// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using System.ServiceModel.Security;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
internal abstract class SingletonConnectionReader
private bool _doneReceiving;
private bool _doneSending;
private bool _isAtEof;
private bool _isClosed;
private SecurityMessageProperty _security;
private IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings _transportSettings;
private Uri _via;
private Stream _inputStream;
protected SingletonConnectionReader(IConnection connection, SecurityMessageProperty security,
IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings transportSettings, Uri via)
Contract.Assert(connection != null);
Connection = connection;
_security = security;
_transportSettings = transportSettings;
_via = via;
protected IConnection Connection { get; }
protected object ThisLock { get; } = new object();
protected virtual string ContentType
get { return null; }
protected abstract long StreamPosition { get; }
public void Abort()
public void DoneReceiving(bool atEof)
DoneReceiving(atEof, _transportSettings.CloseTimeout);
private void DoneReceiving(bool atEof, TimeSpan timeout)
if (!_doneReceiving)
_isAtEof = atEof;
_doneReceiving = true;
if (_doneSending)
public void Close(TimeSpan timeout)
lock (ThisLock)
if (_isClosed)
_isClosed = true;
TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(timeout);
bool success = false;
// first drain our stream if necessary
if (_inputStream != null)
byte[] dummy = Fx.AllocateByteArray(_transportSettings.ConnectionBufferSize);
while (!_isAtEof)
_inputStream.ReadTimeout = TimeoutHelper.ToMilliseconds(timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
int bytesRead = _inputStream.Read(dummy, 0, dummy.Length);
if (bytesRead == 0)
_isAtEof = true;
success = true;
if (!success)
protected abstract void OnClose(TimeSpan timeout);
public void DoneSending(TimeSpan timeout)
_doneSending = true;
if (_doneReceiving)
protected abstract bool DecodeBytes(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, ref int size, ref bool isAtEof);
protected virtual void PrepareMessage(Message message)
message.Properties.Via = _via;
message.Properties.Security = (_security != null) ? (SecurityMessageProperty)_security.CreateCopy() : null;
public async Task<Message> ReceiveAsync(TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper)
byte[] buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(Connection.ConnectionBufferSize);
int offset = 0, size = 0;
for (; ; )
if (DecodeBytes(buffer, ref offset, ref size, ref _isAtEof))
if (_isAtEof)
DoneReceiving(true, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
return null;
if (size == 0)
offset = 0;
size = await Connection.ReadAsync(new Memory<byte>(buffer, 0, Connection.ConnectionBufferSize), timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
if (size == 0)
DoneReceiving(true, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
return null;
// we're ready to read a message
IConnection singletonConnection = Connection;
if (size > 0)
byte[] initialData = Fx.AllocateByteArray(size);
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, initialData, 0, size);
singletonConnection = new PreReadConnection(singletonConnection, initialData);
Stream connectionStream = new SingletonInputConnectionStream(this, singletonConnection, _transportSettings);
_inputStream = new MaxMessageSizeStream(connectionStream, _transportSettings.MaxReceivedMessageSize);
using (ServiceModelActivity activity = DiagnosticUtility.ShouldUseActivity ? ServiceModelActivity.CreateBoundedActivity(true) : null)
if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldUseActivity)
ServiceModelActivity.Start(activity, SR.Format(SR.ActivityProcessingMessage, TraceUtility.RetrieveMessageNumber()), ActivityType.ProcessMessage);
Message message = null;
message = _transportSettings.MessageEncoderFactory.Encoder.ReadMessage(
_inputStream, _transportSettings.MaxBufferSize, ContentType);
catch (XmlException xmlException)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(
