// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System.Text.Json
public ref partial struct Utf8JsonReader
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new <see cref="Utf8JsonReader"/> instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsonData">The ReadOnlySequence<byte> containing the UTF-8 encoded JSON text to process.</param>
/// <param name="isFinalBlock">True when the input span contains the entire data to process.
/// Set to false only if it is known that the input span contains partial data with more data to follow.</param>
/// <param name="state">If this is the first call to the ctor, pass in a default state. Otherwise,
/// capture the state from the previous instance of the <see cref="Utf8JsonReader"/> and pass that back.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Since this type is a ref struct, it is a stack-only type and all the limitations of ref structs apply to it.
/// This is the reason why the ctor accepts a <see cref="JsonReaderState"/>.
/// </remarks>
public Utf8JsonReader(ReadOnlySequence<byte> jsonData, bool isFinalBlock, JsonReaderState state)
_buffer = jsonData.First.Span;
_isFinalBlock = isFinalBlock;
_isInputSequence = true;
_lineNumber = state._lineNumber;
_bytePositionInLine = state._bytePositionInLine;
_inObject = state._inObject;
_isNotPrimitive = state._isNotPrimitive;
ValueIsEscaped = state._valueIsEscaped;
_trailingCommaBeforeComment = state._trailingCommaBeforeComment;
_tokenType = state._tokenType;
_previousTokenType = state._previousTokenType;
_readerOptions = state._readerOptions;
if (_readerOptions.MaxDepth == 0)
_readerOptions.MaxDepth = JsonReaderOptions.DefaultMaxDepth; // If max depth is not set, revert to the default depth.
_bitStack = state._bitStack;
_consumed = 0;
TokenStartIndex = 0;
_totalConsumed = 0;
ValueSpan = ReadOnlySpan<byte>.Empty;
_sequence = jsonData;
HasValueSequence = false;
ValueSequence = ReadOnlySequence<byte>.Empty;
if (jsonData.IsSingleSegment)
_nextPosition = default;
_currentPosition = jsonData.Start;
_isLastSegment = isFinalBlock;
_isMultiSegment = false;
_currentPosition = jsonData.Start;
_nextPosition = _currentPosition;
bool firstSegmentIsEmpty = _buffer.Length == 0;
if (firstSegmentIsEmpty)
// Once we find a non-empty segment, we need to set current position to it.
// Therefore, track the next position in a copy before it gets advanced to the next segment.
SequencePosition previousNextPosition = _nextPosition;
while (jsonData.TryGet(ref _nextPosition, out ReadOnlyMemory<byte> memory, advance: true))
// _currentPosition should point to the segment right befor the segment that _nextPosition points to.
_currentPosition = previousNextPosition;
if (memory.Length != 0)
_buffer = memory.Span;
previousNextPosition = _nextPosition;
// If firstSegmentIsEmpty is true,
// only check if we have reached the last segment but do not advance _nextPosition. The while loop above already advanced it.
// Otherwise, we would end up skipping a segment (i.e. advance = false).
// If firstSegmentIsEmpty is false,
// make sure to advance _nextPosition so that it is no longer the same as _currentPosition (i.e. advance = true).
_isLastSegment = !jsonData.TryGet(ref _nextPosition, out _, advance: !firstSegmentIsEmpty) && isFinalBlock; // Don't re-order to avoid short-circuiting
_isMultiSegment = true;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new <see cref="Utf8JsonReader"/> instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsonData">The ReadOnlySequence<byte> containing the UTF-8 encoded JSON text to process.</param>
/// <param name="options">Defines the customized behavior of the <see cref="Utf8JsonReader"/>
/// that is different from the JSON RFC (for example how to handle comments or maximum depth allowed when reading).
/// By default, the <see cref="Utf8JsonReader"/> follows the JSON RFC strictly (i.e. comments within the JSON are invalid) and reads up to a maximum depth of 64.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// Since this type is a ref struct, it is a stack-only type and all the limitations of ref structs apply to it.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This assumes that the entire JSON payload is passed in (equivalent to <see cref="IsFinalBlock"/> = true)
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public Utf8JsonReader(ReadOnlySequence<byte> jsonData, JsonReaderOptions options = default)
: this(jsonData, isFinalBlock: true, new JsonReaderState(options))
private bool ReadMultiSegment()
bool retVal = false;
HasValueSequence = false;
ValueIsEscaped = false;
ValueSpan = default;
ValueSequence = default;
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment())
goto Done;
byte first = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
// SkipWhiteSpace only skips the whitespace characters as defined by JSON RFC 8259 section 2.
// We do not validate if 'first' is an invalid JSON byte here (such as control characters).
// Those cases are captured in ConsumeNextToken and ConsumeValue.
if (first <= JsonConstants.Space)
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment())
goto Done;
first = _buffer[_consumed];
TokenStartIndex = BytesConsumed;
if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.None)
goto ReadFirstToken;
if (first == JsonConstants.Slash)
retVal = ConsumeNextTokenOrRollbackMultiSegment(first);
goto Done;
if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartObject)
if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
if (first != JsonConstants.Quote)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyNotFound, first);
long prevTotalConsumed = _totalConsumed;
int prevConsumed = _consumed;
long prevPosition = _bytePositionInLine;
long prevLineNumber = _lineNumber;
SequencePosition copy = _currentPosition;
retVal = ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment();
if (!retVal)
// roll back potential changes
_consumed = prevConsumed;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.StartObject;
_bytePositionInLine = prevPosition;
_lineNumber = prevLineNumber;
_totalConsumed = prevTotalConsumed;
_currentPosition = copy;
goto Done;
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray)
if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
retVal = ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first);
goto Done;
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName)
retVal = ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first);
goto Done;
retVal = ConsumeNextTokenOrRollbackMultiSegment(first);
goto Done;
retVal = true;
return retVal;
retVal = ReadFirstTokenMultiSegment(first);
goto Done;
private bool ValidateStateAtEndOfData()
Debug.Assert(_isNotPrimitive && IsLastSpan);
if (_bitStack.CurrentDepth != 0)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ZeroDepthAtEnd);
if (_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Allow && _tokenType == JsonTokenType.Comment)
return false;
if (_tokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.EndObject)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidEndOfJsonNonPrimitive);
return true;
private bool HasMoreDataMultiSegment()
if (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)
if (_isNotPrimitive && IsLastSpan)
if (!ValidateStateAtEndOfData())
return false;
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (_isNotPrimitive && IsLastSpan)
return false;
return true;
// Unlike the parameter-less overload of HasMoreData, if there is no more data when this method is called, we know the JSON input is invalid.
