// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Internal.Cryptography;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography
internal static class UniversalCryptoOneShot
public static unsafe bool OneShotDecrypt(
ILiteSymmetricCipher cipher,
PaddingMode paddingMode,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> input,
Span<byte> output,
out int bytesWritten)
if (input.Length % cipher.PaddingSizeInBytes != 0)
throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_PartialBlock);
bool depaddingRequired = SymmetricPadding.DepaddingRequired(paddingMode);
// If depadding is required and we have no input, treat it as a invalid padding. This means its impossible
// to remove the padding, so fail early.
if (input.IsEmpty && depaddingRequired)
throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_InvalidPadding);
// The internal implementation of the one-shots are never expected to create
// a plaintext larger than the ciphertext. If the buffer supplied is large enough
// to do the transform, use it directly.
// This does mean that the TransformFinal will write more than what is reported in
// bytesWritten when padding needs to be removed. The padding is "removed" simply
// by reporting less of the amount written, then zeroing out the extra padding.
if (output.Length >= input.Length)
int bytesTransformed = cipher.TransformFinal(input, output);
Span<byte> transformBuffer = output.Slice(0, bytesTransformed);
// validates padding
// This intentionally passes in BlockSizeInBytes instead of PaddingSizeInBytes. This is so that
// "extra padded" CFB data can still be decrypted. The .NET Framework always padded CFB8 to the
// block size, not the feedback size. We want the one-shot to be able to continue to decrypt
// those ciphertexts, so for CFB8 we are more lenient on the number of allowed padding bytes.
bytesWritten = SymmetricPadding.GetPaddingLength(transformBuffer, paddingMode, cipher.BlockSizeInBytes);
// Zero out the padding so that the buffer does not contain the padding data "after" the bytesWritten.
return true;
catch (CryptographicException)
// The padding is invalid, but don't leave the plaintext in the buffer.
// If no padding is going to removed, then we already know the buffer is too small
// since that requires a buffer at-least the size of the ciphertext. Bail out early.
// The second condition is where the output length is short by more than a whole block.
// All valid padding is at most one complete block. If the difference between the
// output and the input is more than a whole block then we know the output is too small.
if (!depaddingRequired || input.Length - cipher.BlockSizeInBytes > output.Length)
bytesWritten = 0;
return false;
// At this point the destination might be big enough but we don't know until we've
// transformed the last block, and input is within one block of being the right
// size.
// For sufficiently small ciphertexts, do them on the stack.
// This buffer needs to be at least twice as big as the largest block size
// we support, which is 16 bytes for AES.
const int MaxInStackDecryptionBuffer = 128;
Span<byte> stackBuffer = stackalloc byte[MaxInStackDecryptionBuffer];
if (input.Length <= MaxInStackDecryptionBuffer)
int stackTransformFinal = cipher.TransformFinal(input, stackBuffer);
int depaddedLength = SymmetricPadding.GetPaddingLength(
stackBuffer.Slice(0, stackTransformFinal),
Span<byte> writtenDepadded = stackBuffer.Slice(0, depaddedLength);
if (output.Length < depaddedLength)
bytesWritten = 0;
return false;
bytesWritten = depaddedLength;
return true;
// If the source and destination do not overlap, we can decrypt directly in to the user buffer.
if (!input.Overlaps(output, out int overlap) || overlap == 0)
// At this point we know that we have multiple blocks that need to be decrypted.
// So we decrypt all but the last block directly in to the buffer. The final
// block we decrypt in to a stack buffer, and if it fits, copy the last block to
// the output.
// We should only get here if we have multiple blocks to transform. The single
// block case should have happened on the stack.
Debug.Assert(input.Length > cipher.BlockSizeInBytes);
int writtenToOutput = 0;
int finalTransformWritten = 0;
// CFB8 means this may not be an exact multiple of the block size.
// If the an AES CFB8 ciphertext length is 129 with PKCS7 padding, then
// we'll have 113 bytes in the unpaddedBlocks and 16 in the paddedBlock.
