File: System\ServiceModel\XmlBuffer.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.ServiceModel.Syndication\src\System.ServiceModel.Syndication.csproj (System.ServiceModel.Syndication)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
namespace System.ServiceModel
    internal sealed class XmlBuffer
        private readonly List<Section> _sections;
        private byte[] _buffer;
        private int _offset;
        private BufferedStream _stream;
        private BufferState _bufferState;
        private XmlDictionaryWriter _writer;
        private XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas _quotas;
        private enum BufferState
        private struct Section
            public Section(int offset, int size, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas)
                Offset = offset;
                Size = size;
                Quotas = quotas;
            public int Offset { get; }
            public int Size { get; }
            public XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas Quotas { get; }
        public XmlBuffer(int maxBufferSize)
            if (maxBufferSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxBufferSize), maxBufferSize, SR.ValueMustBeNonNegative);
            int initialBufferSize = Math.Min(512, maxBufferSize);
            _stream = new BufferedStream(new MemoryStream(), initialBufferSize);
            _sections = new List<Section>(1);
        public int BufferSize => _buffer.Length;
        public int SectionCount => _sections.Count;
        public XmlDictionaryWriter OpenSection(XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas)
            if (_bufferState != BufferState.Created)
                throw CreateInvalidStateException();
            _bufferState = BufferState.Writing;
            _quotas = new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas();
            _writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter(_stream, null, null, false);
            return _writer;
        public void CloseSection()
            if (_bufferState != BufferState.Writing)
                throw CreateInvalidStateException();
            _bufferState = BufferState.Created;
            int size = (int)_stream.Length - _offset;
            _sections.Add(new Section(_offset, size, _quotas));
            _offset += size;
        public void Close()
            if (_bufferState != BufferState.Created)
                throw CreateInvalidStateException();
            _bufferState = BufferState.Reading;
            _buffer = new byte[_stream.Length];
            _stream.Position = 0;
#if NET
            int totalRead = 0;
            while (totalRead < _buffer.Length)
                int bytesRead = _stream.Read(_buffer, totalRead, _buffer.Length - totalRead);
                if (bytesRead <= 0)
                    throw new EndOfStreamException();
                totalRead += bytesRead;
            _writer = null;
            _stream = null;
        private static InvalidOperationException CreateInvalidStateException() => new InvalidOperationException(SR.XmlBufferInInvalidState);
        public XmlDictionaryReader GetReader(int sectionIndex)
            if (_bufferState != BufferState.Reading)
                throw CreateInvalidStateException();
            Section section = _sections[sectionIndex];
            XmlDictionaryReader reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateBinaryReader(_buffer, section.Offset, section.Size, null, section.Quotas, null, null);
            return reader;
        public void WriteTo(int sectionIndex, XmlWriter writer)
            if (_bufferState != BufferState.Reading)
                throw CreateInvalidStateException();
            XmlDictionaryReader reader = GetReader(sectionIndex);
                writer.WriteNode(reader, false);