LeadingAnchor)
case RegexNodeKind.Bol:
// Optimize the handling of a Beginning-Of-Line (BOL) anchor. BOL is special, in that unlike
// other anchors like Beginning, there are potentially multiple places a BOL can match. So unlike
// the other anchors, which all skip all subsequent processing if found, with BOL we just use it
// to boost our position to the next line, and then continue normally with any searches.
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern has a leading beginning-of-line anchor.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos > 0 && inputSpan[pos - 1] != '\\n')"))
writer.WriteLine("int newlinePos = inputSpan.Slice(pos).IndexOf('\\n');");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if ((uint)newlinePos > inputSpan.Length - pos - 1)"))
noMatchFoundLabelNeeded = true;
writer.WriteLine("pos += newlinePos + 1;");
// We've updated the position. Make sure there's still enough room in the input for a possible match.
using (EmitBlock(writer, minRequiredLength switch
0 => "if (pos > inputSpan.Length)",
1 => "if (pos >= inputSpan.Length)",
_ => $"if (pos > inputSpan.Length - {minRequiredLength})"
noMatchFoundLabelNeeded = true;
switch (regexTree.FindOptimizations.TrailingAnchor)
case RegexNodeKind.End when regexTree.FindOptimizations.MaxPossibleLength is int maxLength:
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern has a trailing end (\\z) anchor, and any possible match is no more than {maxLength} characters.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos < inputSpan.Length - {maxLength})"))
writer.WriteLine($"pos = inputSpan.Length - {maxLength};");
case RegexNodeKind.EndZ when regexTree.FindOptimizations.MaxPossibleLength is int maxLength:
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern has a trailing end (\\Z) anchor, and any possible match is no more than {maxLength} characters.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos < inputSpan.Length - {maxLength + 1})"))
writer.WriteLine($"pos = inputSpan.Length - {maxLength + 1};");
return false;
// Emits a case-sensitive left-to-right search for a substring.
void EmitIndexOfString_LeftToRight()
RegexFindOptimizations opts = regexTree.FindOptimizations;
string substring = "", stringComparison = "Ordinal", offset = "", offsetDescription = "";
switch (opts.FindMode)
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_LeftToRight:
substring = regexTree.FindOptimizations.LeadingPrefix;
offsetDescription = "at the beginning of the pattern";
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight:
substring = regexTree.FindOptimizations.LeadingPrefix;
stringComparison = "OrdinalIgnoreCase";
offsetDescription = "ordinal case-insensitive at the beginning of the pattern";
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceString_LeftToRight:
substring = regexTree.FindOptimizations.FixedDistanceLiteral.String;
if (regexTree.FindOptimizations.FixedDistanceLiteral is { Distance: > 0 } literal)
offset = $" + {literal.Distance}";
offsetDescription = $" at index {literal.Distance} in the pattern";
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected mode: {opts.FindMode}");
string substringAndComparison = $"{substring}_{stringComparison}";
string fieldName = "s_indexOfString_";
fieldName = IsValidInFieldName(substring) ?
fieldName + substringAndComparison :
GetSHA256FieldName(fieldName, substringAndComparison);
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(fieldName))
$"/// <summary>Supports searching for the string {EscapeXmlComment(Literal(substring))}.</summary>",
$"internal static readonly SearchValues<string> {fieldName} = SearchValues.Create([{Literal(substring)}], StringComparison.{stringComparison});",
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern has the literal {Literal(substring)} {offsetDescription}. Find the next occurrence.");
writer.WriteLine($"// If it can't be found, there's no match.");
writer.WriteLine($"int i = inputSpan.Slice(pos{offset}).IndexOfAny({HelpersTypeName}.{fieldName});");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (i >= 0)"))
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos + i;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
// Determines whether its ok to embed the string in the field name.
// This is the same algorithm used by Roslyn.
static bool IsValidInFieldName(string s)
foreach (char c in s)
if (char.GetUnicodeCategory(c) is not
(UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter or
UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter or
UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter or
UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter or
UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber or
UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter or
UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber or
UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation or
UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark or
UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark or
return false;
return true;
// Emits a case-sensitive left-to-right search for any one of multiple leading prefixes.
void EmitIndexOfStrings_LeftToRight()
RegexFindOptimizations opts = regexTree.FindOptimizations;
Debug.Assert(opts.FindMode is FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_LeftToRight or FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight);
string prefixes = string.Join(", ", opts.LeadingPrefixes.Select(prefix => Literal(prefix)));
StringComparison stringComparison = opts.FindMode is FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight ?
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase :
string fieldName = GetSHA256FieldName($"s_indexOfAnyStrings_{stringComparison}_", prefixes);
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(fieldName))
$"/// <summary>Supports searching for the specified strings.</summary>",
$"internal static readonly SearchValues<string> {fieldName} = SearchValues.Create([{prefixes}], StringComparison.{stringComparison});", // explicitly using an array in case prefixes is large
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern has multiple strings that could begin the match. Search for any of them.");
writer.WriteLine($"// If none can be found, there's no match.");
writer.WriteLine($"int i = inputSpan.Slice(pos).IndexOfAny({HelpersTypeName}.{fieldName});");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (i >= 0)"))
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos + i;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
// Emits a case-sensitive right-to-left search for a substring.
void EmitIndexOfString_RightToLeft()
string prefix = regexTree.FindOptimizations.LeadingPrefix;
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern begins with a literal {Literal(prefix)}. Find the next occurrence right-to-left.");
writer.WriteLine($"// If it can't be found, there's no match.");
writer.WriteLine($"pos = inputSpan.Slice(0, pos).LastIndexOf({Literal(prefix)});");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos >= 0)"))
writer.WriteLine($"base.runtextpos = pos + {prefix.Length};");
writer.WriteLine($"return true;");
// Emits a search for a set at a fixed position from the start of the pattern,
// and potentially other sets at other fixed positions in the pattern.
void EmitFixedSet_LeftToRight()
Debug.Assert(regexTree.FindOptimizations.FixedDistanceSets is { Count: > 0 });
List<RegexFindOptimizations.FixedDistanceSet>? sets = regexTree.FindOptimizations.FixedDistanceSets;
RegexFindOptimizations.FixedDistanceSet primarySet = sets![0];
const int MaxSets = 4;
int setsToUse = Math.Min(sets.Count, MaxSets);
writer.WriteLine(primarySet.Distance == 0 ?
$"// The pattern begins with {DescribeSet(primarySet.Set)}." :
$"// The pattern matches {DescribeSet(primarySet.Set)} at index {primarySet.Distance}.");
writer.WriteLine($"// Find the next occurrence. If it can't be found, there's no match.");
// Use IndexOf{Any} to accelerate the skip loop via vectorization to match the first prefix.
// But we avoid using it for the relatively common case of the starting set being '.', aka anything other than
// a newline, as it's very rare to have long, uninterrupted sequences of newlines. And we avoid using it
// for the case of the starting set being anything (e.g. '.' with SingleLine), as in that case it'll always match
// the first char.
int setIndex = 0;
bool canUseIndexOf =
primarySet.Set != RegexCharClass.NotNewLineClass &&
primarySet.Set != RegexCharClass.AnyClass;
bool needLoop = !canUseIndexOf || setsToUse > 1;
FinishEmitBlock loopBlock = default;
if (needLoop)
writer.WriteLine("ReadOnlySpan<char> span = inputSpan.Slice(pos);");
string upperBound = "span.Length" + (setsToUse > 1 || primarySet.Distance != 0 ? $" - {minRequiredLength - 1}" : "");
loopBlock = EmitBlock(writer, $"for (int i = 0; i < {upperBound}; i++)");
if (canUseIndexOf)
string span = needLoop ?
"span" :
span = (needLoop, primarySet.Distance) switch
(false, 0) => span,
(true, 0) => $"{span}.Slice(i)",
(false, _) => $"{span}.Slice({primarySet.Distance})",
(true, _) => $"{span}.Slice(i + {primarySet.Distance})",
// Get the IndexOf* expression to use to perform the search.
string indexOf;
if (primarySet.Chars is not null)
Debug.Assert(primarySet.Chars.Length > 0);
// We have a chars array, so we can use IndexOf{Any}{Except} to search for it. Choose the best overload.
string indexOfName = "IndexOf", indexOfAnyName = "IndexOfAny";
if (primarySet.Negated)
indexOfName = indexOfAnyName = "IndexOfAnyExcept";
indexOf = primarySet.Chars.Length switch
// 1, 2, 3 have dedicated optimized IndexOfAny overloads
1 => $"{span}.{indexOfName}({Literal(primarySet.Chars[0])})",
2 => $"{span}.{indexOfAnyName}({Literal(primarySet.Chars[0])}, {Literal(primarySet.Chars[1])})",
3 => $"{span}.{indexOfAnyName}({Literal(primarySet.Chars[0])}, {Literal(primarySet.Chars[1])}, {Literal(primarySet.Chars[2])})",
// 4, 5 have dedicated optimized IndexOfAny overloads accessible via the ReadOnlySpan<char> overload,
// but can also be handled via SearchValues
4 or 5 => $"{span}.{indexOfAnyName}({EmitSearchValuesOrLiteral(primarySet.Chars, requiredHelpers)})",
// > 5 can only be handled efficiently via SearchValues
_ => $"{span}.{indexOfAnyName}({EmitSearchValues(primarySet.Chars, requiredHelpers)})",
else if (primarySet.Range is not null)
// We have a range, so we can use IndexOfAny{Except}InRange to search for it. In the corner case,
// where we end up with a set of a single char, we can use IndexOf instead.
indexOf = (primarySet.Range.Value.LowInclusive == primarySet.Range.Value.HighInclusive, primarySet.Negated) switch
(false, false) => $"{span}.IndexOfAnyInRange({Literal(primarySet.Range.Value.LowInclusive)}, {Literal(primarySet.Range.Value.HighInclusive)})",
(true, false) => $"{span}.IndexOf({Literal(primarySet.Range.Value.LowInclusive)})",
(false, true) => $"{span}.IndexOfAnyExceptInRange({Literal(primarySet.Range.Value.LowInclusive)}, {Literal(primarySet.Range.Value.HighInclusive)})",
(true, true) => $"{span}.IndexOfAnyExcept({Literal(primarySet.Range.Value.LowInclusive)})",
else if (RegexCharClass.IsUnicodeCategoryOfSmallCharCount(primarySet.Set, out char[]? setChars, out bool negated, out string? description))
// We have a known set of characters, and we can use the supplied IndexOfAny{Except}(...).
indexOf = $"{span}.{(negated ? "IndexOfAnyExcept" : "IndexOfAny")}({EmitSearchValues(setChars, requiredHelpers, $"s_{description}")})";
// We have an arbitrary set of characters that's really large or otherwise not enumerable.
// We use a custom IndexOfAny helper that will perform the search as efficiently as possible.
indexOf = $"{span}.{EmitIndexOfAnyCustomHelper(primarySet.Set, requiredHelpers, checkOverflow)}()";
if (needLoop)
writer.WriteLine($"int indexOfPos = {indexOf};");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (indexOfPos < 0)"))
noMatchFoundLabelNeeded = true;
writer.WriteLine("i += indexOfPos;");
if (setsToUse > 1)
// Of the remaining sets we're going to check, find the maximum distance of any of them.
// If it's further than the primary set we checked, we need a bounds check.
int maxDistance = sets[1].Distance;
for (int i = 2; i < setsToUse; i++)
maxDistance = Math.Max(maxDistance, sets[i].Distance);
if (maxDistance > primarySet.Distance)
int numRemainingSets = setsToUse - 1;
writer.WriteLine($"// The primary set being searched for was found. {numRemainingSets} more set{(numRemainingSets > 1 ? "s" : "")} will be checked so as");
writer.WriteLine($"// to minimize the number of places TryMatchAtCurrentPosition is run unnecessarily.");
writer.WriteLine($"// Make sure {(numRemainingSets > 1 ? "they fit" : "it fits")} in the remainder of the input.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ((uint)(i + {maxDistance}) >= (uint)span.Length)"))
noMatchFoundLabelNeeded = true;
writer.WriteLine($"int i = {indexOf};");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (i >= 0)"))
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos + i;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
setIndex = 1;
if (needLoop)
Debug.Assert(setIndex is 0 or 1);
bool hasCharClassConditions = false;
if (setIndex < setsToUse)
// if (CharInClass(textSpan[i + charClassIndex], prefix[0], "...") &&
// ...)
int start = setIndex;
for (; setIndex < setsToUse; setIndex++)
string spanIndex = $"span[i{(sets[setIndex].Distance > 0 ? $" + {sets[setIndex].Distance}" : "")}]";
string charInClassExpr = MatchCharacterClass(spanIndex, sets[setIndex].Set, negate: false, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers);
if (setIndex == start)
writer.Write($"if ({charInClassExpr}");
writer.WriteLine(" &&");
writer.Write($" {charInClassExpr}");
hasCharClassConditions = true;
using (hasCharClassConditions ? EmitBlock(writer, null) : default)
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos + i;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
// Emits a right-to-left search for a set at a fixed position from the start of the pattern.
// (Currently that position will always be a distance of 0, meaning the start of the pattern itself.)
void EmitFixedSet_RightToLeft()
Debug.Assert(regexTree.FindOptimizations.FixedDistanceSets is { Count: > 0 });
RegexFindOptimizations.FixedDistanceSet set = regexTree.FindOptimizations.FixedDistanceSets![0];
Debug.Assert(set.Distance == 0);
writer.WriteLine($"// The pattern begins with {DescribeSet(set.Set)}.");
writer.WriteLine($"// Find the next occurrence. If it can't be found, there's no match.");
if (set.Chars is { Length: 1 })
writer.WriteLine($"pos = inputSpan.Slice(0, pos).LastIndexOf({Literal(set.Chars[0])});");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (pos >= 0)"))
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos + 1;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "while ((uint)--pos < (uint)inputSpan.Length)"))
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({MatchCharacterClass("inputSpan[pos]", set.Set, negate: false, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers)})"))
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos + 1;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
// Emits a search for a literal following a leading atomic single-character loop.
void EmitLiteralAfterAtomicLoop()
Debug.Assert(regexTree.FindOptimizations.LiteralAfterLoop is not null);
(RegexNode LoopNode, (char Char, string? String, StringComparison StringComparison, char[]? Chars) Literal) target = regexTree.FindOptimizations.LiteralAfterLoop.Value;
Debug.Assert(target.LoopNode.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Setloop or RegexNodeKind.Setlazy or RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic);
Debug.Assert(target.LoopNode.N == int.MaxValue);
string stringComparisonComment = target.Literal.StringComparison == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ? "ordinal case-insensitive " : "";
string stringComparisonArgument = target.Literal.StringComparison == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ? ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase" : "";
writer.Write($"// The pattern begins with an atomic loop for {DescribeSet(target.LoopNode.Str!)}, followed by ");
target.Literal.String is not null ? $"the {stringComparisonComment}string {Literal(target.Literal.String)}." :
target.Literal.Chars is not null ? $"one of the characters {Literal(new string(target.Literal.Chars))}" :
$"the character {Literal(target.Literal.Char)}.");
writer.WriteLine($"// Search for the literal, and then walk backwards to the beginning of the loop.");
FinishEmitBlock block = default;
if (target.LoopNode.M > 0)
// If there's no lower bound on the loop, then once we find the literal, we know we have a valid starting position to try.
// If there is a lower bound, then we need a loop, as we could find the literal but it might not be prefixed with enough
// appropriate characters to satisfy the minimum bound.
block = EmitBlock(writer, "while (true)");
using (block)
writer.WriteLine($"ReadOnlySpan<char> slice = inputSpan.Slice(pos);");
// Find the literal. If we can't find it, we're done searching.
writer.Write("int i = slice.");
target.Literal.String is string literalString ? $"IndexOf({Literal(literalString)}{stringComparisonArgument});" :
target.Literal.Chars is not char[] literalChars ? $"IndexOf({Literal(target.Literal.Char)});" :
literalChars.Length switch
2 => $"IndexOfAny({Literal(literalChars[0])}, {Literal(literalChars[1])});",
3 => $"IndexOfAny({Literal(literalChars[0])}, {Literal(literalChars[1])}, {Literal(literalChars[2])});",
_ => $"IndexOfAny({EmitSearchValuesOrLiteral(literalChars, requiredHelpers)});",
FinishEmitBlock indexOfFoundBlock = default;
if (target.LoopNode.M > 0)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (i < 0)"))
indexOfFoundBlock = EmitBlock(writer, $"if (i >= 0)");
// We found the literal. Walk backwards from it finding as many matches as we can against the loop.
writer.WriteLine("int prev = i - 1;");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"while ((uint)prev < (uint)slice.Length && {MatchCharacterClass("slice[prev]", target.LoopNode.Str!, negate: false, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers)})"))
if (target.LoopNode.M > 0)
// If we found fewer than needed, loop around to try again. The loop doesn't overlap with the literal,
// so we can start from after the last place the literal matched.
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ((i - prev - 1) < {target.LoopNode.M})"))
writer.WriteLine("pos += i + 1;");
// We have a winner. The starting position is just after the last position that failed to match the loop.
// We also store the position after the loop into runtrackpos (an extra, unused field on RegexRunner) in order
// to communicate this position to the match algorithm such that it can skip the loop.
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos + prev + 1;");
writer.WriteLine("base.runtrackpos = pos + i;");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
/// <summary>Emits the body of the TryMatchAtCurrentPosition.</summary>
private static void EmitTryMatchAtCurrentPosition(IndentedTextWriter writer, RegexMethod rm, Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers, bool checkOverflow)
// In .NET Framework and up through .NET Core 3.1, the code generated for RegexOptions.Compiled was effectively an unrolled
// version of what RegexInterpreter would process. The RegexNode tree would be turned into a series of opcodes via
// RegexWriter; the interpreter would then sit in a loop processing those opcodes, and the RegexCompiler iterated through the
// opcodes generating code for each equivalent to what the interpreter would do albeit with some decisions made at compile-time
// rather than at run-time. This approach, however, lead to complicated code that wasn't pay-for-play (e.g. a big backtracking
// jump table that all compilations went through even if there was no backtracking), that didn't factor in the shape of the
// tree (e.g. it's difficult to add optimizations based on interactions between nodes in the graph), and that didn't read well
// when decompiled from IL to C# or when directly emitted as C# as part of a source generator.
// This implementation is instead based on directly walking the RegexNode tree and outputting code for each node in the graph.
// A dedicated for each kind of RegexNode emits the code necessary to handle that node's processing, including recursively
// calling the relevant function for any of its children nodes. Backtracking is handled not via a giant jump table, but instead
// by emitting direct jumps to each backtracking construct. This is achieved by having all match failures jump to a "done"
// label that can be changed by a previous emitter, e.g. before EmitLoop returns, it ensures that "doneLabel" is set to the
// label that code should jump back to when backtracking. That way, a subsequent EmitXx function doesn't need to know exactly
// where to jump: it simply always jumps to "doneLabel" on match failure, and "doneLabel" is always configured to point to
// the right location. In an expression without backtracking, or before any backtracking constructs have been encountered,
// "doneLabel" is simply the final return location from the TryMatchAtCurrentPosition method that will undo any captures and exit, signaling to
// the calling scan loop that nothing was matched.
// Arbitrary limit for unrolling vs creating a loop. We want to balance size in the generated
// code with other costs, like the (small) overhead of slicing to create the temp span to iterate.
const int MaxUnrollSize = 16;
RegexOptions options = rm.Options;
RegexTree regexTree = rm.Tree;
// Helper to define names. Names start unadorned, but as soon as there's repetition,
// they begin to have a numbered suffix.
Dictionary<string, int> usedNames = new();
// Every RegexTree is rooted in the implicit Capture for the whole expression.