// We still need to do this on block size, not padding size. The CFB8
// padding byte might be block size. We don't want unpaddedBlocks to
// contain removable padding, so split on block size.
ReadOnlySpan<byte> unpaddedBlocks = input[..^cipher.BlockSizeInBytes];
ReadOnlySpan<byte> paddedBlock = input[^cipher.BlockSizeInBytes..];
Debug.Assert(paddedBlock.Length % cipher.BlockSizeInBytes == 0);
Debug.Assert(paddedBlock.Length <= MaxInStackDecryptionBuffer);
writtenToOutput = cipher.Transform(unpaddedBlocks, output);
finalTransformWritten = cipher.TransformFinal(paddedBlock, stackBuffer);
// This will throw on invalid padding.
int depaddedLength = SymmetricPadding.GetPaddingLength(
stackBuffer.Slice(0, finalTransformWritten),
Span<byte> depaddedFinalTransform = stackBuffer.Slice(0, depaddedLength);
if (output.Length - writtenToOutput < depaddedLength)
CryptographicOperations.ZeroMemory(output.Slice(0, writtenToOutput));
bytesWritten = 0;
return false;
bytesWritten = writtenToOutput + depaddedLength;
return true;
catch (CryptographicException)
CryptographicOperations.ZeroMemory(output.Slice(0, writtenToOutput));
CryptographicOperations.ZeroMemory(stackBuffer.Slice(0, finalTransformWritten));
// If we get here, then we have multiple blocks with overlapping buffers that don't fit in the stack.
// We need to rent and copy for this.
byte[] rentedBuffer = CryptoPool.Rent(input.Length);
Span<byte> buffer = rentedBuffer.AsSpan(0, input.Length);
Span<byte> decryptedBuffer = default;
// Keep our buffer fixed so the GC doesn't move it around before we clear and return to the pool.
fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer)
int transformWritten = cipher.TransformFinal(input, buffer);
decryptedBuffer = buffer.Slice(0, transformWritten);
// This intentionally passes in BlockSizeInBytes instead of PaddingSizeInBytes. This is so that
// "extra padded" CFB data can still be decrypted. The .NET Framework always padded CFB8 to the
// block size, not the feedback size. We want the one-shot to be able to continue to decrypt
// those ciphertexts, so for CFB8 we are more lenient on the number of allowed padding bytes.
int unpaddedLength = SymmetricPadding.GetPaddingLength(decryptedBuffer, paddingMode, cipher.BlockSizeInBytes); // validates padding
if (unpaddedLength > output.Length)
bytesWritten = 0;
return false;
decryptedBuffer.Slice(0, unpaddedLength).CopyTo(output);
bytesWritten = unpaddedLength;
return true;
CryptoPool.Return(rentedBuffer, clearSize: 0); // ZeroMemory clears the part of the buffer that was written to.
public static bool OneShotEncrypt(
ILiteSymmetricCipher cipher,
PaddingMode paddingMode,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> input,
Span<byte> output,
out int bytesWritten)
int ciphertextLength = SymmetricPadding.GetCiphertextLength(input.Length, cipher.PaddingSizeInBytes, paddingMode);
if (output.Length < ciphertextLength)
bytesWritten = 0;
return false;
// Copy the input to the output, and apply padding if required. This will not throw since the
// output length has already been checked, and PadBlock will not copy from input to output
// until it has checked that it will be able to apply padding correctly.
int padWritten = SymmetricPadding.PadBlock(input, output, cipher.PaddingSizeInBytes, paddingMode);
// Do an in-place encrypt. All of our implementations support this, either natively
// or making a temporary buffer themselves if in-place is not supported by the native
// implementation.
Span<byte> paddedOutput = output.Slice(0, padWritten);
bytesWritten = cipher.TransformFinal(paddedOutput, paddedOutput);
// After padding, we should have an even number of blocks, and the same applies
// to the transform.
Debug.Assert(padWritten == bytesWritten);
return true;