// This is because, this method is only called after a ',' (i.e. we expect a value/property name) or after
// a property name, which means it must be followed by a value.
private bool HasMoreDataMultiSegment(ExceptionResource resource)
if (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, resource);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, resource);
return false;
return true;
private bool GetNextSpan()
ReadOnlyMemory<byte> memory;
while (true)
Debug.Assert(!_isMultiSegment || _currentPosition.GetObject() != null);
SequencePosition copy = _currentPosition;
_currentPosition = _nextPosition;
bool noMoreData = !_sequence.TryGet(ref _nextPosition, out memory, advance: true);
if (noMoreData)
_currentPosition = copy;
_isLastSegment = true;
return false;
if (memory.Length != 0)
// _currentPosition needs to point to last non-empty segment
// Since memory.Length == 0, we need to revert back to previous.
_currentPosition = copy;
Debug.Assert(!_isMultiSegment || _currentPosition.GetObject() != null);
if (_isFinalBlock)
_isLastSegment = !_sequence.TryGet(ref _nextPosition, out _, advance: false);
_buffer = memory.Span;
_totalConsumed += _consumed;
_consumed = 0;
return true;
private bool ReadFirstTokenMultiSegment(byte first)
if (first == JsonConstants.OpenBrace)
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.StartObject;
ValueSpan = _buffer.Slice(_consumed, 1);
_inObject = true;
_isNotPrimitive = true;
else if (first == JsonConstants.OpenBracket)
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.StartArray;
ValueSpan = _buffer.Slice(_consumed, 1);
_isNotPrimitive = true;
if (JsonHelpers.IsDigit(first) || first == '-')
if (!TryGetNumberMultiSegment(_buffer.Slice(_consumed), out int numberOfBytes))
return false;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.Number;
_consumed += numberOfBytes;
else if (!ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first))
return false;
_isNotPrimitive = _tokenType is JsonTokenType.StartObject or JsonTokenType.StartArray;
// Intentionally fall out of the if-block to return true
return true;
private void SkipWhiteSpaceMultiSegment()
while (true)
if (_consumed < _buffer.Length)
if (!GetNextSpan())
/// <summary>
/// This method contains the logic for processing the next value token and determining
/// what type of data it is.
/// </summary>
private bool ConsumeValueMultiSegment(byte marker)
while (true)
Debug.Assert((_trailingCommaBeforeComment && _readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Allow) || !_trailingCommaBeforeComment);
Debug.Assert((_trailingCommaBeforeComment && marker != JsonConstants.Slash) || !_trailingCommaBeforeComment);
_trailingCommaBeforeComment = false;
if (marker == JsonConstants.Quote)
return ConsumeStringMultiSegment();
else if (marker == JsonConstants.OpenBrace)
else if (marker == JsonConstants.OpenBracket)
else if (JsonHelpers.IsDigit(marker) || marker == '-')
return ConsumeNumberMultiSegment();
else if (marker == 'f')
return ConsumeLiteralMultiSegment(JsonConstants.FalseValue, JsonTokenType.False);
else if (marker == 't')
return ConsumeLiteralMultiSegment(JsonConstants.TrueValue, JsonTokenType.True);
else if (marker == 'n')
return ConsumeLiteralMultiSegment(JsonConstants.NullValue, JsonTokenType.Null);
switch (_readerOptions.CommentHandling)
case JsonCommentHandling.Disallow:
case JsonCommentHandling.Allow:
if (marker == JsonConstants.Slash)
SequencePosition copy = _currentPosition;
if (!SkipOrConsumeCommentMultiSegmentWithRollback())
_currentPosition = copy;
return false;
return true;
Debug.Assert(_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Skip);
if (marker == JsonConstants.Slash)
SequencePosition copy = _currentPosition;
if (SkipCommentMultiSegment(out _))
if (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)
if (_isNotPrimitive && IsLastSpan && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.EndObject)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidEndOfJsonNonPrimitive);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (_isNotPrimitive && IsLastSpan && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.EndObject)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidEndOfJsonNonPrimitive);
_currentPosition = copy;
return false;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
if (marker <= JsonConstants.Space)
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment())
_currentPosition = copy;
return false;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
TokenStartIndex = BytesConsumed;
// Skip comments and consume the actual JSON value.