// Skip the Capture node. We handle the implicit root capture specially.
RegexNode node = regexTree.Root;
Debug.Assert(node.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Capture, "Every generated tree should begin with a capture node");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 1, "Capture nodes should have one child");
node = node.Child(0);
// In some cases, we need to emit declarations at the beginning of the method, but we only discover we need them later.
// To handle that, we build up a collection of all the declarations to include, track where they should be inserted,
// and then insert them at that position once everything else has been output.
HashSet<string> additionalDeclarations = new();
Dictionary<string, string[]> additionalLocalFunctions = new();
// In debug builds, additional code is emitted to validate that the backtracking stack is being maintained appropriately.
// When state is pushed onto the backtracking stack, an additional known value is pushed, and when it's popped, it's
// the popped value is checked against that known value, throwing an exception if they don't match. This validation code
// is currently not part of RegexCompiler, though it could be added there in the future if desired.
#pragma warning disable RS1035 // Random isn't always deterministic, but this is only for debug builds, and we've seeded the Random with a constant
Random stackCookieGenerator = new(12345); // seed for deterministic behavior
#pragma warning restore RS1035
// Declare some locals.
string sliceSpan = "slice";
writer.WriteLine("int pos = base.runtextpos;");
writer.WriteLine($"int matchStart = pos;");
int additionalDeclarationsPosition = ((StringWriter)writer.InnerWriter).GetStringBuilder().Length;
int additionalDeclarationsIndent = writer.Indent;
// The implementation tries to use const indexes into the span wherever possible, which we can do
// for all fixed-length constructs. In such cases (e.g. single chars, repeaters, strings, etc.)
// we know at any point in the regex exactly how far into it we are, and we can use that to index
// into the span created at the beginning of the routine to begin at exactly where we're starting
// in the input. When we encounter a variable-length construct, we transfer the static value to
// pos, slicing the inputSpan appropriately, and then zero out the static position.
int sliceStaticPos = 0;
SliceInputSpan(defineLocal: true);
// doneLabel starts out as the top-level label for the whole expression failing to match. However,
// it may be changed by the processing of a node to point to whereever subsequent match failures
// should jump to, in support of backtracking or other constructs. For example, before emitting
// the code for a branch N, an alternation will set the doneLabel to point to the label for
// processing the next branch N+1: that way, any failures in the branch N's processing will
// implicitly end up jumping to the right location without needing to know in what context it's used.
string doneLabel = ReserveName("NoMatch");
string topLevelDoneLabel = doneLabel;
// Check whether there are captures anywhere in the expression. If there isn't, we can skip all
// the boilerplate logic around uncapturing, as there won't be anything to uncapture.
bool expressionHasCaptures = rm.Analysis.MayContainCapture(node);
// Emit the code for all nodes in the tree.
// If we fall through to this place in the code, we've successfully matched the expression.
writer.WriteLine("// The input matched.");
if (sliceStaticPos > 0)
EmitAdd(writer, "pos", sliceStaticPos); // TransferSliceStaticPosToPos would also slice, which isn't needed here
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos;");
writer.WriteLine("base.Capture(0, matchStart, pos);");
writer.WriteLine("return true;");
// We're done with the match.
// Patch up any additional declarations.
InsertAdditionalDeclarations(writer, additionalDeclarations, additionalDeclarationsPosition, additionalDeclarationsIndent);
// And emit any required helpers.
if (additionalLocalFunctions.Count != 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string[]> localFunctions in additionalLocalFunctions.OrderBy(k => k.Key))
foreach (string line in localFunctions.Value)
// Helper to create a name guaranteed to be unique within the function.
string ReserveName(string prefix)
usedNames.TryGetValue(prefix, out int count);
usedNames[prefix] = count + 1;
return count == 0 ? prefix : $"{prefix}{count}";
// Helper to emit a label. As of C# 10, labels aren't statements of their own and need to adorn a following statement;
// if a label appears just before a closing brace, then, it's a compilation error. To avoid issues there, this by
// default implements a blank statement (a semicolon) after each label, but individual uses can opt-out of the semicolon
// when it's known the label will always be followed by a statement.
void MarkLabel(string label, bool emitSemicolon = true) => writer.WriteLine($"{label}:{(emitSemicolon ? ";" : "")}");
// Gets whether calling Goto(label) will result in exiting the match method.
bool GotoWillExitMatch(string label) => label == topLevelDoneLabel;
// Emits a goto to jump to the specified label. However, if the specified label is the top-level done label indicating
// that the entire match has failed, we instead emit our epilogue, uncapturing if necessary and returning out of TryMatchAtCurrentPosition.
void Goto(string label)
if (GotoWillExitMatch(label))
// We only get here in the code if the whole expression fails to match and jumps to
// the original value of doneLabel.
if (expressionHasCaptures)
writer.WriteLine("return false; // The input didn't match.");
writer.WriteLine($"goto {label};");
// Emits a case or default line followed by an indented body.
void CaseGoto(string clause, string label)
// Slices the inputSpan starting at pos until end and stores it into slice.
void SliceInputSpan(bool defineLocal = false)
if (defineLocal)
writer.Write("ReadOnlySpan<char> ");
writer.WriteLine($"{sliceSpan} = inputSpan.Slice(pos);");
// Emits the sum of a constant and a value from a local.
string Sum(int constant, string? local = null) =>
local is null ? constant.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) :
constant == 0 ? local :
$"{constant} + {local}";
// Emits a check that the span is large enough at the currently known static position to handle the required additional length.
void EmitSpanLengthCheck(int requiredLength, string? dynamicRequiredLength = null)
Debug.Assert(requiredLength > 0);
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({SpanLengthCheck(requiredLength, dynamicRequiredLength)})"))
// Returns a length check for the current span slice. The check returns true if
// the span isn't long enough for the specified length.
string SpanLengthCheck(int requiredLength, string? dynamicRequiredLength = null) =>
dynamicRequiredLength is null && sliceStaticPos + requiredLength == 1 ? $"{sliceSpan}.IsEmpty" :
$"(uint){sliceSpan}.Length < {Sum(sliceStaticPos + requiredLength, dynamicRequiredLength)}";
// Adds the value of sliceStaticPos into the pos local, slices slice by the corresponding amount,
// and zeros out sliceStaticPos.
void TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(bool forceSliceReload = false)
if (sliceStaticPos > 0)
EmitAdd(writer, "pos", sliceStaticPos);
sliceStaticPos = 0;
else if (forceSliceReload)
// Emits the code for an alternation.
void EmitAlternation(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Alternate, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() >= 2, $"Expected at least 2 children, found {node.ChildCount()}");
int childCount = node.ChildCount();
Debug.Assert(childCount >= 2);
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
// Both atomic and non-atomic are supported. While a parent RegexNode.Atomic node will itself
// successfully prevent backtracking into this child node, we can emit better / cheaper code
// for an Alternate when it is atomic, so we still take it into account here.
Debug.Assert(node.Parent is not null);
bool isAtomic = rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node);
// If no child branch overlaps with another child branch, we can emit more streamlined code
// that avoids checking unnecessary branches, e.g. with abc|def|ghi if the next character in
// the input is 'a', we needn't try the def or ghi branches. A simple, relatively common case
// of this is if every branch begins with a specific, unique character, in which case
// the whole alternation can be treated as a simple switch, so we special-case that. However,
// we can't goto _into_ switch cases, which means we can't use this approach if there's any
// possibility of backtracking into the alternation.
bool useSwitchedBranches = false;
if ((node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0)
useSwitchedBranches = isAtomic;
if (!useSwitchedBranches)
useSwitchedBranches = true;
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
if (rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(node.Child(i)))
useSwitchedBranches = false;
// Detect whether every branch begins with one or more unique characters.
const int SetCharsSize = 64; // arbitrary limit; we want it to be large enough to handle ignore-case of common sets, like hex, the latin alphabet, etc.
Span<char> setChars = stackalloc char[SetCharsSize];
if (useSwitchedBranches)
// Iterate through every branch, seeing if we can easily find a starting One, Multi, or small Set.
// If we can, extract its starting char (or multiple in the case of a set), validate that all such
// starting characters are unique relative to all the branches.
var seenChars = new HashSet<char>();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount && useSwitchedBranches; i++)
// Look for the guaranteed starting node that's a one, multi, set,
// or loop of one of those with at least one minimum iteration. We need to exclude notones.
if (node.Child(i).FindStartingLiteralNode(allowZeroWidth: false) is not RegexNode startingLiteralNode ||
useSwitchedBranches = false;
// If it's a One or a Multi, get the first character and add it to the set.
// If it was already in the set, we can't apply this optimization.
if (startingLiteralNode.IsOneFamily || startingLiteralNode.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Multi)
if (!seenChars.Add(startingLiteralNode.FirstCharOfOneOrMulti()))
useSwitchedBranches = false;
// The branch begins with a set. Make sure it's a set of only a few characters
// and get them. If we can't, we can't apply this optimization.
int numChars;
if (RegexCharClass.IsNegated(startingLiteralNode.Str!) ||
(numChars = RegexCharClass.GetSetChars(startingLiteralNode.Str!, setChars)) == 0)
useSwitchedBranches = false;
// Check to make sure each of the chars is unique relative to all other branches examined.
foreach (char c in setChars.Slice(0, numChars))
if (!seenChars.Add(c))
useSwitchedBranches = false;
if (useSwitchedBranches)
// Note: This optimization does not exist with RegexOptions.Compiled. Here we rely on the
// C# compiler to lower the C# switch statement with appropriate optimizations. In some
// cases there are enough branches that the compiler will emit a jump table. In others
// it'll optimize the order of checks in order to minimize the total number in the worst
// case. In any case, we get easier to read and reason about C#.
// Emits the code for a switch-based alternation of non-overlapping branches.
void EmitSwitchedBranches()
// We need at least 1 remaining character in the span, for the char to switch on.
// Emit a switch statement on the first char of each branch.
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"switch ({sliceSpan}[{sliceStaticPos}])"))
Span<char> setChars = stackalloc char[SetCharsSize]; // needs to be same size as detection check in caller
int startingSliceStaticPos = sliceStaticPos;
// Emit a case for each branch.
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
sliceStaticPos = startingSliceStaticPos;
// We know we're only in this code if every branch has a valid starting literal node. Get it.
// We also get the immediate child. Ideally they're the same, in which case we might be able to
// use the switch as the processing of that node, e.g. if the node is a One, then by matching the
// literal via the switch, we've fully processed it. But there may be other cases in which it's not
// sufficient, e.g. if that one was wrapped in a Capture, we still want to emit the capture code,
// and for simplicity, we still end up emitting the re-evaluation of that character. It's still much
// cheaper to do this than to emit the full alternation code.
RegexNode child = node.Child(i);
RegexNode? startingLiteralNode = child.FindStartingLiteralNode(allowZeroWidth: false);
Debug.Assert(startingLiteralNode is not null, "Unexpectedly couldn't find the branch starting node.");
// Emit the case for this branch to match on the first character.
if (startingLiteralNode.IsSetFamily)
int numChars = RegexCharClass.GetSetChars(startingLiteralNode.Str!, setChars);
Debug.Assert(numChars != 0);
writer.WriteLine($"case {string.Join(" or ", setChars.Slice(0, numChars).ToArray().Select(Literal))}:");
writer.WriteLine($"case {Literal(startingLiteralNode.FirstCharOfOneOrMulti())}:");
// Emit the code for the branch, without the first character that was already matched in the switch.
RegexNode? remainder = null;
switch (child.Kind)
case RegexNodeKind.One:
case RegexNodeKind.Set:
// The character was handled entirely by the switch. No additional matching is needed.
case RegexNodeKind.Multi:
// First character was handled by the switch. Emit matching code for the remainder of the multi string.
EmitNode(child.Str!.Length == 2 ?
new RegexNode(RegexNodeKind.One, child.Options, child.Str![1]) :
new RegexNode(RegexNodeKind.Multi, child.Options, child.Str!.Substring(1)));
case RegexNodeKind.Concatenate when child.Child(0) == startingLiteralNode && (startingLiteralNode.Kind is RegexNodeKind.One or RegexNodeKind.Set or RegexNodeKind.Multi):
// This is a concatenation where its first node is the starting literal we found and that starting literal
// is one of the nodes above that we know how to handle completely. This is a common
// enough case that we want to special-case it to avoid duplicating the processing for that character
// unnecessarily. So, we'll shave off that first node from the concatenation and then handle the remainder.
// Note that it's critical startingLiteralNode is something we can fully handle above: if it's not,
// we'll end up losing some of the pattern due to overwriting `remainder`.
remainder = child;
child = child.Child(0);
remainder.ReplaceChild(0, new RegexNode(RegexNodeKind.Empty, remainder.Options));
goto HandleChild; // reprocess just the first node that was saved; the remainder will then be processed below
Debug.Assert(remainder is null);
remainder = child;
if (remainder is not null)
// Emit a full match for whatever part of the child we haven't yet handled.
// This is only ever used for atomic alternations, so we can simply reset the doneLabel
// after emitting the child, as nothing will backtrack here (and we need to reset it
// so that all branches see the original).
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// If we get here in the generated code, the branch completed successfully.
// Before jumping to the end, we need to zero out sliceStaticPos, so that no
// matter what the value is after the branch, whatever follows the alternate
// will see the same sliceStaticPos.
// Default branch if the character didn't match the start of any branches.
CaseGoto("default:", doneLabel);
void EmitAllBranches()
// Label to jump to when any branch completes successfully.
string matchLabel = ReserveName("AlternationMatch");
// Save off pos. We'll need to reset this each time a branch fails.
string startingPos = ReserveName("alternation_starting_pos");
bool canUseLocalsForAllState = !isAtomic && !rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
if (canUseLocalsForAllState)
// Because of how control flow and definite assignment works in the C# compiler, we can end
// up in situations where backtracking by hopping between labels leads the compiler to see
// things as not definitely assigned even if in practice they will be. To avoid compilation
// errors with such complicated patterns we need to ensure the locals are declared and
// initialized at the beginning of the method.
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {startingPos} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingPos} = pos;");
int startingSliceStaticPos = sliceStaticPos;
// We need to be able to undo captures in two situations:
// - If a branch of the alternation itself contains captures, then if that branch
// fails to match, any captures from that branch until that failure point need to
// be uncaptured prior to jumping to the next branch.
// - If the expression after the alternation contains captures, then failures
// to match in those expressions could trigger backtracking back into the
// alternation, and thus we need uncapture any of them.
// As such, if the alternation contains captures or if it's not atomic, we need
// to grab the current crawl position so we can unwind back to it when necessary.
// We can do all of the uncapturing as part of falling through to the next branch.
// If we fail in a branch, then such uncapturing will unwind back to the position
// at the start of the alternation. If we fail after the alternation, and the
// matched branch didn't contain any backtracking, then the failure will end up
// jumping to the next branch, which will unwind the captures. And if we fail after
// the alternation and the matched branch did contain backtracking, that backtracking
// construct is responsible for unwinding back to its starting crawl position. If
// it eventually ends up failing, that failure will result in jumping to the next branch
// of the alternation, which will again dutifully unwind the remaining captures until
// what they were at the start of the alternation. Of course, if there are no captures
// anywhere in the regex, we don't have to do any of that.
string? startingCapturePos = null;
if (expressionHasCaptures && (rm.Analysis.MayContainCapture(node) || !isAtomic))
startingCapturePos = ReserveName("alternation_starting_capturepos");
if (canUseLocalsForAllState)
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {startingCapturePos} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{startingCapturePos} = base.Crawlpos();");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingCapturePos} = base.Crawlpos();");
// After executing the alternation, subsequent matching may fail, at which point execution
// will need to backtrack to the alternation. We emit a branching table at the end of the
// alternation, with a label that will be left as the "doneLabel" upon exiting emitting the
// alternation. The branch table is populated with an entry for each branch of the alternation,
// containing either the label for the last backtracking construct in the branch if such a construct
// existed (in which case the doneLabel upon emitting that node will be different from before it)
// or the label for the next branch.
var labelMap = new string[childCount];
string backtrackLabel = ReserveName("AlternationBacktrack");
string? currentBranch = null;
if (canUseLocalsForAllState)
// We're not atomic, so we'll have to handle backtracking, but we're not inside of a loop,
// so we can store the current branch in a local rather than pushing it on to the backtracking
// stack (if we were in a loop, such a local couldn't be used as it could be overwritten by
// a subsequent iteration of that outer loop).
currentBranch = ReserveName("alternation_branch");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {currentBranch} = 0;");
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
// If the alternation isn't atomic, backtracking may require our jump table jumping back
// into these branches, so we can't use actual scopes, as that would hide the labels.
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"// Branch {i}", faux: !isAtomic))
bool isLastBranch = i == childCount - 1;
string? nextBranch = null;
if (!isLastBranch)
// Failure to match any branch other than the last one should result
// in jumping to process the next branch.
nextBranch = ReserveName("AlternationBranch");
doneLabel = nextBranch;
// Failure to match the last branch is equivalent to failing to match
// the whole alternation, which means those failures should jump to
// what "doneLabel" was defined as when starting the alternation.
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// Emit the code for each branch.
// Add this branch to the backtracking table. At this point, either the child
// had backtracking constructs, in which case doneLabel points to the last one
// and that's where we'll want to jump to, or it doesn't, in which case doneLabel
// still points to the nextBranch, which similarly is where we'll want to jump to.
if (!isAtomic)
// If we're inside of a loop, push the state we need to preserve on to the
// the backtracking stack. If we're not inside of a loop, simply ensure all
// the relevant state is stored in our locals.
if (currentBranch is null)
EmitStackPush(stackCookie + i, startingCapturePos is not null ?
[i.ToString(), startingPos, startingCapturePos] :
[i.ToString(), startingPos]);
writer.WriteLine($"{currentBranch} = {i};");
labelMap[i] = doneLabel;
// If we get here in the generated code, the branch completed successfully.
// Before jumping to the end, we need to zero out sliceStaticPos, so that no
// matter what the value is after the branch, whatever follows the alternate
// will see the same sliceStaticPos.
if (!isLastBranch || !isAtomic)
// If this isn't the last branch, we're about to output a reset section,
// and if this isn't atomic, there will be a backtracking section before
// the end of the method. In both of those cases, we've successfully
// matched and need to skip over that code. If, however, this is the
// last branch and this is an atomic alternation, we can just fall
// through to the successfully matched location.
// Reset state for next branch and loop around to generate it. This includes
// setting pos back to what it was at the beginning of the alternation,
// updating slice to be the full length it was, and if there's a capture that
// needs to be reset, uncapturing it.
if (!isLastBranch)
MarkLabel(nextBranch!, emitSemicolon: false);
writer.WriteLine($"pos = {startingPos};");
sliceStaticPos = startingSliceStaticPos;
if (startingCapturePos is not null)
// We should never fall through to this location in the generated code. Either
// a branch succeeded in matching and jumped to the end, or a branch failed in
// matching and jumped to the next branch location. We only get to this code
// if backtracking occurs and the code explicitly jumps here based on our setting
// "doneLabel" to the label for this section. Thus, we only need to emit it if
// something can backtrack to us, which can't happen if we're inside of an atomic
// node. Thus, emit the backtracking section only if we're non-atomic.
if (isAtomic)
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
doneLabel = backtrackLabel;
MarkLabel(backtrackLabel, emitSemicolon: false);
// We're backtracking. Check the timeout.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
string switchClause;
if (currentBranch is null)
// We're in a loop, so we use the backtracking stack to persist our state.
// Pop it off and validate the stack position.
EmitStackPop(0, startingCapturePos is not null ?
[startingCapturePos, startingPos] :
switchClause = ValidateStackCookieWithAdditionAndReturnPoppedStack(stackCookie);
// We're not in a loop, so our locals already store the state we need.
switchClause = currentBranch;
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"switch ({switchClause})"))
for (int i = 0; i < labelMap.Length; i++)
CaseGoto($"case {i}:", labelMap[i]);
// Successfully completed the alternate.
