// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
namespace System.ServiceModel.Security
internal static class SecurityUtils
// Copied from TransportDefaults
public const int MaxSecurityFaultSize = 16384;
internal static void ThrowIfNegotiationFault(Message message, EndpointAddress target)
if (message.IsFault)
MessageFault fault = MessageFault.CreateFault(message, MaxSecurityFaultSize);
Exception faultException = new FaultException(fault, message.Headers.Action);
if (fault.Code != null && fault.Code.IsReceiverFault && fault.Code.SubCode != null)
FaultCode subCode = fault.Code.SubCode;
if (subCode.Name == "ServerTooBusy" && subCode.Namespace == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2006/05/security")
throw new ServerTooBusyException(SR.Format(SR.SecurityServerTooBusy, target), faultException);
else if (subCode.Name == "EndpointUnavailable" && subCode.Namespace == message.Version.Addressing.Namespace())
throw new EndpointNotFoundException(SR.Format(SR.SecurityEndpointNotFound, target), faultException);
throw faultException;
internal static class AddressingVersionExtensions
public static string Namespace(this AddressingVersion addressingVersion)
// AddressingVersion.ToString() returns the string "{addressing name} ({addressing namespace})" so we can
// extract the namespace out easily.
var addressingVersionString = addressingVersion.ToString();
int pos = addressingVersionString.IndexOf('(');
return addressingVersionString.Substring(pos + 1, addressingVersionString.Length - pos - 2);