_currentPosition = copy;
return false;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfValueNotFound, marker);
return true;
// Consumes 'null', or 'true', or 'false'
private bool ConsumeLiteralMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> literal, JsonTokenType tokenType)
ReadOnlySpan<byte> span = _buffer.Slice(_consumed);
Debug.Assert(span.Length > 0);
Debug.Assert(span[0] == 'n' || span[0] == 't' || span[0] == 'f');
int consumed = literal.Length;
if (!span.StartsWith(literal))
int prevConsumed = _consumed;
if (CheckLiteralMultiSegment(span, literal, out consumed))
goto Done;
_consumed = prevConsumed;
return false;
ValueSpan = span.Slice(0, literal.Length);
HasValueSequence = false;
_tokenType = tokenType;
_consumed += consumed;
_bytePositionInLine += consumed;
return true;
private bool CheckLiteralMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> span, ReadOnlySpan<byte> literal, out int consumed)
Debug.Assert(span.Length > 0 && span[0] == literal[0] && literal.Length <= JsonConstants.MaximumLiteralLength);
Span<byte> readSoFar = stackalloc byte[JsonConstants.MaximumLiteralLength];
int written = 0;
long prevTotalConsumed = _totalConsumed;
SequencePosition copy = _currentPosition;
if (span.Length >= literal.Length || IsLastSpan)
_bytePositionInLine += FindMismatch(span, literal);
int amountToWrite = Math.Min(span.Length, (int)_bytePositionInLine + 1);
span.Slice(0, amountToWrite).CopyTo(readSoFar);
written += amountToWrite;
goto Throw;
if (!literal.StartsWith(span))
_bytePositionInLine += FindMismatch(span, literal);
int amountToWrite = Math.Min(span.Length, (int)_bytePositionInLine + 1);
span.Slice(0, amountToWrite).CopyTo(readSoFar);
written += amountToWrite;
goto Throw;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> leftToMatch = literal.Slice(span.Length);
SequencePosition startPosition = _currentPosition;
int startConsumed = _consumed;
int alreadyMatched = literal.Length - leftToMatch.Length;
while (true)
_totalConsumed += alreadyMatched;
_bytePositionInLine += alreadyMatched;
if (!GetNextSpan())
_totalConsumed = prevTotalConsumed;
consumed = default;
_currentPosition = copy;
if (IsLastSpan)
goto Throw;
return false;
int amountToWrite = Math.Min(span.Length, readSoFar.Length - written);
span.Slice(0, amountToWrite).CopyTo(readSoFar.Slice(written));
written += amountToWrite;
span = _buffer;
if (span.StartsWith(leftToMatch))
HasValueSequence = true;
SequencePosition start = new SequencePosition(startPosition.GetObject(), startPosition.GetInteger() + startConsumed);
SequencePosition end = new SequencePosition(_currentPosition.GetObject(), _currentPosition.GetInteger() + leftToMatch.Length);
ValueSequence = _sequence.Slice(start, end);
consumed = leftToMatch.Length;
return true;
if (!leftToMatch.StartsWith(span))
_bytePositionInLine += FindMismatch(span, leftToMatch);
amountToWrite = Math.Min(span.Length, (int)_bytePositionInLine + 1);
span.Slice(0, amountToWrite).CopyTo(readSoFar.Slice(written));
written += amountToWrite;
goto Throw;
leftToMatch = leftToMatch.Slice(span.Length);
alreadyMatched = span.Length;
_totalConsumed = prevTotalConsumed;
consumed = default;
_currentPosition = copy;
throw GetInvalidLiteralMultiSegment(readSoFar.Slice(0, written).ToArray());
private static int FindMismatch(ReadOnlySpan<byte> span, ReadOnlySpan<byte> literal)
Debug.Assert(span.Length > 0);
int indexOfFirstMismatch;
#if NET
indexOfFirstMismatch = span.CommonPrefixLength(literal);
int minLength = Math.Min(span.Length, literal.Length);
for (indexOfFirstMismatch = 0; indexOfFirstMismatch < minLength; indexOfFirstMismatch++)
if (span[indexOfFirstMismatch] != literal[indexOfFirstMismatch])
Debug.Assert(indexOfFirstMismatch >= 0 && indexOfFirstMismatch < literal.Length);
return indexOfFirstMismatch;
private JsonException GetInvalidLiteralMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> span)
byte firstByte = span[0];
ExceptionResource resource;
switch (firstByte)
case (byte)'t':
resource = ExceptionResource.ExpectedTrue;
case (byte)'f':
resource = ExceptionResource.ExpectedFalse;
Debug.Assert(firstByte == 'n');
resource = ExceptionResource.ExpectedNull;
return ThrowHelper.GetJsonReaderException(ref this, resource, nextByte: default, bytes: span);
private bool ConsumeNumberMultiSegment()
if (!TryGetNumberMultiSegment(_buffer.Slice(_consumed), out int consumed))
return false;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.Number;
_consumed += consumed;
if (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)
// If there is no more data, and the JSON is not a single value, throw.
if (_isNotPrimitive)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedEndOfDigitNotFound, _buffer[_consumed - 1]);
// If there is more data and the JSON is not a single value, assert that there is an end of number delimiter.
// Else, if either the JSON is a single value XOR if there is no more data, don't assert anything since there won't always be an end of number delimiter.
((_consumed < _buffer.Length) &&
!_isNotPrimitive &&
JsonConstants.Delimiters.IndexOf(_buffer[_consumed]) >= 0)
|| (_isNotPrimitive ^ (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)));
return true;
private bool ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment()
_trailingCommaBeforeComment = false;
if (!ConsumeStringMultiSegment())
return false;
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment(ExceptionResource.ExpectedValueAfterPropertyNameNotFound))
return false;
byte first = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
// We do not validate if 'first' is an invalid JSON byte here (such as control characters).
// Those cases are captured below where we only accept ':'.
if (first <= JsonConstants.Space)
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment(ExceptionResource.ExpectedValueAfterPropertyNameNotFound))
return false;
first = _buffer[_consumed];
// The next character must be a key / value separator. Validate and skip.
if (first != JsonConstants.KeyValueSeparator)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedSeparatorAfterPropertyNameNotFound, first);
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.PropertyName;
return true;
private bool ConsumeStringMultiSegment()
Debug.Assert(_buffer.Length >= _consumed + 1);
Debug.Assert(_buffer[_consumed] == JsonConstants.Quote);
// Create local copy to avoid bounds checks.
ReadOnlySpan<byte> localBuffer = _buffer.Slice(_consumed + 1);
// Vectorized search for either quote, backslash, or any control character.
// If the first found byte is a quote, we have reached an end of string, and
// can avoid validation.
// Otherwise, in the uncommon case, iterate one character at a time and validate.
int idx = localBuffer.IndexOfQuoteOrAnyControlOrBackSlash();
if (idx >= 0)
byte foundByte = localBuffer[idx];
if (foundByte == JsonConstants.Quote)
_bytePositionInLine += idx + 2; // Add 2 for the start and end quotes.
ValueSpan = localBuffer.Slice(0, idx);
HasValueSequence = false;
ValueIsEscaped = false;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.String;
_consumed += idx + 2;
return true;
return ConsumeStringAndValidateMultiSegment(localBuffer, idx);
if (IsLastSpan)
_bytePositionInLine += localBuffer.Length + 1; // Account for the start quote
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.EndOfStringNotFound);
return ConsumeStringNextSegment();
private bool ConsumeStringNextSegment()
PartialStateForRollback rollBackState = CaptureState();
SequencePosition end;
HasValueSequence = true;
int leftOver = _buffer.Length - _consumed;
while (true)
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
_bytePositionInLine += leftOver;
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.EndOfStringNotFound);
return false;
//Create local copy to avoid bounds checks.
