File: System\IdentityModel\XmlSignatureConstants.cs
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Project: src\src\System.ServiceModel.Primitives\src\System.ServiceModel.Primitives.csproj (System.ServiceModel.Primitives)
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// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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namespace System.IdentityModel
    /// <summary>
    /// Constants for XML Signature
    /// Only constants that are absent in S.IM
    /// Definitions for namespace, attributes and elements as defined in
    /// </summary>
    internal static class XmlSignatureConstants
        public const string Namespace = "";
        public const string Prefix = "ds";
        public static class Algorithms
            // Canonicalization.
            public const string ExcC14N = "";
            public const string ExcC14NWithComments = "";
            // Message Digest
            public const string Sha1 = Namespace + "sha1";
            // Enveloped Signature.
            public const string EnvelopedSignature = Namespace + "enveloped-signature";
        public static class Attributes
            public const string Algorithm = "Algorithm";
            public const string Id = "Id";
            public const string Type = "Type";
            public const string URI = "URI";
        public static class Elements
            public const string CanonicalizationMethod = "CanonicalizationMethod";
            public const string DigestMethod = "DigestMethod";
            public const string DigestValue = "DigestValue";
            public const string Exponent = "Exponent";
            public const string KeyInfo = "KeyInfo";
            public const string KeyName = "KeyName";
            public const string KeyValue = "KeyValue";
            public const string Modulus = "Modulus";
            public const string Object = "Object";
            public const string Reference = "Reference";
            public const string RetrievalMethod = "RetrievalMethod";
            public const string RsaKeyValue = "RsaKeyValue";
            public const string Signature = "Signature";
            public const string SignatureMethod = "SignatureMethod";
            public const string SignatureValue = "SignatureValue";
            public const string SignedInfo = "SignedInfo";
            public const string Transform = "Transform";
            public const string Transforms = "Transforms";
            public const string X509Data = "X509Data";
            public const string X509IssuerName = "X509IssuerName";
            public const string X509IssuerSerial = "X509IssuerSerial";
            public const string X509SerialNumber = "X509SerialNumber";
            public const string X509SubjectName = "X509SubjectName";
            public const string X509Certificate = "X509Certificate";
            public const string X509SKI = "X509SKI";