Debug.Assert(sliceStaticPos == 0);
// Emits the code to handle a backreference.
void EmitBackreference(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Backreference, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
int capnum = RegexParser.MapCaptureNumber(node.M, rm.Tree.CaptureNumberSparseMapping);
if (sliceStaticPos > 0)
// If the specified capture hasn't yet captured anything, fail to match... except when using RegexOptions.ECMAScript,
// in which case per ECMA 262 section the backreference should succeed.
if ((node.Options & RegexOptions.ECMAScript) != 0)
writer.WriteLine($"// If the {DescribeCapture(node.M, rm)} hasn't matched, the backreference matches with RegexOptions.ECMAScript rules.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (base.IsMatched({capnum}))"))
writer.WriteLine($"// If the {DescribeCapture(node.M, rm)} hasn't matched, the backreference doesn't match.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (!base.IsMatched({capnum}))"))
void EmitWhenHasCapture()
writer.WriteLine("// Get the captured text. If it doesn't match at the current position, the backreference doesn't match.");
additionalDeclarations.Add("int matchLength = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"matchLength = base.MatchLength({capnum});");
// Validate that the remaining length of the slice is sufficient
// to possibly match, and then do a SequenceEqual against the matched text.
if ((node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0)
writer.WriteLine($"if ({sliceSpan}.Length < matchLength || ");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $" !inputSpan.Slice(base.MatchIndex({capnum}), matchLength).SequenceEqual({sliceSpan}.Slice(0, matchLength)))"))
writer.WriteLine($"pos += matchLength;");
writer.WriteLine($"if (pos < matchLength || ");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $" !inputSpan.Slice(base.MatchIndex({capnum}), matchLength).SequenceEqual(inputSpan.Slice(pos - matchLength, matchLength)))"))
writer.WriteLine($"pos -= matchLength;");
// Emits the code for an if(backreference)-then-else conditional.
void EmitBackreferenceConditional(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 2, $"Expected 2 children, found {node.ChildCount()}");
// We're branching in a complicated fashion. Make sure sliceStaticPos is 0.
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
// Get the capture number to test.
int capnum = RegexParser.MapCaptureNumber(node.M, rm.Tree.CaptureNumberSparseMapping);
// Get the "yes" branch and the "no" branch. The "no" branch is optional in syntax and is thus
// somewhat likely to be Empty.
RegexNode yesBranch = node.Child(0);
RegexNode? noBranch = node.Child(1) is { Kind: not RegexNodeKind.Empty } childNo ? childNo : null;
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
// If the child branches might backtrack, we can't emit the branches inside constructs that
// require braces, e.g. if/else, even though that would yield more idiomatic output.
// But if we know for certain they won't backtrack, we can output the nicer code.
if (rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node) || (!rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(yesBranch) && (noBranch is null || !rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(noBranch))))
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (base.IsMatched({capnum}))"))
writer.WriteLine($"// The {DescribeCapture(node.M, rm)} captured a value. Match the first branch.");
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // make sure sliceStaticPos is 0 after each branch
if (noBranch is not null)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"else"))
writer.WriteLine($"// Otherwise, match the second branch.");
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // make sure sliceStaticPos is 0 after each branch
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel; // atomicity
string refNotMatched = ReserveName("ConditionalBackreferenceNotMatched");
string endConditional = ReserveName("ConditionalBackreferenceEnd");
// As with alternations, we have potentially multiple branches, each of which may contain
// backtracking constructs, but the expression after the conditional needs a single target
// to backtrack to. So, we expose a single Backtrack label and track which branch was
// followed in this resumeAt local.
string resumeAt = ReserveName("conditionalbackreference_branch");
bool isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
if (isInLoop)
writer.WriteLine($"int {resumeAt};");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {resumeAt} = 0;");
// While it would be nicely readable to use an if/else block, if the branches contain
// anything that triggers backtracking, labels will end up being defined, and if they're
// inside the scope block for the if or else, that will prevent jumping to them from
// elsewhere. So we implement the if/else with labels and gotos manually.
// Check to see if the specified capture number was captured.
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (!base.IsMatched({capnum}))"))
// The specified capture was captured. Run the "yes" branch.
// If it successfully matches, jump to the end.
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // make sure sliceStaticPos is 0 after each branch
string postYesDoneLabel = doneLabel;
if (postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel || isInLoop)
writer.WriteLine($"{resumeAt} = 0;");
bool needsEndConditional = postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel || noBranch is not null;
if (needsEndConditional)
string postNoDoneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
if (noBranch is not null)
// Output the no branch.
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // make sure sliceStaticPos is 0 after each branch
postNoDoneLabel = doneLabel;
if (postNoDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel || isInLoop)
writer.WriteLine($"{resumeAt} = 1;");
// There's only a yes branch. If it's going to cause us to output a backtracking
// label but code may not end up taking the yes branch path, we need to emit a resumeAt
// that will cause the backtracking to immediately pass through this node.
if (postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel || isInLoop)
writer.WriteLine($"{resumeAt} = 2;");
// If either the yes branch or the no branch contained backtracking, subsequent expressions
// might try to backtrack to here, so output a backtracking map based on resumeAt.
bool hasBacktracking = postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel || postNoDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel;
if (hasBacktracking)
// Skip the backtracking section.
// Backtrack section
string backtrack = ReserveName("ConditionalBackreferenceBacktrack");
doneLabel = backtrack;
MarkLabel(backtrack, emitSemicolon: false);
// Pop from the stack the branch that was used and jump back to its backtracking location.
// If we're not in a loop, though, we won't have pushed it on to the stack as nothing will
// have been able to overwrite it in the interim, so we can just trust the value already in
// the local.
if (isInLoop)
EmitStackPop(stackCookie, resumeAt);
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"switch ({resumeAt})"))
if (postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel)
CaseGoto("case 0:", postYesDoneLabel);
if (postNoDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel)
CaseGoto("case 1:", postNoDoneLabel);
CaseGoto("default:", originalDoneLabel);
if (needsEndConditional)
if (hasBacktracking && isInLoop)
// We're not atomic and at least one of the yes or no branches contained backtracking constructs,
// so finish outputting our backtracking logic, which involves pushing onto the stack which
// branch to backtrack into. If we're not in a loop, though, nothing else can overwrite this local
// in the interim, so we can avoid pushing it.
EmitStackPush(stackCookie, resumeAt);
// Emits the code for an if(expression)-then-else conditional.
void EmitExpressionConditional(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 3, $"Expected 3 children, found {node.ChildCount()}");
bool isAtomic = rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node);
// We're branching in a complicated fashion. Make sure sliceStaticPos is 0.
// The first child node is the condition expression. If this matches, then we branch to the "yes" branch.
// If it doesn't match, then we branch to the optional "no" branch if it exists, or simply skip the "yes"
// branch, otherwise. The condition is treated as a positive lookaround.
RegexNode condition = node.Child(0);
// Get the "yes" branch and the "no" branch. The "no" branch is optional in syntax and is thus
// somewhat likely to be Empty.
RegexNode yesBranch = node.Child(1);
RegexNode? noBranch = node.Child(2) is { Kind: not RegexNodeKind.Empty } childNo ? childNo : null;
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
string expressionNotMatched = ReserveName("ConditionalExpressionNotMatched");
string endConditional = ReserveName("ConditionalExpressionEnd");
// As with alternations, we have potentially multiple branches, each of which may contain
// backtracking constructs, but the expression after the condition needs a single target
// to backtrack to. So, we expose a single Backtrack label and track which branch was
// followed in this resumeAt local.
bool isInLoop = false;
string resumeAt = ReserveName("conditionalexpression_branch");
if (!isAtomic)
isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
if (isInLoop)
writer.WriteLine($"int {resumeAt} = 0;");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {resumeAt} = 0;");
// If the condition expression has captures, we'll need to uncapture them in the case of no match.
string? startingCapturePos = null;
if (rm.Analysis.MayContainCapture(condition))
startingCapturePos = ReserveName("conditionalexpression_starting_capturepos");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingCapturePos} = base.Crawlpos();");
// Emit the condition expression. Route any failures to after the yes branch. This code is almost
// the same as for a positive lookaround; however, a positive lookaround only needs to reset the position
// on a successful match, as a failed match fails the whole expression; here, we need to reset the
// position on completion, regardless of whether the match is successful or not.
doneLabel = expressionNotMatched;
// Save off pos. We'll need to reset this upon successful completion of the lookaround.
string startingPos = ReserveName("conditionalexpression_starting_pos");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingPos} = pos;");
int startingSliceStaticPos = sliceStaticPos;
// Emit the condition. The condition expression is a zero-width assertion, which is atomic,
// so prevent backtracking into it.
writer.WriteLine("// Condition:");
if (rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(condition))
// Condition expressions are treated like positive lookarounds and thus are implicitly atomic,
// so we need to emit the node as atomic if it might backtrack.
EmitAtomic(node, null);
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// After the condition completes successfully, reset the text positions.
// Do not reset captures, which persist beyond the lookaround.
writer.WriteLine("// Condition matched:");
writer.WriteLine($"pos = {startingPos};");
sliceStaticPos = startingSliceStaticPos;
// The expression matched. Run the "yes" branch. If it successfully matches, jump to the end.
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // make sure sliceStaticPos is 0 after each branch
string postYesDoneLabel = doneLabel;
if (!isAtomic && postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel)
writer.WriteLine($"{resumeAt} = 0;");
// After the condition completes unsuccessfully, reset the text positions
// _and_ reset captures, which should not persist when the whole expression failed.
writer.WriteLine("// Condition did not match:");
MarkLabel(expressionNotMatched, emitSemicolon: false);
writer.WriteLine($"pos = {startingPos};");
sliceStaticPos = startingSliceStaticPos;
if (startingCapturePos is not null)
string postNoDoneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
if (noBranch is not null)
// Output the no branch.
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // make sure sliceStaticPos is 0 after each branch
postNoDoneLabel = doneLabel;
if (!isAtomic && postNoDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel)
writer.WriteLine($"{resumeAt} = 1;");
// There's only a yes branch. If it's going to cause us to output a backtracking
// label but code may not end up taking the yes branch path, we need to emit a resumeAt
// that will cause the backtracking to immediately pass through this node.
if (!isAtomic && postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel)
writer.WriteLine($"{resumeAt} = 2;");
// If either the yes branch or the no branch contained backtracking, subsequent expressions
// might try to backtrack to here, so output a backtracking map based on resumeAt.
if (isAtomic || (postYesDoneLabel == originalDoneLabel && postNoDoneLabel == originalDoneLabel))
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// Skip the backtracking section.
string backtrack = ReserveName("ConditionalExpressionBacktrack");
doneLabel = backtrack;
MarkLabel(backtrack, emitSemicolon: false);
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
if (isInLoop)
// If we're not in a loop, the local will maintain its value until backtracking occurs.
// If we are in a loop, multiple iterations need their own value, so we need to use the stack.
EmitStackPop(stackCookie, resumeAt);
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"switch ({resumeAt})"))
if (postYesDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel)
CaseGoto("case 0:", postYesDoneLabel);
if (postNoDoneLabel != originalDoneLabel)
CaseGoto("case 1:", postNoDoneLabel);
CaseGoto("default:", originalDoneLabel);
MarkLabel(endConditional, emitSemicolon: !isInLoop);
if (isInLoop)
EmitStackPush(stackCookie, resumeAt);
// Emits the code for a Capture node.
void EmitCapture(RegexNode node, RegexNode? subsequent = null)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Capture, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 1, $"Expected 1 child, found {node.ChildCount()}");
int capnum = RegexParser.MapCaptureNumber(node.M, rm.Tree.CaptureNumberSparseMapping);
int uncapnum = RegexParser.MapCaptureNumber(node.N, rm.Tree.CaptureNumberSparseMapping);
bool isAtomic = rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node);
bool isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
string startingPos = ReserveName("capture_starting_pos");
if (isInLoop)
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingPos} = pos;");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {startingPos} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
// Emit child node.
RegexNode child = node.Child(0);
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
EmitNode(child, subsequent);
bool childBacktracks = doneLabel != originalDoneLabel;
if (uncapnum == -1)
writer.WriteLine($"base.Capture({capnum}, {startingPos}, pos);");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (!base.IsMatched({uncapnum}))"))
writer.WriteLine($"base.TransferCapture({capnum.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, {uncapnum}, {startingPos}, pos);");
if (isAtomic || !childBacktracks)
// If the capture is atomic and nothing can backtrack into it, we're done.
// Similarly, even if the capture isn't atomic, if the captured expression
// doesn't do any backtracking, we're done.
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// We're not atomic and the child node backtracks. When it does, we need
// to ensure that the starting position for the capture is appropriately
// reset to what it was initially (it could have changed as part of being
// in a loop or similar). So, we emit a backtracking section that
// pushes/pops the starting position before falling through.
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
if (isInLoop)
// If we're in a loop, different iterations of the loop need their own
// starting position, so push it on to the stack. If we're not in a loop,
// the local will maintain its value and will suffice.
EmitStackPush(stackCookie, startingPos);
// Skip past the backtracking section
string end = ReserveName("CaptureSkipBacktrack");
// Emit a backtracking section that restores the capture's state and then jumps to the previous done label
string backtrack = ReserveName($"CaptureBacktrack");
MarkLabel(backtrack, emitSemicolon: false);
if (isInLoop)
EmitStackPop(stackCookie, startingPos);
doneLabel = backtrack;
// Emits the code to handle a positive lookaround assertion. This is a positive lookahead
// for left-to-right and a positive lookbehind for right-to-left.
void EmitPositiveLookaroundAssertion(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.PositiveLookaround, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 1, $"Expected 1 child, found {node.ChildCount()}");
if (rm.Analysis.HasRightToLeft)
// Lookarounds are the only places in the node tree where we might change direction,
// i.e. where we might go from RegexOptions.None to RegexOptions.RightToLeft, or vice
// versa. This is because lookbehinds are implemented by making the whole subgraph be
// RegexOptions.RightToLeft and reversed. Since we use static position to optimize left-to-right
// and don't use it in support of right-to-left, we need to resync the static position
// to the current position when entering a lookaround, just in case we're changing direction.
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(forceSliceReload: true);
// Save off pos. We'll need to reset this upon successful completion of the lookaround.
string startingPos = ReserveName((node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0 ? "positivelookbehind_starting_pos" : "positivelookahead_starting_pos");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingPos} = pos;");
int startingSliceStaticPos = sliceStaticPos;
// Check for timeout. Lookarounds result in re-processing the same input, so while not
// technically backtracking, it's appropriate to have a timeout check.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
// Emit the child.
RegexNode child = node.Child(0);
if (rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(child))
// Lookarounds are implicitly atomic, so we need to emit the node as atomic if it might backtrack.
EmitAtomic(node, null);
// After the child completes successfully, reset the text positions.
// Do not reset captures, which persist beyond the lookaround.
writer.WriteLine($"pos = {startingPos};");
sliceStaticPos = startingSliceStaticPos;
// Emits the code to handle a negative lookaround assertion. This is a negative lookahead
// for left-to-right and a negative lookbehind for right-to-left.
void EmitNegativeLookaroundAssertion(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.NegativeLookaround, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 1, $"Expected 1 child, found {node.ChildCount()}");
if (rm.Analysis.HasRightToLeft)
// Lookarounds are the only places in the node tree where we might change direction,
// i.e. where we might go from RegexOptions.None to RegexOptions.RightToLeft, or vice
// versa. This is because lookbehinds are implemented by making the whole subgraph be
// RegexOptions.RightToLeft and reversed. Since we use static position to optimize left-to-right
// and don't use it in support of right-to-left, we need to resync the static position
// to the current position when entering a lookaround, just in case we're changing direction.
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(forceSliceReload: true);
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
// Save off pos. We'll need to reset this upon successful completion of the lookaround.
string variablePrefix = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0 ? "negativelookbehind_" : "negativelookahead_";
string startingPos = ReserveName($"{variablePrefix}_starting_pos");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingPos} = pos;");
int startingSliceStaticPos = sliceStaticPos;
string negativeLookaroundDoneLabel = ReserveName("NegativeLookaroundMatch");
doneLabel = negativeLookaroundDoneLabel;
// Check for timeout. Lookarounds result in re-processing the same input, so while not
// technically backtracking, it's appropriate to have a timeout check.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
RegexNode child = node.Child(0);
// Ensure we're able to uncapture anything captured by the child.
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
bool isInLoop = false;
string? capturePos = null;
bool hasCaptures = rm.Analysis.MayContainCapture(child);
if (hasCaptures)
// If we're inside a loop, push the current crawl position onto the stack,
// so that each iteration tracks its own value. Otherwise, store it into a local.
isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
if (isInLoop)
EmitStackPush(stackCookie, "base.Crawlpos()");
capturePos = ReserveName($"{variablePrefix}_capture_pos");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {capturePos} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{capturePos} = base.Crawlpos();");
// Emit the child.
if (rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(child))
// Lookarounds are implicitly atomic, so we need to emit the node as atomic if it might backtrack.
EmitAtomic(node, null);
// If the generated code ends up here, it matched the lookaround, which actually
// means failure for a _negative_ lookaround, so we need to jump to the original done.
if (hasCaptures && isInLoop)
// Pop the crawl position from the stack.
// Failures (success for a negative lookaround) jump here.
MarkLabel(negativeLookaroundDoneLabel, emitSemicolon: false);
// After the child completes in failure (success for negative lookaround), reset the text positions.
writer.WriteLine($"pos = {startingPos};");
sliceStaticPos = startingSliceStaticPos;
// And uncapture anything if necessary. Negative lookaround captures don't persist beyond the lookaround.
if (hasCaptures)
if (isInLoop)
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// Emits the code for the node.
void EmitNode(RegexNode node, RegexNode? subsequent = null, bool emitLengthChecksIfRequired = true)
// Before we handle general-purpose matching logic for nodes, handle any special-casing.
if (rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.FindMode == FindNextStartingPositionMode.LiteralAfterLoop_LeftToRight &&
rm.Tree.FindOptimizations.LiteralAfterLoop?.LoopNode == node)
// This is the set loop that's part of the literal-after-loop optimization: the end of the loop
// is stored in runtrackpos, so we just need to transfer that to pos. The optimization is only
// selected if the shape of the tree is amenable.
Debug.Assert(sliceStaticPos == 0, "This should be the first node and thus static position shouldn't have advanced.");
writer.WriteLine("// Skip loop already matched in TryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition.");
writer.WriteLine("pos = base.runtrackpos;");
if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(EmitNode, node, subsequent, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
if ((node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0)
// RightToLeft doesn't take advantage of static positions. While RightToLeft won't update static
// positions, a previous operation may have left us with a non-zero one. Make sure it's zero'd out
// such that pos and slice are up-to-date. Note that RightToLeft also shouldn't use the slice span,
// as it's not kept up-to-date; any RightToLeft implementation that wants to use it must first update
// it from pos.
// Separate out several node types that, for conciseness, don't need a header nor scope written into the source.
// Effectively these either evaporate, are completely self-explanatory, or only exist for their children to be rendered.
switch (node.Kind)
// Nothing is written for an empty.
case RegexNodeKind.Empty:
// A single-line goto for a failure doesn't need a scope or comment.
case RegexNodeKind.Nothing:
// Skip atomic nodes that wrap non-backtracking children; in such a case there's nothing to be made atomic.
case RegexNodeKind.Atomic when !rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(node.Child(0)):
// Concatenate is a simplification in the node tree so that a series of children can be represented as one.
