// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
#if NET
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
#if NET
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm;
namespace System.Text.Encodings.Web
/// <summary>
/// Allows efficient escaping for the library's built-in types (HTML, URL, JS).
/// Assumes the following:
/// (a) All C0 and C1 code points are disallowed.
/// (b) Escaping 1 ASCII input character results in no more than 6 output characters.
/// (c) All Unicode scalar values may be represented in escaped form.
/// (d) The escaped form of any Unicode scalar value consists of only ASCII characters.
/// </summary>
internal sealed partial class OptimizedInboxTextEncoder
private readonly AllowedAsciiCodePoints _allowedAsciiCodePoints;
private readonly AsciiPreescapedData _asciiPreescapedData;
private readonly AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap _allowedBmpCodePoints;
private readonly ScalarEscaperBase _scalarEscaper;
internal OptimizedInboxTextEncoder(
ScalarEscaperBase scalarEscaper,
in AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap allowedCodePointsBmp,
bool forbidHtmlSensitiveCharacters = true,
ReadOnlySpan<char> extraCharactersToEscape = default)
Debug.Assert(scalarEscaper != null);
_scalarEscaper = scalarEscaper;
_allowedBmpCodePoints = allowedCodePointsBmp;
// Debug-only assertion to validate that we're no longer using the input
// argument once the field value has been assigned. All accesses to the bitmap
// should now go through our instance field. In debug mode, if any code violates
// this, it'll cause a null ref within this ctor.
allowedCodePointsBmp = ref Unsafe.NullRef<AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap>();
// Forbid codepoints which aren't mapped to characters or which are otherwise always disallowed
// (includes categories Cc, Cs, Co, Cn, Zs [except U+0020 SPACE], Zl, Zp).
// Most encoders should forbid characters that are special in HTML, even if they're not
// HTML encoders themselves. This is defense-in-depth for scenarios where somebody encodes
// a JavaScript string or a URL, then places it straight into an HTML document without
// accounting for any required outer envelope (HTML) escaping.
if (forbidHtmlSensitiveCharacters)
foreach (char ch in extraCharactersToEscape)
// Now that disallowed characters have been filtered out, we're free to populate
// the ASCII maps and pre-escaped data caches.
_asciiPreescapedData.PopulatePreescapedData(_allowedBmpCodePoints, scalarEscaper);
[Obsolete("FindFirstCharacterToEncode has been deprecated. It should only be used by the TextEncoder adapter.")]
public unsafe int FindFirstCharacterToEncode(char* text, int textLength)
return GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncode(new ReadOnlySpan<char>(text, textLength)); // performs bounds checking
[Obsolete("TryEncodeUnicodeScalar has been deprecated. It should only be used by the TextEncoder adapter.")]
public unsafe bool TryEncodeUnicodeScalar(int unicodeScalar, char* buffer, int bufferLength, out int numberOfCharactersWritten)
Span<char> destination = new Span<char>(buffer, bufferLength);
if (_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCodePointAllowed((uint)unicodeScalar))
// The bitmap should only allow BMP non-surrogate code points.
if (!destination.IsEmpty)
destination[0] = (char)unicodeScalar; // reflect as-is
numberOfCharactersWritten = 1;
return true;
int innerCharsWritten = _scalarEscaper.EncodeUtf16(new Rune(unicodeScalar), destination);
Debug.Assert(innerCharsWritten <= bufferLength, "Mustn't overflow the buffer.");
Debug.Assert(innerCharsWritten != 0, "Inner escaper succeeded with 0-char output?");
if (innerCharsWritten >= 0)
numberOfCharactersWritten = innerCharsWritten;
return true;
// If we reached this point, we ran out of space in the destination.
numberOfCharactersWritten = 0;
return false;
public OperationStatus Encode(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, Span<char> destination, out int charsConsumed, out int charsWritten, bool isFinalBlock)
_AssertThisNotNull(); // hoist "this != null" check out of hot loop below
int srcIdx = 0;
int dstIdx = 0;
while (true)
if ((uint)source.Length <= (uint)srcIdx)
break; // EOF
char thisChar = source[srcIdx];
if (!_asciiPreescapedData.TryGetPreescapedData(thisChar, out ulong preescapedEntry))
goto NotAscii; // forward jump predicted not taken
if ((uint)destination.Length <= (uint)dstIdx)
goto DestTooSmall; // forward jump predicted not taken
destination[dstIdx] = (char)(byte)preescapedEntry;
if (((uint)preescapedEntry & 0xFF00) == 0)
dstIdx++; // predicted taken - only had to write a single char
// At this point, we're writing a multi-char output for a single-char input.
