File: artifacts\obj\System.ServiceModel.UnixDomainSocket\Debug\net8.0\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\System.ServiceModel.UnixDomainSocket\src\System.ServiceModel.UnixDomainSocket.csproj (System.ServiceModel.UnixDomainSocket)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.ServiceModel.UnixDomainSocket
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.ServiceModel.UnixDomainSocket.SR)));
        internal static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture { get; set; }
#if !NET20
        internal static string GetResourceString(string resourceKey, string defaultValue = null) =>  ResourceManager.GetString(resourceKey, Culture);
        /// <summary>ClientCredentialType.None is not valid for the TransportWithMessageCredential security mode. Specify a message credential type or use a different security mode.</summary>
        internal static string @ClientCredentialTypeMustBeSpecifiedForMixedMode => GetResourceString("ClientCredentialTypeMustBeSpecifiedForMixedMode");
        /// <summary>Extended protection is not supported on this platform.  Please install the appropriate patch or change the ExtendedProtectionPolicy on the Binding or BindingElement to a value with a PolicyEnforcement value of "Never" or "WhenSupported".</summary>
        internal static string @ExtendedProtectionNotSupported => GetResourceString("ExtendedProtectionNotSupported");
        /// <summary>The protection level '{0}' was specified, yet SSL transport security only supports EncryptAndSign.</summary>
        internal static string @UnsupportedSslProtectionLevel => GetResourceString("UnsupportedSslProtectionLevel");
        /// <summary>Timeout must be greater than or equal to TimeSpan.Zero. To disable timeout, specify TimeSpan.MaxValue.</summary>
        internal static string @SFxTimeoutOutOfRange0 => GetResourceString("SFxTimeoutOutOfRange0");
        /// <summary>Timeouts larger than Int32.MaxValue TotalMilliseconds (approximately 24 days) cannot be honored. To disable timeout, specify TimeSpan.MaxValue.</summary>
        internal static string @SFxTimeoutOutOfRangeTooBig => GetResourceString("SFxTimeoutOutOfRangeTooBig");
        /// <summary>The value of this argument must be non-negative.</summary>
        internal static string @ValueMustBeNonNegative => GetResourceString("ValueMustBeNonNegative");
        /// <summary>The specified channel type {0} is not supported by this channel manager.</summary>
        internal static string @ChannelTypeNotSupported => GetResourceString("ChannelTypeNotSupported");
        /// <summary>Could not connect to {0}. UDS error code {1}: {2}.</summary>
        internal static string @UDSConnectError => GetResourceString("UDSConnectError");
        /// <summary>Could not connect to {0}. The connection attempt lasted for a time span of {3}. UDS error code {1}: {2}.</summary>
        internal static string @UDSConnectErrorWithTimeSpan => GetResourceString("UDSConnectErrorWithTimeSpan");
        /// <summary>A UDS error ({0}: {1}) occurred while transmitting data.</summary>
        internal static string @UDSTransferError => GetResourceString("UDSTransferError");
        /// <summary>The socket connection was aborted by your local machine. This could be caused by a channel Abort(), or a transmission error from another thread using this socket.</summary>
        internal static string @UDSLocalConnectionAborted => GetResourceString("UDSLocalConnectionAborted");
        /// <summary>The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UDSConnectionResetError => GetResourceString("UDSConnectionResetError");
        /// <summary>The socket transfer timed out after {0}. You have exceeded the timeout set on your binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.</summary>
        internal static string @UDSConnectionTimedOut => GetResourceString("UDSConnectionTimedOut");
        /// <summary>The socket connection has been disposed.</summary>
        internal static string @SocketConnectionDisposed => GetResourceString("SocketConnectionDisposed");
        /// <summary>Insufficient winsock resources available to complete socket connection initiation.</summary>
        internal static string @UDSConnectNoBufs => GetResourceString("UDSConnectNoBufs");
        /// <summary>Insufficient memory avaliable to complete the operation.</summary>
        internal static string @InsufficentMemory => GetResourceString("InsufficentMemory");
        /// <summary>Cannot resolve the host name of URI "{0}" using DNS.</summary>
        internal static string @UnableToResolveHost => GetResourceString("UnableToResolveHost");
        /// <summary>No DNS entries exist for host {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @DnsResolveFailed => GetResourceString("DnsResolveFailed");
        /// <summary>Connecting to via {0} timed out after {1}. Connection attempts were made to {2} of {3} available addresses ({4}). Check the RemoteAddress of your channel and verify that the DNS records for this endpoint correspond to valid IP Addresses. The time allotted  ...</summary>
        internal static string @UDSConnectingToViaTimedOut => GetResourceString("UDSConnectingToViaTimedOut");
        /// <summary>No IPEndpoints were found for host {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @NoIPEndpointsFoundForHost => GetResourceString("NoIPEndpointsFoundForHost");
        /// <summary>The socket was aborted because an asynchronous receive from the socket did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.</summary>
        internal static string @SocketAbortedReceiveTimedOut => GetResourceString("SocketAbortedReceiveTimedOut");
        /// <summary>The socket connection was aborted because an asynchronous send to the socket did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.</summary>
        internal static string @SocketAbortedSendTimedOut => GetResourceString("SocketAbortedSendTimedOut");
        /// <summary>The value of this argument must be positive.</summary>
        internal static string @ValueMustBePositive => GetResourceString("ValueMustBePositive");
        /// <summary>The remote endpoint of the socket ({0}) did not respond to a close request within the allotted timeout ({1}). It is likely that the remote endpoint is not calling Close after receiving the EOF signal (null) from Receive. The time allotted to this operation ...</summary>
        internal static string @SocketCloseReadTimeout => GetResourceString("SocketCloseReadTimeout");
        /// <summary>A graceful close was attempted on the socket, but the other side ({0}) is still sending data.</summary>
        internal static string @SocketCloseReadReceivedData => GetResourceString("SocketCloseReadReceivedData");
        /// <summary>Process action '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ActivityProcessAction => GetResourceString("ActivityProcessAction");
        /// <summary>Server '{0}' sent back a fault indicating it is too busy to process the request. Please retry later. Please see the inner exception for fault details.</summary>
        internal static string @SecurityServerTooBusy => GetResourceString("SecurityServerTooBusy");
        /// <summary>Server '{0}' sent back a fault indicating it is in the process of shutting down. Please see the inner exception for fault details.</summary>
        internal static string @SecurityEndpointNotFound => GetResourceString("SecurityEndpointNotFound");
        /// <summary>Transfer mode {0} is not supported by {1}.</summary>
        internal static string @TransferModeNotSupported => GetResourceString("TransferModeNotSupported");
        /// <summary>The value '{1}' is not supported in this context for the binding security property '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnsupportedSecuritySetting => GetResourceString("UnsupportedSecuritySetting");