// We don't need its presence visible in the source.
case RegexNodeKind.Concatenate:
EmitConcatenation(node, subsequent, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
// For everything else, output a comment about what the node is.
writer.WriteLine($"// {DescribeNode(node, rm)}");
// Separate out several node types that, for conciseness, don't need a scope written into the source as they're
// always a single statement / block.
switch (node.Kind)
case RegexNodeKind.Beginning:
case RegexNodeKind.Start:
case RegexNodeKind.Bol:
case RegexNodeKind.Eol:
case RegexNodeKind.End:
case RegexNodeKind.EndZ:
case RegexNodeKind.Boundary:
case RegexNodeKind.NonBoundary:
case RegexNodeKind.ECMABoundary:
case RegexNodeKind.NonECMABoundary:
case RegexNodeKind.One:
case RegexNodeKind.Notone:
case RegexNodeKind.Set:
EmitSingleChar(node, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
case RegexNodeKind.Multi when (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0:
EmitMultiChar(node, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
case RegexNodeKind.UpdateBumpalong:
// For everything else, put the node's code into its own scope, purely for readability. If the node contains labels
// that may need to be visible outside of its scope, the scope is still emitted for clarity but is commented out.
using (EmitBlock(writer, null, faux: rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(node)))
switch (node.Kind)
case RegexNodeKind.Multi:
EmitMultiChar(node, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
case RegexNodeKind.Oneloop:
case RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop:
case RegexNodeKind.Setloop:
EmitSingleCharLoop(node, subsequent, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
case RegexNodeKind.Onelazy:
case RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy:
case RegexNodeKind.Setlazy:
EmitSingleCharLazy(node, subsequent, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
case RegexNodeKind.Oneloopatomic:
case RegexNodeKind.Notoneloopatomic:
case RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic:
EmitSingleCharAtomicLoop(node, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
case RegexNodeKind.Loop:
case RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop:
case RegexNodeKind.Alternate:
case RegexNodeKind.Backreference:
case RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional:
case RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional:
case RegexNodeKind.Atomic:
EmitAtomic(node, subsequent);
case RegexNodeKind.Capture:
EmitCapture(node, subsequent);
case RegexNodeKind.PositiveLookaround:
case RegexNodeKind.NegativeLookaround:
// All nodes should have been handled.
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected node type: {node.Kind}");
// Emits the node for an atomic.
void EmitAtomic(RegexNode node, RegexNode? subsequent)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Atomic or RegexNodeKind.PositiveLookaround or RegexNodeKind.NegativeLookaround or RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional ? node.ChildCount() >= 1 : node.ChildCount() == 1, $"Unexpected number of children: {node.ChildCount()}");
Debug.Assert(rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(node.Child(0)), "Expected child to potentially backtrack");
// Grab the current done label and the current backtracking position. The purpose of the atomic node
// is to ensure that nodes after it that might backtrack skip over the atomic, which means after
// rendering the atomic's child, we need to reset the label so that subsequent backtracking doesn't
// see any label left set by the atomic's child. We also need to reset the backtracking stack position
// so that the state on the stack remains consistent.
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
additionalDeclarations.Add("int stackpos = 0;");
string startingStackpos = ReserveName("atomic_stackpos");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingStackpos} = stackpos;");
// Emit the child.
EmitNode(node.Child(0), subsequent);
// Reset the stack position and done label.
writer.WriteLine($"stackpos = {startingStackpos};");
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// Emits the code to handle updating base.runtextpos to pos in response to
// an UpdateBumpalong node. This is used when we want to inform the scan loop that
// it should bump from this location rather than from the original location.
void EmitUpdateBumpalong(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.UpdateBumpalong, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
using (EmitBlock(writer, "if (base.runtextpos < pos)"))
writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = pos;");
// Emits code for a concatenation
void EmitConcatenation(RegexNode node, RegexNode? subsequent, bool emitLengthChecksIfRequired)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Concatenate, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() >= 2, $"Expected at least 2 children, found {node.ChildCount()}");
// Emit the code for each child one after the other.
string? prevDescription = null;
int childCount = node.ChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
// If we can find a subsequence of fixed-length children, we can emit a length check once for that sequence
// and then skip the individual length checks for each. We can also discover case-insensitive sequences that
// can be checked efficiently with methods like StartsWith. We also want to minimize the repetition of if blocks,
// and so we try to emit a series of clauses all part of the same if block rather than one if block per child.
if ((node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0 &&
emitLengthChecksIfRequired &&
node.TryGetJoinableLengthCheckChildRange(i, out int requiredLength, out int exclusiveEnd))
bool wroteClauses = true;
writer.Write($"if ({SpanLengthCheck(requiredLength)}");
while (i < exclusiveEnd)
for (; i < exclusiveEnd; i++)
void WritePrefix()
if (wroteClauses)
writer.WriteLine(prevDescription is not null ? $" || // {prevDescription}" : " ||");
writer.Write(" ");
writer.Write("if (");
RegexNode child = node.Child(i);
if (node.TryGetOrdinalCaseInsensitiveString(i, exclusiveEnd, out int nodesConsumed, out string? caseInsensitiveString))
string sourceSpan = sliceStaticPos > 0 ? $"{sliceSpan}.Slice({sliceStaticPos})" : sliceSpan;
writer.Write($"!{sourceSpan}.StartsWith({Literal(caseInsensitiveString)}, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)");
prevDescription = $"Match the string {Literal(caseInsensitiveString)} (ordinal case-insensitive)";
wroteClauses = true;
sliceStaticPos += caseInsensitiveString.Length;
i += nodesConsumed - 1;
else if (child.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Multi)
EmitMultiCharString(child.Str!, emitLengthCheck: false, clauseOnly: true, rightToLeft: false);
prevDescription = DescribeNode(child, rm);
wroteClauses = true;
else if ((child.IsOneFamily || child.IsNotoneFamily || child.IsSetFamily) &&
child.M == child.N &&
child.M <= MaxUnrollSize)
int repeatCount = child.Kind is RegexNodeKind.One or RegexNodeKind.Notone or RegexNodeKind.Set ? 1 : child.M;
for (int c = 0; c < repeatCount; c++)
EmitSingleChar(child, emitLengthCheck: false, clauseOnly: true);
prevDescription = c == 0 ? DescribeNode(child, rm) : null;
wroteClauses = true;
else break;
if (wroteClauses)
writer.WriteLine(prevDescription is not null ? $") // {prevDescription}" : ")");
using (EmitBlock(writer, null))
if (i < childCount)
wroteClauses = false;
prevDescription = null;
if (i < exclusiveEnd)
EmitNode(node.Child(i), GetSubsequentOrDefault(i, node, subsequent), emitLengthChecksIfRequired: false);
if (i < childCount - 1)
EmitNode(node.Child(i), GetSubsequentOrDefault(i, node, subsequent), emitLengthChecksIfRequired: emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
if (i < childCount - 1)
// Gets the node to treat as the subsequent one to node.Child(index)
static RegexNode? GetSubsequentOrDefault(int index, RegexNode node, RegexNode? defaultNode)
int childCount = node.ChildCount();
for (int i = index + 1; i < childCount; i++)
RegexNode next = node.Child(i);
if (next.Kind is not RegexNodeKind.UpdateBumpalong) // skip node types that don't have a semantic impact
return next;
return defaultNode;
// Emits the code to handle a single-character match.
void EmitSingleChar(RegexNode node, bool emitLengthCheck = true, string? offset = null, bool clauseOnly = false)
Debug.Assert(node.IsOneFamily || node.IsNotoneFamily || node.IsSetFamily, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
bool rtl = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
Debug.Assert(!rtl || offset is null);
Debug.Assert(!rtl || !clauseOnly);
string expr = !rtl ?
$"{sliceSpan}[{Sum(sliceStaticPos, offset)}]" :
"inputSpan[pos - 1]";
expr = node.IsSetFamily ?
MatchCharacterClass(expr, node.Str!, negate: true, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers) :
$"{expr} {(node.IsOneFamily ? "!=" : "==")} {Literal(node.Ch)}";
if (clauseOnly)
string clause =
!emitLengthCheck ? $"if ({expr})" :
!rtl ? $"if ({SpanLengthCheck(1, offset)} || {expr})" :
$"if ((uint)(pos - 1) >= inputSpan.Length || {expr})";
using (EmitBlock(writer, clause))
if (!rtl)
// Emits the code to handle a boundary check on a character.
void EmitBoundary(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Boundary or RegexNodeKind.NonBoundary or RegexNodeKind.ECMABoundary or RegexNodeKind.NonECMABoundary, $"Unexpected kind: {node.Kind}");
string call;
if (node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Boundary or RegexNodeKind.NonBoundary)
call = node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Boundary ?
$"!{HelpersTypeName}.IsBoundary" :
AddIsBoundaryHelper(requiredHelpers, checkOverflow);
call = node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.ECMABoundary ?
$"!{HelpersTypeName}.IsECMABoundary" :
AddIsECMABoundaryHelper(requiredHelpers, checkOverflow);
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({call}(inputSpan, pos{(sliceStaticPos > 0 ? $" + {sliceStaticPos}" : "")}))"))
// Emits the code to handle various anchors.
void EmitAnchors(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Beginning or RegexNodeKind.Start or RegexNodeKind.Bol or RegexNodeKind.End or RegexNodeKind.EndZ or RegexNodeKind.Eol, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert((node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0 || sliceStaticPos == 0);
Debug.Assert(sliceStaticPos >= 0);
switch (node.Kind)
case RegexNodeKind.Beginning:
case RegexNodeKind.Start:
if (sliceStaticPos > 0)
// If we statically know we've already matched part of the regex, there's no way we're at the
// beginning or start, as we've already progressed past it.
using (EmitBlock(writer, node.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Beginning ?
"if (pos != 0)" :
"if (pos != base.runtextstart)"))
case RegexNodeKind.Bol:
using (EmitBlock(writer, sliceStaticPos > 0 ?
$"if ({sliceSpan}[{sliceStaticPos - 1}] != '\\n')" :
$"if (pos > 0 && inputSpan[pos - 1] != '\\n')"))
case RegexNodeKind.End:
using (EmitBlock(writer, sliceStaticPos > 0 ?
$"if ({sliceStaticPos} < {sliceSpan}.Length)" :
"if ((uint)pos < (uint)inputSpan.Length)"))
case RegexNodeKind.EndZ:
using (EmitBlock(writer, sliceStaticPos > 0 ?
$"if ({sliceStaticPos + 1} < {sliceSpan}.Length || ({sliceStaticPos} < {sliceSpan}.Length && {sliceSpan}[{sliceStaticPos}] != '\\n'))" :
"if (pos < inputSpan.Length - 1 || ((uint)pos < (uint)inputSpan.Length && inputSpan[pos] != '\\n'))"))
case RegexNodeKind.Eol:
using (EmitBlock(writer, sliceStaticPos > 0 ?
$"if ({sliceStaticPos} < {sliceSpan}.Length && {sliceSpan}[{sliceStaticPos}] != '\\n')" :
"if ((uint)pos < (uint)inputSpan.Length && inputSpan[pos] != '\\n')"))
// Emits the code to handle a multiple-character match.
void EmitMultiChar(RegexNode node, bool emitLengthCheck)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Multi, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.Str is not null);
EmitMultiCharString(node.Str, emitLengthCheck, clauseOnly: false, (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0);
void EmitMultiCharString(string str, bool emitLengthCheck, bool clauseOnly, bool rightToLeft)
Debug.Assert(str.Length >= 2);
Debug.Assert(!clauseOnly || (!emitLengthCheck && !rightToLeft));
if (rightToLeft)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ((uint)(pos - {str.Length}) >= inputSpan.Length)"))
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"for (int i = 0; i < {str.Length}; i++)"))
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (inputSpan[--pos] != {Literal(str)}[{str.Length - 1} - i])"))
string sourceSpan = sliceStaticPos > 0 ? $"{sliceSpan}.Slice({sliceStaticPos})" : sliceSpan;
string clause = $"!{sourceSpan}.StartsWith({Literal(str)})";
if (clauseOnly)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({clause})"))
sliceStaticPos += str.Length;
void EmitSingleCharLoop(RegexNode node, RegexNode? subsequent = null, bool emitLengthChecksIfRequired = true)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Oneloop or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop or RegexNodeKind.Setloop, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
// If this is actually atomic based on its parent, emit it as atomic instead; no backtracking necessary.
if (rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node))
// If this is actually a repeater, emit that instead; no backtracking necessary.
if (node.M == node.N)
EmitSingleCharRepeater(node, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
// Emit backtracking around an atomic single char loop. We can then implement the backtracking
// as an afterthought, since we know exactly how many characters are accepted by each iteration
// of the wrapped loop (1) and that there's nothing captured by the loop.
Debug.Assert(node.M < node.N);
string backtrackingLabel = ReserveName("CharLoopBacktrack");
string endLoop = ReserveName("CharLoopEnd");
string startingPos = ReserveName("charloop_starting_pos");
string endingPos = ReserveName("charloop_ending_pos");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {startingPos} = 0, {endingPos} = 0;");
bool rtl = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
bool isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
// We're about to enter a loop, so ensure our text position is 0.
// Grab the current position, then emit the loop as atomic, and then
// grab the current position again. Even though we emit the loop without
// knowledge of backtracking, we can layer it on top by just walking back
// through the individual characters (a benefit of the loop matching exactly
// one character per iteration, no possible captures within the loop, etc.)
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
writer.WriteLine($"{endingPos} = pos;");
EmitAdd(writer, startingPos, !rtl ? node.M : -node.M);
// Backtracking section. Subsequent failures will jump to here, at which
// point we decrement the matched count as long as it's above the minimum
// required, and try again by flowing to everything that comes after this.
MarkLabel(backtrackingLabel, emitSemicolon: false);
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
string? capturePos = null;
if (isInLoop)
// This loop is inside of another loop, which means we persist state
// on the backtracking stack rather than relying on locals to always
// hold the right state (if we didn't do that, another iteration of the
// outer loop could have resulted in the locals being overwritten).
// Pop the relevant state from the stack.
if (expressionHasCaptures)
EmitStackPop(stackCookie, endingPos, startingPos);
else if (expressionHasCaptures)
// Since we're not in a loop, we're using a local to track the crawl position.
// Unwind back to the position we were at prior to running the code after this loop.
capturePos = ReserveName("charloop_capture_pos");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {capturePos} = 0;");
// We're backtracking. Check the timeout.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
if (!rtl &&
node.N > 1 && // no point in using IndexOf for small loops, in particular optionals
subsequent?.FindStartingLiteralNode() is RegexNode literalNode &&
TryEmitIndexOf(requiredHelpers, literalNode, useLast: true, negate: false, out int literalLength, out string? indexOfExpr))
writer.WriteLine($"if ({startingPos} >= {endingPos} ||");
string setEndingPosCondition = $" ({endingPos} = inputSpan.Slice({startingPos}, ";
setEndingPosCondition = literalLength > 1 ?
$"{setEndingPosCondition}Math.Min(inputSpan.Length, {endingPos} + {literalLength - 1}) - {startingPos})" :
$"{setEndingPosCondition}{endingPos} - {startingPos})";
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"{setEndingPosCondition}.{indexOfExpr}) < 0)"))
writer.WriteLine($"{endingPos} += {startingPos};");
writer.WriteLine($"pos = {endingPos};");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({startingPos} {(!rtl ? ">=" : "<=")} {endingPos})"))
writer.WriteLine(!rtl ? $"pos = --{endingPos};" : $"pos = ++{endingPos};");
if (!rtl)
MarkLabel(endLoop, emitSemicolon: false);
if (isInLoop)
// We're in a loop and thus can't rely on locals correctly holding the state we
// need (the locals could be overwritten by a subsequent iteration). Push the state
// on to the backtracking stack.
EmitStackPush(stackCookie, expressionHasCaptures ?
[startingPos, endingPos, "base.Crawlpos()"] :
[startingPos, endingPos]);
else if (capturePos is not null)
// We're not in a loop and so can trust our locals. Store the current capture position
// into the capture position local; we'll uncapture back to this when backtracking to
// remove any captures from after this loop that we need to throw away.
writer.WriteLine($"{capturePos} = base.Crawlpos();");
doneLabel = backtrackingLabel; // leave set to the backtracking label for all subsequent nodes
void EmitSingleCharLazy(RegexNode node, RegexNode? subsequent = null, bool emitLengthChecksIfRequired = true)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Onelazy or RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy or RegexNodeKind.Setlazy, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
// Emit the min iterations as a repeater. Any failures here don't necessitate backtracking,
// as the lazy itself failed to match, and there's no backtracking possible by the individual
// characters/iterations themselves.
if (node.M > 0)
EmitSingleCharRepeater(node, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
// If the whole thing was actually that repeater, we're done. Similarly, if this is actually an atomic
// lazy loop, nothing will ever backtrack into this node, so we never need to iterate more than the minimum.
if (node.M == node.N || rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node))
if (node.M > 0)
// We emitted a repeater to handle the required iterations; add a newline after it.
Debug.Assert(node.M < node.N);
// We now need to match one character at a time, each time allowing the remainder of the expression
// to try to match, and only matching another character if the subsequent expression fails to match.
// We're about to enter a loop, so ensure our text position is 0.
// If the loop isn't unbounded, track the number of iterations and the max number to allow.
string? iterationCount = null;
string? maxIterations = null;
if (node.N != int.MaxValue)
maxIterations = $"{node.N - node.M}";
iterationCount = ReserveName("lazyloop_iteration");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {iterationCount} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{iterationCount} = 0;");
// Track the current crawl position. Upon backtracking, we'll unwind any captures beyond this point.
string? capturePos = null;
if (expressionHasCaptures)
capturePos = ReserveName("lazyloop_capturepos");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {capturePos} = 0;");
// Track the current pos. Each time we backtrack, we'll reset to the stored position, which
// is also incremented each time we match another character in the loop.
string startingPos = ReserveName("lazyloop_pos");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {startingPos} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
// Skip the backtracking section for the initial subsequent matching. We've already matched the
// minimum number of iterations, which means we can successfully match with zero additional iterations.
string endLoopLabel = ReserveName("LazyLoopEnd");
// Backtracking section. Subsequent failures will jump to here.
string backtrackingLabel = ReserveName("LazyLoopBacktrack");
MarkLabel(backtrackingLabel, emitSemicolon: false);
// Uncapture any captures if the expression has any. It's possible the captures it has
// are before this node, in which case this is wasted effort, but still functionally correct.
if (capturePos is not null)
// If there's a max number of iterations, see if we've exceeded the maximum number of characters
// to match. If we haven't, increment the iteration count.
if (maxIterations is not null)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationCount} >= {maxIterations})"))
// We're backtracking. Check the timeout.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
// Now match the next item in the lazy loop. We need to reset the pos to the position
// just after the last character in this loop was matched, and we need to store the resulting position
// for the next time we backtrack.
writer.WriteLine($"pos = {startingPos};");
// Now that we've appropriately advanced by one character and are set for what comes after the loop,
// see if we can skip ahead more iterations by doing a search for a following literal.
if ((node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0)
if (iterationCount is null &&
node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy &&
subsequent?.FindStartingLiteral() is RegexNode.StartingLiteralData literal &&
!literal.Negated && // not negated; can't search for both the node.Ch and a negated subsequent char with an IndexOf* method
(literal.String is not null ||
literal.SetChars is not null ||
literal.Range.LowInclusive == literal.Range.HighInclusive ||
(literal.Range.LowInclusive <= node.Ch && node.Ch <= literal.Range.HighInclusive))) // for ranges, only allow when the range overlaps with the target, since there's no accelerated way to search for the union
// e.g. "<[^>]*?>"
// Whether the not'd character matches the subsequent literal. This impacts whether we need to search
// for both or just the literal, as well as what assumptions we can make once a match is found.
bool overlap;
// This lazy loop will consume all characters other than node.Ch until the subsequent literal.