new ProtocolException(SR.Format(SR.MessageXmlProtocolError), xmlException));
if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldUseActivity)
return message;
// ensures that the reader is notified at end-of-stream, and takes care of the framing chunk headers
private class SingletonInputConnectionStream : ConnectionStream
private SingletonMessageDecoder _decoder;
private SingletonConnectionReader _reader;
private bool _atEof;
private byte[] _chunkBuffer; // used for when we have overflow
private int _chunkBufferOffset;
private int _chunkBufferSize;
private int _chunkBytesRemaining;
public SingletonInputConnectionStream(SingletonConnectionReader reader, IConnection connection,
IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts defaultTimeouts)
: base(connection, defaultTimeouts)
_reader = reader;
_decoder = new SingletonMessageDecoder(reader.StreamPosition);
_chunkBytesRemaining = 0;
_chunkBuffer = new byte[IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize];
private void AbortReader()
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// run chunk data through the decoder
private void DecodeData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
while (size > 0)
int bytesRead = _decoder.Decode(buffer, offset, size);
offset += bytesRead;
size -= bytesRead;
Fx.Assert(_decoder.CurrentState == SingletonMessageDecoder.State.ReadingEnvelopeBytes || _decoder.CurrentState == SingletonMessageDecoder.State.ChunkEnd, "");
// run the current data through the decoder to get valid message bytes
private void DecodeSize(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, ref int size)
while (size > 0)
int bytesRead = _decoder.Decode(buffer, offset, size);
if (bytesRead > 0)
offset += bytesRead;
size -= bytesRead;
switch (_decoder.CurrentState)
case SingletonMessageDecoder.State.ChunkStart:
_chunkBytesRemaining = _decoder.ChunkSize;
// if we have overflow and we're not decoding out of our buffer, copy over
if (size > 0 && !object.ReferenceEquals(buffer, _chunkBuffer))
Fx.Assert(size <= _chunkBuffer.Length, "");
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, _chunkBuffer, 0, size);
_chunkBufferOffset = 0;
_chunkBufferSize = size;
case SingletonMessageDecoder.State.End:
private int ReadCore(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
int bytesRead = -1;
bytesRead = base.Read(buffer, offset, count);
if (count != 0 && bytesRead == 0)
if (bytesRead == -1) // there was an exception
return bytesRead;
private async ValueTask<int> ReadCoreAsync(Memory<byte> buffer)
int bytesRead = -1;
bytesRead = await base.ReadAsync(buffer);
if (!buffer.IsEmpty && bytesRead == 0)
if (bytesRead == -1) // there was an exception
return bytesRead;
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
int result = 0;
while (true)
if (count == 0)
return result;
if (_atEof)
return result;
// first deal with any residual carryover
if (_chunkBufferSize > 0)
int bytesToCopy = Math.Min(_chunkBytesRemaining,
Math.Min(_chunkBufferSize, count));
Buffer.BlockCopy(_chunkBuffer, _chunkBufferOffset, buffer, offset, bytesToCopy);
// keep decoder up to date
DecodeData(_chunkBuffer, _chunkBufferOffset, bytesToCopy);
_chunkBufferOffset += bytesToCopy;
_chunkBufferSize -= bytesToCopy;
_chunkBytesRemaining -= bytesToCopy;
if (_chunkBytesRemaining == 0 && _chunkBufferSize > 0)
DecodeSize(_chunkBuffer, ref _chunkBufferOffset, ref _chunkBufferSize);
result += bytesToCopy;
offset += bytesToCopy;
count -= bytesToCopy;
else if (_chunkBytesRemaining > 0)
// We're in the middle of a chunk. Try and include the next chunk size as well
int bytesToRead = count;
if (int.MaxValue - _chunkBytesRemaining >= IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize)
bytesToRead = Math.Min(count, _chunkBytesRemaining + IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize);
int bytesRead = ReadCore(buffer, offset, bytesToRead);
// keep decoder up to date
DecodeData(buffer, offset, Math.Min(bytesRead, _chunkBytesRemaining));
if (bytesRead > _chunkBytesRemaining)
