// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Buffers.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System.Text.Json
public sealed partial class Utf8JsonWriter
private void ValidateWritingValue()
if (_inObject)
if (_tokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName)
Debug.Assert(_tokenType != JsonTokenType.None && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray);
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource.CannotWriteValueWithinObject, currentDepth: default, maxDepth: _options.MaxDepth, token: default, _tokenType);
Debug.Assert(_tokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName);
// It is more likely for CurrentDepth to not equal 0 when writing valid JSON, so check that first to rely on short-circuiting and return quickly.
if (CurrentDepth == 0 && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.None)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource.CannotWriteValueAfterPrimitiveOrClose, currentDepth: default, maxDepth: _options.MaxDepth, token: default, _tokenType);
private void Base64EncodeAndWrite(ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes, Span<byte> output)
Span<byte> destination = output.Slice(BytesPending);
OperationStatus status = Base64.EncodeToUtf8(bytes, destination, out int consumed, out int written);
Debug.Assert(status == OperationStatus.Done);
Debug.Assert(consumed == bytes.Length);
BytesPending += written;