// We can implement it to search for either that char or the literal, whichever comes first.
if (literal.String is not null) // string literal
overlap = literal.String[0] == node.Ch;
writer.WriteLine(overlap ?
$"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOf({Literal(node.Ch)});" :
$"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAny({Literal(node.Ch)}, {Literal(literal.String[0])});");
else if (literal.SetChars is not null) // set literal
overlap = literal.SetChars.Contains(node.Ch);
writer.WriteLine((overlap, literal.SetChars.Length) switch
(true, 2) => $"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAny({Literal(literal.SetChars[0])}, {Literal(literal.SetChars[1])});",
(true, 3) => $"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAny({Literal(literal.SetChars[0])}, {Literal(literal.SetChars[1])}, {Literal(literal.SetChars[2])});",
(true, _) => $"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAny({EmitSearchValuesOrLiteral(literal.SetChars.AsSpan(), requiredHelpers)});",
(false, 2) => $"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAny({Literal(node.Ch)}, {Literal(literal.SetChars[0])}, {Literal(literal.SetChars[1])});",
(false, _) => $"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAny({EmitSearchValuesOrLiteral($"{node.Ch}{literal.SetChars}".AsSpan(), requiredHelpers)});",
else if (literal.Range.LowInclusive == literal.Range.HighInclusive) // single char from a RegexNode.One
overlap = literal.Range.LowInclusive == node.Ch;
writer.WriteLine(overlap ?
$"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOf({Literal(node.Ch)});" :
$"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAny({Literal(node.Ch)}, {Literal(literal.Range.LowInclusive)});");
else // char range
overlap = true;
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.IndexOfAnyInRange({Literal(literal.Range.LowInclusive)}, {Literal(literal.Range.HighInclusive)});");
// If the search didn't find anything, fail the match. If it did find something, then we need to consider whether
// that something is the loop character. If it's not, we've successfully backtracked to the next lazy location
// where we should evaluate the rest of the pattern. If it does match, then we need to consider whether there's
// overlap between the loop character and the literal. If there is overlap, this is also a place to check. But
// if there's not overlap, and if the found character is the loop character, we also want to fail the match here
// and now, as this means the loop ends before it gets to what needs to come after the loop, and thus the pattern
// can't possibly match here.
using (EmitBlock(writer, overlap ?
$"if ({startingPos} < 0)" :
$"if ((uint){startingPos} >= (uint){sliceSpan}.Length || {sliceSpan}[{startingPos}] == {Literal(node.Ch)})"))
writer.WriteLine($"pos += {startingPos};");
else if (iterationCount is null &&
node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Setlazy &&
node.Str == RegexCharClass.AnyClass &&
subsequent?.FindStartingLiteralNode() is RegexNode literal2 &&
TryEmitIndexOf(requiredHelpers, literal2, useLast: false, negate: false, out _, out string? indexOfExpr))
// e.g. ".*?string" with RegexOptions.Singleline
// This lazy loop will consume all characters until the subsequent literal. If the subsequent literal
// isn't found, the loop fails. We can implement it to just search for that literal.
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = {sliceSpan}.{indexOfExpr};");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({startingPos} < 0)"))
writer.WriteLine($"pos += {startingPos};");
// Store the position we've left off at in case we need to iterate again.
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
// Update the done label for everything that comes after this node. This is done after we emit the single char
// matching, as that failing indicates the loop itself has failed to match.
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
doneLabel = backtrackingLabel; // leave set to the backtracking label for all subsequent nodes
bool isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
MarkLabel(endLoopLabel, emitSemicolon: !(capturePos is not null || isInLoop));
if (capturePos is not null)
writer.WriteLine($"{capturePos} = base.Crawlpos();");
// If this loop is itself not in another loop, nothing more needs to be done:
// upon backtracking, locals being used by this loop will have retained their
// values and be up-to-date. But if this loop is inside another loop, multiple
// iterations of this loop each need their own state, so we need to use the stack
// to hold it, and we need a dedicated backtracking section to handle restoring
// that state before jumping back into the loop itself.
if (isInLoop)
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
// Store the loop's state.
capturePos is not null && iterationCount is not null ? [startingPos, capturePos, iterationCount] :
capturePos is not null ? [startingPos, capturePos] :
iterationCount is not null ? [startingPos, iterationCount] :
// Skip past the backtracking section.
string end = ReserveName("LazyLoopSkipBacktrack");
// Emit a backtracking section that restores the loop's state and then jumps to the previous done label.
string backtrack = ReserveName("CharLazyBacktrack");
MarkLabel(backtrack, emitSemicolon: false);
// Restore the loop's state.
capturePos is not null && iterationCount is not null ? [iterationCount, capturePos, startingPos] :
capturePos is not null ? [capturePos, startingPos] :
iterationCount is not null ? [iterationCount, startingPos] :
doneLabel = backtrack;
void EmitLazy(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.M < int.MaxValue, $"Unexpected M={node.M}");
Debug.Assert(node.N >= node.M, $"Unexpected M={node.M}, N={node.N}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 1, $"Expected 1 child, found {node.ChildCount()}");
RegexNode child = node.Child(0);
int minIterations = node.M;
int maxIterations = node.N;
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
// If this is actually a repeater, reuse the loop implementation, as a loop and a lazy loop
// both need to greedily consume up to their min iteration count and are identical in
// behavior when min == max.
if (minIterations == maxIterations)
// We should only be here if the lazy loop isn't atomic due to an ancestor, as the optimizer should
// in such a case have lowered the loop's upper bound to its lower bound, at which point it would
// have been handled by the above delegation to EmitLoop. However, if the optimizer missed doing so,
// this loop could still be considered atomic by ancestor by its parent nodes, in which case we want
// to make sure the code emitted here conforms (e.g. doesn't leave any state erroneously on the stack).
// So, we assert it's not atomic, but still handle that case.
bool isAtomic = rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node);
Debug.Assert(!isAtomic, "An atomic lazy should have had its upper bound lowered to its lower bound.");
// We might loop any number of times. In order to ensure this loop and subsequent code sees sliceStaticPos
// the same regardless, we always need it to contain the same value, and the easiest such value is 0.
// So, we transfer sliceStaticPos to pos, and ensure that any path out of here has sliceStaticPos as 0.
string body = ReserveName("LazyLoopBody");
string endLoop = ReserveName("LazyLoopEnd");
string iterationCount = ReserveName("lazyloop_iteration");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {iterationCount} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{iterationCount} = 0;");
// Loops that match empty iterations need additional checks in place to prevent infinitely matching (since
// you could end up looping an infinite number of times at the same location). We can avoid those
// additional checks if we can prove that the loop can never match empty, which we can do by computing
// the minimum length of the child; only if it's 0 might iterations be empty.
bool iterationMayBeEmpty = child.ComputeMinLength() == 0;
string? startingPos = null, sawEmpty = null;
if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
startingPos = ReserveName("lazyloop_starting_pos");
sawEmpty = ReserveName("lazyloop_empty_seen");
writer.WriteLine($"int {startingPos} = pos, {sawEmpty} = 0; // the lazy loop may match empty iterations");
// If the min count is 0, start out by jumping right to what's after the loop. Backtracking
// will then bring us back in to do further iterations.
if (minIterations == 0)
// Iteration body
MarkLabel(body, emitSemicolon: isAtomic);
// In case iterations are backtracked through and unwound, we need to store the current position (so that
// matching can resume from that location), the current crawl position if captures are possible (so that
// we can uncapture back to that position), and both the starting position from the iteration we're leaving
// and whether we've seen an empty iteration (if iterations may be empty). Since there can be multiple
// iterations, this state needs to be stored on to the backtracking stack.
if (!isAtomic)
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
int entriesPerIteration =
1/*pos*/ +
(iterationMayBeEmpty ? 2/*startingPos+sawEmpty*/ : 0) +
(expressionHasCaptures ? 1/*Crawlpos*/ : 0) +
(stackCookie != 0 ? 1 : 0);
expressionHasCaptures && iterationMayBeEmpty ? ["pos", startingPos!, sawEmpty!, "base.Crawlpos()"] :
iterationMayBeEmpty ? ["pos", startingPos!, sawEmpty!] :
expressionHasCaptures ? ["pos", "base.Crawlpos()"] :
if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
// We need to store the current pos so we can compare it against pos after the iteration, in order to
// determine whether the iteration was empty.
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
// Proactively increase the number of iterations. We do this prior to the match rather than once
// we know it's successful, because we need to decrement it as part of a failed match when
// backtracking; it's thus simpler to just always decrement it as part of a failed match, even
// when initially greedily matching the loop, which then requires we increment it before trying.
// Last but not least, we need to set the doneLabel that a failed match of the body will jump to.
// Such an iteration match failure may or may not fail the whole operation, depending on whether
// we've already matched the minimum required iterations, so we need to jump to a location that
// will make that determination.
string iterationFailedLabel = ReserveName("LazyLoopIterationNoMatch");
doneLabel = iterationFailedLabel;
// Finally, emit the child.
Debug.Assert(sliceStaticPos == 0);
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // ensure sliceStaticPos remains 0
if (doneLabel == iterationFailedLabel)
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
// Loop condition. Continue iterating if we've not yet reached the minimum. We just successfully
// matched an iteration, so the only reason we'd need to forcefully loop around again is if the
// minimum were at least 2.
if (minIterations >= 2)
writer.WriteLine($"// The lazy loop requires a minimum of {minIterations} iterations. If that many haven't yet matched, loop now.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, minIterations)})"))
if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
// If the last iteration was empty, we need to prevent further iteration from this point
// unless we backtrack out of this iteration.
writer.WriteLine("// If the iteration successfully matched zero-length input, record that an empty iteration was seen.");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos == {startingPos})"))
writer.WriteLine($"{sawEmpty} = 1; // true");
// We matched the next iteration. Jump to the subsequent code.
// Now handle what happens when an iteration fails (and since a lazy loop only executes an iteration
// when it's required to satisfy the loop by definition of being lazy, the loop is failing). We need
// to reset state to what it was before just that iteration started. That includes resetting pos and
// clearing out any captures from that iteration.
writer.WriteLine("// The lazy loop iteration failed to match.");
MarkLabel(iterationFailedLabel, emitSemicolon: false);
if (doneLabel != originalDoneLabel || !GotoWillExitMatch(originalDoneLabel)) // we don't need to back anything out if we're about to exit TryMatchAtCurrentPosition anyway.
// Fail this loop iteration, including popping state off the backtracking stack that was pushed
// on as part of the failing iteration.
if (expressionHasCaptures)
EmitStackPop(stackCookie, iterationMayBeEmpty ?
[sawEmpty!, startingPos!, "pos"] :
// If the loop's child doesn't backtrack, then this loop has failed.
// If the loop's child does backtrack, we need to backtrack back into the previous iteration if there was one.
if (doneLabel == originalDoneLabel)
// Since the only reason we'd end up revisiting previous iterations of the lazy loop is if the child had backtracking constructs
// we'd backtrack into, and the child doesn't, the whole loop is failed and done. If we successfully processed any iterations,
// we thus need to pop all of the state we pushed onto the stack for those iterations, as we're exiting out to the parent who
// will expect the stack to be cleared of any child state.
Debug.Assert(entriesPerIteration >= 1);
writer.WriteLine(entriesPerIteration > 1 ?
$"stackpos -= {iterationCount} * {entriesPerIteration};" :
$"stackpos -= {iterationCount};");
// The child has backtracking constructs. If we have no successful iterations previously processed, just bail.
// If we do have successful iterations previously processed, however, we need to backtrack back into the last one.
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationCount} > 0)"))
writer.WriteLine($"// The lazy loop matched at least one iteration; backtrack into the last one.");
if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
// If we saw empty, it must have been in the most recent iteration, as we wouldn't have
// allowed additional iterations after one that was empty. Thus, we reset it back to
// false prior to backtracking / undoing that iteration.
writer.WriteLine($"{sawEmpty} = 0; // false");
MarkLabel(endLoop, emitSemicolon: false);
// If the lazy loop is not atomic, then subsequent code may backtrack back into this lazy loop, either
// causing it to add additional iterations, or backtracking into existing iterations and potentially
// unwinding them. We need to do a timeout check, and then determine whether to branch back to add more
// iterations (if we haven't hit the loop's maximum iteration count and haven't seen an empty iteration)
// or unwind by branching back to the last backtracking location. Either way, we need a dedicated
// backtracking section that a subsequent construct will see as its backtracking target.
// We need to ensure that some state (e.g. iteration count) is persisted if we're backtracked to.
// We also need to push the current position, so that subsequent iterations pick up at the right
// point (and subsequent expressions are almost certain to have changed the current pos). However,
// if we're not inside of a loop, the other local's used for this construct are sufficient, as nothing
// else will overwrite them between now and when backtracking occurs. If, however, we are inside
// of another loop, then any number of iterations might have such state that needs to be stored,
// and thus it needs to be pushed on to the backtracking stack.
bool isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
!isInLoop ? (expressionHasCaptures ? ["pos", "base.Crawlpos()"] : ["pos"]) :
iterationMayBeEmpty ? (expressionHasCaptures ? ["pos", iterationCount, startingPos!, sawEmpty!, "base.Crawlpos()"] : ["pos", iterationCount, startingPos!, sawEmpty!]) :
expressionHasCaptures ? ["pos", iterationCount, "base.Crawlpos()"] :
["pos", iterationCount]);
string skipBacktrack = ReserveName("LazyLoopSkipBacktrack");
// Emit a backtracking section that checks the timeout, restores the loop's state, and jumps to
// the appropriate label.
string backtrack = ReserveName($"LazyLoopBacktrack");
MarkLabel(backtrack, emitSemicolon: false);
// We're backtracking. Check the timeout.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
if (expressionHasCaptures)
!isInLoop ? ["pos"] :
iterationMayBeEmpty ? [sawEmpty!, startingPos!, iterationCount, "pos"] :
[iterationCount, "pos"]);
// Determine where to branch, either back to the lazy loop body to add an additional iteration,
// or to the last backtracking label.
if (maxIterations != int.MaxValue || iterationMayBeEmpty)
FinishEmitBlock clause;
if (maxIterations == int.MaxValue)
// If the last iteration matched empty, backtrack.
writer.WriteLine("// If the last iteration matched empty, don't continue lazily iterating. Instead, backtrack.");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({sawEmpty} != 0)");
else if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
// If the last iteration matched empty or if we've reached our upper bound, backtrack.
writer.WriteLine($"// If the upper bound {maxIterations} has already been reached, or if the last");
writer.WriteLine($"// iteration matched empty, don't continue lazily iterating. Instead, backtrack.");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({CountIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(iterationCount, maxIterations)} || {sawEmpty} != 0)");
// If we've reached our upper bound, backtrack.
writer.WriteLine($"// If the upper bound {maxIterations} has already been reached,");
writer.WriteLine($"// don't continue lazily iterating. Instead, backtrack.");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({CountIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(iterationCount, maxIterations)})");
using (clause)
// We're backtracking, which could either be to something prior to the lazy loop or to something
// inside of the lazy loop. If it's to something inside of the lazy loop, then either the loop
// will eventually succeed or we'll eventually end up unwinding back through the iterations all
// the way back to the loop not matching at all, in which case the state we first pushed on at the
// beginning of the !isAtomic section will get popped off. But if here we're instead going to jump
// to something prior to the lazy loop, then we need to pop off that state here.
if (doneLabel == originalDoneLabel)
EmitAdd(writer, "stackpos", -entriesPerIteration);
if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
// If we saw empty, it must have been in the most recent iteration, as we wouldn't have
// allowed additional iterations after one that was empty. Thus, we reset it back to
// false prior to backtracking / undoing that iteration.
writer.WriteLine($"{sawEmpty} = 0; // false");
// Otherwise, try to match another iteration.
doneLabel = backtrack;
// Emits the code to handle a loop (repeater) with a fixed number of iterations.
// RegexNode.M is used for the number of iterations (RegexNode.N is ignored), as this
// might be used to implement the required iterations of other kinds of loops.
void EmitSingleCharRepeater(RegexNode node, bool emitLengthCheck = true)
Debug.Assert(node.IsOneFamily || node.IsNotoneFamily || node.IsSetFamily, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
int iterations = node.M;
bool rtl = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
switch (iterations)
case 0:
// No iterations, nothing to do.
case 1:
// Just match the individual item
EmitSingleChar(node, emitLengthCheck);
case <= RegexNode.MultiVsRepeaterLimit when node.IsOneFamily:
// This is a repeated case-sensitive character; emit it as a multi in order to get all the optimizations
// afforded to a multi, e.g. unrolling the loop with multi-char reads/comparisons at a time.
EmitMultiCharString(new string(node.Ch, iterations), emitLengthCheck, clauseOnly: false, rtl);
if (rtl)
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // we don't use static position with rtl
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"for (int i = 0; i < {iterations}; i++)"))
else if (node.IsSetFamily && node.Str == RegexCharClass.AnyClass)
// This is a repeater for anything, which means we only care about length and can jump past that length.
if (emitLengthCheck)
sliceStaticPos += iterations;
else if (iterations <= MaxUnrollSize)
// if ((uint)(sliceStaticPos + iterations - 1) >= (uint)slice.Length ||
// slice[sliceStaticPos] != c1 ||
// slice[sliceStaticPos + 1] != c2 ||
// ...)
// {
// goto doneLabel;
// }
writer.Write($"if (");
if (emitLengthCheck)
writer.WriteLine($"{SpanLengthCheck(iterations)} ||");
writer.Write(" ");
EmitSingleChar(node, emitLengthCheck: false, clauseOnly: true);
for (int i = 1; i < iterations; i++)
writer.WriteLine(" ||");
writer.Write(" ");
EmitSingleChar(node, emitLengthCheck: false, clauseOnly: true);
using (EmitBlock(writer, null))
// if ((uint)(sliceStaticPos + iterations - 1) >= (uint)slice.Length) goto doneLabel;
if (emitLengthCheck)
// If we're able to vectorize the search, do so. Otherwise, fall back to a loop.
// For the loop, we're validating that each char matches the target node.
// For Contains{Any}, we're looking for the first thing that _doesn't_ match the target node,
// and thus similarly validating that everything does.
if (TryEmitIndexOf(requiredHelpers, node, useLast: false, negate: true, out _, out string? indexOfExpr))
string containsExpr = indexOfExpr.Replace("IndexOf", "Contains");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({sliceSpan}.Slice({sliceStaticPos}, {iterations}).{containsExpr})"))
string repeaterSpan = "repeaterSlice"; // As this repeater doesn't wrap arbitrary node emits, this shouldn't conflict with anything
writer.WriteLine($"ReadOnlySpan<char> {repeaterSpan} = {sliceSpan}.Slice({sliceStaticPos}, {iterations});");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"for (int i = 0; i < {repeaterSpan}.Length; i++)"))
string tmpTextSpanLocal = sliceSpan; // we want EmitSingleChar to refer to this temporary
int tmpSliceStaticPos = sliceStaticPos;
sliceSpan = repeaterSpan;
sliceStaticPos = 0;
EmitSingleChar(node, emitLengthCheck: false, offset: "i");
sliceSpan = tmpTextSpanLocal;
sliceStaticPos = tmpSliceStaticPos;
sliceStaticPos += iterations;
// Emits the code to handle a non-backtracking, variable-length loop around a single character comparison.
void EmitSingleCharAtomicLoop(RegexNode node, bool emitLengthChecksIfRequired = true)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Oneloop or RegexNodeKind.Oneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Setloop or RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
// If this is actually a repeater, emit that instead.
if (node.M == node.N)
EmitSingleCharRepeater(node, emitLengthChecksIfRequired);
// If this is actually an optional single char, emit that instead.
if (node.M == 0 && node.N == 1)
Debug.Assert(node.N > node.M);
int minIterations = node.M;
int maxIterations = node.N;
bool rtl = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
string iterationLocal = ReserveName("iteration");
if (rtl)
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // we don't use static position for rtl
if (node.IsSetFamily && maxIterations == int.MaxValue && node.Str == RegexCharClass.AnyClass)
// If this loop will consume the remainder of the input, just set the iteration variable
// to pos directly rather than looping to get there.
writer.WriteLine($"int {iterationLocal} = pos;");
writer.WriteLine($"int {iterationLocal} = 0;");
string expr = $"inputSpan[pos - {iterationLocal} - 1]";
expr = node.IsSetFamily ?
