File: System\Text\Json\Serialization\Metadata\JsonTypeInfo.Cache.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Text.Json\src\System.Text.Json.csproj (System.Text.Json)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text.Json.Reflection;
namespace System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata
    public abstract partial class JsonTypeInfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Cached typeof(object). It is faster to cache this than to call typeof(object) multiple times.
        /// </summary>
        internal static readonly Type ObjectType = typeof(object);
        // The length of the property name embedded in the key (in bytes).
        // The key is a ulong (8 bytes) containing the first 7 bytes of the property name
        // followed by a byte representing the length.
        private const int PropertyNameKeyLength = 7;
        // The limit to how many constructor parameter names from the JSON are cached in _parameterRefsSorted before using _parameterCache.
        private const int ParameterNameCountCacheThreshold = 32;
        // The limit to how many property names from the JSON are cached in _propertyRefsSorted before using PropertyCache.
        private const int PropertyNameCountCacheThreshold = 64;
        // The number of parameters the deserialization constructor has. If this is not equal to ParameterCache.Count, this means
        // that not all parameters are bound to object properties, and an exception will be thrown if deserialization is attempted.
        internal int ParameterCount { get; private set; }
        // All of the serializable parameters on a POCO constructor keyed on parameter name.
        // Only parameters which bind to properties are cached.
        internal JsonPropertyDictionary<JsonParameterInfo>? ParameterCache { get; private set; }
        internal bool UsesParameterizedConstructor
                return ParameterCache != null;
        // All of the serializable properties on a POCO (except the optional extension property) keyed on property name.
        internal JsonPropertyDictionary<JsonPropertyInfo>? PropertyCache { get; private set; }
        // Fast cache of constructor parameters by first JSON ordering; may not contain all parameters. Accessed before ParameterCache.
        // Use an array (instead of List<T>) for highest performance.
        private volatile ParameterRef[]? _parameterRefsSorted;
        // Fast cache of properties by first JSON ordering; may not contain all properties. Accessed before PropertyCache.
        // Use an array (instead of List<T>) for highest performance.
        private volatile PropertyRef[]? _propertyRefsSorted;
        internal JsonPropertyInfo CreatePropertyUsingReflection(Type propertyType, Type? declaringType)
            JsonPropertyInfo jsonPropertyInfo;
            if (Options.TryGetTypeInfoCached(propertyType, out JsonTypeInfo? jsonTypeInfo))
                // If a JsonTypeInfo has already been cached for the property type,
                // avoid reflection-based initialization by delegating construction
                // of JsonPropertyInfo<T> construction to the property type metadata.
                jsonPropertyInfo = jsonTypeInfo.CreateJsonPropertyInfo(declaringTypeInfo: this, declaringType, Options);
                // Metadata for `propertyType` has not been registered yet.
                // Use reflection to instantiate the correct JsonPropertyInfo<T>
                Type propertyInfoType = typeof(JsonPropertyInfo<>).MakeGenericType(propertyType);
                jsonPropertyInfo = (JsonPropertyInfo)propertyInfoType.CreateInstanceNoWrapExceptions(
                    parameterTypes: new Type[] { typeof(Type), typeof(JsonTypeInfo), typeof(JsonSerializerOptions) },
                    parameters: new object[] { declaringType ?? Type, this, Options })!;
            Debug.Assert(jsonPropertyInfo.PropertyType == propertyType);
            return jsonPropertyInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a JsonPropertyInfo whose property type matches the type of this JsonTypeInfo instance.
        /// </summary>
        private protected abstract JsonPropertyInfo CreateJsonPropertyInfo(JsonTypeInfo declaringTypeInfo, Type? declaringType, JsonSerializerOptions options);
        // AggressiveInlining used although a large method it is only called from one location and is on a hot path.
        internal JsonPropertyInfo GetProperty(
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> propertyName,
            ref ReadStackFrame frame,
            out byte[] utf8PropertyName)
            PropertyRef propertyRef;
            ulong key = GetKey(propertyName);
            // Keep a local copy of the cache in case it changes by another thread.