result += _chunkBytesRemaining;
int overflowCount = bytesRead - _chunkBytesRemaining;
int overflowOffset = offset + _chunkBytesRemaining;
_chunkBytesRemaining = 0;
// read at least part of the next chunk, and put any overflow in this.chunkBuffer
DecodeSize(buffer, ref overflowOffset, ref overflowCount);
result += bytesRead;
_chunkBytesRemaining -= bytesRead;
return result;
// Final case: we have a new chunk. Read the size, and loop around again
if (count < IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize)
// we don't have space for MaxEncodedSize, so it's worth the copy cost to read into a temp buffer
_chunkBufferOffset = 0;
_chunkBufferSize = ReadCore(_chunkBuffer, 0, _chunkBuffer.Length);
DecodeSize(_chunkBuffer, ref _chunkBufferOffset, ref _chunkBufferSize);
int bytesRead = ReadCore(buffer, offset, IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize);
int sizeOffset = offset;
DecodeSize(buffer, ref sizeOffset, ref bytesRead);
private void ProcessEof()
if (!_atEof)
_atEof = true;
if (_chunkBufferSize > 0 || _chunkBytesRemaining > 0
|| _decoder.CurrentState != SingletonMessageDecoder.State.End)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(_decoder.CreatePrematureEOFException());
public override async Task<int> ReadAsync(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
int result = 0;
while (true)
if (count == 0)
return result;
if (_atEof)
return result;
// first deal with any residual carryover
if (_chunkBufferSize > 0)
int bytesToCopy = Math.Min(_chunkBytesRemaining,
Math.Min(_chunkBufferSize, count));
Buffer.BlockCopy(_chunkBuffer, _chunkBufferOffset, buffer, offset, bytesToCopy);
// keep decoder up to date
DecodeData(_chunkBuffer, _chunkBufferOffset, bytesToCopy);
_chunkBufferOffset += bytesToCopy;
_chunkBufferSize -= bytesToCopy;
_chunkBytesRemaining -= bytesToCopy;
if (_chunkBytesRemaining == 0 && _chunkBufferSize > 0)
DecodeSize(_chunkBuffer, ref _chunkBufferOffset, ref _chunkBufferSize);
result += bytesToCopy;
offset += bytesToCopy;
count -= bytesToCopy;
else if (_chunkBytesRemaining > 0)
// We're in the middle of a chunk. Try and include the next chunk size as well
int bytesToRead = count;
if (int.MaxValue - _chunkBytesRemaining >= IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize)
bytesToRead = Math.Min(count, _chunkBytesRemaining + IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize);
int bytesRead = await ReadCoreAsync(new Memory<byte>(buffer, offset, bytesToRead));
// keep decoder up to date
DecodeData(buffer, offset, Math.Min(bytesRead, _chunkBytesRemaining));
if (bytesRead > _chunkBytesRemaining)
result += _chunkBytesRemaining;
int overflowCount = bytesRead - _chunkBytesRemaining;
int overflowOffset = offset + _chunkBytesRemaining;
_chunkBytesRemaining = 0;
// read at least part of the next chunk, and put any overflow in this.chunkBuffer
DecodeSize(buffer, ref overflowOffset, ref overflowCount);
result += bytesRead;
_chunkBytesRemaining -= bytesRead;
return result;
// Final case: we have a new chunk. Read the size, and loop around again
if (count < IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize)
// we don't have space for MaxEncodedSize, so it's worth the copy cost to read into a temp buffer
_chunkBufferOffset = 0;
_chunkBufferSize = await ReadCoreAsync(_chunkBuffer);
DecodeSize(_chunkBuffer, ref _chunkBufferOffset, ref _chunkBufferSize);
int bytesRead = await ReadCoreAsync(new Memory<byte>(buffer, offset, IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize));
int sizeOffset = offset;
DecodeSize(buffer, ref sizeOffset, ref bytesRead);
public override ValueTask<int> ReadAsync(Memory<byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
if (buffer.IsEmpty)
return new ValueTask<int>(0);
if (MemoryMarshal.TryGetArray(buffer, out ArraySegment<byte> array))
return new ValueTask<int>(ReadAsync(array.Array!, array.Offset, array.Count, cancellationToken));
byte[] sharedBuffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(buffer.Length);
