// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Text
internal struct EncoderFallbackBufferHelper
public unsafe EncoderFallbackBufferHelper(EncoderFallbackBuffer? fallbackBuffer)
_fallbackBuffer = fallbackBuffer;
bFallingBack = bUsedEncoder = setEncoder = false;
iRecursionCount = 0;
charEnd = charStart = null;
encoder = null;
// Internal items to help us figure out what we're doing as far as error messages, etc.
// These help us with our performance and messages internally
internal unsafe char* charStart;
internal unsafe char* charEnd;
internal EncoderNLS? encoder;
internal bool setEncoder;
internal bool bUsedEncoder;
internal bool bFallingBack;
internal int iRecursionCount;
private const int iMaxRecursion = 250;
private readonly EncoderFallbackBuffer? _fallbackBuffer;
// Internal Reset
// For example, what if someone fails a conversion and wants to reset one of our fallback buffers?
internal unsafe void InternalReset()
Debug.Assert(_fallbackBuffer != null);
charStart = null;
bFallingBack = false;
iRecursionCount = 0;
// Set the above values
// This can't be part of the constructor because EncoderFallbacks would have to know how to implement these.
internal unsafe void InternalInitialize(char* _charStart, char* _charEnd, EncoderNLS? _encoder, bool _setEncoder)
charStart = _charStart;
charEnd = _charEnd;
encoder = _encoder;
setEncoder = _setEncoder;
bUsedEncoder = false;
bFallingBack = false;
iRecursionCount = 0;
internal char InternalGetNextChar()
Debug.Assert(_fallbackBuffer != null);
char ch = _fallbackBuffer!.GetNextChar();
bFallingBack = (ch != 0);
if (ch == 0) iRecursionCount = 0;
return ch;
// Fallback the current character using the remaining buffer and encoder if necessary
// This can only be called by our encodings (other have to use the public fallback methods), so
// we can use our EncoderNLS here too.
// setEncoder is true if we're calling from a GetBytes method, false if we're calling from a GetByteCount
// Note that this could also change the contents of encoder, which is the same
// object that the caller is using, so the caller could mess up the encoder for us
// if they aren't careful.
internal unsafe bool InternalFallback(char ch, ref char* chars)
// Shouldn't have null charStart or fallback buffer
Debug.Assert(charStart != null, "[EncoderFallback.InternalFallbackBuffer]Fallback buffer is not initialized");
Debug.Assert(_fallbackBuffer != null);
// Get our index, remember chars was preincremented to point at next char, so have to decrement
int index = (int)(chars - charStart) - 1;
// See if it was a high surrogate
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(ch))
// See if there's a low surrogate to go with it
if (chars >= charEnd)
// Nothing left in input buffer
// No input, return 0 if mustflush is false
if (encoder != null && !encoder.MustFlush)
// Done, nothing to fallback
if (setEncoder)
bUsedEncoder = true;
encoder.charLeftOver = ch;
bFallingBack = false;
return false;
// Might have a low surrogate
char cNext = *chars;
if (char.IsLowSurrogate(cNext))
// If already falling back then fail
if (bFallingBack && iRecursionCount++ > iMaxRecursion)
ThrowLastCharRecursive(char.ConvertToUtf32(ch, cNext));
// Next is a surrogate, add it as surrogate pair, and increment chars
bFallingBack = _fallbackBuffer!.Fallback(ch, cNext, index);
return bFallingBack;
// Next isn't a low surrogate, just fallback the high surrogate
// If already falling back then fail
if (bFallingBack && iRecursionCount++ > iMaxRecursion)
// Fall back our char
bFallingBack = _fallbackBuffer!.Fallback(ch, index);
return bFallingBack;
// private helper methods
internal static void ThrowLastCharRecursive(int charRecursive)
// Throw it, using our complete character
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_RecursiveFallback, charRecursive), "chars");