            PropertyRef[]? localPropertyRefsSorted = _propertyRefsSorted;
            // If there is an existing cache, then use it.
            if (localPropertyRefsSorted != null)
                // Start with the current property index, and then go forwards\backwards.
                int propertyIndex = frame.PropertyIndex;
                int count = localPropertyRefsSorted.Length;
                int iForward = Math.Min(propertyIndex, count);
                int iBackward = iForward - 1;
                while (true)
                    if (iForward < count)
                        propertyRef = localPropertyRefsSorted[iForward];
                        if (IsPropertyRefEqual(propertyRef, propertyName, key))
                            utf8PropertyName = propertyRef.NameFromJson;
                            return propertyRef.Info;
                        if (iBackward >= 0)
                            propertyRef = localPropertyRefsSorted[iBackward];
                            if (IsPropertyRefEqual(propertyRef, propertyName, key))
                                utf8PropertyName = propertyRef.NameFromJson;
                                return propertyRef.Info;
                    else if (iBackward >= 0)
                        propertyRef = localPropertyRefsSorted[iBackward];
                        if (IsPropertyRefEqual(propertyRef, propertyName, key))
                            utf8PropertyName = propertyRef.NameFromJson;
                            return propertyRef.Info;
                        // Property was not found.
            // No cached item was found. Try the main dictionary which has all of the properties.
            if (PropertyCache == null)
                Debug.Fail($"Property cache is null. {GetPropertyDebugInfo(propertyName)}");
            if (PropertyCache!.TryGetValue(JsonHelpers.Utf8GetString(propertyName), out JsonPropertyInfo? info))
                Debug.Assert(info != null, "PropertyCache contains null JsonPropertyInfo");
                if (Options.PropertyNameCaseInsensitive)
                    if (propertyName.SequenceEqual(info.NameAsUtf8Bytes))
                        ulong recomputedKey = GetKey(info.NameAsUtf8Bytes.AsSpan());
                        if (key != recomputedKey)
                            string propertyNameStr = JsonHelpers.Utf8GetString(propertyName);
                            Debug.Fail($"key {key} [propertyName={propertyNameStr}] does not match re-computed value {recomputedKey} for the same sequence (case-insensitive). {info.GetDebugInfo()}");
                        // Use the existing byte[] reference instead of creating another one.
                        utf8PropertyName = info.NameAsUtf8Bytes!;
                        // Make a copy of the original Span.
                        utf8PropertyName = propertyName.ToArray();
                    ulong recomputedKey = GetKey(info.NameAsUtf8Bytes.AsSpan());
                    if (key != recomputedKey)
                        string propertyNameStr = JsonHelpers.Utf8GetString(propertyName);
                        Debug.Fail($"key {key} [propertyName={propertyNameStr}] does not match re-computed value {recomputedKey} for the same sequence (case-sensitive). {info.GetDebugInfo()}");
                    utf8PropertyName = info.NameAsUtf8Bytes;
                info = JsonPropertyInfo.s_missingProperty;
                // Make a copy of the original Span.
                utf8PropertyName = propertyName.ToArray();
            // Check if we should add this to the cache.
            // Only cache up to a threshold length and then just use the dictionary when an item is not found in the cache.
            int cacheCount = 0;
            if (localPropertyRefsSorted != null)
                cacheCount = localPropertyRefsSorted.Length;
            // Do a quick check for the stable (after warm-up) case.
            if (cacheCount < PropertyNameCountCacheThreshold)
                // Do a slower check for the warm-up case.
                if (frame.PropertyRefCache != null)
                    cacheCount += frame.PropertyRefCache.Count;
                // Check again to append the cache up to the threshold.
                if (cacheCount < PropertyNameCountCacheThreshold)
                    frame.PropertyRefCache ??= new List<PropertyRef>();
                    Debug.Assert(info != null);
                    propertyRef = new PropertyRef(key, info, utf8PropertyName);
            return info;
        // AggressiveInlining used although a large method it is only called from one location and is on a hot path.
        internal JsonParameterInfo? GetParameter(
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> propertyName,
            ref ReadStackFrame frame,
            out byte[] utf8PropertyName)
            ParameterRef parameterRef;
            ulong key = GetKey(propertyName);
            // Keep a local copy of the cache in case it changes by another thread.