MatchCharacterClass(expr, node.Str!, negate: false, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers) :
$"{expr} {(node.IsOneFamily ? "==" : "!=")} {Literal(node.Ch)}";
string maxClause = maxIterations != int.MaxValue ? $"{CountIsLessThan(iterationLocal, maxIterations)} && " : "";
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"while ({maxClause}pos > {iterationLocal} && {expr})"))
else if (node.IsSetFamily && maxIterations == int.MaxValue && node.Str == RegexCharClass.AnyClass)
// .* was used with RegexOptions.Singleline, which means it'll consume everything. Just jump to the end.
// The unbounded constraint is the same as in the Notone case above, done purely for simplicity.
writer.WriteLine($"int {iterationLocal} = inputSpan.Length - pos;");
else if (maxIterations == int.MaxValue && TryEmitIndexOf(requiredHelpers, node, useLast: false, negate: true, out _, out string? indexOfExpr))
// We're unbounded and we can use an IndexOf method to perform the search. The unbounded restriction is
// purely for simplicity; it could be removed in the future with additional code to handle that case.
writer.Write($"int {iterationLocal} = {sliceSpan}");
if (sliceStaticPos != 0)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationLocal} < 0)"))
writer.WriteLine(sliceStaticPos > 0 ?
$"{iterationLocal} = {sliceSpan}.Length - {sliceStaticPos};" :
$"{iterationLocal} = {sliceSpan}.Length;");
// For everything else, do a normal loop.
string expr = $"{sliceSpan}[{iterationLocal}]";
expr = node.IsSetFamily ?
MatchCharacterClass(expr, node.Str!, negate: false, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers) :
$"{expr} {(node.IsOneFamily ? "==" : "!=")} {Literal(node.Ch)}";
if (minIterations != 0 || maxIterations != int.MaxValue)
// For any loops other than * loops, transfer text pos to pos in
// order to zero it out to be able to use the single iteration variable
// for both iteration count and indexer.
writer.WriteLine($"int {iterationLocal} = {sliceStaticPos};");
sliceStaticPos = 0;
string maxClause = maxIterations != int.MaxValue ? $"{CountIsLessThan(iterationLocal, maxIterations)} && " : "";
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"while ({maxClause}(uint){iterationLocal} < (uint){sliceSpan}.Length && {expr})"))
// Check to ensure we've found at least min iterations.
if (minIterations > 0)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({CountIsLessThan(iterationLocal, minIterations)})"))
// Now that we've completed our optional iterations, advance the text span
// and pos by the number of iterations completed.
if (!rtl)
writer.WriteLine($"{sliceSpan} = {sliceSpan}.Slice({iterationLocal});");
writer.WriteLine($"pos += {iterationLocal};");
writer.WriteLine($"pos -= {iterationLocal};");
// Emits the code to handle a non-backtracking optional zero-or-one loop.
void EmitAtomicSingleCharZeroOrOne(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Oneloop or RegexNodeKind.Oneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Setloop or RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.M == 0 && node.N == 1);
bool rtl = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
if (rtl)
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // we don't use static pos for rtl
string expr = !rtl ?
$"{sliceSpan}[{sliceStaticPos}]" :
"inputSpan[pos - 1]";
expr = node.IsSetFamily ?
MatchCharacterClass(expr, node.Str!, negate: false, additionalDeclarations, requiredHelpers) :
$"{expr} {(node.IsOneFamily ? "==" : "!=")} {Literal(node.Ch)}";
string spaceAvailable =
rtl ? "pos > 0" :
sliceStaticPos != 0 ? $"(uint){sliceSpan}.Length > (uint){sliceStaticPos}" :
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({spaceAvailable} && {expr})"))
if (!rtl)
writer.WriteLine($"{sliceSpan} = {sliceSpan}.Slice(1);");
void EmitNonBacktrackingRepeater(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Loop or RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.M < int.MaxValue, $"Unexpected M={node.M}");
Debug.Assert(node.M == node.N, $"Unexpected M={node.M} == N={node.N}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 1, $"Expected 1 child, found {node.ChildCount()}");
Debug.Assert(!rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(node.Child(0)), $"Expected non-backtracking node {node.Kind}");
// Ensure every iteration of the loop sees a consistent value.
// Loop M==N times to match the child exactly that numbers of times.
string i = ReserveName("loop_iteration");
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"for (int {i} = 0; {i} < {node.M}; {i}++)"))
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // make sure static the static position remains at 0 for subsequent constructs
void EmitLoop(RegexNode node)
Debug.Assert(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Loop or RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop, $"Unexpected type: {node.Kind}");
Debug.Assert(node.M < int.MaxValue, $"Unexpected M={node.M}");
Debug.Assert(node.N >= node.M, $"Unexpected M={node.M}, N={node.N}");
Debug.Assert(node.ChildCount() == 1, $"Expected 1 child, found {node.ChildCount()}");
RegexNode child = node.Child(0);
int minIterations = node.M;
int maxIterations = node.N;
int stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
// Special-case some repeaters.
if (minIterations == maxIterations)
switch (minIterations)
case 0:
// No iteration. Nop.
case 1:
// One iteration. Just emit the child without any loop ceremony.
case > 1 when !rm.Analysis.MayBacktrack(child):
// The child doesn't backtrack. Emit it as a non-backtracking repeater.
// (If the child backtracks, we need to fall through to the more general logic
// that supports unwinding iterations.)
// We might loop any number of times. In order to ensure this loop and subsequent code sees sliceStaticPos
// the same regardless, we always need it to contain the same value, and the easiest such value is 0.
// So, we transfer sliceStaticPos to pos, and ensure that any path out of here has sliceStaticPos as 0.
bool isAtomic = rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node);
string? startingStackpos = null;
if (isAtomic || minIterations > 1)
// If the loop is atomic, constructs will need to backtrack around it, and as such any backtracking
// state pushed by the loop should be removed prior to exiting the loop. Similarly, if the loop has
// a minimum iteration count greater than 1, we might end up with at least one successful iteration
// only to find we can't iterate further, and will need to clear any pushed state from the backtracking
// stack. For both cases, we need to store the starting stack index so it can be reset to that position.
startingStackpos = ReserveName("startingStackpos");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {startingStackpos} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{startingStackpos} = stackpos;");
string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
string body = ReserveName("LoopBody");
string endLoop = ReserveName("LoopEnd");
string iterationCount = ReserveName("loop_iteration");
// Loops that match empty iterations need additional checks in place to prevent infinitely matching (since
// you could end up looping an infinite number of times at the same location). We can avoid those
// additional checks if we can prove that the loop can never match empty, which we can do by computing
// the minimum length of the child; only if it's 0 might iterations be empty.
bool iterationMayBeEmpty = child.ComputeMinLength() == 0;
string? startingPos = iterationMayBeEmpty ? ReserveName("loop_starting_pos") : null;
if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {iterationCount} = 0, {startingPos} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
additionalDeclarations.Add($"int {iterationCount} = 0;");
writer.WriteLine($"{iterationCount} = 0;");
// Iteration body
MarkLabel(body, emitSemicolon: false);
// We need to store the starting pos and crawl position so that it may be backtracked through later.
// This needs to be the starting position from the iteration we're leaving, so it's pushed before updating
// it to pos. Note that unlike some other constructs that only need to push state on to the stack if
// they're inside of a loop (because if they're not inside of a loop, nothing would overwrite the locals),
// here we still need the stack, because each iteration of _this_ loop may have its own state, e.g. we
// need to know where each iteration began so when backtracking we can jump back to that location. This is
// true even if the loop is atomic, as we might need to backtrack within the loop in order to match the
// minimum iteration count.
expressionHasCaptures && iterationMayBeEmpty ? ["base.Crawlpos()", startingPos!, "pos"] :
expressionHasCaptures ? ["base.Crawlpos()", "pos"] :
iterationMayBeEmpty ? [startingPos!, "pos"] :
// Save off some state. We need to store the current pos so we can compare it against
// pos after the iteration, in order to determine whether the iteration was empty. Empty
// iterations are allowed as part of min matches, but once we've met the min quote, empty matches
// are considered match failures.
if (iterationMayBeEmpty)
writer.WriteLine($"{startingPos} = pos;");
// Proactively increase the number of iterations. We do this prior to the match rather than once
// we know it's successful, because we need to decrement it as part of a failed match when
// backtracking; it's thus simpler to just always decrement it as part of a failed match, even
// when initially greedily matching the loop, which then requires we increment it before trying.
// Last but not least, we need to set the doneLabel that a failed match of the body will jump to.
// Such an iteration match failure may or may not fail the whole operation, depending on whether
// we've already matched the minimum required iterations, so we need to jump to a location that
// will make that determination.
string iterationFailedLabel = ReserveName("LoopIterationNoMatch");
doneLabel = iterationFailedLabel;
// Finally, emit the child.
Debug.Assert(sliceStaticPos == 0);
TransferSliceStaticPosToPos(); // ensure sliceStaticPos remains 0
bool childBacktracks = doneLabel != iterationFailedLabel;
// Loop condition. Continue iterating greedily if we've not yet reached the maximum. We also need to stop
// iterating if the iteration matched empty and we already hit the minimum number of iterations.
if (maxIterations == int.MaxValue && !iterationMayBeEmpty)
// The loop has no upper bound and iterations can't be empty; this is a greedy loop, so regardless of whether
// there's a min iterations required, we need to loop again.
writer.WriteLine("// The loop has no upper bound. Continue iterating greedily.");
FinishEmitBlock clause;
if (!iterationMayBeEmpty)
// Iterations won't be empty, but there is an upper bound. Whether or not there's a min iterations required, we need to keep
// iterating until we're at the maximum, and since the min is never more than the max, we don't need to check the min.
writer.WriteLine($"// The loop has an upper bound of {maxIterations}. Continue iterating greedily if it hasn't yet been reached.");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, maxIterations)})");
else if (minIterations > 0 && maxIterations == int.MaxValue)
// Iterations may be empty, and there's a minimum iteration count required (but no maximum), so loop if either
// the iteration isn't empty or we still need more iterations to meet the minimum.
writer.WriteLine($"// The loop has a lower bound of {minIterations} but no upper bound. Continue iterating greedily");
writer.WriteLine($"// if the last iteration wasn't empty (or if it was, if the lower bound hasn't yet been reached).");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos != {startingPos} || {CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, minIterations)})");
else if (minIterations > 0)
// Iterations may be empty and there's both a lower and upper bound on the loop.
writer.WriteLine($"// The loop has a lower bound of {minIterations} and an upper bound of {maxIterations}. Continue iterating");
writer.WriteLine($"// greedily if the upper bound hasn't yet been reached and either the last iteration was non-empty or the");
writer.WriteLine($"// lower bound hasn't yet been reached.");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if ((pos != {startingPos} || {CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, minIterations)}) && {CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, maxIterations)})");
else if (maxIterations == int.MaxValue)
// Iterations may be empty and there's no lower or upper bound.
writer.WriteLine($"// The loop is unbounded. Continue iterating greedily as long as the last iteration wasn't empty.");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos != {startingPos})");
// Iterations may be empty, there's no lower bound, but there is an upper bound.
writer.WriteLine($"// The loop has an upper bound of {maxIterations}. Continue iterating greedily if the upper bound hasn't");
writer.WriteLine($"// yet been reached (as long as the last iteration wasn't empty).");
clause = EmitBlock(writer, $"if (pos != {startingPos} && {CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, maxIterations)})");
using (clause)
// We've matched as many iterations as we can with this configuration. Jump to what comes after the loop.
// Now handle what happens when an iteration fails, which could be an initial failure or it
// could be while backtracking. We need to reset state to what it was before just that iteration
// started. That includes resetting pos and clearing out any captures from that iteration.
writer.WriteLine("// The loop iteration failed. Put state back to the way it was before the iteration.");
MarkLabel(iterationFailedLabel, emitSemicolon: false);
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if (--{iterationCount} < 0)"))
// If the loop has a lower bound of 0, then we may try to match what comes after the loop
// having matched 0 iterations. If that fails, it'll then backtrack here, and the iteration
// count will become negative, indicating the loop has exhausted its choices.
writer.WriteLine("// Unable to match the remainder of the expression after exhausting the loop.");
EmitStackPop(0, iterationMayBeEmpty ? // stack cookie handled is explicitly 0 to handle it below
["pos", startingPos!] :
if (expressionHasCaptures)
// If there's a required minimum iteration count, validate now that we've processed enough iterations.
if (minIterations > 0)
if (childBacktracks)
// The child backtracks. If we don't have any iterations, there's nothing to backtrack into,
// and at least one iteration is required, so fail the loop.
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationCount} == 0)"))
writer.WriteLine("// No iterations have been matched to backtrack into. Fail the loop.");
// We have at least one iteration; if that's insufficient to meet the minimum, backtrack
// into the previous iteration. We only need to do this check if the min iteration requirement
// is more than one, since the above check already handles the case where the min count is 1,
// since the only value that wouldn't meet that is 0.
if (minIterations > 1)
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, minIterations)})"))
writer.WriteLine($"// All possible iterations have matched, but it's below the required minimum of {minIterations}.");
writer.WriteLine($"// Backtrack into the prior iteration.");
// The child doesn't backtrack, which means there's no other way the matched iterations could
// match differently, so if we haven't already greedily processed enough iterations, fail the loop.
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({CountIsLessThan(iterationCount, minIterations)})"))
writer.WriteLine($"// All possible iterations have matched, but it's below the required minimum of {minIterations}. Fail the loop.");
// If the minimum iterations is 1, then since we're only here if there are fewer, there must be 0
// iterations, in which case there's nothing to reset. If, however, the minimum iteration count is
// greater than 1, we need to check if there was at least one successful iteration, in which case
// any backtracking state still set needs to be reset; otherwise, constructs earlier in the sequence
// trying to pop their own state will erroneously pop this state instead.
if (minIterations > 1)
Debug.Assert(startingStackpos is not null);
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationCount} != 0)"))
writer.WriteLine($"// Ensure any stale backtracking state is removed.");
writer.WriteLine($"stackpos = {startingStackpos};");
if (isAtomic)
doneLabel = originalDoneLabel;
MarkLabel(endLoop, emitSemicolon: startingStackpos is null);
// The loop is atomic, which means any backtracking will go around this loop. That also means we can't leave
// stack polluted with state from successful iterations, so we need to remove all such state; such state will
// only have been pushed if minIterations > 0.
if (startingStackpos is not null)
writer.WriteLine($"stackpos = {startingStackpos}; // Ensure any remaining backtracking state is removed.");
if (childBacktracks)
string backtrack = ReserveName("LoopBacktrack");
MarkLabel(backtrack, emitSemicolon: false);
// We're backtracking. Check the timeout.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationCount} == 0)"))
writer.WriteLine("// No iterations of the loop remain to backtrack into. Fail the loop.");
doneLabel = backtrack;
bool isInLoop = rm.Analysis.IsInLoop(node);
MarkLabel(endLoop, emitSemicolon: !isInLoop);
// If this loop is itself not in another loop, nothing more needs to be done:
// upon backtracking, locals being used by this loop will have retained their
// values and be up-to-date. But if this loop is inside another loop, multiple
// iterations of this loop each need their own state, so we need to use the stack
// to hold it, and we need a dedicated backtracking section to handle restoring
// that state before jumping back into the loop itself.
if (isInLoop)
// Store the loop's state
stackCookie = CreateStackCookie();
startingPos is not null && startingStackpos is not null ? [startingPos, startingStackpos, iterationCount] :
startingPos is not null ? [startingPos, iterationCount] :
startingStackpos is not null ? [startingStackpos, iterationCount] :
// Skip past the backtracking section
string end = ReserveName("LoopSkipBacktrack");
// Emit a backtracking section that restores the loop's state and then jumps to the previous done label
string backtrack = ReserveName("LoopBacktrack");
MarkLabel(backtrack, emitSemicolon: false);
startingPos is not null && startingStackpos is not null ? [iterationCount, startingStackpos, startingPos] :
startingPos is not null ? [iterationCount, startingPos] :
startingStackpos is not null ? [iterationCount, startingStackpos] :
// We're backtracking. Check the timeout.
EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(writer, rm);
doneLabel = backtrack;
// Gets a comparison for whether the iteration count is less than the upper bound.
static string CountIsLessThan(string count, int exclusiveUpper) =>
exclusiveUpper == 1 ? $"{count} == 0" : $"{count} < {exclusiveUpper}";
// Gets a comparison for whether the iteration count is greater than or equal to the upper bound
static string CountIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(string count, int exclusiveUpper) =>
exclusiveUpper == 1 ? $"{count} != 0" : $"{count} >= {exclusiveUpper}";
// Emits code to unwind the capture stack until the crawl position specified in the provided local.
void EmitUncaptureUntil(string capturepos)
const string UncaptureUntil = nameof(UncaptureUntil);
if (!additionalLocalFunctions.ContainsKey(UncaptureUntil))
$"// <summary>Undo captures until it reaches the specified capture position.</summary>",
$"void {UncaptureUntil}(int capturePosition)",
$" while (base.Crawlpos() > capturePosition)",
$" {{",
$" base.Uncapture();",
$" }}",
/// <summary>Pushes values on to the backtracking stack.</summary>
void EmitStackPush(int stackCookie, params string[] args)
Debug.Assert(args.Length is >= 1);
const string MethodName = "StackPush";
string key = $"{MethodName}{args.Length}";
additionalDeclarations.Add("int stackpos = 0;");
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(key))
var lines = new string[24 + args.Length];
lines[0] = $"/// <summary>Pushes {args.Length} value{(args.Length == 1 ? "" : "s")} onto the backtracking stack.</summary>";
lines[1] = $"[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]";
lines[2] = $"internal static void {MethodName}(ref int[] stack, ref int pos{FormatN(", int arg{0}", args.Length)})";
lines[3] = $"{{";
lines[4] = $" // If there's space available for {(args.Length > 1 ? $"all {args.Length} values, store them" : "the value, store it")}.";
lines[5] = $" int[] s = stack;";
lines[6] = $" int p = pos;";
lines[7] = $" if ((uint){(args.Length > 1 ? $"(p + {args.Length - 1})" : "p")} < (uint)s.Length)";
lines[8] = $" {{";
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
lines[9 + i] = $" s[p{(i == 0 ? "" : $" + {i}")}] = arg{i};";
lines[9 + args.Length] = args.Length > 1 ? $" pos += {args.Length};" : " pos++;";
lines[10 + args.Length] = $" return;";
lines[11 + args.Length] = $" }}";
lines[12 + args.Length] = $"";
lines[13 + args.Length] = $" // Otherwise, resize the stack to make room and try again.";
lines[14 + args.Length] = $" WithResize(ref stack, ref pos{FormatN(", arg{0}", args.Length)});";
lines[15 + args.Length] = $"";
lines[16 + args.Length] = $" // <summary>Resize the backtracking stack array and push {args.Length} value{(args.Length == 1 ? "" : "s")} onto the stack.</summary>";
lines[17 + args.Length] = $" [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]";
lines[18 + args.Length] = $" static void WithResize(ref int[] stack, ref int pos{FormatN(", int arg{0}", args.Length)})";
lines[19 + args.Length] = $" {{";
lines[20 + args.Length] = $" Array.Resize(ref stack, (pos + {args.Length - 1}) * 2);";
lines[21 + args.Length] = $" {MethodName}(ref stack, ref pos{FormatN(", arg{0}", args.Length)});";
lines[22 + args.Length] = $" }}";
lines[23 + args.Length] = $"}}";
requiredHelpers.Add(key, lines);
if (stackCookie != 0)
writer.WriteLine($"{HelpersTypeName}.{MethodName}(ref base.runstack!, ref stackpos, {string.Join(", ", args)});");
/// <summary>Pops values from the backtracking stack into the specified locations.</summary>
void EmitStackPop(int stackCookie, params string[] args)
Debug.Assert(args.Length is >= 1);
if (args.Length == 1)
writer.WriteLine($"{args[0]} = {StackPop()};");
const string MethodName = "StackPop";
string key = $"{MethodName}{args.Length}";
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(key))
var lines = new string[5 + args.Length];
lines[0] = $"/// <summary>Pops {args.Length} value{(args.Length == 1 ? "" : "s")} from the backtracking stack.</summary>";
lines[1] = $"[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]";
lines[2] = $"internal static void {MethodName}(int[] stack, ref int pos{FormatN(", out int arg{0}", args.Length)})";
lines[3] = $"{{";
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
lines[4 + i] = $" arg{i} = stack[--pos];";
lines[4 + args.Length] = $"}}";
requiredHelpers.Add(key, lines);
writer.WriteLine($"{HelpersTypeName}.{MethodName}(base.runstack!, ref stackpos, out {string.Join(", out ", args)});");
if (stackCookie != 0)
/// <summary>Initializes a debug stack cookie for a new backtracking stack push.</summary>
int CreateStackCookie() =>
#pragma warning disable RS1035 // Random is banned from generators due to non-determinism, but this Random is seeded with a constant and it's only for debug builds
stackCookieGenerator.Next() + 1;
#pragma warning restore RS1035
/// <summary>Emits a debug stack cookie for a new backtracking stack push.</summary>
void EmitStackCookie(int stackCookie)
EmitStackPush(0, stackCookie.ToString());
/// <summary>Emits validation for a debug stack cookie.</summary>
void EmitStackCookieValidate(int stackCookie)
/// <summary>
/// Returns an expression that:
/// In debug, pops item 1 from the backtracking stack, pops item 2 and validates it against the cookie, then evaluates to item1.