// Copy over as many chars as we can.
preescapedEntry >>= 8;
int dstIdxTemp = dstIdx + 1;
if ((uint)destination.Length <= (uint)dstIdxTemp)
goto DestTooSmall; // forward jump predicted not taken
destination[dstIdxTemp++] = (char)(byte)preescapedEntry;
} while ((byte)(preescapedEntry >>= 8) != 0);
dstIdx = dstIdxTemp;
if (!Rune.TryCreate(thisChar, out Rune scalarValue))
int srcIdxTemp = srcIdx + 1;
if ((uint)source.Length > (uint)srcIdxTemp)
if (Rune.TryCreate(thisChar, source[srcIdxTemp], out scalarValue))
goto CheckWhetherScalarValueAllowed; // successfully extracted scalar value
else if (!isFinalBlock && char.IsHighSurrogate(thisChar))
goto NeedMoreData; // ended with a high surrogate, and caller said they'd provide more data
scalarValue = Rune.ReplacementChar; // fallback char
goto MustEncodeNonAscii;
if (IsScalarValueAllowed(scalarValue))
if (!scalarValue.TryEncodeToUtf16(destination.Slice(dstIdx), out int utf16CodeUnitCount))
goto DestTooSmall;
dstIdx += utf16CodeUnitCount;
srcIdx += utf16CodeUnitCount;
// At this point, we know we need to encode.
int charsWrittenJustNow = _scalarEscaper.EncodeUtf16(scalarValue, destination.Slice(dstIdx));
if (charsWrittenJustNow < 0)
goto DestTooSmall;
dstIdx += charsWrittenJustNow;
srcIdx += scalarValue.Utf16SequenceLength;
// And at this point, we're done!
OperationStatus retVal = OperationStatus.Done;
charsConsumed = srcIdx;
charsWritten = dstIdx;
return retVal;
retVal = OperationStatus.DestinationTooSmall;
goto CommonReturn;
retVal = OperationStatus.NeedMoreData;
goto CommonReturn;
public OperationStatus EncodeUtf8(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesConsumed, out int bytesWritten, bool isFinalBlock)
_AssertThisNotNull(); // hoist "this != null" check out of hot loop below
int srcIdx = 0;
int dstIdx = 0;
while (true)
if ((uint)source.Length <= (uint)srcIdx)
break; // EOF
uint thisByte = source[srcIdx];
if (!_asciiPreescapedData.TryGetPreescapedData(thisByte, out ulong preescapedEntry))
goto NotAscii; // forward jump predicted not taken
// The common case is that the destination is large enough to hold 8 bytes of output,
// so let's write the entire pre-escaped entry to it. In reality we're only writing up
// to 6 bytes of output, so we'll only bump dstIdx by the number of useful bytes we
// wrote.
if (BinaryPrimitives.TryWriteUInt64LittleEndian(destination.Slice(dstIdx), preescapedEntry))
dstIdx += (int)(preescapedEntry >> 56); // predicted taken
// We don't have enough space to hold a single QWORD copy, so let's write byte-by-byte
// and see if we have enough room.
int dstIdxTemp = dstIdx;
if ((uint)destination.Length <= (uint)dstIdxTemp)
goto DestTooSmall; // forward jump predicted not taken
destination[dstIdxTemp++] = (byte)preescapedEntry;
} while ((byte)(preescapedEntry >>= 8) != 0);
dstIdx = dstIdxTemp;
OperationStatus runeDecodeStatus = Rune.DecodeFromUtf8(source.Slice(srcIdx), out Rune scalarValue, out int bytesConsumedJustNow);
if (runeDecodeStatus != OperationStatus.Done)
if (!isFinalBlock && runeDecodeStatus == OperationStatus.NeedMoreData)
goto NeedMoreData; // source ends in the middle of a multi-byte sequence
Debug.Assert(scalarValue == Rune.ReplacementChar); // DecodeFromUtfXX should've set replacement character on failure
goto MustEncodeNonAscii; // bad UTF-8 data seen
if (IsScalarValueAllowed(scalarValue))
if (!scalarValue.TryEncodeToUtf8(destination.Slice(dstIdx), out int utf8CodeUnitCount))
goto DestTooSmall;
dstIdx += utf8CodeUnitCount;
srcIdx += utf8CodeUnitCount;
// At this point, we know we need to encode.
int bytesWrittenJustNow = _scalarEscaper.EncodeUtf8(scalarValue, destination.Slice(dstIdx));
if (bytesWrittenJustNow < 0)
goto DestTooSmall;
dstIdx += bytesWrittenJustNow;
srcIdx += bytesConsumedJustNow;
// And at this point, we're done!