ReadOnlySpan<byte> localBuffer = _buffer;
int idx = localBuffer.IndexOfQuoteOrAnyControlOrBackSlash();
if (idx >= 0)
byte foundByte = localBuffer[idx];
if (foundByte == JsonConstants.Quote)
end = new SequencePosition(_currentPosition.GetObject(), _currentPosition.GetInteger() + idx);
_bytePositionInLine += leftOver + idx + 1; // Add 1 for the end quote of the string.
_totalConsumed += leftOver;
_consumed = idx + 1; // Add 1 for the end quote of the string.
ValueIsEscaped = false;
_bytePositionInLine += leftOver + idx;
ValueIsEscaped = true;
bool nextCharEscaped = false;
while (true)
for (; idx < localBuffer.Length; idx++)
byte currentByte = localBuffer[idx];
if (currentByte == JsonConstants.Quote)
if (!nextCharEscaped)
goto Done;
nextCharEscaped = false;
else if (currentByte == JsonConstants.BackSlash)
nextCharEscaped = !nextCharEscaped;
else if (nextCharEscaped)
int index = JsonConstants.EscapableChars.IndexOf(currentByte);
if (index == -1)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidCharacterAfterEscapeWithinString, currentByte);
if (currentByte == 'u')
// Expecting 4 hex digits to follow the escaped 'u'
_bytePositionInLine++; // move past the 'u'
int numberOfHexDigits = 0;
int j = idx + 1;
while (true)
for (; j < localBuffer.Length; j++)
byte nextByte = localBuffer[j];
if (!JsonReaderHelper.IsHexDigit(nextByte))
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidHexCharacterWithinString, nextByte);
if (numberOfHexDigits >= 4)
nextCharEscaped = false;
idx = j + 1; // Skip the 4 hex digits, the for loop accounts for idx incrementing past the 'u'
goto StartOfLoop;
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.EndOfStringNotFound);
// We found less than 4 hex digits.
return false;
_totalConsumed += localBuffer.Length;
localBuffer = _buffer;
j = 0;
nextCharEscaped = false;
else if (currentByte < JsonConstants.Space)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidCharacterWithinString, currentByte);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.EndOfStringNotFound);
return false;
_totalConsumed += localBuffer.Length;
localBuffer = _buffer;
idx = 0;
_bytePositionInLine++; // Add 1 for the end quote of the string.
_consumed = idx + 1; // Add 1 for the end quote of the string.
_totalConsumed += leftOver;
end = new SequencePosition(_currentPosition.GetObject(), _currentPosition.GetInteger() + idx);
_totalConsumed += localBuffer.Length;
_bytePositionInLine += localBuffer.Length;
SequencePosition start = rollBackState.GetStartPosition(offset: 1); // Offset for the starting quote
ValueSequence = _sequence.Slice(start, end);
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.String;
return true;
// Found a backslash or control characters which are considered invalid within a string.
// Search through the rest of the string one byte at a time.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259#section-7
private bool ConsumeStringAndValidateMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, int idx)
Debug.Assert(idx >= 0 && idx < data.Length);
Debug.Assert(data[idx] != JsonConstants.Quote);
Debug.Assert(data[idx] == JsonConstants.BackSlash || data[idx] < JsonConstants.Space);
PartialStateForRollback rollBackState = CaptureState();
SequencePosition end;
HasValueSequence = false;
int leftOverFromConsumed = _buffer.Length - _consumed;
_bytePositionInLine += idx + 1; // Add 1 for the first quote
bool nextCharEscaped = false;
while (true)
for (; idx < data.Length; idx++)
byte currentByte = data[idx];
if (currentByte == JsonConstants.Quote)
if (!nextCharEscaped)
goto Done;
nextCharEscaped = false;
else if (currentByte == JsonConstants.BackSlash)
nextCharEscaped = !nextCharEscaped;
else if (nextCharEscaped)
int index = JsonConstants.EscapableChars.IndexOf(currentByte);
if (index == -1)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidCharacterAfterEscapeWithinString, currentByte);
if (currentByte == 'u')
// Expecting 4 hex digits to follow the escaped 'u'
_bytePositionInLine++; // move past the 'u'
int numberOfHexDigits = 0;
int j = idx + 1;
while (true)
for (; j < data.Length; j++)
byte nextByte = data[j];
if (!JsonReaderHelper.IsHexDigit(nextByte))
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidHexCharacterWithinString, nextByte);
if (numberOfHexDigits >= 4)
nextCharEscaped = false;
idx = j + 1; // Skip the 4 hex digits, the for loop accounts for idx incrementing past the 'u'
goto StartOfLoop;
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.EndOfStringNotFound);
// We found less than 4 hex digits.
return false;
// Do not add the left over for the first segment to total consumed
if (HasValueSequence)
_totalConsumed += data.Length;
data = _buffer;
j = 0;
HasValueSequence = true;
nextCharEscaped = false;
else if (currentByte < JsonConstants.Space)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidCharacterWithinString, currentByte);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.EndOfStringNotFound);
return false;
// Do not add the left over for the first segment to total consumed
if (HasValueSequence)
_totalConsumed += data.Length;
data = _buffer;
idx = 0;
HasValueSequence = true;
if (HasValueSequence)
_bytePositionInLine++; // Add 1 for the end quote of the string.
_consumed = idx + 1; // Add 1 for the end quote of the string.
_totalConsumed += leftOverFromConsumed;
end = new SequencePosition(_currentPosition.GetObject(), _currentPosition.GetInteger() + idx);
SequencePosition start = rollBackState.GetStartPosition(offset: 1); // Offset for the starting quote
ValueSequence = _sequence.Slice(start, end);
_bytePositionInLine++; // Add 1 for the end quote
_consumed += idx + 2;
ValueSpan = data.Slice(0, idx);
ValueIsEscaped = true;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.String;
return true;
private void RollBackState(scoped in PartialStateForRollback state, bool isError = false)
_totalConsumed = state._prevTotalConsumed;
// Don't roll back byte position in line for invalid JSON since that is provided
// to the user within the exception.