/// In release, pops and evaluates to an item from the backtracking stack.
/// </summary>
string ValidateStackCookieWithAdditionAndReturnPoppedStack(int stackCookie)
const string MethodName = "ValidateStackCookieWithAdditionAndReturnPoppedStack";
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(MethodName))
$"/// <summary>Validates that a stack cookie popped off the backtracking stack holds the expected value. Debug only.</summary>",
$"internal static int {MethodName}(int poppedStack, int expectedCookie, int actualCookie)",
$" expectedCookie += poppedStack;",
$" if (expectedCookie != actualCookie)",
$" {{",
$" throw new Exception($\"Backtracking stack imbalance detected. Expected {{expectedCookie}}. Actual {{actualCookie}}.\");",
$" }}",
$" return poppedStack;",
return $"{HelpersTypeName}.{MethodName}({StackPop()}, {stackCookie}, {StackPop()})";
return StackPop();
/// <summary>Returns an expression that validates and returns a debug stack cookie.</summary>
string StackCookieValidate(int stackCookie)
const string MethodName = "ValidateStackCookie";
if (!requiredHelpers.ContainsKey(MethodName))
$"/// <summary>Validates that a stack cookie popped off the backtracking stack holds the expected value. Debug only.</summary>",
$"internal static int {MethodName}(int expected, int actual)",
$" if (expected != actual)",
$" {{",
$" throw new Exception($\"Backtracking stack imbalance detected. Expected {{expected}}. Actual {{actual}}.\");",
$" }}",
$" return actual;",
return $"{HelpersTypeName}.{MethodName}({stackCookie}, {StackPop()})";
/// <summary>Expression for popping the next item from the backtracking stack.</summary>
string StackPop() => "base.runstack![--stackpos]";
/// <summary>Concatenates the strings resulting from formatting the format string with the values [0, count).</summary>
static string FormatN(string format, int count) =>
string.Concat(from i in Enumerable.Range(0, count)
select string.Format(format, i));
/// <summary>Emits a timeout check if the regex timeout wasn't explicitly set to infinite.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Regex timeouts exist to avoid catastrophic backtracking. The goal with timeouts isn't to be accurate to the timeout value,
/// but to ensure that significant backtracking can be stopped. As such, we allow for up to O(n) work in the length of the input
/// between checks, which means we emit checks anywhere backtracking is introduced, such that every check can have O(n) work
/// associated with it. This means checks:
/// - when restarting the whole match evaluation at a new index. Every match could end up doing O(n) work without a timeout
/// check, and since this could then result in O(n) matches, we need a timeout check on each new position in order to
/// avoid O(n^2) work without a timeout check.
/// - when backtracking backwards in a loop. Every backtracking step through the loop could evaluate the remainder of the
/// pattern, which can lead to O(2^n) work if unchecked.
/// - when backtracking forwards in a lazy loop. Every backtracking step through the loop could evaluate the remainder of the
/// pattern, which can lead to O(2^n) work if unchecked.
/// - when backtracking to the next branch of an alternation. Every branch of the alternation could evaluate the remainder of the
/// pattern, which can lead to O(2^n) work if unchecked.
/// - when performing a lookaround. Each lookaround can result in doing O(n) work, which means m lookarounds can result in
/// O(m*n) work. Lookarounds can be in loops, so without timeout checks in a lookaround, a pattern like `((?=(?>a*))a)+`
/// could do O(n^2) work without a timeout check.
/// Note that some other constructs have code that needs to deal with backtracking, e.g. conditionals needing to ensure
/// that if any of their children have backtracking that code which backtracks back into the conditional is appropriately
/// routed to the correct child, but such constructs aren't actually introducing backtracking and thus don't need to be
/// instrumented for timeouts.
/// </remarks>
private static void EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded(IndentedTextWriter writer, RegexMethod rm, bool appendNewLineIfTimeoutEmitted = true)
// If the match timeout was explicitly set to infinite, then no timeout code needs to be emitted.
if (rm.MatchTimeout != Timeout.Infinite)
// If the timeout was explicitly set to non-infinite, then we always want to do the timeout check count tracking
// and actual timeout checks now and then. If, however, the timeout was left null, we only want to do the timeout
// checks if they've been enabled by an AppContext switch being set before any of the regex code was used.
// Whether these checks are needed are stored into a static readonly bool on the helpers class, such that
// tiered-up code can eliminate the whole block in the vast majority case where the AppContext switch isn't set.
using (rm.MatchTimeout is null ? EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({HelpersTypeName}.{HasDefaultTimeoutFieldName})") : default)
if (appendNewLineIfTimeoutEmitted)
/// <summary>Tries to create an IndexOf expression for the node.</summary>
/// <param name="node">The RegexNode. If it's a loop, only the one/notone/set aspect of the node is factored in.</param>
/// <param name="useLast">true to use LastIndexOf variants; false to use IndexOf variants.</param>
/// <param name="negate">true to search for the opposite of the node.</param>
/// <param name="literalLength">0 if returns false. If it returns true, string.Length for a multi, otherwise 1.</param>
/// <param name="indexOfExpr">The resulting expression if it returns true; otherwise, null.</param>
/// <returns>true if an expression could be produced; otherwise, false.</returns>
private static bool TryEmitIndexOf(
Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers,
RegexNode node,
bool useLast, bool negate,
out int literalLength, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? indexOfExpr)
string last = useLast ? "Last" : "";
if (node.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Multi)
Debug.Assert(!negate, "Negation isn't appropriate for a multi");
indexOfExpr = $"{last}IndexOf({Literal(node.Str!)})";
literalLength = node.Str!.Length;
return true;
if (node.IsOneFamily)
indexOfExpr = negate ? $"{last}IndexOfAnyExcept({Literal(node.Ch)})" : $"{last}IndexOf({Literal(node.Ch)})";
literalLength = 1;
return true;
if (node.IsNotoneFamily)
indexOfExpr = negate ? $"{last}IndexOf({Literal(node.Ch)})" : $"{last}IndexOfAnyExcept({Literal(node.Ch)})";
literalLength = 1;
return true;
if (node.IsSetFamily)
bool negated = RegexCharClass.IsNegated(node.Str) ^ negate;
// IndexOfAny{Except}InRange
// Prefer IndexOfAnyInRange over IndexOfAny, except for tiny ranges (1 or 2 items) that IndexOfAny handles more efficiently
if (RegexCharClass.TryGetSingleRange(node.Str, out char lowInclusive, out char highInclusive) &&
(highInclusive - lowInclusive) > 1)
string indexOfAnyInRangeName = !negated ?
"IndexOfAnyInRange" :
indexOfExpr = $"{last}{indexOfAnyInRangeName}({Literal(lowInclusive)}, {Literal(highInclusive)})";
literalLength = 1;
return true;
// IndexOfAny{Except}(ch1, ...)
Span<char> setChars = stackalloc char[128];
setChars = setChars.Slice(0, RegexCharClass.GetSetChars(node.Str, setChars));
if (!setChars.IsEmpty)
(string indexOfName, string indexOfAnyName) = !negated ?
("IndexOf", "IndexOfAny") :
("IndexOfAnyExcept", "IndexOfAnyExcept");
indexOfExpr = setChars.Length switch
1 => $"{last}{indexOfName}({Literal(setChars[0])})",
2 => $"{last}{indexOfAnyName}({Literal(setChars[0])}, {Literal(setChars[1])})",
3 => $"{last}{indexOfAnyName}({Literal(setChars[0])}, {Literal(setChars[1])}, {Literal(setChars[2])})",
_ => $"{last}{indexOfAnyName}({EmitSearchValuesOrLiteral(setChars, requiredHelpers)})",
literalLength = 1;
return true;
indexOfExpr = null;
literalLength = 0;
return false;
private static string MatchCharacterClass(string chExpr, string charClass, bool negate, HashSet<string> additionalDeclarations, Dictionary<string, string[]> requiredHelpers)
// We need to perform the equivalent of calling RegexRunner.CharInClass(ch, charClass),
// but that call is relatively expensive. Before we fall back to it, we try to optimize
// some common cases for which we can do much better, such as known character classes
// for which we can call a dedicated method, or a fast-path for ASCII using a lookup table.
// In some cases, multiple optimizations are possible for a given character class: the checks
// in this method are generally ordered from fastest / simplest to slowest / most complex so
// that we get the best optimization for a given char class.
// First, see if the char class is a built-in one for which there's a better function
// we can just call directly.
switch (charClass)
case RegexCharClass.AnyClass:
return negate ? "false" : "true"; // This assumes chExpr never has side effects.
case RegexCharClass.DigitClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotDigitClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotDigitClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsDigit({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.SpaceClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotSpaceClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotSpaceClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsWhiteSpace({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.WordClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotWordClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotWordClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}{HelpersTypeName}.IsWordChar({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.ControlClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotControlClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotControlClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsControl({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.LetterClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotLetterClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotLetterClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsLetter({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.LetterOrDigitClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotLetterOrDigitClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotLetterOrDigitClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsLetterOrDigit({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.LowerClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotLowerClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotLowerClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsLower({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.UpperClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotUpperClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotUpperClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsUpper({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.NumberClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotNumberClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotNumberClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsNumber({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.PunctuationClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotPunctuationClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotPunctuationClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsPunctuation({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.SeparatorClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotSeparatorClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotSeparatorClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsSeparator({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.SymbolClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotSymbolClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotSymbolClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsSymbol({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.AsciiLetterClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotAsciiLetterClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotAsciiLetterClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetter({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.AsciiLetterOrDigitClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotAsciiLetterOrDigitClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotAsciiLetterOrDigitClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.HexDigitClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotHexDigitClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotHexDigitClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiHexDigit({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.HexDigitLowerClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotHexDigitLowerClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotHexDigitLowerClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiHexDigitLower({chExpr})";
case RegexCharClass.HexDigitUpperClass:
case RegexCharClass.NotHexDigitUpperClass:
negate ^= charClass == RegexCharClass.NotHexDigitUpperClass;
return $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiHexDigitUpper({chExpr})";
// Next, handle simple sets of one range, e.g. [A-Z], [0-9], etc. This includes some built-in classes, like ECMADigitClass.
if (RegexCharClass.TryGetSingleRange(charClass, out char lowInclusive, out char highInclusive))
negate ^= RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
return (lowInclusive, highInclusive) switch
('\0', '\u007F') => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAscii({chExpr})",
('0', '9') => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiDigit({chExpr})",
('a', 'z') => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetterLower({chExpr})",
('A', 'Z') => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetterUpper({chExpr})",
('\ud800', '\udfff') => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsSurrogate({chExpr})",
('\ud800', '\udbff') => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsHighSurrogate({chExpr})",
('\udc00', '\udfff') => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsLowSurrogate({chExpr})",
_ when lowInclusive == highInclusive => $"({chExpr} {(negate ? "!=" : "==")} {Literal(lowInclusive)})",
_ => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsBetween({chExpr}, {Literal(lowInclusive)}, {Literal(highInclusive)})",
// Next, if the character class contains nothing but Unicode categories, we can call char.GetUnicodeCategory and
// compare against it. It has a fast-lookup path for ASCII, so is as good or better than any lookup we'd generate (plus
// we get smaller code), and it's what we'd do for the fallback (which we get to avoid generating) as part of CharInClass,
// but without the optimizations the C# compiler will provide for switches.
Span<UnicodeCategory> categories = stackalloc UnicodeCategory[30]; // number of UnicodeCategory values (though it's unheard of to have a set with all of them)
if (RegexCharClass.TryGetOnlyCategories(charClass, categories, out int numCategories, out bool negated))
int categoryMask = 0;
foreach (UnicodeCategory category in categories.Slice(0, numCategories))
categoryMask |= 1 << (int)category;
negate ^= negated;
return numCategories == 1 ?
$"(char.GetUnicodeCategory({chExpr}) {(negate ? "!=" : "==")} UnicodeCategory.{categories[0]})" :
$"((0x{categoryMask:X} & (1 << (int)char.GetUnicodeCategory({chExpr}))) {(negate ? "==" : "!=")} 0)";
// Next, if there's only 2 or 3 chars in the set (fairly common due to the sets we create for prefixes),
// it may be cheaper and smaller to compare against each than it is to use a lookup table. We can also special-case
// the very common case with case insensitivity of two characters next to each other being the upper and lowercase
// ASCII variants of each other, in which case we can use bit manipulation to avoid a comparison.
Span<char> setChars = stackalloc char[3];
int mask;
switch (RegexCharClass.GetSetChars(charClass, setChars))
case 2:
negate ^= RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
if (RegexCharClass.DifferByOneBit(setChars[0], setChars[1], out mask))
return $"(({chExpr} | 0x{mask:X}) {(negate ? "!=" : "==")} {Literal((char)(setChars[1] | mask))})";
additionalDeclarations.Add("char ch;");
return negate ?
$"(((ch = {chExpr}) != {Literal(setChars[0])}) & (ch != {Literal(setChars[1])}))" :
$"(((ch = {chExpr}) == {Literal(setChars[0])}) | (ch == {Literal(setChars[1])}))";
case 3:
negate ^= RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
additionalDeclarations.Add("char ch;");
return (negate, RegexCharClass.DifferByOneBit(setChars[0], setChars[1], out mask)) switch
(false, false) => $"(((ch = {chExpr}) == {Literal(setChars[0])}) | (ch == {Literal(setChars[1])}) | (ch == {Literal(setChars[2])}))",
(true, false) => $"(((ch = {chExpr}) != {Literal(setChars[0])}) & (ch != {Literal(setChars[1])}) & (ch != {Literal(setChars[2])}))",
(false, true) => $"((((ch = {chExpr}) | 0x{mask:X}) == {Literal((char)(setChars[1] | mask))}) | (ch == {Literal(setChars[2])}))",
(true, true) => $"((((ch = {chExpr}) | 0x{mask:X}) != {Literal((char)(setChars[1] | mask))}) & (ch != {Literal(setChars[2])}))",
// Next, handle simple sets of two ASCII letter ranges that are cased versions of each other, e.g. [A-Za-z].
// This can be implemented as if it were a single range, with an additional bitwise operation.
if (RegexCharClass.TryGetDoubleRange(charClass, out (char LowInclusive, char HighInclusive) rangeLower, out (char LowInclusive, char HighInclusive) rangeUpper) &&
CharExtensions.IsAsciiLetter(rangeUpper.LowInclusive) &&
CharExtensions.IsAsciiLetter(rangeUpper.HighInclusive) &&
(rangeLower.LowInclusive | 0x20) == rangeUpper.LowInclusive &&
(rangeLower.HighInclusive | 0x20) == rangeUpper.HighInclusive)
Debug.Assert(rangeLower.LowInclusive != rangeUpper.LowInclusive);
negate ^= RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
return $"((uint)(({chExpr} | 0x20) - {Literal(rangeUpper.LowInclusive)}) {(negate ? ">" : "<=")} (uint)({Literal(rangeUpper.HighInclusive)} - {Literal(rangeUpper.LowInclusive)}))";
// Analyze the character set more to determine what code to generate.
RegexCharClass.CharClassAnalysisResults analysis = RegexCharClass.Analyze(charClass);
// Next, handle sets where the high - low + 1 range is <= 32. In that case, we can emit
// a branchless lookup in a uint that does not rely on loading any objects (e.g. the string-based
// lookup we use later). This nicely handles common sets like [\t\r\n ].
if (analysis.OnlyRanges && (analysis.UpperBoundExclusiveIfOnlyRanges - analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges) <= 32)
additionalDeclarations.Add("uint charMinusLowUInt32;");
// Create the 32-bit value with 1s at indices corresponding to every character in the set,
// where the bit is computed to be the char value minus the lower bound starting from
// most significant bit downwards.
bool negatedClass = RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
uint bitmap = 0;
for (int i = analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges; i < analysis.UpperBoundExclusiveIfOnlyRanges; i++)
if (RegexCharClass.CharInClass((char)i, charClass) ^ negatedClass)
bitmap |= 1u << (31 - (i - analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges));
// To determine whether a character is in the set, we subtract the lowest char; this subtraction happens before the result is
// zero-extended to uint, meaning that `charMinusLowUInt32` will always have upper 16 bits equal to 0.
// We then left shift the constant with this offset, and apply a bitmask that has the highest
// bit set (the sign bit) if and only if `chExpr` is in the [low, low + 32) range.
// Then we only need to check whether this final result is less than 0: this will only be
// the case if both `charMinusLowUInt32` was in fact the index of a set bit in the constant, and also
// `chExpr` was in the allowed range (this ensures that false positive bit shifts are ignored).
negate ^= negatedClass;
return $"((int)((0x{bitmap:X}U << (short)(charMinusLowUInt32 = (ushort)({chExpr} - {Literal((char)analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges)}))) & (charMinusLowUInt32 - 32)) {(negate ? ">=" : "<")} 0)";
// Next, handle sets where the high - low + 1 range is <= 64. As with the 32-bit case above, we can emit
// a branchless lookup in a ulong that does not rely on loading any objects (e.g. the string-based lookup
// we use later). Note that unlike RegexCompiler, the source generator doesn't know whether the code is going
// to be run in a 32-bit or 64-bit process: in a 64-bit process, this is an optimization, but in a 32-bit process,
// it's a deoptimization. In general we optimize for 64-bit perf, so this code remains; it complicates the code
// too much to try to include both this and a fallback for the check. This, however, is why we do the 32-bit
// version and check first, as that variant performs equally well on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
if (analysis.OnlyRanges && (analysis.UpperBoundExclusiveIfOnlyRanges - analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges) <= 64)
additionalDeclarations.Add("ulong charMinusLowUInt64;");
// Create the 64-bit value with 1s at indices corresponding to every character in the set,
// where the bit is computed to be the char value minus the lower bound starting from
// most significant bit downwards.
bool negatedClass = RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
ulong bitmap = 0;
for (int i = analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges; i < analysis.UpperBoundExclusiveIfOnlyRanges; i++)
if (RegexCharClass.CharInClass((char)i, charClass) ^ negatedClass)
bitmap |= 1ul << (63 - (i - analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges));
// To determine whether a character is in the set, we subtract the lowest char; this subtraction happens before
// the result is zero-extended to uint, meaning that `charMinusLowUInt64` will always have upper 32 bits equal to 0.