return FinishReadAsync(ReadAsync(sharedBuffer, 0, buffer.Length, cancellationToken), sharedBuffer, buffer);
static async ValueTask<int> FinishReadAsync(Task<int> readTask, byte[] localBuffer, Memory<byte> localDestination)
int result = await readTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(localBuffer, 0, result).CopyTo(localDestination.Span);
return result;
internal static class StreamingConnectionHelper
public async static Task WriteMessageAsync(Message message, IConnection connection, bool isRequest,
IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings settings, TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper)
Memory<byte> endBytes = default;
if (message != null)
MessageEncoder messageEncoder = settings.MessageEncoderFactory.Encoder;
Memory<byte> envelopeStartBytes = SingletonEncoder.EnvelopeStartBytes;
bool writeStreamed;
if (isRequest)
endBytes = SingletonEncoder.EnvelopeEndFramingEndBytes;
writeStreamed = TransferModeHelper.IsRequestStreamed(settings.TransferMode);
endBytes = SingletonEncoder.EnvelopeEndBytes;
writeStreamed = TransferModeHelper.IsResponseStreamed(settings.TransferMode);
if (writeStreamed)
await connection.WriteAsync(envelopeStartBytes, false, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
Stream connectionStream = new StreamingOutputConnectionStream(connection, settings);
Stream writeTimeoutStream = new TimeoutStream(connectionStream, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
await messageEncoder.WriteMessageAsync(message, writeTimeoutStream);
ArraySegment<byte> messageData = await messageEncoder.WriteMessageAsync(message,
int.MaxValue, settings.BufferManager, envelopeStartBytes.Length + IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize);
messageData = SingletonEncoder.EncodeMessageFrame(messageData);
envelopeStartBytes.CopyTo(new Memory<byte>(messageData.Array, messageData.Offset - envelopeStartBytes.Length, envelopeStartBytes.Length));
await connection.WriteAsync(new Memory<byte>(messageData.Array, messageData.Offset - envelopeStartBytes.Length,
messageData.Count + envelopeStartBytes.Length), true, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
else if (isRequest) // context handles response end bytes
endBytes = SingletonEncoder.EndBytes;
if (!endBytes.IsEmpty)
await connection.WriteAsync(endBytes,
true, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());
// overrides ConnectionStream to add a Framing int at the beginning of each record
private class StreamingOutputConnectionStream : ConnectionStream
private Memory<byte> _encodedSize;
public StreamingOutputConnectionStream(IConnection connection, IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts timeouts)
: base(connection, timeouts)
_encodedSize = new byte[IntEncoder.MaxEncodedSize];
private ValueTask WriteChunkSizeAsync(int size)
if (size > 0)
int bytesEncoded = IntEncoder.Encode(size, _encodedSize);
return Connection.WriteAsync(_encodedSize.Slice(0, bytesEncoded), false, TimeoutHelper.FromMilliseconds(WriteTimeout));
return default;
public override async Task WriteAsync(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
await WriteChunkSizeAsync(count);
await base.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken);
public override async ValueTask WriteAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
await WriteChunkSizeAsync(buffer.Length);
await base.WriteAsync(buffer, cancellationToken);
public override void WriteByte(byte value)
// We're write the chunk size as a variable length integer before we write the data. For a single byte
// the length will always be 1 and that's encoded as 0x01 so no need to call WriteChunkSizeAsync. We
// only need to send 2 bytes so can use _encodedSize to save an extra allocation.
_encodedSize.Span[0] = 0x01;
_encodedSize.Span[1] = value;
base.WriteAsync(_encodedSize.Slice(0, 2)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
// Do NOT call base.WriteAsync as the chunk size must be written first.
WriteAsync(new Memory<byte>(buffer, offset, count)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();