File: System\ServiceModel\Channels\SocketAwaitableEventArgs.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.ServiceModel.NetTcp\src\System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.csproj (System.ServiceModel.NetTcp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Sources;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
    // Copied and modified from
    // A slimmed down version of that
    // 1. Doesn't support any custom scheduling other than the PipeScheduler (no sync context, no task scheduler)
    // 2. Doesn't do ValueTask validation using the token
    // 3. Doesn't support usage outside of async/await (doesn't try to capture and restore the execution context)
    // 4. Doesn't use cancellation tokens
    internal class SocketAwaitableEventArgs : SocketAsyncEventArgs, IValueTaskSource<int>, IValueTaskSource
        private static readonly Action<object> _continuationCompleted = _ => { };
        // There are places where we read the _continuation field and then read some other state which we assume to be consistent
        // with the value we read in _continuation. Without a fence, those secondary reads could be reordered with respect to the first.
        private volatile Action<object> _continuation;
        public SocketAwaitableEventArgs() : base(unsafeSuppressExecutionContextFlow: true) { }
        public ValueTask<int> ReceiveAsync(Socket socket, Memory<byte> buffer)
            if (socket.ReceiveAsync(this))
                return new ValueTask<int>(this, 0);
            var bytesTransferred = BytesTransferred;
            var error = SocketError;
            return error == SocketError.Success
                ? new ValueTask<int>(bytesTransferred)
                : new ValueTask<int>(Task.FromException<int>(CreateException(error)));
        public ValueTask SendAsync(Socket socket, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> memory)
            if (socket.SendAsync(this))
                return new ValueTask(this, 0);
            var bytesTransferred = BytesTransferred;
            var error = SocketError;
            return error == SocketError.Success
                ? ValueTask.CompletedTask
                : new ValueTask(Task.FromException(CreateException(error)));
        protected override void OnCompleted(SocketAsyncEventArgs _)
            var c = _continuation;
            if (c != null || (c = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _continuation, _continuationCompleted, null)) != null)
                var continuationState = UserToken;
                UserToken = null;
                _continuation = _continuationCompleted; // in case someone's polling IsCompleted
        int IValueTaskSource<int>.GetResult(short token)
            _continuation = null;
            if (SocketError != SocketError.Success)
                throw CreateException(SocketError);
            return BytesTransferred;
        void IValueTaskSource.GetResult(short token)
            _continuation = null;
            if (SocketError != SocketError.Success)
                throw CreateException(SocketError);
        protected static SocketException CreateException(SocketError e)
            return new SocketException((int)e);
        public ValueTaskSourceStatus GetStatus(short token)
            return !ReferenceEquals(_continuation, _continuationCompleted) ? ValueTaskSourceStatus.Pending :
                    SocketError == SocketError.Success ? ValueTaskSourceStatus.Succeeded :
        public void OnCompleted(Action<object> continuation, object state, short token, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags)
            UserToken = state;
            var prevContinuation = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _continuation, continuation, null);
            if (ReferenceEquals(prevContinuation, _continuationCompleted))
                UserToken = null;
                // This should only get hit if the operation completes between ValueTask<int>.IsCompleted being
                // called and returning false and this method being called. In which case we will have one extra frame
                // on the call stack. This will only be a problem is calling ReceiveAsync in a loop. The only time Receive
                // will be called in a loop we are doing so because the message size is larger than the max buffer size,
                // which would mean we're receiving a very large message and the receive will be completing asynchronously.
                // We read the message size from the NetTcp frame header and try allocate a buffer large enough for entire
                // message. We then call ReceiveAsync with a buffer size up to the max buffer size.
                //ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(continuation, state, preferLocal: true);