OperationStatus retVal = OperationStatus.Done;
bytesConsumed = srcIdx;
bytesWritten = dstIdx;
return retVal;
retVal = OperationStatus.DestinationTooSmall;
goto CommonReturn;
retVal = OperationStatus.NeedMoreData;
goto CommonReturn;
public int GetIndexOfFirstByteToEncode(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
// First, try calling the SIMD-enabled version.
// The SIMD-enabled version handles only ASCII characters.
int dataOriginalLength = data.Length;
#if NET
if (Ssse3.IsSupported || (AdvSimd.Arm64.IsSupported && BitConverter.IsLittleEndian))
int asciiBytesSkipped;
fixed (byte* pData = data)
nuint asciiBytesSkippedNInt;
if (AdvSimd.Arm64.IsSupported && BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
asciiBytesSkippedNInt = GetIndexOfFirstByteToEncodeAdvSimd64(pData, (uint)dataOriginalLength);
Debug.Assert(Ssse3.IsSupported, "#ifdef was ill-formed.");
asciiBytesSkippedNInt = GetIndexOfFirstByteToEncodeSsse3(pData, (uint)dataOriginalLength);
Debug.Assert(0 <= asciiBytesSkippedNInt && asciiBytesSkippedNInt <= (uint)dataOriginalLength);
asciiBytesSkipped = (int)asciiBytesSkippedNInt;
if ((uint)data.Length <= (uint)asciiBytesSkipped)
Debug.Assert(asciiBytesSkipped == data.Length);
return -1; // all data consumed
// Quick check: We know some data remains in the buffer. If the first byte is an ASCII
// byte, that means it already failed the vectorized logic, and there's no need to run
// down the slower "decode scalar-by-scalar" code path. In that case we'll exit now.
if (UnicodeUtility.IsAsciiCodePoint(data[asciiBytesSkipped]))
return asciiBytesSkipped;
data = data.Slice((int)asciiBytesSkipped);
// If there's any leftover data, try consuming it now.
while (!data.IsEmpty)
OperationStatus opStatus = Rune.DecodeFromUtf8(data, out Rune scalarValue, out int bytesConsumed);
if (opStatus != OperationStatus.Done) { break; } // bad data found, must escape
if (bytesConsumed >= 4) { break; } // found supplementary code point, must escape
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed((char)scalarValue.Value)) { break; } // disallowed code point
data = data.Slice(bytesConsumed);
return (data.IsEmpty) ? -1 : dataOriginalLength - data.Length;
public unsafe int GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncode(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
fixed (char* pData = data)
nuint lengthInChars = (uint)data.Length;
// First, try calling the SIMD-enabled version.
// The SIMD-enabled version handles only ASCII characters.
nuint idx = 0;
#if NET
if (Ssse3.IsSupported)
idx = GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncodeSsse3(pData, lengthInChars);
else if (AdvSimd.Arm64.IsSupported && BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
idx = GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncodeAdvSimd64(pData, lengthInChars);
Debug.Assert(0 <= idx && idx <= lengthInChars);
// If there's any leftover data, try consuming it now.
if (idx < lengthInChars)
_AssertThisNotNull(); // hoist "this != null" check out of hot loop below
// unroll the loop 8x
nint loopIter = 0;
for (; lengthInChars - idx >= 8; idx += 8)
loopIter = -1;
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx + (nuint)(++loopIter)])) { goto BrokeInUnrolledLoop; }
for (; idx < lengthInChars; idx++)
if (!_allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCharAllowed(pData[idx])) { break; }
goto Return;
idx += (nuint)loopIter;
Debug.Assert(0 <= idx && idx <= lengthInChars);
int idx32 = (int)idx;
if (idx32 == (int)lengthInChars)
idx32 = -1;
return idx32;
/// <summary>
/// Given a scalar value, returns a value stating whether that value is present
/// in this encoder's allow list.
/// </summary>
public bool IsScalarValueAllowed(Rune value)
return _allowedBmpCodePoints.IsCodePointAllowed((uint)value.Value);
private void _AssertThisNotNull()
// Used for hoisting "'this' is not null" assertions outside hot loops.
if (GetType() == typeof(OptimizedInboxTextEncoder)) { /* intentionally left blank */ }