if (!isError)
_bytePositionInLine = state._prevBytePositionInLine;
_consumed = state._prevConsumed;
_currentPosition = state._prevCurrentPosition;
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159#section-6
private bool TryGetNumberMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, out int consumed)
// TODO: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/27837
Debug.Assert(data.Length > 0);
PartialStateForRollback rollBackState = CaptureState();
consumed = 0;
int i = 0;
ConsumeNumberResult signResult = ConsumeNegativeSignMultiSegment(ref data, ref i, rollBackState);
if (signResult == ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData)
return false;
Debug.Assert(signResult == ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete);
byte nextByte = data[i];
Debug.Assert(nextByte >= '0' && nextByte <= '9');
if (nextByte == '0')
ConsumeNumberResult result = ConsumeZeroMultiSegment(ref data, ref i, rollBackState);
if (result == ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData)
return false;
if (result == ConsumeNumberResult.Success)
goto Done;
Debug.Assert(result == ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete);
nextByte = data[i];
ConsumeNumberResult result = ConsumeIntegerDigitsMultiSegment(ref data, ref i);
if (result == ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData)
return false;
if (result == ConsumeNumberResult.Success)
goto Done;
Debug.Assert(result == ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete);
nextByte = data[i];
if (nextByte != '.' && nextByte != 'E' && nextByte != 'e')
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedEndOfDigitNotFound, nextByte);
Debug.Assert(nextByte == '.' || nextByte == 'E' || nextByte == 'e');
if (nextByte == '.')
ConsumeNumberResult result = ConsumeDecimalDigitsMultiSegment(ref data, ref i, rollBackState);
if (result == ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData)
return false;
if (result == ConsumeNumberResult.Success)
goto Done;
Debug.Assert(result == ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete);
nextByte = data[i];
if (nextByte != 'E' && nextByte != 'e')
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedNextDigitEValueNotFound, nextByte);
Debug.Assert(nextByte == 'E' || nextByte == 'e');
signResult = ConsumeSignMultiSegment(ref data, ref i, rollBackState);
if (signResult == ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData)
return false;
Debug.Assert(signResult == ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete);
ConsumeNumberResult resultExponent = ConsumeIntegerDigitsMultiSegment(ref data, ref i);
if (resultExponent == ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData)
return false;
if (resultExponent == ConsumeNumberResult.Success)
goto Done;
Debug.Assert(resultExponent == ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete);
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedEndOfDigitNotFound, data[i]);
if (HasValueSequence)
SequencePosition start = rollBackState.GetStartPosition();
SequencePosition end = new SequencePosition(_currentPosition.GetObject(), _currentPosition.GetInteger() + i);
ValueSequence = _sequence.Slice(start, end);
consumed = i;
ValueSpan = data.Slice(0, i);
consumed = i;
return true;
private ConsumeNumberResult ConsumeNegativeSignMultiSegment(ref ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, scoped ref int i, scoped in PartialStateForRollback rollBackState)
Debug.Assert(i == 0);
byte nextByte = data[i];
if (nextByte == '-')
if (i >= data.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
return ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData;
Debug.Assert(i == 1);
_totalConsumed += i;
HasValueSequence = true;
i = 0;
data = _buffer;
nextByte = data[i];
if (!JsonHelpers.IsDigit(nextByte))
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundAfterSign, nextByte);
return ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete;
private ConsumeNumberResult ConsumeZeroMultiSegment(ref ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, scoped ref int i, scoped in PartialStateForRollback rollBackState)
Debug.Assert(data[i] == (byte)'0');
Debug.Assert(i == 0 || i == 1);
byte nextByte;
if (i < data.Length)
nextByte = data[i];
if (JsonConstants.Delimiters.IndexOf(nextByte) >= 0)
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
if (IsLastSpan)
// A payload containing a single value: "0" is valid
// If we are dealing with multi-value JSON,
// ConsumeNumber will validate that we have a delimiter following the "0".
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
return ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData;
_totalConsumed += i;
HasValueSequence = true;
i = 0;
data = _buffer;
nextByte = data[i];
if (JsonConstants.Delimiters.IndexOf(nextByte) >= 0)
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
nextByte = data[i];
if (nextByte != '.' && nextByte != 'E' && nextByte != 'e')
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this,
JsonHelpers.IsInRangeInclusive(nextByte, '0', '9') ? ExceptionResource.InvalidLeadingZeroInNumber : ExceptionResource.ExpectedEndOfDigitNotFound,
return ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete;
private ConsumeNumberResult ConsumeIntegerDigitsMultiSegment(ref ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, scoped ref int i)
byte nextByte = default;
int counter = 0;
for (; i < data.Length; i++)
nextByte = data[i];
if (!JsonHelpers.IsDigit(nextByte))
if (i >= data.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
// A payload containing a single value of integers (e.g. "12") is valid
// If we are dealing with multi-value JSON,
// ConsumeNumber will validate that we have a delimiter following the integer.
_bytePositionInLine += counter;
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
while (true)
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
_bytePositionInLine += counter;
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
return ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData;
_totalConsumed += i;
_bytePositionInLine += counter;
counter = 0;
HasValueSequence = true;
i = 0;
data = _buffer;
for (; i < data.Length; i++)
nextByte = data[i];
if (!JsonHelpers.IsDigit(nextByte))
_bytePositionInLine += i;
if (i >= data.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
_bytePositionInLine += counter;
if (JsonConstants.Delimiters.IndexOf(nextByte) >= 0)
return ConsumeNumberResult.Success;
return ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete;
private ConsumeNumberResult ConsumeDecimalDigitsMultiSegment(ref ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, scoped ref int i, scoped in PartialStateForRollback rollBackState)
if (i >= data.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
return ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData;
_totalConsumed += i;
HasValueSequence = true;
i = 0;
data = _buffer;
byte nextByte = data[i];
if (!JsonHelpers.IsDigit(nextByte))
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundAfterDecimal, nextByte);
return ConsumeIntegerDigitsMultiSegment(ref data, ref i);
private ConsumeNumberResult ConsumeSignMultiSegment(ref ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, scoped ref int i, scoped in PartialStateForRollback rollBackState)
if (i >= data.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
return ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData;
_totalConsumed += i;
HasValueSequence = true;
i = 0;
data = _buffer;
byte nextByte = data[i];
if (nextByte == '+' || nextByte == '-')
if (i >= data.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundEndOfData);
return ConsumeNumberResult.NeedMoreData;
_totalConsumed += i;
HasValueSequence = true;
i = 0;
data = _buffer;
nextByte = data[i];
if (!JsonHelpers.IsDigit(nextByte))
RollBackState(rollBackState, isError: true);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.RequiredDigitNotFoundAfterSign, nextByte);
return ConsumeNumberResult.OperationIncomplete;
private bool ConsumeNextTokenOrRollbackMultiSegment(byte marker)
long prevTotalConsumed = _totalConsumed;
int prevConsumed = _consumed;
long prevPosition = _bytePositionInLine;
long prevLineNumber = _lineNumber;
JsonTokenType prevTokenType = _tokenType;
SequencePosition prevSequencePosition = _currentPosition;
bool prevTrailingCommaBeforeComment = _trailingCommaBeforeComment;
ConsumeTokenResult result = ConsumeNextTokenMultiSegment(marker);
if (result == ConsumeTokenResult.Success)
return true;
if (result == ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState)
_consumed = prevConsumed;
_tokenType = prevTokenType;
_bytePositionInLine = prevPosition;
_lineNumber = prevLineNumber;
_totalConsumed = prevTotalConsumed;
_currentPosition = prevSequencePosition;
_trailingCommaBeforeComment = prevTrailingCommaBeforeComment;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This method consumes the next token regardless of whether we are inside an object or an array.