// We then left shift the constant with this offset, and apply a bitmask that has the highest bit set (the sign bit)
// if and only if `chExpr` is in the [low, low + 64) range. Then we only need to check whether this final result is
// less than 0: this will only be the case if both `charMinusLowUInt64` was in fact the index of a set bit in the constant,
// and also `chExpr` was in the allowed range (this ensures that false positive bit shifts are ignored).
negate ^= negatedClass;
return $"((long)((0x{bitmap:X}UL << (int)(charMinusLowUInt64 = (uint){chExpr} - {Literal((char)analysis.LowerBoundInclusiveIfOnlyRanges)})) & (charMinusLowUInt64 - 64)) {(negate ? ">=" : "<")} 0)";
// All options after this point require a ch local.
additionalDeclarations.Add("char ch;");
// Next, handle simple sets of two ranges, e.g. [\p{IsGreek}\p{IsGreekExtended}].
if (RegexCharClass.TryGetDoubleRange(charClass, out (char LowInclusive, char HighInclusive) range0, out (char LowInclusive, char HighInclusive) range1))
negate ^= RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
string range0Clause = range0.LowInclusive == range0.HighInclusive ?
$"((ch = {chExpr}) {(negate ? "!=" : "==")} {Literal(range0.LowInclusive)})" :
$"((uint)((ch = {chExpr}) - {Literal(range0.LowInclusive)}) {(negate ? ">" : "<=")} (uint)({Literal(range0.HighInclusive)} - {Literal(range0.LowInclusive)}))";
string range1Clause = range1.LowInclusive == range1.HighInclusive ?
$"(ch {(negate ? "!=" : "==")} {Literal(range1.LowInclusive)})" :
$"((uint)(ch - {Literal(range1.LowInclusive)}) {(negate ? ">" : "<=")} (uint)({Literal(range1.HighInclusive)} - {Literal(range1.LowInclusive)}))";
return negate ?
$"({range0Clause} & {range1Clause})" :
$"({range0Clause} | {range1Clause})";
if (analysis.ContainsNoAscii)
// We determined that the character class contains only non-ASCII,
// for example if the class were [\u1000-\u2000\u3000-\u4000\u5000-\u6000].
// (In the future, we could possibly extend the rm.Analysis to produce a known
// lower-bound and compare against that rather than always using 128 as the
// pivot point.)
return EmitContainsNoAscii();
if (analysis.AllAsciiContained)
// We determined that every ASCII character is in the class, for example
// if the class were the negated example from case 1 above:
// [^\p{IsGreek}\p{IsGreekExtended}].
return EmitAllAsciiContained();
// Now, our big hammer is to generate a lookup table that lets us quickly index by character into a yes/no
// answer as to whether the character is in the target character class. However, we don't want to store
// a lookup table for every possible character for every character class in the regular expression; at one
// bit for each of 65K characters, that would be an 8K bitmap per character class. Instead, we handle the
// common case of ASCII input via such a lookup table, which at one bit for each of 128 characters is only
// 16 bytes per character class. We of course still need to be able to handle inputs that aren't ASCII, so
// we check the input against 128, and have a fallback if the input is >= to it. Determining the right
// fallback could itself be expensive. For example, if it's possible that a value >= 128 could match the
// character class, we output a call to RegexRunner.CharInClass, but we don't want to have to enumerate the
// entire character class evaluating every character against it, just to determine whether it's a match.
// Instead, we employ some quick heuristics that will always ensure we provide a correct answer even if
// we could have sometimes generated better code to give that answer.
// Generate the lookup table to store 128 answers as bits. We use a const string instead of a byte[] / static
// data property because it lets IL emit handle all the details for us.
string bitVectorString = StringExtensions.Create(8, charClass, static (dest, charClass) => // String length is 8 chars == 16 bytes == 128 bits.
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
char c = (char)i;
if (RegexCharClass.CharInClass(c, charClass))
dest[i >> 4] |= (char)(1 << (i & 0xF));
// There's a chance that the class contains either no ASCII characters or all of them,
// and the analysis could not find it (for example if the class has a subtraction).
// We optimize away the bit vector in these trivial cases.
switch (bitVectorString)
case "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0": return EmitContainsNoAscii();
case "\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff": return EmitAllAsciiContained();
// We determined that the character class may contain ASCII, so we
// output the lookup against the lookup table.
if (analysis.ContainsOnlyAscii)
// If all inputs that could match are ASCII, we only need the lookup table, guarded
// by a check for the upper bound (which serves both to limit for what characters
// we need to access the lookup table and to bounds check the lookup table access).
return negate ?
$"((ch = {chExpr}) >= {Literal((char)analysis.UpperBoundExclusiveIfOnlyRanges)} || ({Literal(bitVectorString)}[ch >> 4] & (1 << (ch & 0xF))) == 0)" :
$"((ch = {chExpr}) < {Literal((char)analysis.UpperBoundExclusiveIfOnlyRanges)} && ({Literal(bitVectorString)}[ch >> 4] & (1 << (ch & 0xF))) != 0)";
if (analysis.AllNonAsciiContained)
// If every non-ASCII value is considered a match, we can immediately succeed for any
// non-ASCII inputs, and access the lookup table for the rest.
return negate ?
$"((ch = {chExpr}) < 128 && ({Literal(bitVectorString)}[ch >> 4] & (1 << (ch & 0xF))) == 0)" :
$"((ch = {chExpr}) >= 128 || ({Literal(bitVectorString)}[ch >> 4] & (1 << (ch & 0xF))) != 0)";
// We know that the whole class wasn't ASCII, and we don't know anything about the non-ASCII
// characters other than that some might be included, for example if the character class
// were [\w\d], so if ch >= 128, we need to fall back to calling CharInClass. For ASCII, we
// can use a lookup table, but if it's a known set of ASCII characters we can also use a helper.
string asciiExpr = bitVectorString switch
"\0\0\0\u03ff\ufffe\u07ff\ufffe\u07ff" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit(ch)",
"\0\0\0\u03FF\0\0\0\0" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiDigit(ch)",
"\0\0\0\0\ufffe\u07FF\ufffe\u07ff" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetter(ch)",
"\0\0\0\0\0\0\ufffe\u07ff" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetterLower(ch)",
"\0\0\0\0\ufffe\u07FF\0\0" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiLetterUpper(ch)",
"\0\0\0\u03FF\u007E\0\u007E\0" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiHexDigit(ch)",
"\0\0\0\u03FF\0\0\u007E\0" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiHexDigitLower(ch)",
"\0\0\0\u03FF\u007E\0\0\0" => $"{(negate ? "!" : "")}char.IsAsciiHexDigitUpper(ch)",
_ => $"({Literal(bitVectorString)}[ch >> 4] & (1 << (ch & 0xF))) {(negate ? "=" : "!")}= 0",
return $"((ch = {chExpr}) < 128 ? {asciiExpr} : {(negate ? "!" : "")}RegexRunner.CharInClass((char)ch, {Literal(charClass)}))";
string EmitContainsNoAscii()
return negate ?
$"((ch = {chExpr}) < 128 || !RegexRunner.CharInClass((char)ch, {Literal(charClass)}))" :
$"((ch = {chExpr}) >= 128 && RegexRunner.CharInClass((char)ch, {Literal(charClass)}))";
string EmitAllAsciiContained()
return negate ?
$"((ch = {chExpr}) >= 128 && !RegexRunner.CharInClass((char)ch, {Literal(charClass)}))" :
$"((ch = {chExpr}) < 128 || RegexRunner.CharInClass((char)ch, {Literal(charClass)}))";
/// <summary>
/// Inserts all of the variable declarations in <paramref name="declarations"/> into the
/// <paramref name="writer"/> at <paramref name="position"/> with <paramref name="indent"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer">The writer around a StringWriter to have additional declarations inserted into.</param>
/// <param name="declarations">The additional declarations to insert.</param>
/// <param name="position">The position into the writer at which to insert the additional declarations.</param>
/// <param name="indent">The indentation to use for the additional declarations.</param>
private static void InsertAdditionalDeclarations(IndentedTextWriter writer, HashSet<string> declarations, int position, int indent)
if (declarations.Count != 0)
var tmp = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string decl in declarations.OrderBy(s => s))
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
((StringWriter)writer.InnerWriter).GetStringBuilder().Insert(position, tmp.ToString());
/// <summary>Formats the character as valid C#.</summary>
private static string Literal(char c) => SymbolDisplay.FormatLiteral(c, quote: true);
/// <summary>Formats the string as valid C#.</summary>
private static string Literal(string s, bool quote = true) => SymbolDisplay.FormatLiteral(s, quote);
private static string Literal(RegexOptions options)
string s = options.ToString();
if (int.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _))
// The options were formatted as an int, which means the runtime couldn't
// produce a textual representation. So just output casting the value as an int.
Debug.Fail("This shouldn't happen, as we should only get to the point of emitting code if RegexOptions was valid.");
return $"(RegexOptions)({(int)options})";
// Parse the runtime-generated "Option1, Option2" into each piece and then concat
// them back together.
string[] parts = s.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
parts[i] = "RegexOptions." + parts[i].Trim();
return string.Join(" | ", parts);
/// <summary>Gets a string containing the concatenation of <paramref name="prefix"/> with the hex for a hashed UTF8-encoded string.</summary>
private static string GetSHA256FieldName(string prefix, string toEncode)
#pragma warning disable CA1850 // SHA256.HashData isn't available on netstandard2.0
using SHA256 sha = SHA256.Create();
return $"{prefix}{ToHexStringNoDashes(sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toEncode)))}";
#pragma warning restore CA1850
/// <summary>Gets a textual description of the node fit for rendering in a comment in source.</summary>
private static string DescribeNode(RegexNode node, RegexMethod rm)
bool rtl = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
string direction = rtl ? " right-to-left" : "";
return node.Kind switch
RegexNodeKind.Alternate => $"Match with {node.ChildCount()} alternative expressions{(rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node) ? ", atomically" : "")}.",
RegexNodeKind.Atomic => $"Atomic group.",
RegexNodeKind.Beginning => "Match if at the beginning of the string.",
RegexNodeKind.Bol => "Match if at the beginning of a line.",
RegexNodeKind.Boundary => $"Match if at a word boundary.",
RegexNodeKind.Capture when node.M == -1 && node.N != -1 => $"Non-capturing balancing group. Uncaptures the {DescribeCapture(node.N, rm)}.",
RegexNodeKind.Capture when node.N != -1 => $"Balancing group. Captures the {DescribeCapture(node.M, rm)} and uncaptures the {DescribeCapture(node.N, rm)}.",
RegexNodeKind.Capture when node.N == -1 => $"{DescribeCapture(node.M, rm)}.",
RegexNodeKind.Concatenate => "Match a sequence of expressions.",
RegexNodeKind.ECMABoundary => $"Match if at a word boundary (according to ECMAScript rules).",
RegexNodeKind.Empty => $"Match an empty string.",
RegexNodeKind.End => "Match if at the end of the string.",
RegexNodeKind.EndZ => "Match if at the end of the string or if before an ending newline.",
RegexNodeKind.Eol => "Match if at the end of a line.",
RegexNodeKind.Loop or RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop => node.M == 0 && node.N == 1 ? $"Optional ({(node.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Loop ? "greedy" : "lazy")})." : $"Loop {DescribeLoop(node, rm)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.Multi => $"Match the string {Literal(node.Str!)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.NonBoundary => $"Match if at anything other than a word boundary.",
RegexNodeKind.NonECMABoundary => $"Match if at anything other than a word boundary (according to ECMAScript rules).",
RegexNodeKind.Nothing => $"Fail to match.",
RegexNodeKind.Notone => $"Match any character other than {Literal(node.Ch)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy => $"Match a character other than {Literal(node.Ch)} {DescribeLoop(node, rm)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.One => $"Match {Literal(node.Ch)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.Oneloop or RegexNodeKind.Oneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Onelazy => $"Match {Literal(node.Ch)} {DescribeLoop(node, rm)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.NegativeLookaround => $"Zero-width negative {(rtl ? "lookbehind" : "lookahead")}.",
RegexNodeKind.Backreference => $"Match the same text as matched by the {DescribeCapture(node.M, rm)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.PositiveLookaround => $"Zero-width positive {(rtl ? "lookbehind" : "lookahead")}.",
RegexNodeKind.Set => $"Match {DescribeSet(node.Str!)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.Setloop or RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Setlazy => $"Match {DescribeSet(node.Str!)} {DescribeLoop(node, rm)}{direction}.",
RegexNodeKind.Start => "Match if at the start position.",
RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional => $"Conditionally match one of two expressions depending on whether an initial expression matches.",
RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional => $"Conditionally match one of two expressions depending on whether the {DescribeCapture(node.M, rm)} matched.",
RegexNodeKind.UpdateBumpalong => $"Advance the next matching position.",
_ => $"Unknown node type {node.Kind}",
/// <summary>Gets an identifier to describe a capture group.</summary>
private static string DescribeCapture(int capNum, RegexMethod rm)
// If we can get a capture name from the captures collection and it's not just a numerical representation of the group, use it.
string name = RegexParser.GroupNameFromNumber(rm.Analysis.RegexTree.CaptureNumberSparseMapping, rm.Analysis.RegexTree.CaptureNames, rm.Analysis.RegexTree.CaptureCount, capNum);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) &&
(!int.TryParse(name, out int id) || id != capNum))
name = Literal(name);
// Otherwise, create a numerical description of the capture group.
int tens = capNum % 10;
name = tens is >= 1 and <= 3 && capNum % 100 is < 10 or > 20 ? // Ends in 1, 2, 3 but not 11, 12, or 13
tens switch
1 => $"{capNum}st",
2 => $"{capNum}nd",
_ => $"{capNum}rd",
} :
return $"{name} capture group";
/// <summary>Gets a textual description of what characters match a set.</summary>
private static string DescribeSet(string charClass) =>
charClass switch
RegexCharClass.AnyClass => "any character",
RegexCharClass.DigitClass => "a Unicode digit",
RegexCharClass.ECMASpaceClass => "a whitespace character (ECMA)",
RegexCharClass.ECMAWordClass => "a word character (ECMA)",
RegexCharClass.NotDigitClass => "any character other than a Unicode digit",
RegexCharClass.NotECMASpaceClass => "any character other than a whitespace character (ECMA)",
RegexCharClass.NotECMAWordClass => "any character other than a word character (ECMA)",
RegexCharClass.NotSpaceClass => "any character other than a whitespace character",
RegexCharClass.NotWordClass => "any character other than a word character",
RegexCharClass.SpaceClass => "a whitespace character",
RegexCharClass.WordClass => "a word character",
_ => $"a character in the set {RegexCharClass.DescribeSet(charClass)}",
/// <summary>Writes a textual description of the node tree fit for rending in source.</summary>
/// <param name="writer">The writer to which the description should be written.</param>
/// <param name="node">The node being written.</param>
/// <param name="prefix">The prefix to write at the beginning of every line, including a "//" for a comment.</param>
/// <param name="analyses">Analysis of the tree</param>
/// <param name="depth">The depth of the current node.</param>
private static void DescribeExpressionAsXmlComment(TextWriter writer, RegexNode node, RegexMethod rm, int depth = 0)
if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
writer.WriteLine("/// ...");
bool skip = node.Kind switch
// For concatenations, flatten the contents into the parent, but only if the parent isn't a form of alternation,
// where each branch is considered to be independent rather than a concatenation.
RegexNodeKind.Concatenate when node.Parent is not { Kind: RegexNodeKind.Alternate or RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional or RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional } => true,
// For atomic, skip the node if we'll instead render the atomic label as part of rendering the child.
RegexNodeKind.Atomic when node.Child(0).Kind is RegexNodeKind.Loop or RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop or RegexNodeKind.Alternate => true,
// Skip nodes that are implementation details with no visible behavioral impact.
RegexNodeKind.UpdateBumpalong => true,
// Don't skip anything else.
_ => false,
if (!skip)
string tag = node.Parent?.Kind switch
RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional when node.Parent.Child(0) == node => "Condition: ",
RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional when node.Parent.Child(1) == node => "Matched: ",
RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional when node.Parent.Child(2) == node => "Not Matched: ",
RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional when node.Parent.Child(0) == node => "Matched: ",
RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional when node.Parent.Child(1) == node => "Not Matched: ",
_ => "",
string nodeDescription = DescribeNode(node, rm);
// Write out the line for the node.
const char BulletPoint = '\u25CB';
writer.WriteLine($"/// {new string(' ', depth * 4)}{BulletPoint} {tag}{EscapeXmlComment(nodeDescription)}<br/>");
// Process each child.
int childCount = node.ChildCount();
if (childCount == 0)
if (!skip)
// Process all but the last child recursively, then loop around to process the last.
for (int i = 0; i < childCount - 1; i++)
DescribeExpressionAsXmlComment(writer, node.Child(i), rm, depth);
node = node.Child(childCount - 1);
while (true);
/// <summary>Gets a textual description of a loop's style and bounds.</summary>
private static string DescribeLoop(RegexNode node, RegexMethod rm)
string style = node.Kind switch
_ when node.M == node.N => "exactly",
RegexNodeKind.Oneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloopatomic or RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic => "atomically",
RegexNodeKind.Oneloop or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop or RegexNodeKind.Setloop => "greedily",
RegexNodeKind.Onelazy or RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy or RegexNodeKind.Setlazy => "lazily",
RegexNodeKind.Loop => rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node) ? "greedily and atomically" : "greedily",
_ /* RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop */ => rm.Analysis.IsAtomicByAncestor(node) ? "lazily and atomically" : "lazily",
string bounds =
node.M == node.N ? $" {node.M} times" :
(node.M, node.N) switch
(0, int.MaxValue) => " any number of times",
(1, int.MaxValue) => " at least once",
(2, int.MaxValue) => " at least twice",
(_, int.MaxValue) => $" at least {node.M} times",
(0, 1) => ", optionally",
(0, _) => $" at most {node.N} times",
_ => $" at least {node.M} and at most {node.N} times"
return style + bounds;
private static string ToHexStringNoDashes(byte[] bytes) =>
#if NET
BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", "");
private static FinishEmitBlock EmitBlock(IndentedTextWriter writer, string? clause, bool faux = false)
if (clause is not null)
writer.WriteLine(faux ? "//{" : "{");
return new FinishEmitBlock(writer, faux);
private static void EmitAdd(IndentedTextWriter writer, string variable, int value)
if (value == 0)
value == 1 ? $"{variable}++;" :
value == -1 ? $"{variable}--;" :
value > 0 ? $"{variable} += {value};" :
value is < 0 and > int.MinValue ? $"{variable} -= {-value};" :
$"{variable} += {value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)};");
private readonly struct FinishEmitBlock(IndentedTextWriter writer, bool faux) : IDisposable
private readonly IndentedTextWriter _writer = writer;
private readonly bool _faux = faux;
public void Dispose()
if (_writer is not null)
_writer.WriteLine(_faux ? "//}" : "}");