            ParameterRef[]? localParameterRefsSorted = _parameterRefsSorted;
            // If there is an existing cache, then use it.
            if (localParameterRefsSorted != null)
                // Start with the current parameter index, and then go forwards\backwards.
                int parameterIndex = frame.CtorArgumentState!.ParameterIndex;
                int count = localParameterRefsSorted.Length;
                int iForward = Math.Min(parameterIndex, count);
                int iBackward = iForward - 1;
                while (true)
                    if (iForward < count)
                        parameterRef = localParameterRefsSorted[iForward];
                        if (IsParameterRefEqual(parameterRef, propertyName, key))
                            utf8PropertyName = parameterRef.NameFromJson;
                            return parameterRef.Info;
                        if (iBackward >= 0)
                            parameterRef = localParameterRefsSorted[iBackward];
                            if (IsParameterRefEqual(parameterRef, propertyName, key))
                                utf8PropertyName = parameterRef.NameFromJson;
                                return parameterRef.Info;
                    else if (iBackward >= 0)
                        parameterRef = localParameterRefsSorted[iBackward];
                        if (IsParameterRefEqual(parameterRef, propertyName, key))
                            utf8PropertyName = parameterRef.NameFromJson;
                            return parameterRef.Info;
                        // Property was not found.
            // No cached item was found. Try the main dictionary which has all of the parameters.
            Debug.Assert(ParameterCache != null);
            if (ParameterCache.TryGetValue(JsonHelpers.Utf8GetString(propertyName), out JsonParameterInfo? info))
                Debug.Assert(info != null);
                if (Options.PropertyNameCaseInsensitive)
                    if (propertyName.SequenceEqual(info.NameAsUtf8Bytes))
                        Debug.Assert(key == GetKey(info.NameAsUtf8Bytes.AsSpan()));
                        // Use the existing byte[] reference instead of creating another one.
                        utf8PropertyName = info.NameAsUtf8Bytes!;
                        // Make a copy of the original Span.
                        utf8PropertyName = propertyName.ToArray();
                    Debug.Assert(key == GetKey(info.NameAsUtf8Bytes!.AsSpan()));
                    utf8PropertyName = info.NameAsUtf8Bytes!;
                Debug.Assert(info == null);
                // Make a copy of the original Span.
                utf8PropertyName = propertyName.ToArray();
            // Check if we should add this to the cache.
            // Only cache up to a threshold length and then just use the dictionary when an item is not found in the cache.
            int cacheCount = 0;
            if (localParameterRefsSorted != null)
                cacheCount = localParameterRefsSorted.Length;
            // Do a quick check for the stable (after warm-up) case.
            if (cacheCount < ParameterNameCountCacheThreshold)
                // Do a slower check for the warm-up case.
                if (frame.CtorArgumentState!.ParameterRefCache != null)
                    cacheCount += frame.CtorArgumentState.ParameterRefCache.Count;
                // Check again to append the cache up to the threshold.
                if (cacheCount < ParameterNameCountCacheThreshold)
                    frame.CtorArgumentState.ParameterRefCache ??= new List<ParameterRef>();
                    parameterRef = new ParameterRef(key, info!, utf8PropertyName);
            return info;
        private static bool IsPropertyRefEqual(in PropertyRef propertyRef, ReadOnlySpan<byte> propertyName, ulong key)
            if (key == propertyRef.Key)
                // We compare the whole name, although we could skip the first 7 bytes (but it's not any faster)
                if (propertyName.Length <= PropertyNameKeyLength ||
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static bool IsParameterRefEqual(in ParameterRef parameterRef, ReadOnlySpan<byte> parameterName, ulong key)
            if (key == parameterRef.Key)
                // We compare the whole name, although we could skip the first 7 bytes (but it's not any faster)
                if (parameterName.Length <= PropertyNameKeyLength ||
                    return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a key from the property name.
        /// The key consists of the first 7 bytes of the property name and then the length.
