File: SMDiagnostics\DiagnosticUtility.cs
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Project: src\src\System.ServiceModel.Primitives\src\System.ServiceModel.Primitives.csproj (System.ServiceModel.Primitives)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics;
namespace System.ServiceModel
    /// <summary>
    /// This is the Management utility class.
    /// </summary>
    internal static class DiagnosticUtility
        internal const string DefaultTraceListenerName = "Default";
        private const string TraceSourceName = "TraceSourceNameToReplace";
        internal const string EventSourceName = TraceSourceName + " [COR_BUILD_MAJOR].[COR_BUILD_MINOR].[CLR_OFFICIAL_ASSEMBLY_NUMBER].0";
        private static ExceptionUtility s_exceptionUtility = null;
        private static bool s_shouldUseActivity = false;
        private static object s_lockObject = new object();
        internal static bool ShouldUseActivity
            get { return s_shouldUseActivity; }
        public static ExceptionUtility ExceptionUtility
                return s_exceptionUtility ?? GetExceptionUtility();
        private static ExceptionUtility GetExceptionUtility()
            lock (s_lockObject)
                if (s_exceptionUtility == null)
                    s_exceptionUtility = new ExceptionUtility();
            return s_exceptionUtility;
        internal static void TraceHandledException(Exception exception, TraceEventType traceEventType)
            FxTrace.Exception.TraceHandledException(exception, traceEventType);
        internal static bool ShouldTrace(TraceEventType type)
            bool retval = false;
            if (TracingEnabled)
                switch (type)
                    case TraceEventType.Critical:
                        retval = ShouldTraceCritical;
                    case TraceEventType.Error:
                        retval = ShouldTraceError;
                    case TraceEventType.Warning:
                        retval = ShouldTraceWarning;
                    case TraceEventType.Information:
                        retval = ShouldTraceInformation;
                    case TraceEventType.Verbose:
                        retval = ShouldTraceVerbose;
            return retval;
        internal static bool ShouldTraceCritical => false;
        internal static bool ShouldTraceError => false;
        internal static bool ShouldTraceWarning => false;
        internal static bool ShouldTraceInformation => false;
        internal static bool ShouldTraceVerbose => false;
        internal static bool TracingEnabled => false;
        internal static void DebugAssert(bool condition, string message)
            if (!condition)
        internal static void DebugAssert(string message)