/// For an object, it reads the next property name token. For an array, it just reads the next value.
/// </summary>
private ConsumeTokenResult ConsumeNextTokenMultiSegment(byte marker)
if (_readerOptions.CommentHandling != JsonCommentHandling.Disallow)
if (_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Allow)
if (marker == JsonConstants.Slash)
return SkipOrConsumeCommentMultiSegmentWithRollback() ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.Comment)
return ConsumeNextTokenFromLastNonCommentTokenMultiSegment();
Debug.Assert(_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Skip);
return ConsumeNextTokenUntilAfterAllCommentsAreSkippedMultiSegment(marker);
if (_bitStack.CurrentDepth == 0)
if (_readerOptions.AllowMultipleValues)
return ReadFirstTokenMultiSegment(marker) ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedEndAfterSingleJson, marker);
if (marker == JsonConstants.ListSeparator)
if (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound);
return ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
byte first = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
if (first <= JsonConstants.Space)
// The next character must be a start of a property name or value.
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment(ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound))
return ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
first = _buffer[_consumed];
TokenStartIndex = BytesConsumed;
if (_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Allow && first == JsonConstants.Slash)
_trailingCommaBeforeComment = true;
return SkipOrConsumeCommentMultiSegmentWithRollback() ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
if (_inObject)
if (first != JsonConstants.Quote)
if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
if (_readerOptions.AllowTrailingCommas)
return ConsumeTokenResult.Success;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.TrailingCommaNotAllowedBeforeObjectEnd);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyNotFound, first);
return ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment() ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
if (_readerOptions.AllowTrailingCommas)
return ConsumeTokenResult.Success;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.TrailingCommaNotAllowedBeforeArrayEnd);
return ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first) ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
else if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
else if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.FoundInvalidCharacter, marker);
return ConsumeTokenResult.Success;
private ConsumeTokenResult ConsumeNextTokenFromLastNonCommentTokenMultiSegment()
Debug.Assert(_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Allow);
Debug.Assert(_tokenType == JsonTokenType.Comment);
if (JsonReaderHelper.IsTokenTypePrimitive(_previousTokenType))
_tokenType = _inObject ? JsonTokenType.StartObject : JsonTokenType.StartArray;
_tokenType = _previousTokenType;
Debug.Assert(_tokenType != JsonTokenType.Comment);
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment())
goto RollBack;
byte first = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
if (first <= JsonConstants.Space)
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment())
goto RollBack;
first = _buffer[_consumed];
if (_bitStack.CurrentDepth == 0 && _tokenType != JsonTokenType.None)
if (_readerOptions.AllowMultipleValues)
return ReadFirstTokenMultiSegment(first) ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedEndAfterSingleJson, first);
Debug.Assert(first != JsonConstants.Slash);
TokenStartIndex = BytesConsumed;
if (first == JsonConstants.ListSeparator)
// A comma without some JSON value preceding it is invalid
if (_previousTokenType <= JsonTokenType.StartObject || _previousTokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray || _trailingCommaBeforeComment)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueAfterComment, first);
if (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound);
goto RollBack;
first = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
if (first <= JsonConstants.Space)
// The next character must be a start of a property name or value.
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment(ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound))
goto RollBack;
first = _buffer[_consumed];
TokenStartIndex = BytesConsumed;
if (first == JsonConstants.Slash)
_trailingCommaBeforeComment = true;
if (SkipOrConsumeCommentMultiSegmentWithRollback())
goto Done;
goto RollBack;
if (_inObject)
if (first != JsonConstants.Quote)
if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
if (_readerOptions.AllowTrailingCommas)
goto Done;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.TrailingCommaNotAllowedBeforeObjectEnd);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyNotFound, first);
if (ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment())
goto Done;
goto RollBack;
if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
if (_readerOptions.AllowTrailingCommas)
goto Done;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.TrailingCommaNotAllowedBeforeArrayEnd);
if (ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first))
goto Done;
goto RollBack;
else if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
else if (first == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.None)
if (ReadFirstTokenMultiSegment(first))
goto Done;
goto RollBack;
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartObject)
Debug.Assert(first != JsonConstants.CloseBrace);
if (first != JsonConstants.Quote)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyNotFound, first);
long prevTotalConsumed = _totalConsumed;
int prevConsumed = _consumed;
long prevPosition = _bytePositionInLine;
long prevLineNumber = _lineNumber;
if (!ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment())
// roll back potential changes
_consumed = prevConsumed;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.StartObject;
_bytePositionInLine = prevPosition;
_lineNumber = prevLineNumber;
_totalConsumed = prevTotalConsumed;
goto RollBack;
goto Done;
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray)
Debug.Assert(first != JsonConstants.CloseBracket);
if (!ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first))
goto RollBack;
goto Done;
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName)
if (!ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first))
goto RollBack;
goto Done;
Debug.Assert(_tokenType == JsonTokenType.EndArray || _tokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject);
if (_inObject)
Debug.Assert(first != JsonConstants.CloseBrace);
if (first != JsonConstants.Quote)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyNotFound, first);
if (ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment())
goto Done;
goto RollBack;
Debug.Assert(first != JsonConstants.CloseBracket);
if (ConsumeValueMultiSegment(first))
goto Done;
goto RollBack;
return ConsumeTokenResult.Success;
return ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
private bool SkipAllCommentsMultiSegment(scoped ref byte marker)
while (marker == JsonConstants.Slash)
if (SkipOrConsumeCommentMultiSegmentWithRollback())
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment())
goto IncompleteNoRollback;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
if (marker <= JsonConstants.Space)
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment())
goto IncompleteNoRollback;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
goto IncompleteNoRollback;
return true;
return false;
private bool SkipAllCommentsMultiSegment(scoped ref byte marker, ExceptionResource resource)
while (marker == JsonConstants.Slash)
if (SkipOrConsumeCommentMultiSegmentWithRollback())
// The next character must be a start of a property name or value.
