File: System\Text\Json\Serialization\Converters\Collection\IEnumerableConverterFactoryHelpers.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Text.Json\src\System.Text.Json.csproj (System.Text.Json)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.Json.Reflection;
namespace System.Text.Json.Serialization
    internal static class IEnumerableConverterFactoryHelpers
        // System.Text.Json doesn't take a direct reference to System.Collections.Immutable so
        // any netstandard2.0 consumers don't need to reference System.Collections.Immutable.
        // So instead, implement a "weak reference" by using strings to check for Immutable types.
        // Don't use DynamicDependency attributes to the Immutable Collection types so they can be trimmed in applications that don't use Immutable Collections.
        internal const string ImmutableConvertersUnreferencedCodeMessage = "System.Collections.Immutable converters use Reflection to find and create Immutable Collection types, which requires unreferenced code.";
        public static MethodInfo GetImmutableEnumerableCreateRangeMethod(this Type type, Type elementType)
            Type? constructingType = GetImmutableEnumerableConstructingType(type);
            if (constructingType != null)
                MethodInfo[] constructingTypeMethods = constructingType.GetMethods();
                foreach (MethodInfo method in constructingTypeMethods)
                    if (method.Name == ReflectionExtensions.CreateRangeMethodName &&
                        method.GetParameters().Length == 1 &&
                        method.IsGenericMethod &&
                        method.GetGenericArguments().Length == 1)
                        return method.MakeGenericMethod(elementType);
            return null!;
        public static MethodInfo GetImmutableDictionaryCreateRangeMethod(this Type type, Type keyType, Type valueType)
            Type? constructingType = GetImmutableDictionaryConstructingType(type);
            if (constructingType != null)
                MethodInfo[] constructingTypeMethods = constructingType.GetMethods();
                foreach (MethodInfo method in constructingTypeMethods)
                    if (method.Name == ReflectionExtensions.CreateRangeMethodName &&
                        method.GetParameters().Length == 1 &&
                        method.IsGenericMethod &&
                        method.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2)
                        return method.MakeGenericMethod(keyType, valueType);
            return null!;
        private static Type? GetImmutableEnumerableConstructingType(Type type)
            string? constructingTypeName = type.GetImmutableEnumerableConstructingTypeName();
            return constructingTypeName == null
                ? null
                : type.Assembly.GetType(constructingTypeName);
        private static Type? GetImmutableDictionaryConstructingType(Type type)
            string? constructingTypeName = type.GetImmutableDictionaryConstructingTypeName();
            return constructingTypeName == null
                ? null
                : type.Assembly.GetType(constructingTypeName);
        public static bool IsNonGenericStackOrQueue(this Type type)
            // Optimize for linking scenarios where mscorlib is trimmed out.
            const string stackTypeName = "System.Collections.Stack, System.Collections.NonGeneric";
            const string queueTypeName = "System.Collections.Queue, System.Collections.NonGeneric";
            const string stackTypeName = "System.Collections.Stack, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";
            const string queueTypeName = "System.Collections.Queue, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";
            Type? stackType = GetTypeIfExists(stackTypeName);
            if (stackType?.IsAssignableFrom(type) == true)
                return true;
            Type? queueType = GetTypeIfExists(queueTypeName);
            if (queueType?.IsAssignableFrom(type) == true)
                return true;
            return false;
        // This method takes an unannotated string which makes trimming reflection analysis lose track of the type we are
        // looking for. This indirection allows the removal of the type if it is not used in the calling application.
        [UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2057:TypeGetType",
            Justification = "This method exists to allow for 'weak references' to the Stack and Queue types. If those types are used in the app, " +
            "they will be preserved by the app and Type.GetType will return them. If those types are not used in the app, we don't want to preserve them here.")]
        private static Type? GetTypeIfExists(string name) => Type.GetType(name, false);