// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Formats.Asn1;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
internal static partial class X500NameEncoder
private static string X500DistinguishedNameDecode(
byte[] encodedName,
bool printOid,
bool reverse,
bool quoteIfNeeded,
string dnSeparator,
string multiValueSeparator,
bool addTrailingDelimiter)
AsnReader x500NameReader = new AsnReader(encodedName, AsnEncodingRules.DER);
AsnReader x500NameSequenceReader = x500NameReader.ReadSequence();
var rdnReaders = new List<AsnReader>();
while (x500NameSequenceReader.HasData)
// To match Windows' behavior, permit multi-value RDN SETs to not
// be DER sorted.
rdnReaders.Add(x500NameSequenceReader.ReadSetOf(skipSortOrderValidation: true));
// We need to use a ValueStringBuilder to hold the data as we're building it, and there's the usual
// arbitrary process of choosing a number that's "big enough" to minimize reallocations without wasting
// too much space in the average case.
// So, let's look at an example of what our output might be.
// GitHub.com's SSL cert has a "pretty long" subject (partially due to the unknown OIDs):
// businessCategory=Private Organization
// serialNumber=5157550
// street=548 4th Street
// postalCode=94107
// C=US
// ST=California
// L=San Francisco
// O=GitHub, Inc.
// CN=github.com
// Which comes out to 228 characters using OpenSSL's default pretty-print
// (openssl x509 -in github.cer -text -noout)
// Throw in some "maybe-I-need-to-quote-this" quotes, and a couple of extra/extra-long O/OU values
// and round that up to the next programmer number, and you get that 512 should avoid reallocations
// in all but the most dire of cases.
ValueStringBuilder decodedName = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[512]);
int entryCount = rdnReaders.Count;
bool printSpacing = false;
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
int loc = reverse ? entryCount - i - 1 : i;
// RelativeDistinguishedName ::=
// SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndValue
// AttributeTypeAndValue::= SEQUENCE {
// type AttributeType,
// value AttributeValue }
// AttributeType::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
// AttributeValue ::= ANY-- DEFINED BY AttributeType
if (printSpacing)
printSpacing = true;
AsnReader rdnReader = rdnReaders[loc];
bool hadValue = false;
while (rdnReader.HasData)
AsnReader tavReader = rdnReader.ReadSequence();
string oid = tavReader.ReadObjectIdentifier();
string attributeValue = ReadAttributeValue(tavReader, out bool fallback);
if (hadValue)
hadValue = true;
if (printOid)
AppendOid(ref decodedName, oid);
bool quote = quoteIfNeeded && NeedsQuoting(attributeValue) && !fallback;
if (quote)
// If the RDN itself had a quote within it, that quote needs to be escaped
// with another quote.
attributeValue = attributeValue.Replace("\"", "\"\"");
if (quote)
if (addTrailingDelimiter && decodedName.Length > 0)
string name = decodedName.ToString();
return name;
catch (AsnContentException e)
throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Der_Invalid_Encoding, e);
private static string ReadAttributeValue(AsnReader tavReader, out bool binaryFallback)
Debug.Assert(tavReader.RuleSet == AsnEncodingRules.DER);
Asn1Tag tag = tavReader.PeekTag();
if (tag.TagClass == TagClass.Universal)
switch ((UniversalTagNumber)tag.TagValue)
case UniversalTagNumber.BMPString:
case UniversalTagNumber.IA5String:
case UniversalTagNumber.NumericString:
case UniversalTagNumber.PrintableString:
case UniversalTagNumber.UTF8String:
case UniversalTagNumber.T61String:
// .NET's string comparisons start by checking the length, so a trailing
// NULL character which was literally embedded in the DER would cause a
// failure in .NET whereas it wouldn't have with strcmp.
binaryFallback = false;
return tavReader.ReadCharacterString((UniversalTagNumber)tag.TagValue).TrimEnd('\0');
case UniversalTagNumber.OctetString:
// Windows will implicitly unwrap one OCTET STRING and display only the contents.
if (tavReader.TryReadPrimitiveOctetString(out ReadOnlyMemory<byte> contents))
binaryFallback = true;
return BinaryEncode(contents);
Debug.Fail("TryReadPrimitiveOctetString should either succeed or throw with DER.");
throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Der_Invalid_Encoding);
binaryFallback = true;
return BinaryEncode(tavReader.ReadEncodedValue());
static string BinaryEncode(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> data)
return string.Create(1 + data.Length * 2, data, static (buff, state) =>
buff[0] = '#';
HexConverter.EncodeToUtf16(state.Span, buff.Slice(1));