1 instantiation of WSTrustChannelFactory
System.ServiceModel.Federation.Tests (1)
WSTrustChannelFactoryTest.cs (1)
17WSTrustChannelFactory trustChannelFactory = new WSTrustChannelFactory(null, null);
5 references to WSTrustChannelFactory
System.ServiceModel.Federation (4)
System\ServiceModel\Federation\WSTrustChannelFactory.cs (3)
12/// A <see cref="WSTrustChannelFactory" /> that creates a <see cref="WSTrustChannel" /> to send a <see cref="WsTrustRequest"/> to a STS. 17/// Initializes a new instance of a <see cref="WSTrustChannelFactory" /> specifying the <see cref="ServiceEndpoint"/>. 28/// Initializes a new instance of a <see cref="WSTrustChannelFactory" /> specifying the <see cref="Binding"/> and <see cref="EndpointAddress"/>.
System\ServiceModel\Federation\WSTrustUtilities.cs (1)
18/// and <see cref="WSTrustChannelFactory"/> and <see cref="WSTrustChannel"/> to send a WsTrust message to obtain a SecurityToken from a STS.
System.ServiceModel.Federation.Tests (1)
WSTrustChannelFactoryTest.cs (1)
17WSTrustChannelFactory trustChannelFactory = new WSTrustChannelFactory(null, null);