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment(resource))
goto IncompleteRollback;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
if (marker <= JsonConstants.Space)
// The next character must be a start of a property name or value.
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment(resource))
goto IncompleteRollback;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
goto IncompleteRollback;
return true;
return false;
private ConsumeTokenResult ConsumeNextTokenUntilAfterAllCommentsAreSkippedMultiSegment(byte marker)
if (!SkipAllCommentsMultiSegment(ref marker))
goto IncompleteNoRollback;
TokenStartIndex = BytesConsumed;
if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartObject)
if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
if (marker != JsonConstants.Quote)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyNotFound, marker);
long prevTotalConsumed = _totalConsumed;
int prevConsumed = _consumed;
long prevPosition = _bytePositionInLine;
long prevLineNumber = _lineNumber;
SequencePosition copy = _currentPosition;
if (!ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment())
// roll back potential changes
_consumed = prevConsumed;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.StartObject;
_bytePositionInLine = prevPosition;
_lineNumber = prevLineNumber;
_totalConsumed = prevTotalConsumed;
_currentPosition = copy;
goto IncompleteNoRollback;
goto Done;
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray)
if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
if (!ConsumeValueMultiSegment(marker))
goto IncompleteNoRollback;
goto Done;
else if (_tokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName)
if (!ConsumeValueMultiSegment(marker))
goto IncompleteNoRollback;
goto Done;
else if (_bitStack.CurrentDepth == 0)
if (_readerOptions.AllowMultipleValues)
return ReadFirstTokenMultiSegment(marker) ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedEndAfterSingleJson, marker);
else if (marker == JsonConstants.ListSeparator)
if (_consumed >= (uint)_buffer.Length)
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound);
return ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
// This check is done as an optimization to avoid calling SkipWhiteSpace when not necessary.
if (marker <= JsonConstants.Space)
// The next character must be a start of a property name or value.
if (!HasMoreDataMultiSegment(ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound))
return ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
marker = _buffer[_consumed];
if (!SkipAllCommentsMultiSegment(ref marker, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyOrValueNotFound))
goto IncompleteRollback;
TokenStartIndex = BytesConsumed;
if (_inObject)
if (marker != JsonConstants.Quote)
if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
if (_readerOptions.AllowTrailingCommas)
goto Done;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.TrailingCommaNotAllowedBeforeObjectEnd);
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.ExpectedStartOfPropertyNotFound, marker);
return ConsumePropertyNameMultiSegment() ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
if (_readerOptions.AllowTrailingCommas)
goto Done;
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.TrailingCommaNotAllowedBeforeArrayEnd);
return ConsumeValueMultiSegment(marker) ? ConsumeTokenResult.Success : ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
else if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBrace)
else if (marker == JsonConstants.CloseBracket)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.FoundInvalidCharacter, marker);
return ConsumeTokenResult.Success;
return ConsumeTokenResult.IncompleteNoRollBackNecessary;
return ConsumeTokenResult.NotEnoughDataRollBackState;
private bool SkipOrConsumeCommentMultiSegmentWithRollback()
long prevTotalConsumed = BytesConsumed;
SequencePosition start = new SequencePosition(_currentPosition.GetObject(), _currentPosition.GetInteger() + _consumed);
bool skipSucceeded = SkipCommentMultiSegment(out int tailBytesToIgnore);
if (skipSucceeded)
_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Allow ||
_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Skip);
if (_readerOptions.CommentHandling == JsonCommentHandling.Allow)
SequencePosition end = new SequencePosition(_currentPosition.GetObject(), _currentPosition.GetInteger() + _consumed);
ReadOnlySequence<byte> commentSequence = _sequence.Slice(start, end);
commentSequence = commentSequence.Slice(2, commentSequence.Length - 2 - tailBytesToIgnore);
HasValueSequence = !commentSequence.IsSingleSegment;
if (HasValueSequence)
ValueSequence = commentSequence;
ValueSpan = commentSequence.First.Span;
if (_tokenType != JsonTokenType.Comment)
_previousTokenType = _tokenType;
_tokenType = JsonTokenType.Comment;
_totalConsumed = prevTotalConsumed;
// Note: BytesConsumed = _totalConsumed + _consumed
// Changing _consumed and _totalConsumed to original values might not work correctly
// since _consumed is tracking position in the current sequence
// and current sequence might not be the same as we could've called GetNextSpan.
// Since we return false we do not expect these APIs to be called again
// so the values are ok to be slightly incorrect as long as the sum remains the same
// if we don't reset this value to zero the BytesConsumed might be reported incorrectly.
_consumed = 0;
return skipSucceeded;
private bool SkipCommentMultiSegment(out int tailBytesToIgnore)
// Create local copy to avoid bounds checks.
