// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Security.Permissions
#if NET
[Obsolete(Obsoletions.CodeAccessSecurityMessage, DiagnosticId = Obsoletions.CodeAccessSecurityDiagId, UrlFormat = Obsoletions.SharedUrlFormat)]
public enum KeyContainerPermissionFlags
NoFlags = 0x0000,
Create = 0x0001,
Open = 0x0002,
Delete = 0x0004,
Import = 0x0010,
Export = 0x0020,
Sign = 0x0100,
Decrypt = 0x0200,
ViewAcl = 0x1000,
ChangeAcl = 0x2000,
AllFlags = 0x3337