        /// </summary>
        // AggressiveInlining used since this method is only called from two locations and is on a hot path.
        internal static ulong GetKey(ReadOnlySpan<byte> name)
            ulong key;
            ref byte reference = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(name);
            int length = name.Length;
            if (length > 7)
                key = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned<ulong>(ref reference) & 0x00ffffffffffffffL;
                key |= (ulong)Math.Min(length, 0xff) << 56;
                key =
                    length > 5 ? Unsafe.ReadUnaligned<uint>(ref reference) | (ulong)Unsafe.ReadUnaligned<ushort>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref reference, 4)) << 32 :
                    length > 3 ? Unsafe.ReadUnaligned<uint>(ref reference) :
                    length > 1 ? Unsafe.ReadUnaligned<ushort>(ref reference) : 0UL;
                key |= (ulong)length << 56;
                if ((length & 1) != 0)
                    var offset = length - 1;
                    key |= (ulong)Unsafe.Add(ref reference, offset) << (offset * 8);
            // Verify key contains the embedded bytes as expected.
            // Note: the expected properties do not hold true on big-endian platforms
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                const int BitsInByte = 8;
                    // Verify embedded property name.
                    (name.Length < 1 || name[0] == ((key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 0)) >> BitsInByte * 0)) &&
                    (name.Length < 2 || name[1] == ((key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 1)) >> BitsInByte * 1)) &&
                    (name.Length < 3 || name[2] == ((key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 2)) >> BitsInByte * 2)) &&
                    (name.Length < 4 || name[3] == ((key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 3)) >> BitsInByte * 3)) &&
                    (name.Length < 5 || name[4] == ((key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 4)) >> BitsInByte * 4)) &&
                    (name.Length < 6 || name[5] == ((key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 5)) >> BitsInByte * 5)) &&
                    (name.Length < 7 || name[6] == ((key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 6)) >> BitsInByte * 6)) &&
                    // Verify embedded length.
                    (name.Length >= 0xFF || (key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 7)) >> BitsInByte * 7 == (ulong)name.Length) &&
                    (name.Length < 0xFF || (key & ((ulong)0xFF << BitsInByte * 7)) >> BitsInByte * 7 == 0xFF),
                    "Embedded bytes not as expected");
            return key;
        internal void UpdateSortedPropertyCache(ref ReadStackFrame frame)
            Debug.Assert(frame.PropertyRefCache != null);
            // frame.PropertyRefCache is only read\written by a single thread -- the thread performing
            // the deserialization for a given object instance.
            List<PropertyRef> listToAppend = frame.PropertyRefCache;
            // _propertyRefsSorted can be accessed by multiple threads, so replace the reference when
            // appending to it. No lock() is necessary.
            if (_propertyRefsSorted != null)
                List<PropertyRef> replacementList = new List<PropertyRef>(_propertyRefsSorted);
                Debug.Assert(replacementList.Count <= PropertyNameCountCacheThreshold);
                // Verify replacementList will not become too large.
                while (replacementList.Count + listToAppend.Count > PropertyNameCountCacheThreshold)
                    // This code path is rare; keep it simple by using RemoveAt() instead of RemoveRange() which requires calculating index\count.
                    listToAppend.RemoveAt(listToAppend.Count - 1);
                // Add the new items; duplicates are possible but that is tolerated during property lookup.
                _propertyRefsSorted = replacementList.ToArray();
                _propertyRefsSorted = listToAppend.ToArray();
            frame.PropertyRefCache = null;
        internal void UpdateSortedParameterCache(ref ReadStackFrame frame)
            Debug.Assert(frame.CtorArgumentState!.ParameterRefCache != null);
            // frame.PropertyRefCache is only read\written by a single thread -- the thread performing
            // the deserialization for a given object instance.
            List<ParameterRef> listToAppend = frame.CtorArgumentState.ParameterRefCache;
            // _parameterRefsSorted can be accessed by multiple threads, so replace the reference when
            // appending to it. No lock() is necessary.
            if (_parameterRefsSorted != null)
                List<ParameterRef> replacementList = new List<ParameterRef>(_parameterRefsSorted);
                Debug.Assert(replacementList.Count <= ParameterNameCountCacheThreshold);
                // Verify replacementList will not become too large.
                while (replacementList.Count + listToAppend.Count > ParameterNameCountCacheThreshold)
                    // This code path is rare; keep it simple by using RemoveAt() instead of RemoveRange() which requires calculating index\count.
                    listToAppend.RemoveAt(listToAppend.Count - 1);
                // Add the new items; duplicates are possible but that is tolerated during property lookup.
                _parameterRefsSorted = replacementList.ToArray();
                _parameterRefsSorted = listToAppend.ToArray();
            frame.CtorArgumentState.ParameterRefCache = null;