ReadOnlySpan<byte> localBuffer = _buffer.Slice(_consumed);
if (localBuffer.Length == 0)
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.UnexpectedEndOfDataWhileReadingComment);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.UnexpectedEndOfDataWhileReadingComment);
tailBytesToIgnore = 0;
return false;
localBuffer = _buffer;
byte marker = localBuffer[0];
if (marker != JsonConstants.Slash && marker != JsonConstants.Asterisk)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.InvalidCharacterAtStartOfComment, marker);
bool multiLine = marker == JsonConstants.Asterisk;
localBuffer = localBuffer.Slice(1);
if (localBuffer.Length == 0)
if (IsLastSpan)
tailBytesToIgnore = 0;
if (multiLine)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.UnexpectedEndOfDataWhileReadingComment);
return true;
if (!GetNextSpan())
tailBytesToIgnore = 0;
if (IsLastSpan)
if (multiLine)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.UnexpectedEndOfDataWhileReadingComment);
return true;
return false;
localBuffer = _buffer;
if (multiLine)
tailBytesToIgnore = 2;
return SkipMultiLineCommentMultiSegment(localBuffer);
return SkipSingleLineCommentMultiSegment(localBuffer, out tailBytesToIgnore);
private bool SkipSingleLineCommentMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> localBuffer, out int tailBytesToSkip)
bool expectLF = false;
int dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed = 0;
tailBytesToSkip = 0;
while (true)
if (expectLF)
if (localBuffer[0] == JsonConstants.LineFeed)
int idx = FindLineSeparatorMultiSegment(localBuffer, ref dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed);
Debug.Assert(dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed >= 0 && dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed <= 2);
if (idx != -1)
_consumed += idx + 1;
_bytePositionInLine += idx + 1;
if (localBuffer[idx] == JsonConstants.LineFeed)
// If we are here, we have definintely found a \r. So now to check if \n follows.
Debug.Assert(localBuffer[idx] == JsonConstants.CarriageReturn);
if (idx < localBuffer.Length - 1)
if (localBuffer[idx + 1] == JsonConstants.LineFeed)
expectLF = true;
_consumed += localBuffer.Length;
_bytePositionInLine += localBuffer.Length;
if (IsLastSpan)
if (expectLF)
return true;
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
if (expectLF)
return true;
return false;
localBuffer = _buffer;
_bytePositionInLine = 0;
return true;
private int FindLineSeparatorMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> localBuffer, scoped ref int dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed)
Debug.Assert(dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed >= 0 && dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed <= 2);
if (dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed != 0)
ThrowOnDangerousLineSeparatorMultiSegment(localBuffer, ref dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed);
if (dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed != 0)
// this can only happen if localBuffer size is 1 and we have previously only consumed 1 byte
// or localBuffer is 0
Debug.Assert(dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed >= 1 && dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed <= 2 && localBuffer.Length <= 1);
return -1;
int totalIdx = 0;
while (true)
int idx = localBuffer.IndexOfAny(JsonConstants.LineFeed, JsonConstants.CarriageReturn, JsonConstants.StartingByteOfNonStandardSeparator);
dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed = 0;
if (idx == -1)
return -1;
if (localBuffer[idx] != JsonConstants.StartingByteOfNonStandardSeparator)
return totalIdx + idx;
int p = idx + 1;
localBuffer = localBuffer.Slice(p);
totalIdx += p;
ThrowOnDangerousLineSeparatorMultiSegment(localBuffer, ref dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed);
if (dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed != 0)
// this can only happen in the end of the local buffer
Debug.Assert(localBuffer.Length < 2);
return -1;
// assumes first byte (JsonConstants.UnexpectedEndOfLineSeparator) is already read
private void ThrowOnDangerousLineSeparatorMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> localBuffer, scoped ref int dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed)
Debug.Assert(dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed == 1 || dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed == 2);
// \u2028 and \u2029 are considered respectively line and paragraph separators
// UTF-8 representation for them is E2, 80, A8/A9
// we have already read E2 and maybe 80 we need to check for remaining 1 or 2 bytes
if (localBuffer.IsEmpty)
if (dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed == 1)
if (localBuffer[0] == 0x80)
localBuffer = localBuffer.Slice(1);
if (localBuffer.IsEmpty)
// no match
dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed = 0;
if (dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed == 2)
byte lastByte = localBuffer[0];
if (lastByte == 0xA8 || lastByte == 0xA9)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.UnexpectedEndOfLineSeparator);
// no match
dangerousLineSeparatorBytesConsumed = 0;
private bool SkipMultiLineCommentMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> localBuffer)
bool expectSlash = false;
bool ignoreNextLfForLineTracking = false;
while (true)
Debug.Assert(localBuffer.Length > 0);
if (expectSlash)
if (localBuffer[0] == JsonConstants.Slash)
return true;
expectSlash = false;
if (ignoreNextLfForLineTracking)
if (localBuffer[0] == JsonConstants.LineFeed)
localBuffer = localBuffer.Slice(1);
ignoreNextLfForLineTracking = false;
int idx = localBuffer.IndexOfAny(JsonConstants.Asterisk, JsonConstants.LineFeed, JsonConstants.CarriageReturn);
if (idx != -1)
int nextIdx = idx + 1;
byte marker = localBuffer[idx];
localBuffer = localBuffer.Slice(nextIdx);
_consumed += nextIdx;
switch (marker)
case JsonConstants.Asterisk:
expectSlash = true;
_bytePositionInLine += nextIdx;
case JsonConstants.LineFeed:
_bytePositionInLine = 0;
Debug.Assert(marker == JsonConstants.CarriageReturn);
_bytePositionInLine = 0;
ignoreNextLfForLineTracking = true;
_consumed += localBuffer.Length;
_bytePositionInLine += localBuffer.Length;
localBuffer = ReadOnlySpan<byte>.Empty;
if (localBuffer.IsEmpty)
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.UnexpectedEndOfDataWhileReadingComment);
if (!GetNextSpan())
if (IsLastSpan)
ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref this, ExceptionResource.UnexpectedEndOfDataWhileReadingComment);
return false;
localBuffer = _buffer;
private PartialStateForRollback CaptureState()
return new PartialStateForRollback(_totalConsumed, _bytePositionInLine, _consumed, _currentPosition);
private readonly struct PartialStateForRollback
public readonly long _prevTotalConsumed;
public readonly long _prevBytePositionInLine;
public readonly int _prevConsumed;
public readonly SequencePosition _prevCurrentPosition;
public PartialStateForRollback(long totalConsumed, long bytePositionInLine, int consumed, SequencePosition currentPosition)
_prevTotalConsumed = totalConsumed;
_prevBytePositionInLine = bytePositionInLine;
_prevConsumed = consumed;
_prevCurrentPosition = currentPosition;
public SequencePosition GetStartPosition(int offset = 0)
return new SequencePosition(_prevCurrentPosition.GetObject(), _prevCurrentPosition.GetInteger() + _prevConsumed + offset);