// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Internal.Cryptography;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
/// <summary>
/// Provides extension methods for retrieving <see cref="ECDsa" /> implementations for the
/// public and private keys of a <see cref="X509Certificate2" />.
/// </summary>
public static class ECDsaCertificateExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="ECDsa" /> public key from the certificate or null if the certificate does not have an ECDsa public key.
/// </summary>
public static ECDsa? GetECDsaPublicKey(this X509Certificate2 certificate)
return certificate.GetPublicKey<ECDsa>(HasECDsaKeyUsage);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="ECDsa" /> private key from the certificate or null if the certificate does not have an ECDsa private key.
/// </summary>
public static ECDsa? GetECDsaPrivateKey(this X509Certificate2 certificate)
return certificate.GetPrivateKey<ECDsa>(HasECDsaKeyUsage);
public static X509Certificate2 CopyWithPrivateKey(this X509Certificate2 certificate, ECDsa privateKey)
if (certificate.HasPrivateKey)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Cryptography_Cert_AlreadyHasPrivateKey);
using (ECDsa? publicKey = GetECDsaPublicKey(certificate))
if (publicKey == null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Cryptography_PrivateKey_WrongAlgorithm);
if (!Helpers.AreSamePublicECParameters(publicKey.ExportParameters(false), privateKey.ExportParameters(false)))
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Cryptography_PrivateKey_DoesNotMatch, nameof(privateKey));
ICertificatePal pal = certificate.Pal.CopyWithPrivateKey(privateKey);
return new X509Certificate2(pal);
private static bool HasECDsaKeyUsage(X509Certificate2 certificate)
foreach (X509Extension extension in certificate.Extensions)
if (extension.Oid!.Value == Oids.KeyUsage)
X509KeyUsageExtension ext = (X509KeyUsageExtension)extension;
if ((ext.KeyUsages & X509KeyUsageFlags.KeyAgreement) == 0)
// If this does not have KeyAgreement flag present, it cannot be ECDH
// or ECMQV key as KeyAgreement is mandatory flag for ECDH or ECMQV (RFC 5480 Section 3).
// In that case, at this point, it is safe to assume it is ECDSA
return true;
// Even if KeyAgreement was specified, if any of the signature uses was
// specified then ECDSA is a valid usage.
const X509KeyUsageFlags ecdsaFlags =
X509KeyUsageFlags.DigitalSignature |
X509KeyUsageFlags.NonRepudiation |
X509KeyUsageFlags.KeyCertSign |
return ((ext.KeyUsages & ecdsaFlags) != 0);
// If the key usage extension is not present in the certificate it is
// considered valid for all usages, so we can use it for ECDSA.
return true;